0001 1d10 of caster's fingers turn to stone 0002 1d100 bees swarm harmlessly around the caster for several weeks 0003 1d100 sparkling motes dance about the caster's head until dawn 0004 1d100% of caster's body turns to iron for that many rounds 0005 1d12 ducklings identify the caster as their mother 0006 1d4 of caster's fingers move from his left hand to his right hand 0007 1d4 of caster's limbs are as durable as steel 0008 1d4 of caster's limbs are covered in fish scales 0009 1d4 of caster's limbs are invisible 0010 1d8 of caster's primary orifices seal shut 0011 3d10 harmless lumps as big as walnuts cover the caster's body 0012 3d10 quarts of olive oil pour from caster's ears 0013 4d6 non-functioning eyes appear on the caster's face and head 0014 A 100 yard radius around caster's home is stripped of vegetation 0015 A 2d6 foot radius around caster sinks as many feet into the earth 0016 A basement's been installed in caster's home while he's been away 0017 A close friend of the caster is an assassin hired to kill him 0018 A distant but powerful army declares war on the caster 0019 A drop of the caster's blood can purify 1d4 gallons of water 0020 A family of skunks has taken up residence in the caster's home 0021 A fast-growing oak sprouts beneath the caster's home 0022 A foot-long steel bar runs completely through the caster's thigh 0023 A geyser temporarily erupts from one of the caster's pockets 0024 A glowing orb hovers over caster's head while he's invisible 0025 A great wind blows the caster 1d100 yards in a random direction 0026 A group of necromancers take an interest in the caster's skeleton 0027 A group of scholars think the caster's a visitor from the future 0028 A hen's egg tumbles out of each of the caster's ears 0029 A huge balloon shaped like the caster drifts past overhead 0030 A kill-on-sight order has been issued for the caster kingdom-wide 0031 A large haystack falls from the sky onto caster 0032 A large oak sprouts from one of the caster's pockets 0033 A length of chain now runs completely through the caster's torso 0034 A life-sized statue of caster appears nearby, made of cheese 0035 A magical blast detonates at caster's location, but he's unharmed 0036 A mound of snow falls onto caster and buries him up to his chest 0037 A page falls out of caster's spellbook each time it's opened 0038 A skeleton mimics caster, exactly duplicating his movements 0039 A small fountain wells up in the caster's home 0040 A strong net falls from the sky and entangles the caster 0041 A swirl of rainbows accompanies any spell cast by caster 0042 A tornado picks caster up and deposits him atop the nearest house 0043 After a horrifying tragedy, caster squanders the world's goodwill 0044 After each spell, a lighted cigar appears in caster's mouth 0045 After each spell, a pebble falls from each of caster's ears 0046 After each spell, ants seem to course from the caster's eyes 0047 After each spell, caster accuses someone nearby of impropriety 0048 After each spell, caster appears astonishingly ugly for 1d4 turns 0049 After each spell, caster appears to be decomposing 0050 After each spell, caster appears to be made of pure ice 0051 After each spell, caster appears to be utterly insane 0052 After each spell, caster applauds himself 0053 After each spell, caster begs someone nearby not to kill him 0054 After each spell, caster berates someone standing nearby 0055 After each spell, caster briefly appears to be a rotting corpse 0056 After each spell, caster briefly appears to be on fire 0057 After each spell, caster briefly appears to bleed from his eyes 0058 After each spell, caster briefly looks like a photo negative 0059 After each spell, caster briefly seems to be of the opposite sex 0060 After each spell, caster briefly sees fire all around him 0061 After each spell, caster briefly thinks that he's choking 0062 After each spell, caster can sense secret doors for 1d4 rounds 0063 After each spell, caster can't be magically healed for one hour 0064 After each spell, caster can't traverse a doorway for 1d10 rounds 0065 After each spell, caster dances like a honeybee 0066 After each spell, caster experiences a burning sensation 0067 After each spell, caster feels ants crawling all over him 0068 After each spell, caster feels compelled to wash his hands 0069 After each spell, caster feels completely alone and isolated 0070 After each spell, caster feels distractingly hungry 0071 After each spell, caster feels overwhelmingly dizzy 0072 After each spell, caster feels transcendent euphoria 0073 After each spell, caster forgets everyone's name for one hour 0074 After each spell, caster forgets his name for one hour 0075 After each spell, caster glows with infernal radiance 0076 After each spell, caster growls like a rabid dog 0077 After each spell, caster has a brief vision of some distant land 0078 After each spell, caster has a strong craving for twigs and bark 0079 After each spell, caster is 5% likely to be stricken mute 0080 After each spell, caster is 25% likely to turn briefly invisible 0081 After each spell, caster is 30% likely to lose his balance 0082 After each spell, caster is 60% likely to flap his arms 0083 After each spell, caster is afraid of his own name 0084 After each spell, caster is as hairy as an ape for one hour 0085 After each spell, caster is base AC zero for 1d4 rounds 0086 After each spell, caster is bathed in an otherworldly green light 0087 After each spell, caster is blind in one eye for one hour 0088 After each spell, caster is grief-stricken for 1d10 rounds 0089 After each spell, caster is hopelessly drunk for 1d4 rounds 0090 After each spell, caster is immune to bludgeons for 1d4 rounds 0091 After each spell, caster is immune to missile fire for one round 0092 After each spell, caster is intensely magnetic for 1d8 rounds 0093 After each spell, caster is matte black for 1d4 rounds 0094 After each spell, caster is suddenly facing True North 0095 After each spell, caster is wracked by existential horror 0096 After each spell, caster looks like a cadaver for 1d4 rounds 0097 After each spell, caster makes short, barking cries 0098 After each spell, caster oozes sweet-smelling oil for 1d4 rounds 0099 After each spell, caster polymorphs very briefly 0100 After each spell, caster reeks of alcohol for 2d6 rounds 0101 After each spell, caster salivates copiously 0102 After each spell, caster seems withdrawn and despondent 0103 After each spell, caster shakes like a rag doll for 2d4 seconds 0104 After each spell, caster shivers uncontrollably for 1d4 rounds 0105 After each spell, caster shrinks by 10d10% for 1d4 rounds 0106 After each spell, caster shrinks by 50% 0107 After each spell, caster smells strongly of turpentine 0108 After each spell, caster suffers brief visions of carnage 0109 After each spell, caster suffers disorienting vertigo 0110 After each spell, caster thinks that he's drowning 0111 After each spell, caster thinks that his clothes are on fire 0112 After each spell, caster trumpets like an elephant 0113 After each spell, caster vanishes very briefly vanishes 0114 After each spell, caster's clothes age 1d100 years 6 0115 After each spell, caster's clothes billow with green smoke 0116 After each spell, caster's eyes briefly double in size 0117 After each spell, caster's face looks 50 years older 0118 After each spell, caster's feet are covered with ash 0119 After each spell, caster's hair grows two inches 0120 After each spell, caster's hands display classic stigmata 0121 After each spell, caster's hands steam wildly 0122 After each spell, caster's head turns 360° at the neck, unharmed 0123 After each spell, caster's head turns invisible for 1d4 rounds 0124 After each spell, caster's heart pounds audibly 0125 After each spell, caster's left arm turns to stone for one hour 0126 After each spell, caster's spellbook throbs with deep red light 0127 After each spell, caster's Strength is halved for one hour 0128 After each spell, gravity briefly doubles for the caster 0129 After each spell, he giggles for 1d4-1 rounds 0130 After each spell, light shines from caster's mouth for 1d6 rounds 0131 After each spell, small lumps of ice fall from caster's nostrils 0132 After each spell, smoke hangs in the air about the caster 0133 After each spell, stones near the caster glisten with slime 0134 After each spell, sunlight is painful to caster for 1d4 rounds 0135 Alcohol has no effect upon the caster, but cheese is intoxicating 0136 All holy symbols within 100 yards bear the caster's image 0137 All of caster's clothing is colored safety orange 0138 All of caster's clothing is permanently moist 0139 All of caster's enemies with 100 yards vanish until dawn 0140 All of caster's fingers are as long as his middle finger 0141 All of caster's fingers are clear like glass 0142 All of caster's fingers double in thickness 0143 All of caster's fingers migrate to one hand 0144 All of caster's monetary wealth appears atop the nearest mountain 0145 All of caster's monetary wealth is revealed to be counterfeit 0146 All of caster's possessions age 1d1000 years 0147 All of caster's possessions are thrown 4d6 hours into the future 0148 All of caster's possessions have been seized by the government 0149 All trees within 100 yards form into a tight circle around caster 0150 All undead within 1d4 miles blame the caster for their undeath 0151 All undead within 1d4 miles race to the caster's current location 0152 All vegetation now within 10 miles is highly toxic to caster 0153 All vegetation now within 100 yards is invisible to caster 0154 All who meet caster are 50% likely to think he smells like manure 0155 All who meet caster are 60% likely to think he's a lycanthrope 0156 All who meet caster are 60% likely to think he's undead 0157 All within 10 yards of caster are sprayed with viscous ectoplasm 0158 All within 10 yards of caster attack him for 1d4 rounds 0159 Alternating pages of caster's spellbook are indestructible 0160 An accurate illusion of caster copies his movements one mile away 0161 An illusory statue of the caster stands at this spot for one year 0162 An image of caster's beating heart hovers in the nearest doorway 0163 An image of the caster's head hovers over his actual head 0164 An image the of caster's beating heart hovers over his head 0165 Any Abjurations currently affecting the caster are Dispelled 0166 Any armor that the caster is wearing right now shrinks by 80% 0167 Any armor that the caster is wearing right now vanishes forever 0168 Any arrow striking the caster disintegrates in 1d4 rounds 0169 Any arrow striking the caster inflicts equal damage on its archer 0170 Any attack-based spell cast by caster is 10% likely to affect him 0171 Any attack-based spell cast by caster is delayed 1d4 rounds 0172 Any attempt to change shape locks the caster into that new shape 0173 Any attempt to change shape makes the caster forget his true form 0174 Any attempt to change shape will age the caster 1d10 years 0175 Any attempt to change shape will be only partially successful 0176 Any attempt to change shape will cause the caster to take root 0177 Any attempt to change shape will leave his feet unchanged 0178 Any attempt to change shape will make the caster bald forever 0179 Any attempt to change shape will render the caster genderless 0180 Any attempt to change shape will shrink the caster by 2d10% 0181 Any attempt to change shape will teleport the caster 1d1000 miles 0182 Any attempt to change shape will teleport the caster to this spot 0183 Any attempt to change shape will turn him into 2d12 ducklings 0184 Any attempt to change shape will turn the caster inside-out 0185 Any attempt to change shape will turn the caster into a geranium 0186 Any attempt to change shape will turn the caster into a monkey 0187 Any attempt to change shape will turn the caster into a pelican 0188 Any attempt to change shape will turn the caster into a penguin 0189 Any attempt to change shape will turn the caster into a rabbit 0190 Any attempt to change shape will turn the caster into a shrubbery 0191 Any attempt to change shape will turn the caster into a snowman 0192 Any attempt to change shape will turn the caster into a toddler 0193 Any attempt to change shape will turn the caster into a troll 0194 Any attempt to change shape will turn the caster into a wax dummy 0195 Any attempt to read caster's mind reveals a homicidal maniac 0196 Any attempt to read caster's mind reveals an absolute void 0197 Any attempt to use rope inspires the caster to hang himself 0198 Any attempt to use rope leaves caster hopelessly entangled 0199 Any attempt to use rope leaves hideous welts on the caster's body 0200 Any blade that has drawn the caster's blood is invisible to him 0201 Any bread that caster bakes remains warm until it's eaten 0202 Any building that the caster enters appears to catch fire 0203 Any building that the caster enters ejects him forcefully 0204 Any clothing worn by caster is invisible to him while he wears it 0205 Any clothing worn by caster smells like carrion while he wears it 0206 Any coins in caster's possession are gold-plated 0207 Any coins in caster's possession become copper pieces 0208 Any coins now carried by caster are water-soluble for 1d4 weeks 0209 Any coins now carried by caster ignite and burn like tinder 0210 Any creature Summoned by caster emerges from his mouth 0211 Any creatures Summoned near caster are invisible to him 0212 Any creatures Summoned near caster immediately befriend him 0213 Any damage against caster is rolled twice, using the higher roll 0214 Any damage against caster is rolled twice, using the lower roll 0215 Any electricity-based magic used by caster discharges on him 0216 Any electricity-based magic used by caster reeks of ozone 0217 Any fire extinguished by caster rekindles itself 1d4 turns later 0218 Any fire-based spell used by caster has only 25% of normal range 0219 Any fires set by caster are invisible for 2d6 hours 0220 Any fires set by caster attract undead like moths to a candle 0221 Any fires set by caster jingle like wind chimes while they burn 0222 Any fires set by caster make those near it appear to be undead 0223 Any fires set by caster produce no heat 0224 Any fires set by caster produce no smoke 0225 Any fires set by caster whisper vague threats against him 0226 Any food now carried by caster combusts 0227 Any food now carried by caster is 10X as nutritious 0228 Any food now carried by caster is fused into glass 0229 Any food now carried by caster is sealed in airtight tin cans 0230 Any food now carried by caster is toxic to Dwarves 0231 Any food now carried by caster smells like carrion 0232 Any food now carried by caster turns to ice 0233 Any food now carried by caster turns to iron 0234 Any food now carried by caster turns to spun sugar 0235 Any gems in caster's possession are replaced by lumps of gelatin 0236 Any hammer thrown by caster returns to his hand one round later 0237 Any horse ridden by caster suffers no fatigue while he rides it 0238 Any intelligent weapons now carried by caster hate him forever 0239 Any intelligent weapons seen by caster look vaguely familiar 0240 Any magic currently affecting the caster is Dispelled 0241 Any magic currently affecting the caster is suppressed until dawn 0242 Any magic items owned by caster appear in a heap nearby 0243 Any magic items owned by caster are non-functional for 1d10 days 0244 Any magical scrolls now carried by caster are fireproof 7 0245 Any magical scrolls now carried by caster are forgeries 0246 Any magical scrolls now carried by caster are subtly tainted 0247 Any magical scrolls now carried by caster discharge spontaneously 0248 Any magical scrolls now carried by caster turn to steel 0249 Any metal object carried by caster is 90% transparent 0250 Any metal object carried by caster seems 10x its normal weight 0251 Any metal that caster is carrying turns to liquid like mercury 0252 Any missile fired at caster is 10% likely to explode when it hits 0253 Any missile fired at caster is at a -3 penalty to hit him 0254 Any missile fired by caster is 10% likely to vanish in flight 0255 Any missile shot by caster is destroyed by lightning mid-flight 0256 Any missile striking caster is 10% likely to be just an illusion 0257 Any mountain more than one mile from caster is invisible to him 0258 Any ranged spell used by caster seems to issue from his eyes 0259 Any ranged spell used by caster seems to issue from someone else 0260 Any rope currently carried by caster doubles in length 0261 Any rope currently carried by caster turns to braided gold wire 0262 Any rope that caster is now carrying becomes frictionless 0263 Any rope that caster is now carrying is soaked with lamp oil 0264 Any shield held by caster appears to be made of Swiss cheese 0265 Any shield held by caster appears to weigh 100 pounds 0266 Any shield held by caster gains a +1 bonus while he holds it 0267 Any shield held by caster is ethereal in the presence of weapons 0268 Any shield held by caster is impervious to magical fire 0269 Any spells cast by caster are accompanied by twinkling lights 0270 Any spells cast by caster upon himself have an undesirable effect 0271 Any spells cast by caster upon himself lapse after one round 0272 Any spells cast by caster within the last hour are negated 0273 Any spells caster now has memorized will fail when he casts them 0274 Any undead in the area attack the caster but ignore everyone else 0275 Any undead in the area flee from the caster for 2d10 rounds 0276 Any wood within 25 yards flies toward the caster for 1d10 rounds 0277 Any writing implement used by caster breaks, runs dry, etc. 0278 Anyone attempting to rob caster must tell him about it beforehand 0279 Anyone drinking a potion near caster looks like him until sunset 0280 Anyone drinking a potion shrinks by 50% for its duration 0281 Anyone in caster's presence can't employ Direction Sense 0282 Anyone in caster's presence thinks that he represents True North 0283 Anyone related to caster by blood is invisible to him 0284 Anyone slain by caster becomes invisible upon death 0285 Anyone trying to pick caster's pocket shrinks by 50% 0286 Anyone trying to scry the caster's whereabouts sees this location 0287 Anyone voluntarily struck by caster's magic resents him for it 0288 Anyone who knows caster's name gives him an offensive nickname 0289 Anyone who looks deep into caster's mouth risks insanity 0290 Anything caster drinks is 50% likely to fall from his mouth 0291 Anything written by caster appears as gibberish to everyone else 0292 Artifacts react unpredictably when caster attempts to use them 0293 Before each spell, caster must address someone who isn't there 0294 Before each spell, caster must anoint his head with water 0295 Before each spell, caster must bark like a dog for 2d6 seconds 0296 Before each spell, caster must bite a gold coin 0297 Before each spell, caster must blaspheme some god of chaos 0298 Before each spell, caster must claim that his shoes are too tight 0299 Before each spell, caster must claim to be invincible 0300 Before each spell, caster must clear his throat loudly 0301 Before each spell, caster must confess an embarrassing secret 0302 Before each spell, caster must confess that he's a charlatan 0303 Before each spell, caster must crack his knuckles 0304 Before each spell, caster must drop a gold coin to the ground 0305 Before each spell, caster must give himself permission to cast it 0306 Before each spell, caster must hold his breath for 1d10 seconds 0307 Before each spell, caster must ingest a pinch of dust 0308 Before each spell, caster must insult a close friend 0309 Before each spell, caster must invoke some monstrous entity 0310 Before each spell, caster must issue what sounds like a prophecy 0311 Before each spell, caster must light a small candle 0312 Before each spell, caster must make a new and improbable vow 0313 Before each spell, caster must make an embarrassing admission 0314 Before each spell, caster must pat himself on the head 0315 Before each spell, caster must pluck 1d6 hairs from his head 0316 Before each spell, caster must predict that he'll die by sunset 0317 Before each spell, caster must prick his finger with a rusty pin 0318 Before each spell, caster must profess a thirst for human blood 0319 Before each spell, caster must profess love for someone nearby 0320 Before each spell, caster must promise to change his name 0321 Before each spell, caster must remove one article of clothing 0322 Before each spell, caster must say "Magic is my business." 0323 Before each spell, caster must say "My God, it's full of stars." 0324 Before each spell, caster must say "The prophecy is fulfilled." 0325 Before each spell, caster must say "This probably won't work." 0326 Before each spell, caster must shed at least 1d4 tears 0327 Before each spell, caster must shout a different prime number 0328 Before each spell, caster must snap a twig or the like 0329 Before each spell, caster must speak a new and original rhyme 0330 Before each spell, caster must speak a new and relevant pun 0331 Before each spell, caster must speak ill of a good friend 0332 Before each spell, caster must tear one article of clothing 0333 Before each spell, caster must tie a knot in a piece of string 0334 Before each spell, caster must touch his eyes, ears, and nose 0335 Before each spell, caster must touch liquid water 0336 Before each spell, caster must trace a circle in the air 0337 Before each spell, caster must vow that this is his final spell 0338 Beneficial magic potions have an opposite effect upon the caster 0339 Bits of flesh fall from caster's body until he's a bare skeleton 0340 Blades seem extraordinarily dull while caster wields them 0341 Caster accidentally creates a virulent plague in his workshop 0342 Caster accuses his nearest ally of murdering him 0343 Caster acquires an exact copy of every non-magical thing he owns 0344 Caster acquires lycanthropy, but only in his left leg 0345 Caster acquires proficiency in some weapon that will never exist 0346 Caster addresses everyone he knows by his own name 0347 Caster adopts a habit of nightly self-flagellation 0348 Caster adopts a universally obscene gesture as his trademark 0349 Caster adopts bizarre rituals concerning the preparation of food 0350 Caster adopts fastidious standards of hygiene 0351 Caster adopts some unlikely animal as a kind of spirit totem 0352 Caster adopts some unlikely object as a kind of holy symbol 0353 Caster adopts the next religion he encounters for the first time 0354 Caster ages 1d10 years per hour until sunset tonight 0355 Caster ages 1d10 years/round for 2 turns, then reverts to normal 0356 Caster ages backwards 2d4 years over that many rounds 0357 Caster ages normally but forever retains his current appearance 0358 Caster ages one year per day spent on open water 0359 Caster ages one year per mile that he travels away from this spot 0360 Caster always appears healthy and wealthy 0361 Caster always appears sickly and destitute 0362 Caster always feels as if the temperature is what it is right now 0363 Caster always pays 10% more than the asking price 0364 Caster always sees his surroundings as misty and fog-shrouded 0365 Caster always thinks it's fifty degrees colder than it really is 0366 Caster always thinks that there's one more step in the staircase 0367 Caster and everyone else forgets and can't discern his age 0368 Caster and nearest intelligent weapon exchange personalities 0369 Caster and one nearby ally teleport to the caster's home 0370 Caster annoys everyone by insisting that he's ambidextrous 0371 Caster appears increasingly decrepit as the day wears on 0372 Caster appears to be a bare skeleton from the waist down 0373 Caster appears to be a bare skeleton from the waist up 0374 Caster appears to be at full health, no matter how badly injured 8 0375 Caster appears to be bleeding profusely whenever he's indoors 0376 Caster appears to be composed of translucent quartz 0377 Caster appears to be covered in ugly scales for one day each week 0378 Caster appears to be made of countless flesh-colored pebbles 0379 Caster appears to be made out of bricks until sunset tomorrow 0380 Caster appears to be of a different species while sleeping 0381 Caster appears to be of opposite sex while brandishing a shield 0382 Caster appears to be on fire while his spellbook is open 0383 Caster appears to be operating his body from a remote location 0384 Caster appears to be undead for one hour after each meal 0385 Caster appears to be undead while in the presence of undead 0386 Caster appears to be weathered like an ancient statue 0387 Caster appears to have a railroad spike jutting from his forehead 0388 Caster appears to have been carved from wood with an axe 0389 Caster appears to have been crafted out of clay by children 0390 Caster appears to have been torn apart and hastily reassembled 0391 Caster appears to shrivel like a raisin after each casting 0392 Caster appears translucent to anyone of the opposite sex 0393 Caster asks Elves if they can supply him with fudge cookies 0394 Caster ate the last of the rations that his party was carrying 0395 Caster ate two or three pounds of apple seeds this morning 0396 Caster attempts to drink every potion he sees 0397 Caster attracts undead in any town he enters 0398 Caster attracts zealous sycophants wherever he goes 0399 Caster automatically believes that his own illusions are real 0400 Caster awakens to find that the last 1d8 hours were only a dream 0401 Caster bears the birthmark of the lineage of powerful kings 0402 Caster becomes disturbingly frenetic until sunset 0403 Caster becomes flat as a sheet of parchment for 2d6 rounds 0404 Caster becomes increasingly simian as the days wear on 0405 Caster becomes invisible to anyone who successfully Charms him 0406 Caster becomes lost if he enters a cave by himself 0407 Caster becomes lost if he enters a forest by himself 0408 Caster becomes powerfully addicted to necromantic magic 0409 Caster becomes powerfully addicted to Chaos Bursts 0410 Caster becomes tightly stuck to the next chair in which he sits 0411 Caster becomes unconscious when he becomes invisible 0412 Caster becomes violently ill if he eats near a fire 0413 Caster becomes visibly anxious at the sight of holy water 0414 Caster begins aging backwards, one year per round 0415 Caster begins growing one inch per week 0416 Caster begins his conversations with an insulting comment 0417 Caster begins to resemble the next person who touches him 0418 Caster begins worshipping his spellbook with burnt offerings 0419 Caster believes that a nearby sheep is his polymorphed true love 0420 Caster briefly turns translucent after casting a spell 0421 Caster burns with homicidal rage whenever he's struck by magic 0422 Caster can alter his weight by up to 50% at will 0423 Caster can always sense his location relative to this location 0424 Caster can appear to be 50% fatter at will 0425 Caster can appraise gems by tasting them 0426 Caster can ask three questions of the next tree he touches 0427 Caster can assess the purity of any metal by tasting it 0428 Caster can be accurately described as "frumious" 0429 Caster can be injured but not killed by any bludgeoning weapon 0430 Caster can be injured but not killed by any female creature 0431 Caster can be injured but not killed by any male creature 0432 Caster can be injured by fire, but it can't kill him 0433 Caster can be injured by metal weapons, but they can't kill him 0434 Caster can be injured normally but can only be slain by fire 0435 Caster can be injured normally but can only be slain by magic 0436 Caster can become invisible at will while he's knee-deep in snow 0437 Caster can become invisible while standing neck-deep in water 0438 Caster can breathe underwater, but he always smells like a fish 0439 Caster can carry any weight of books but only in his bare hands 0440 Caster can cause one creature near him to turn to iron 0441 Caster can cause one nearby person to age 1d10 years 0442 Caster can change the size of his ears at will 0443 Caster can conjure apples out of thin air, one at a time 0444 Caster can control any undead skeletons now within 100 yards 0445 Caster can detach either of his hands at will 0446 Caster can detach his head easily but dies if he does so 0447 Caster can detect non-magical fire within 500 yards 0448 Caster can detect the nearest potable water at will 0449 Caster can detect the presence of elementals within 100 yards 0450 Caster can detect True East at will 0451 Caster can discern a person's age by touching him 0452 Caster can discern a tree's age by touching it 0453 Caster can discern whether people are really unconscious 0454 Caster can discern which spells a magic user has memorized 0455 Caster can disgorge a pound of sawdust once per day 0456 Caster can double his spells' range if he's carrying no metal 0457 Caster can double his weight for up to 1d4 rounds per day 0458 Caster can drink only from a golden bowl worth 100 gold pieces 0459 Caster can easily walk on ice while barefoot 0460 Caster can echolocate like a dolphin while naked and underwater 0461 Caster can endure normal fire one round per point of Constitution 0462 Caster can extend his legs to 150% of their normal length at will 0463 Caster can extend his legs to 2X their normal length at will 0464 Caster can handle red-hot metal with his bare hands 0465 Caster can hear what occurs at this location from up to 10 miles 0466 Caster can hear what's going on in his home, wherever he is 0467 Caster can hold his breath for 3X his Wisdom score in rounds 0468 Caster can hurl a baseball-sized object beyond the horizon 0469 Caster can identify any kind of fungus on sight 0470 Caster can ignite twigs by sticking them in his mouth 0471 Caster can ignore any spell cast on him but is 80% likely to die 0472 Caster can induce ravenous hunger in others 0473 Caster can inflate his left hand like a balloon 0474 Caster can instantly count quantities of fewer than 1,000 items 0475 Caster can judge visible distances with amazing accuracy 0476 Caster can light candles simply by touching their wicks 0477 Caster can magically create edible but non-nourishing food 0478 Caster can make his ears resemble noses at will 0479 Caster can memorize spells 4x faster than is normally required 0480 Caster can move easily through running water less than waist-deep 0481 Caster can move in total silence for his Wisdom score in rounds 0482 Caster can move silently while holding a thumb in each nostril 0483 Caster can never again come within one mile of his home 0484 Caster can no longer use charged magic items 0485 Caster can only digest food that is spoiled or rotting 0486 Caster can only use electrical magic while standing in water 0487 Caster can only wear one shoe at a time 0488 Caster can open his mouth as wide as he is tall 0489 Caster can pass his right arm through up to six inches of wood 0490 Caster can reattach his own limbs if they're severed 0491 Caster can recall his own birth with perfect clarity 0492 Caster can remove his tongue and replace it at will 0493 Caster can remove one eye and replace it at will 0494 Caster can remove or negate one curse 0495 Caster can resemble a decaying zombie at will 0496 Caster can retract his feet into his ankles at will 0497 Caster can retract his fingers into his palms at will 0498 Caster can retract his nose into his face at will 0499 Caster can scale walls like a monkey while unencumbered 0500 Caster can see in total darkness if he has a banana in his pocket 0501 Caster can see secret doors easily but can't see normal doors 0502 Caster can see through fire 0503 Caster can see through his eyelids for up to 1d6 rounds at a time 0504 Caster can see through stone if he has a pebble in his mouth 9 0505 Caster can see underwater clearly while naked and wielding an axe 0506 Caster can seem to be infected with a particular disease at will 0507 Caster can seen in total darkness for 1d4 days 0508 Caster can sense intelligent weapons within 10 yards 0509 Caster can sense people who've been affected by Chaos Bursts 0510 Caster can speak but can't engage in actual conversations 0511 Caster can speak in a whisper to anyone in his line of sight 0512 Caster can speak in any of 2d4 voices at will 0513 Caster can speak with ants but can only ask yes/no questions 0514 Caster can speak with carrion birds, but he smells like a corpse 0515 Caster can speak with carrion birds, but he's permanently bald 0516 Caster can speak with domestic fowl, but he crows at sunrise 0517 Caster can speak with domestic fowl, but they tend to lie to him 0518 Caster can speak with honeybees while dancing like one of them 0519 Caster can speak with oysters while holding a pearl in his mouth 0520 Caster can speak with small fish, but only while underwater 0521 Caster can spot the strongest member of any group of five or more 0522 Caster can stretch his left arm 2X the length of his body 0523 Caster can subsist on bark for up to 1d4 days at a time 0524 Caster can Summon 1d10 rabbits, once per level per week 0525 Caster can Summon a powerful entity to answer one question 0526 Caster can Summon a powerful entity who will then try to kill him 0527 Caster can Summon but not control a powerful, malevolent entity 0528 Caster can Summon up to 1d10 pigeons per month 0529 Caster can survive at the bottom of the sea for 1d4 minutes 0530 Caster can survive in the depths of space, if he can get there 0531 Caster can survive one fall of up to twenty miles 0532 Caster can taste foods simply by touching them 0533 Caster can teleport 10 feet straight up, once per day 0534 Caster can teleport 10 times at will but loses a finger each time 0535 Caster can teleport at will but ages 1d100 years each time 0536 Caster can teleport at will but arrives unconscious for one hour 0537 Caster can teleport at will but can't pick the destination 0538 Caster can teleport at will but doesn't arrive for 1d12 months 0539 Caster can teleport at will but is 10% likely to arrive dead 0540 Caster can teleport at will but is paralyzed from the neck down 0541 Caster can teleport at will but loses 1d100 hit points each time 0542 Caster can teleport at will but only while naked and unencumbered 0543 Caster can teleport at will but shrinks by 50% per mile traveled 0544 Caster can teleport at will to this exact spot 2d6 times 0545 Caster can teleport into the nearest hollow tree, once 0546 Caster can teleport up to fifty feet once per day 0547 Caster can throw one baseball-sized item 2d6 days into the future 0548 Caster can throw one nearby person 1d10 rounds into the future 0549 Caster can throw one nearby person 1d4 days into the future 0550 Caster can transmute magically-created metal into wood 0551 Caster can travel in time but ages 1d10 years per round traveled 0552 Caster can turn 360° at the waist without harm 0553 Caster can turn ethereal at will but can't revert for 3d8 days 0554 Caster can turn his arms to wood for up to 1d6 rounds per day 0555 Caster can turn his bones invisible at will 0556 Caster can turn his hands invisible at will 1d8 times per day 0557 Caster can turn his head completely around once per day 0558 Caster can turn into a cat but can't resume his true form 0559 Caster can turn into a falcon but is only 30% likely to turn back 0560 Caster can turn into a small tree while he's indoors 0561 Caster can turn into any kind of fish if no water is nearby 0562 Caster can turn invisible while he holds his breath 0563 Caster can turn invisible while naked and motionless 0564 Caster can walk on inclines of 45° or less as if they were flat 0565 Caster can withstand ocean depths while holding a bar of sodium 0566 Caster can, at will, appear to be the next person he touches 0567 Caster can't attack anyone more than 20 feet away from him 0568 Caster can't be beheaded 0569 Caster can't be blinded or dazzled by sunlight 0570 Caster can't be burned by magical fire for 1d4 hours 0571 Caster can't be burned by steam or scalding water 0572 Caster can't be Charmed by anyone of the opposite sex 0573 Caster can't be crushed by any weight of stone 0574 Caster can't be cut by any blade until he casts his next spell 0575 Caster can't be cut by glass 0576 Caster can't be cut by non-magical blades for 1d4 days 0577 Caster can't be harmed by any member of the royal family 0578 Caster can't be harmed by loud, non-magical sound 0579 Caster can't be harmed by refined metals for 1d4 hours 0580 Caster can't be harmed while he stands where he is right now 0581 Caster can't be killed by anyone of his own race 0582 Caster can't be overwhelmed by foul odors 0583 Caster can't be seen through glass or ice 0584 Caster can't be strangled 0585 Caster can't breathe for 4d6 rounds 0586 Caster can't bring his left hand within 18 inches of his head 0587 Caster can't carry anything larger than his own head 0588 Caster can't carry anything made entirely of metal 0589 Caster can't carry refined metal in a wooded environment 0590 Caster can't cast any spells he now has memorized for 1d8 days 0591 Caster can't cast fire-based magic while in the rain 0592 Caster can't cast fire-based spells in a wooded environment 0593 Caster can't cast force-based spells (Wall of Force, etc.) 0594 Caster can't cast magic on anyone not wearing armor 0595 Caster can't cast magic on anyone while they're eating 0596 Caster can't cast magic unless he's within sight of a tree 0597 Caster can't cast magic upon himself for 1d4 weeks 0598 Caster can't create magical walls or barriers 0599 Caster can't create normal or magical fire for 1d4 days 0600 Caster can't create permanent magical objects or effects 0601 Caster can't cross moving water while brandishing a weapon 0602 Caster can't cross moving water while carrying his spellbook 0603 Caster can't cross moving water while wearing clothes 0604 Caster can't cross moving water while wearing magical rings 0605 Caster can't cross moving water without assistance 0606 Caster can't determine when he's hungry or thirsty 0607 Caster can't eat any cooked meat 0608 Caster can't eat any food that doesn't contain a handful of soil 0609 Caster can't eat any food that he himself didn't prepare 0610 Caster can't eat any salted or cured meat 0611 Caster can't eat while at full hit points 0612 Caster can't employ magical means of improving his Armor Class 0613 Caster can't enter any artificial structure for 2d4 weeks 0614 Caster can't enter any building in which Dwarves are present 0615 Caster can't go more than 10' from this location for 24 hours 0616 Caster can't harm or be harmed by elementals for 4d10 months 0617 Caster can't inflict injury upon himself with any metal weapon 0618 Caster can't learn any new spells until he's been resurrected 0619 Caster can't learn any new spells within 1d10 miles of here 0620 Caster can't lift both feet from the ground at the same time 0621 Caster can't move his arms for 1d4 turns 0622 Caster can't move his left arm or right leg for 1d4 turns 0623 Caster can't move more than 10 feet from the next tree he touches 0624 Caster can't open any door constructed primarily of wood 0625 Caster can't open any door that has a hinge made of metal 0626 Caster can't open any door that opens toward him 0627 Caster can't open any door unless his hair is wet 0628 Caster can't open any door while anyone is watching 0629 Caster can't quite be certain that he really exists 0630 Caster can't remember the last 2d12+12 hours 0631 Caster can't remove any magical armor that he's now wearing 0632 Caster can't remove his hands from his pockets 0633 Caster can't run while his eyes are open 0634 Caster can't see any extra-planar creatures for one year 10 0635 Caster can't see through glass, ice, diamond, or the like 0636 Caster can't sleep indoors while it's raining 0637 Caster can't sleep more than 1d4 hours at a time 0638 Caster can't sleep until he shaves his head bald 0639 Caster can't sleep until he's walked at least 4d8 miles from here 0640 Caster can't speak for one hour and can only croak like a frog 0641 Caster can't speak for one hour if he's wearing clothes 0642 Caster can't speak in anything less than a full shout 0643 Caster can't speak in sentences longer than 10 syllables 0644 Caster can't speak to anyone holding a blood-stained weapon 0645 Caster can't speak to anyone whom he's not currently touching 0646 Caster can't speak unless he first turns in a circle 0647 Caster can't speak unless he's brandishing a weapon 0648 Caster can't speak unless he's carrying at least one gold coin 0649 Caster can't speak unless his thumbs are touching 0650 Caster can't speak until he's removed 1d10 articles of clothing 0651 Caster can't speak while holding a weapon 0652 Caster can't stand with both feet on the ground at the same time 0653 Caster can't stop talking for 6d12 hours 0654 Caster can't tolerate the presence of wet ink 0655 Caster can't touch food with his hands 0656 Caster can't use any blade longer than his forearm 0657 Caster can't use any magic until someone cuts him with a blade 0658 Caster can't use magic between sunrise and noon 0659 Caster can't use magic for 1d4 rounds after being wounded 0660 Caster can't use magic for 1d6 rounds after being struck by magic 0661 Caster can't use magic for six hours after ingesting meat 0662 Caster can't use magic items for one turn after casting a spell 0663 Caster can't use magic items that contain gold 0664 Caster can't use magic items until sunrise 0665 Caster can't use magic items while at full hit points 0666 Caster can't use magic unless he swallows a gold coin each day 0667 Caster can't use magic unless he's holding a buzzard's feather 0668 Caster can't use magic until he eats a pound of feathers 0669 Caster can't use magic until sunset tomorrow 0670 Caster can't use magic while sitting 0671 Caster can't use magic within 1d4 miles of this spot for 5d6 days 0672 Caster can't use missile weapons for one week 0673 Caster can't use non-magical blades for 1d6 days 0674 Caster can't use the spell Dispel Magic 0675 Caster can't use the spell that triggered this Burst for one year 0676 Caster can't use weapons that contain wood 0677 Caster can't wake without assistance 0678 Caster can't walk (run, etc.) while wearing a magic ring 0679 Caster can't wear magical rings 0680 Caster can't wield any weapon longer than his arm 0681 Caster changes his name to its reverse: "Tom" becomes "Mot" 0682 Caster claims that he's doing the work of some god or other 0683 Caster claims to be able to command dragons to do his bidding 0684 Caster claims to be immune to inorganic poisons 0685 Caster claims to be the offspring of a god and a mortal 0686 Caster claims to have begotten a child with a god 0687 Caster claims to have committed logically impossible acts 0688 Caster claims to have created the universe 0689 Caster claims to have invented the Fireball spell 0690 Caster combusts instantly if he's stabbed by a silver dagger 0691 Caster comes into possession of 1d100 acres of swampland 0692 Caster comes into possession of a bag full of mismatched teeth 0693 Caster comes into possession of a black velvet painting of Elves 0694 Caster comes into possession of a foul, decomposing skull 0695 Caster comes into possession of a golden vial of silver fluid 0696 Caster comes into possession of a ring that can't be removed 0697 Caster comes into possession of a three-legged pony 0698 Caster comes into possession of an apparently magical lamp 0699 Caster comes into possession of his great-grandfather's jawbone 0700 Caster completely blends into his surroundings while he's asleep 0701 Caster completely blends into his surroundings while upside down 0702 Caster compulsively hordes some kind of small, worthless item 0703 Caster confesses to every crime he hears about 0704 Caster confesses to improbable crimes (e.g. "I stole the moonÖ") 0705 Caster consistently overestimates his martial and magical prowess 0706 Caster continues to age normally but can't die of old age 0707 Caster coughs violently in the presence of undead 0708 Caster craves moss 0709 Caster craves wood like a termite 0710 Caster cries like a baby whenever he's hungry or can't sleep 0711 Caster cries like a baby whenever he's struck by magic 0712 Caster dances like a belly-dancer for 2d6 rounds 0713 Caster declares himself to be the center of the universe 0714 Caster declares that Dwarves are indistinguishable from orcs 0715 Caster declares that he can redeem the damned 0716 Caster declares that he has the power to absolve sins 0717 Caster declares that he is the judge of all mankind 0718 Caster declares that these pretzels are making him thirsty 0719 Caster deeply resents anyone who asks him to use magic 0720 Caster deeply resents anyone who doesn't praise his magical skill 0721 Caster deeply resents anyone who eats meat in his presence 0722 Caster deeply resents anyone who uses magic in his presence 0723 Caster demands that employers pay him in wood instead of gold 0724 Caster demands that his allies adopt fastidious hygiene standards 0725 Caster demands that his allies treat him as though he's invisible 0726 Caster demands that people call him Ishmael 0727 Caster demands that people call him Legion, for he is many 0728 Caster demands that people call him The Spell-Meister 0729 Caster derives no nourishment from food cooked over a fire 0730 Caster derives no nourishment from food eaten after sunset 0731 Caster derives no nourishment from food eaten near a lake 0732 Caster develops a stutter while in the presence of undead 0733 Caster develops an intense hunger for leather strapping 0734 Caster develops an intense hunger for the pages of his spellbook 0735 Caster didn't actually exist prior to this Chaos Burst 0736 Caster dies if he slays a zombie in the next 1d6 days 0737 Caster dies instantly if his blood is spilled by a god 0738 Caster dies instantly if his blood is spilled by mistletoe 0739 Caster dies painfully but arises at dawn having gained one level 0740 Caster discovers a whole pantheon of hitherto overlooked deities 0741 Caster discovers that one of his limbs belongs to someone else 0742 Caster discovers that one of his limbs is a clockwork replica 0743 Caster disgorges 10d10 feet of rubber tubing 0744 Caster disgorges 1d100 gold pieces 0745 Caster disgorges 1d100 pounds of wet, coarse sand 0746 Caster disgorges 1d4 apples per hour for the next 3d8 hours 0747 Caster disgorges 1d4 gallons of foul, necrotic mush 0748 Caster disgorges 1d6 gallons of rusty sludge 0749 Caster disgorges 2d10 pounds of carrots 0750 Caster disgorges 2d4 full-sized wool blankets 0751 Caster disgorges a 100 foot length of fine silver wire 0752 Caster disgorges a ball of solid bone nine inches in diameter 0753 Caster disgorges a bar of copper four feet in length 0754 Caster disgorges a bar of soap as large as his spellbook 0755 Caster disgorges a bolt of finely embroidered silk 0756 Caster disgorges a book about gastrointestinal anomalies 0757 Caster disgorges a book of carpet samples 0758 Caster disgorges a box of rare botanical samples 0759 Caster disgorges a bushel of ripe peaches 0760 Caster disgorges a coffin large enough to accommodate his corpse 0761 Caster disgorges a four-course meal for three 0762 Caster disgorges a full-grown cactus 0763 Caster disgorges a full-sized barrel 0764 Caster disgorges a glass cube four inches on a side 11 0765 Caster disgorges a glass vial containing a mysterious potion 0766 Caster disgorges a golden birdcage 0767 Caster disgorges a king's long-lost signet ring 0768 Caster disgorges a large bunch of bananas 0769 Caster disgorges a large chair 0770 Caster disgorges a large pane of glass 0771 Caster disgorges a length of heavy chain 0772 Caster disgorges a life-sized ice sculpture of a horse 0773 Caster disgorges a long hunk of driftwood 0774 Caster disgorges a lump of brass the size of his torso 0775 Caster disgorges a medium-sized astrolabe 0776 Caster disgorges a mop and a wooden bucket full of suds 0777 Caster disgorges a mysterious and important-looking key 0778 Caster disgorges a pair of deer antlers 0779 Caster disgorges a pair of smith's fire tongs 0780 Caster disgorges a pouch full of rare and ancient coins 0781 Caster disgorges a pound of mercury 0782 Caster disgorges a pound of molten lead 0783 Caster disgorges a ring full of keys that don't fit any lock 0784 Caster disgorges a ship's anchor 0785 Caster disgorges a small brazier full of burning coals 0786 Caster disgorges a sort of bowl-shaped porcelain chair 0787 Caster disgorges a weapon that he misplaced 1d12 months ago 0788 Caster disgorges a whole pumpkin 0789 Caster disgorges a wrought-iron staircase banister 0790 Caster disgorges an airtight canister filled with nitrogen gas 0791 Caster disgorges an elephant's femur 0792 Caster disgorges an entire beehive 0793 Caster disgorges an exact copy of the head of someone nearby 0794 Caster disgorges an oil painting of this scene 0795 Caster disgorges an ostrich egg 0796 Caster disgorges enough snow to blanket an area ten feet square 0797 Caster disgorges half of a canoe 0798 Caster disgorges the carcass of a strange and colorful bird 0799 Caster disgorges the emblem of some diabolical religious cult 0800 Caster disgorges the entire, intact skin of a giraffe 0801 Caster disgorges the entire, intact skin of someone nearby 0802 Caster disgorges what appears to be his entire nervous system 0803 Caster disgorges what appears to be his own still-beating heart 0804 Caster displays all the signs of full demonic possession 0805 Caster distrusts anyone displaying a cut gem or jewel 0806 Caster distrusts anyone taller than he is 0807 Caster distrusts anyone who doesn't know the caster's name 0808 Caster distrusts anyone who doesn't resemble him 0809 Caster distrusts anyone who won't let him examine their teeth 0810 Caster distrusts anyone who's wearing armor 0811 Caster distrusts other members of his race 0812 Caster distrusts other spellcasters 0813 Caster doesn't need to drink fluids for the next 1d100 weeks 0814 Caster doesn't need to eat during the new moon 0815 Caster doesn't need to eat for the next 1d100 weeks 0816 Caster doesn't remember anyone now within 10 miles 0817 Caster donates all of his money to some unlikely charity 0818 Caster dreams each night of a powerful and malevolent artifact 0819 Caster dreams each night of being painfully turned inside out 0820 Caster dreams each night of being worshipped by gods 0821 Caster dreams of being stalked by an invisible hunter from space 0822 Caster dreams of unicorns and wonders if he's an automaton 0823 Caster drinks any potions he's now carrying 0824 Caster eat food for 1d12 hours after using a magic item 0825 Caster embraces someone nearby and is reluctant to let go 0826 Caster embraces the nearest tree and refuses to let go 0827 Caster ends his conversations with an annoying catch phrase 0828 Caster engages in a long, heated debate with the nearest tree 0829 Caster enjoys the taste of fire 0830 Caster enjoys the taste of lamp oil 0831 Caster erases one randomly-chosen spell from his spellbook 0832 Caster experiences pain if he handles jewels or precious gems 0833 Caster experiences pain when he spends money 0834 Caster experiences violent, full-body spasms for 2d4 rounds 0835 Caster faces True North and is stuck that way for one turn 0836 Caster falls down the next flight of steps he encounters 0837 Caster falls from the nearest tree 0838 Caster falls madly in love with someone he's never heard of 0839 Caster falls madly in love with someone who's never existed 0840 Caster fears densely wooded areas 0841 Caster fears non-magical, non-humanoid mammals 0842 Caster fears that he'll be damned forever whenever he uses magic 0843 Caster fears that he'll cease to exist if he causes another Burst 0844 Caster fears that his allies are vanishing one by one 0845 Caster fears that his limbs are vanishing one by one 0846 Caster fears that spiders have lain countless eggs in his brain 0847 Caster fears the reaper 0848 Caster feels a psychic bond to someone unknown but nearby 0849 Caster feels as if he's always walking on a slope 0850 Caster feels as though he's trudging through knee-deep snow 0851 Caster feels as though he's trudging uphill 0852 Caster feels constant, overwhelming hunger while in his home 0853 Caster feels countless small snakes crawling all over his body 0854 Caster feels incredible hostility toward non-magic users 0855 Caster feels incredible hostility toward other magic users 0856 Caster feels inexplicable anxiety when he hears his name 0857 Caster feels inexplicable anxiety while at full hit points 0858 Caster feels inexplicable nostalgia when he meets new people 0859 Caster feels intense but unfocused hatred for 1d6 hours 0860 Caster feels intense discomfort when people smile at him 0861 Caster feels more comfortable among the undead than the living 0862 Caster feels overpowering fear in the presence of steam 0863 Caster feels overpowering hatred for the next magic item he sees 0864 Caster feels powerless unless everyone knows he's a magic user 0865 Caster feels powerless unless he's wearing boots on his hands 0866 Caster feels strangely calm while in the presence of dragons 0867 Caster feels thorny roots growing slowly through his flesh 0868 Caster fiercely covets the next magical ring he sees 0869 Caster finds 1d100 cans containing pink, processed meat in jelly 0870 Caster finds 1d4 extra spells in his spellbook 0871 Caster finds 1d4 small rodents living in his spellbook 0872 Caster finds 2d6 white pills, each of which heals 1d20 hit points 0873 Caster finds 2d8 real-looking but useless spells in his spellbook 0874 Caster finds a barrel full of rancid mayonnaise 0875 Caster finds a book describing the methods for self-dissection 0876 Caster finds a book that will shatter his sanity if he reads it 0877 Caster finds a compelling but incomprehensible magical tome 0878 Caster finds a copy of Aristotle's long-lost Poetics of Comedy 0879 Caster finds a copy of his own ghost-written autobiography 0880 Caster finds a crystal containing a tiny image of himself 0881 Caster finds a cube of frozen human blood, one foot on a side 0882 Caster finds a four-valve trumpet that can raise the dead 0883 Caster finds a handful of mysterious pills in his pocket 0884 Caster finds a handful of rainbow-colored powder in his pocket 0885 Caster finds a hideous carved idol of a cephalopoid god-monster 0886 Caster finds a key that explodes when inserted into any lock 0887 Caster finds a large, cursed diamond in the next hole he digs 0888 Caster finds a large, gold box containing nothing but sand 0889 Caster finds a large, metal disc engraved with his image 0890 Caster finds a list of assassination targets; his name is next 0891 Caster finds a magic wand but for some reason is afraid to use it 0892 Caster finds a minor artifact in the next hole he digs 0893 Caster finds a mirror that grants false visions of the future 0894 Caster finds a mirror that reflects everyone but him 12 0895 Caster finds a mirror that reflects only vampires 0896 Caster finds a notebook detailing the way he was built in a lab 0897 Caster finds a number that divides evenly into all prime numbers 0898 Caster finds a pair of gloves that devour any hands inside them 0899 Caster finds a pair of gloves that turn to steel when worn 0900 Caster finds a pair of stone tablets engraved with quaint laws 0901 Caster finds a possibly inaccurate chronology of his entire life 0902 Caster finds a potion 90% likely to heal and 10% likely to kill 0903 Caster finds a potion that can instantly cause his death 0904 Caster finds a potion that can instill zealous religious fervor 0905 Caster finds a potion that can turn him into an invisible cat 0906 Caster finds a potion that induces permanent madness in horses 0907 Caster finds a potion that makes the drinker even more visible 0908 Caster finds a pouch full of 1d100 totally identical teeth 0909 Caster finds a pouch full of highly flammable black dust 0910 Caster finds a powder that burns trolls as if it were strong acid 0911 Caster finds a powder that can dissolve up to one pound of gold 0912 Caster finds a powder that can eliminate any poison from food 0913 Caster finds a powder that can render the invisible visible 0914 Caster finds a powder that can turn a zombie into an inert corpse 0915 Caster finds a powder that can turn an inert corpse into a zombie 0916 Caster finds a powder that combusts in the presence of orcs 0917 Caster finds a powder that induces addictive euphoria if inhaled 0918 Caster finds a powder that induces extreme covetousness 0919 Caster finds a powder that is highly toxic to everyone but him 0920 Caster finds a powder that is highly toxic to him but no one else 0921 Caster finds a powder that is highly toxic to large-sized insects 0922 Caster finds a powder that quickly seals open wounds 0923 Caster finds a powder that repels elementals 0924 Caster finds a sack full of his own crematory remains 0925 Caster finds a satchel containing his weight in gold pieces 0926 Caster finds a scroll describing exactly how & when he'll die 0927 Caster finds a secret passage in the next room he enters 0928 Caster finds a set of high-quality watchmaker's tools 0929 Caster finds a small iron box containing 4d8 of his own teeth 0930 Caster finds a treasure map in the next animal he butchers 0931 Caster finds a treasure map that others will kill to possess 0932 Caster finds a trumpet that, if blown, may herald the End Times 0933 Caster finds a weapon that can kill a god 0934 Caster finds a wooden box whose interior can't be illuminated 0935 Caster finds an amulet that repels Summoned creatures 0936 Caster finds black meat like a tainted cheese 0937 Caster finds blueprints for building some anachronistic device 0938 Caster finds convincing evidence that he's just a clone 0939 Caster finds foul odors pleasant and pleasant scents repulsive 0940 Caster finds his own decaying corpse in the next hole he digs 0941 Caster finds proof that a dangerous secret society runs the world 0942 Caster finds strong evidence that the apocalypse is nigh 0943 Caster finds strong evidence that the planet is artificial 0944 Caster finds the ruins of a vast magical library 0945 Caster finds the sight of cooked meat to be highly offensive 0946 Caster finds the whole idea of "names" to be silly and pointless 0947 Caster finds the wreckage of a seagoing vessel in a nearby forest 0948 Caster finds two of the three keys needed to unlock the world 0949 Caster flees this spot and can't return for at least one year 0950 Caster flees, panic-stricken, at top speed in a random direction 0951 Caster flickers like a guttering candle for 1d6 turns 0952 Caster flies into a fury when he removes his shoes 0953 Caster flies into a murderous rage and attacks his nearest ally 0954 Caster forgets any fire that he lights 0955 Caster forgets any first-level spell he now has memorized 0956 Caster forgets everyone's name 0957 Caster forgets everything he knows about etiquette 0958 Caster forgets how to open his spellbook 0959 Caster forgets how to use knives and blades of all kinds 0960 Caster forgets how to use magic for 1d4 days 0961 Caster forgets how to walk for 1d12 hours 0962 Caster forgets that his name is a vile expletive in Dwarfish 0963 Caster gains 1d4 points of Strength; loses one point per day 0964 Caster gains experience at 2X normal rate until he gains a level 0965 Caster gains minor access to a formerly forbidden school of magic 0966 Caster gains no benefit from magical healing during daylight 0967 Caster gains no benefit from wearing gloves or gauntlets 0968 Caster gains one pound per level of spells he casts 0969 Caster gains one pound per round for the next 1d100 rounds 0970 Caster generally seems to be lying when talking about magic 0971 Caster gets a splinter every time he wields a wooden weapon 0972 Caster gives his party two weeks' notice before resigning 0973 Caster glows as bright as daylight while he's asleep 0974 Caster goes berserk and attacks the next undead creature he sees 0975 Caster goes berserk in the presence of royalty 0976 Caster goes berserk whenever he receives magical healing 0977 Caster goes on and on about his misunderstood genius 0978 Caster goes out of his way to appear humble and unassuming 0979 Caster goes out of his way to avoid using magic in combat 0980 Caster goes out of his way to be offensive to royalty 0981 Caster goes out of his way to draw attention to himself in battle 0982 Caster gradually becomes more and more angular 0983 Caster gradually becomes more and more turtle-like 0984 Caster growls in his sleep like a tiger 0985 Caster grows 1d10 new and mysterious organs in his abdomen 0986 Caster grows an additional finger each week 0987 Caster grows one inch per day for the next 2d4-1 days 0988 Caster hallucinates wildly the next time he drinks water 0989 Caster hallucinates wildly until he drinks a quart of water 0990 Caster has 5 Intelligence for 1d6 turns 0991 Caster has 5 Strength for 1d4 turns 0992 Caster has 1d100 real-looking but useless copies of his spellbook 0993 Caster has a +10 bonus on each of his next 1d4 dice rolls 0994 Caster has a 10% chance to control any Summoned entity he sees 0995 Caster has a 10% chance to pick any mechanical lock 0996 Caster has a 25% chance to go blind in each of the next 4 rounds 0997 Caster has a blood-sworn enemy in every town within 500 miles 0998 Caster has a clear memory of building himself from scratch 0999 Caster has a close relative in every town within 500 miles 1000 Caster has a crystal cube that enables him to see through wood 1001 Caster has a cumulative 1% chance daily to be eaten by a dragon 1002 Caster has a cumulative 1% chance daily to turn to stone 1003 Caster has a flat 10% chance to know any new language he hears 1004 Caster has a habit of issuing idle but poorly-considered threats 1005 Caster has a large but harmless hole at the top of his head 1006 Caster has a parrot on his shoulder and a peg leg 1007 Caster has a powerful craving for charcoal, sulfur, and saltpeter 1008 Caster has a powerful craving for the bark of the hemlock tree 1009 Caster has a reputation, perhaps undeserved, for wild debauchery 1010 Caster has a scar as if his head were severed and reattached 1011 Caster has a small keyhole in the palm of his right hand 1012 Caster has a star-shaped dent at the back of his head 1013 Caster has a violent argument with the next soldier he meets 1014 Caster has an almost paralyzing fear of death and the dead 1015 Caster has an answer for everything 1016 Caster has an extraordinary sense of balance 1017 Caster has an identical face on the back of his head 1018 Caster has an inexplicable but overwhelming fear of sunrise 1019 Caster has an out-of-body experience and can't find his way back 1020 Caster has an overpowering hatred of artificial light sources 1021 Caster has an ugly mole just like a nose 1022 Caster has an ugly nose just like a mole 1023 Caster has been carrying a sack full of manure for 1d4 days 1024 Caster has blasphemous tattoos over most of his body 13 1025 Caster has dreadful dreams of a foul, ancient, and tentacled god 1026 Caster has faulty direction sense while carrying his spellbook 1027 Caster has misgivings about those mushrooms he ate yesterday 1028 Caster has no internal organs; he's a homogenous mush inside 1029 Caster has no scent whatsoever 1030 Caster has ram's horns growing from his hips 1031 Caster has rings on his fingers and bells on his toes 1032 Caster has scars as if his skeleton had been torn out of his body 1033 Caster has silly and pornographic tattoos over most of his body 1034 Caster has ten thumbs in his mouth 1035 Caster has ten thumbs instead of fingers 1036 Caster has ten thumbs somewhere on his body 1037 Caster has tiny mathematical formulae tattooed all over his body 1038 Caster has vivid but false memories of a past life 1039 Caster has vivid but false memories of the last 24 hours 1040 Caster has vivid dreams of his own death each night 1041 Caster hasn't eaten during the past 1d100 days 1042 Caster hatches numerous schemes for destroying the world 1043 Caster hears a heavenly choir singing his praises for 1d4 hours 1044 Caster hears crickets chirping loudly from now on 1045 Caster hears malevolent voices nearby whispering about his doom 1046 Caster hears normally except for voices, which seem subtly muted 1047 Caster hears the echo of his own voice whenever he speaks 1048 Caster hears the footfalls of a hungry predator nearby 1049 Caster hears waves crashing on a beach no matter where he is 1050 Caster henceforth casts this spell as if he's two levels higher 1051 Caster henceforth gains an additional hit point at each level 1052 Caster henceforth has a bonus 10% chance to learn new spells 1053 Caster henceforth needs only one-third the normal amount of food 1054 Caster hurls his spellbook as far as he can 1055 Caster informs people of what he judges his greatest weakness 1056 Caster insists that he's proficient in some obscure martial art 1057 Caster invokes dubiously relevant entities in times of stress 1058 Caster is 1% likely to be killed by a meteor on any given day 1059 Caster is 5% likely to become a god if he drowns himself 1060 Caster is 5% likely to become a god if he kills himself by fire 1061 Caster is 10% likely never to have existed at all 1062 Caster is 10% likely to be immune to any single dose of poison 1063 Caster is 10% likely to be invisible to any female that he meets 1064 Caster is 10% likely to be invisible to any male that he meets 1065 Caster is 10% likely to be resurrected if his corpse is set afire 1066 Caster is 10% likely to be totally immune to any single attack 1067 Caster is 10% likely to believe even the most outrageous of lies 1068 Caster is 10% likely to have been sired by a powerful demon 1069 Caster is 10% likely to sympathize with any enemy he injures 1070 Caster is 15% likely to have read any book he sees 1071 Caster is 20% likely to faint outright at the sight of blood 1072 Caster is 20% likely to sneeze and disrupt any spell he casts 1073 Caster is 20% likely to turn to stone while swimming 1074 Caster is 2X as old as the oldest person within 100 yards 1075 Caster is 50% likely to drown in any water deeper than he is tall 1076 Caster is 60% likely to misplace any money he receives 1077 Caster is able to see his own eyes 1078 Caster is absolutely convinced that he's a zombie 1079 Caster is afflicted with severe frostbite in 1d4 limbs 1080 Caster is afflicted with vampirism, but only during the day 1081 Caster is always and easily recognizable as a spellcaster 1082 Caster is an untamed youth, that's the truth, with a cloak full of eagles 1083 Caster is attacked by a shark when he next enters a river 1084 Caster is attacked by countless stinging earthworms 1085 Caster is attacked by goats the next time he crosses a bridge 1086 Caster is attacked by vengeful imps that resemble small children 1087 Caster is attended by numerous grooming birds, like a crocodile 1088 Caster is blind unless he's carrying at least 4d10 gold coins 1089 Caster is blind while he's invisible 1090 Caster is blind while his spellbook is open 1091 Caster is blind while within any artificial structure 1092 Caster is blinded for 2d8 rounds by a swirl of tiny feathers 1093 Caster is bricked up in an underground cell with a cask of wine 1094 Caster is briefly obscured by a dense cloud of sawdust 1095 Caster is briefly paralyzed at the sight of his own blood 1096 Caster is briefly stunned by a shower of hard beans 1097 Caster is brutally punched in the stomach by an unseen hand 1098 Caster is carrying 1d4+1 waterskins filled with human blood 1099 Caster is carrying a bowl full of water that he must not spill 1100 Caster is certain that a horrible monster is living inside him 1101 Caster is certain that every meal he eats contains strong poison 1102 Caster is certain that he can breathe underwater 1103 Caster is certain that he has just killed his guardian angel 1104 Caster is certain that he used to have four arms 1105 Caster is certain that he'll become immortal if he's beheaded 1106 Caster is certain that he'll die in the next 1d4 rounds 1107 Caster is certain that he's recently returned from the future 1108 Caster is certain that he's transforming into a horrible monster 1109 Caster is certain that his soul is buried under the nearest tree 1110 Caster is chained to a desk in some high-rise office building 1111 Caster is chained to an anvil 1112 Caster is clad in funerary wraps as if he's about to be interred 1113 Caster is completely invulnerable to all harm for 1d4 rounds 1114 Caster is convinced that he once ate an entire person 1115 Caster is convinced that he only exists as numbers on paper 1116 Caster is convinced that his allies plan to kill and eat him 1117 Caster is covered in a shell of frozen slime 1118 Caster is covered in barnacles 1119 Caster is covered in indelible, jet-black handprints 1120 Caster is covered in ketchup 1121 Caster is covered in peanut butter 1122 Caster is covered in sucker marks as though hugged by an octopus 1123 Caster is deaf and blind until sunrise tomorrow 1124 Caster is determined to destroy his staff or spellbook 1125 Caster is determined to rid himself of his nails, teeth, and hair 1126 Caster is distracted by something stuck between his teeth 1127 Caster is drawn forcefully toward the spell's target point 1128 Caster is dressed like a high-class burlesque performer 1129 Caster is eager to find out just how fireproof he really is 1130 Caster is eager to find out just how much blood he can lose 1131 Caster is encased from the waist down in a block of cheese 1132 Caster is encased up to his neck in a shell of concrete 1133 Caster is enclosed in a large paper bag 1134 Caster is entirely immune to magic for 1d8 rounds 1135 Caster is feared and respected by Hill Giants 1136 Caster is fiercely addicted to some astonishingly rare substance 1137 Caster is filled with Righteous Indignation 1138 Caster is forcibly barred from the next town he attempts to enter 1139 Caster is full o' the milk of human kindness 1140 Caster is half the age of the youngest person within 100 yards 1141 Caster is Healed each time he triggers a Chaos Burst 1142 Caster is held responsible for the massacre of innocent townsfolk 1143 Caster is held without counsel in a secure location for 1d4 days 1144 Caster is horribly afraid to use magic weapons in daylight 1145 Caster is horribly afraid to use metal weapons 1146 Caster is hurled from here into the nearest lake 1147 Caster is immune to all attempts at telepathy or mind-reading 1148 Caster is immune to all harm until he attacks or uses magic 1149 Caster is immune to all poisons, but normal ice is deadly to him 1150 Caster is immune to any bludgeon not forged on this world 1151 Caster is immune to any poison administered via blade or needle 1152 Caster is immune to any poison ingested with food or drink 1153 Caster is immune to beneficial clerical magic for 1d6 days 1154 Caster is immune to beneficial enchantments for 1d8 days 14 1155 Caster is immune to cold-based attacks while blindfolded 1156 Caster is immune to cold-based attacks while he's on fire 1157 Caster is immune to electrical attacks while he's barefoot 1158 Caster is immune to electrical magic at night while it's snowing 1159 Caster is immune to fear while holding a spider in his mouth 1160 Caster is immune to fire from the waist down 1161 Caster is immune to fire while holding a wren's egg in his mouth 1162 Caster is immune to gaze attacks while holding his open spellbook 1163 Caster is immune to gaze attacks while singing 1164 Caster is immune to liquid-based poisons for one year 1165 Caster is immune to magic for 1d8 days but can't use magic either 1166 Caster is immune to magic until he imbibes any liquid 1167 Caster is immune to missile-based spells while naked 1168 Caster is immune to natural cold while naked and unencumbered 1169 Caster is immune to necromantic magic while standing on his head 1170 Caster is immune to necromantic magic while wearing silk mittens 1171 Caster is immune to non-magical charm-based effects 1172 Caster is immune to non-magical disease while holding a chicken 1173 Caster is immune to non-magical missiles for 1d8 hours 1174 Caster is immune to non-magical venom 1175 Caster is immune to non-magical, non-gaseous poisons 1176 Caster is immune to oil-based fire for 1d12 months 1177 Caster is immune to poison gas while his feet are wet 1178 Caster is immune to sarcasm 1179 Caster is immune to the effects of dehydration 1180 Caster is immune to the effects of illusory sound 1181 Caster is immune to the effects of smoke inhalation 1182 Caster is immune to the effects of the Wish spell 1183 Caster is immune to the next 1d100 hit points of fire damage 1184 Caster is inappropriately frank about his bodily functions 1185 Caster is inclined to attack any who offer him magical healing 1186 Caster is inclined to attack anyone representing the crown 1187 Caster is increasingly convinced that he just might be a deity 1188 Caster is intensely curious about the limits of his own mortality 1189 Caster is intensely curious about the taste of certain poisons 1190 Caster is invisible from his hips to his sternum 1191 Caster is invisible to 1d4 people nearby 1192 Caster is invisible to dragons for one year 1193 Caster is invisible to dragons while in direct sunlight 1194 Caster is invisible to female herbivores 1195 Caster is invisible to females for 2d6 turns 1196 Caster is invisible to Hill Giants 1197 Caster is invisible to himself for 1d4 weeks 1198 Caster is invisible to himself from the waist down 1199 Caster is invisible to horses 1200 Caster is invisible to infravision 1201 Caster is invisible to inherently invisible creatures 1202 Caster is invisible to males for 2d6 turns 1203 Caster is invisible to members of his immediate family 1204 Caster is invisible to non-magical reptiles 1205 Caster is invisible to non-magical reptiles for 1d4 hours 1206 Caster is invisible to the person who most recently wounded him 1207 Caster is invisible while underwater 1208 Caster is invited to join a colony of cannibals for dinner 1209 Caster is known to have had illicit dealings with the undead 1210 Caster is known to have predicated in scandalous fertility rites 1211 Caster is naturally camouflaged for stealth in a snowy setting 1212 Caster is nearly paralyzed by fear while his spellbook is open 1213 Caster is on the verge of starvation, no matter how much he eats 1214 Caster is owed a favor by the local magistrate 1215 Caster is paralyzed from the neck up for 1d6 rounds 1216 Caster is partially immune to magical cold while holding an apple 1217 Caster is permanently disfigured by the next fire he sets 1218 Caster is permanently invisible to the next person to injure him 1219 Caster is pinned beneath a large tombstone bearing his name 1220 Caster is poisoned and has 6d6 days to find its only antidote 1221 Caster is punctured as if he'd spent the night in an iron maiden 1222 Caster is ravenously hungry after each battle 1223 Caster is reduced to first level for 4d6 hours 1224 Caster is reduced to one hit point when he next triggers a Burst 1225 Caster is related by blood to no one who has ever lived 1226 Caster is reluctant to bring his spellbook indoors 1227 Caster is reluctant to carry any weapons after sunset 1228 Caster is reluctant to cast any spell that he now has memorized 1229 Caster is reluctant to enter any building he's previously entered 1230 Caster is reluctant to get blood on any of his weapons 1231 Caster is reluctant to wield any weapon that hasn't drawn blood 1232 Caster is rumored to be an artificial, creature without a soul 1233 Caster is rumored to be plotting a political assassination 1234 Caster is rumored to be protected by a mighty dragon 1235 Caster is rumored to be the reincarnation of a despised tyrant 1236 Caster is rumored to drink orc's blood by the quart 1237 Caster is rumored to have been replaced by an infernal impostor 1238 Caster is rumored to have killed the last person to ask his name 1239 Caster is rumored to have murdered hundreds of innocent people 1240 Caster is rumored to have orc's blood flowing through his veins 1241 Caster is rumored to have paid orcs to perform unseemly services 1242 Caster is rumored to have participated in dreadful funerary rites 1243 Caster is rumored to have participated in genocide against Elves 1244 Caster is rumored to have participated in the murder of a deity 1245 Caster is rumored to have performed horrid rituals on Dwarves 1246 Caster is rumored to have placed a huge bounty on his own head 1247 Caster is rumored to have sold his family into slavery 1248 Caster is rumored to have the heart of a goblin 1249 Caster is rumored to have wronged a member of the royal family 1250 Caster is rumored to use clairvoyance for purposes of voyeurism 1251 Caster is scarred as if he'd been burned over 80% of his body 1252 Caster is scrupulously honest in all financial dealings 1253 Caster is sealed in a huge but otherwise normal chicken egg 1254 Caster is sealed in a pine coffin 1255 Caster is sealed in an oak barrel 1256 Caster is seated on a platform high atop a tall, narrow pole 1257 Caster is skilled in a new weapon but can't use it in daylight 1258 Caster is Slowed when he becomes invisible 1259 Caster is smeared from head to toe with molasses 1260 Caster is soaked each time he casts a water-based spell 1261 Caster is somewhere around Barstow, on the edge of the desert 1262 Caster is soon jailed for public lewdness and profanity 1263 Caster is soon jailed for suspicion of murder 1264 Caster is soon jailed for unlawful use of magical knowledge 1265 Caster is sought by a band of militant vivisectionists 1266 Caster is sparsely flecked with salt like a pretzel 1267 Caster is standing in an open field, west of a white house 1268 Caster is stricken mute until he's cut by a magic weapon 1269 Caster is stripped of monetary wealth except what he's carrying 1270 Caster is suddenly alone at the center of a vast field of slag 1271 Caster is suddenly carrying a twenty-pound sack full of straw 1272 Caster is suddenly in the throes of advanced labor 1273 Caster is suddenly on the other side of the nearest locked door 1274 Caster is suddenly seated on a throne formed of apple cores 1275 Caster is suddenly sitting in an elegant bathtub 1276 Caster is suddenly standing at the base of the nearest waterfall 1277 Caster is suddenly standing atop a single stilt 1278 Caster is suddenly standing atop a very tall ladder 1279 Caster is suddenly standing atop the nearest boulder 1280 Caster is suddenly standing atop the nearest horse 1281 Caster is suddenly standing in a bucket of butter 1282 Caster is suddenly standing in a canoe on a rushing river 1283 Caster is suddenly standing in the middle of a snow-covered field 1284 Caster is suddenly standing in the nearest blacksmith's smithy 15 1285 Caster is suddenly standing in the nearest brothel 1286 Caster is suddenly standing in the nearest holy water font 1287 Caster is suddenly standing in the nearest pig sty 1288 Caster is suddenly standing knee-deep in manure 1289 Caster is suddenly standing on a two-foot cube of solid aluminum 1290 Caster is suddenly surrounded by a quartet of skunks 1291 Caster is suddenly unsure that he really wants to be a magic user 1292 Caster is suddenly wearing a full suit of Elven chain armor 1293 Caster is surrounded by eight-foot-tall slabs of concrete 1294 Caster is suspected of plotting the destruction of the world 1295 Caster is terrible at estimating quantities, distance, and time 1296 Caster is terrified of hourglasses and time-keeping devices 1297 Caster is the victim of a vast, well-coordinated conspiracy 1298 Caster is the victim of a well-coordinated propaganda assault 1299 Caster is the worst liar in the history of intelligent discourse 1300 Caster is thickly shrouded in cobwebs 1301 Caster is thoroughly entangled in the tentacles of a man-of-war 1302 Caster is thoroughly smeared in bacon grease 1303 Caster is thoroughly soaked with egg whites 1304 Caster is thought to have a huge bounty on his head 1305 Caster is thrown 1d4x1000 years into the future for 1d4 rounds 1306 Caster is thrown 4d6 feet into the air 1307 Caster is thrown 4d6 hours into the future 1308 Caster is thrown violently backward from the spell's target point 1309 Caster is tightly bound in strong wire 1310 Caster is tightly wrapped in a straightjacket 1311 Caster is trampled by a boar 1312 Caster is trapped in a column of brackish water for 1d4 rounds 1313 Caster is unable to ask questions 1314 Caster is unable to cross any bridge that spans flowing water 1315 Caster is unable to enter into infernal pacts 1316 Caster is unaffected by magical wind for 1d4 months 1317 Caster is unaffected by magically-created metal 1318 Caster is unaffected by natural wind 1319 Caster is unaffected by the spell Remove Curse 1320 Caster is unharmed by extremes of sound 1321 Caster is unharmed by moldy or rotten food 1322 Caster is universally treated like a hated criminal for 1d8 days 1323 Caster is unknowingly inducted into a secret society 1324 Caster is utterly unable to assess his own injuries 1325 Caster is utterly unable to disguise himself by magic 1326 Caster is vaguely aware of any deliberate threat upon his life 1327 Caster is very susceptible to peer pressure in matters of alcohol 1328 Caster is violently ejected from the next building he enters 1329 Caster is wearing a deep-sea diving costume with copper helmet 1330 Caster is wearing a welder's mask and can't remove it until dawn 1331 Caster is wearing an ornate mask made of the most delicate glass 1332 Caster is wearing blood-soaked surgical gloves 1333 Caster is wearing boxing gloves and can't remove them until dawn 1334 Caster is wearing bunny fur 1335 Caster is wearing clothes that are 10d10 centuries out of date 1336 Caster is wearing enough clothing for 3d4 people 1337 Caster is wearing extraordinarily glamorous false eyelashes 1338 Caster is wearing golf shoes 1339 Caster is wearing his mother's wedding gown 1340 Caster is wearing horseshoes 1341 Caster is wearing ice skates 1342 Caster is wearing nothing but a thin loincloth 1343 Caster is wearing roller skates 1344 Caster is wearing snowshoes and can't remove them until it snows 1345 Caster is wearing the clothes that he'll be wearing when he dies 1346 Caster is wearing the leathered skin of a recently dead king 1347 Caster is wearing what appears to be his heart on his sleeve 1348 Caster is widely known to be a reprehensible hedonist 1349 Caster is worshipped as a god by some degenerate, isolated tribe 1350 Caster is wracked by searing pain every time he asks a question 1351 Caster is wracked by searing pain when he draws another's blood 1352 Caster is wracked by searing pain when he touches the undead 1353 Caster isn't quite certain that he's not the spawn of a demon 1354 Caster jams both thumbs deep into his nostrils for 1d6 rounds 1355 Caster just barely passes for a member of his race 1356 Caster keeps smelling burnt toast 1357 Caster keeps talking despite everyone's utter lack of interest 1358 Caster knows a method by which gold can be tempered like steel 1359 Caster knows a new language for 1d4 weeks 1360 Caster knows a spell that will slay him instantly 1361 Caster knows that he'll go mad if he says his name aloud 1362 Caster knows the location of every mammal now within one mile 1363 Caster knows the secret language of frogs and toads 1364 Caster laughs heartily when he sees his allies injured 1365 Caster leaps from the next bridge that he crosses 1366 Caster learns a damaging secret about one of his allies 1367 Caster learns that he's been assigned to some government position 1368 Caster learns that his arranged marriage is due to occur tomorrow 1369 Caster learns that his parents were undead on the day he was born 1370 Caster leaves no footprints in snow 1371 Caster likes to tell everyone that he has an eidetic memory 1372 Caster looks as if he's been submerged in a bog for six months 1373 Caster loses 10d1000 gold pieces in a wacky investment scheme 1374 Caster loses 1d10 hit points if a nearby cleric Turns Undead 1375 Caster loses 1d10 points of Strength; regains one point per day 1376 Caster loses 1d4 hit points each round that he's invisible 1377 Caster loses 1d4 hit points every time he speaks a pun 1378 Caster loses 1d4 hit points per hour until sunset tonight 1379 Caster loses 3d8 hit points any time he uses the spell Read Magic 1380 Caster loses access to a single school of magic for 1d4 weeks 1381 Caster loses access to all but one school of magic for 2d6 days 1382 Caster loses all comprehension of the concept of money 1383 Caster loses all hair on the left side of his body 1384 Caster loses one hit point each time he calls someone by name 1385 Caster loses one hit point per level of spells cast in sunlight 1386 Caster loses one point of Charisma for each hit point he loses 1387 Caster loses one point of Charisma per day for 3d6 weeks 1388 Caster loses one pound per level of spell he casts 1389 Caster loses only 1 hit point from the next 3d8 attacks upon him 1390 Caster makes outrageous bets about the most unlikely events 1391 Caster mentions a wish to join a secret society called The Tres 1392 Caster mispronounces everyone's name, offensively if possible 1393 Caster must carry at least one pound of raw meat at all times 1394 Caster must carry his spellbook in hand, not in a bag or pouch 1395 Caster must drink his weight in water by sunset 1396 Caster must drink salt water instead of fresh water 1397 Caster must eat at least one pound of salt each week 1398 Caster must include a vile expletive in every sentence he speaks 1399 Caster must insult any figure of authority at least 1d4 times 1400 Caster must Save or his arms start decomposing as if he's dead 1401 Caster must Save or turn into an anthropomorphic weasel 1402 Caster must Save vs Fortitude or food turns to iron in his mouth 1403 Caster must Save vs Fortitude or his lungs turn to gold 1404 Caster must Save vs Fortitude, or his weight doubles 1405 Caster must Save vs Will or attempt to disembowel himself 1406 Caster must Save vs Will or begin aging twenty years per round 1407 Caster must Save vs Will, or he becomes permanently illiterate 1408 Caster must state his name to anyone who asks it 1409 Caster no longer able to share with others 1410 Caster no longer believes that magic really exists 1411 Caster no longer needs to eat but can't heal injuries naturally 1412 Caster no longer perspires 1413 Caster no longer produces saliva 1414 Caster now breathes nitrogen instead of oxygen 16 1415 Caster obsessively pursues his goal of acquiring a second head 1416 Caster offers to sell his spellbook to the lowest bidder 1417 Caster only needs to eat during alternating weeks 1418 Caster owes 10d100 gold pieces to the next person he touches 1419 Caster owes 1d4 gold pieces to everyone within 100 yards 1420 Caster owes a colossal sum of money to a local lender 1421 Caster owes his life to someone who won't be born for centuries 1422 Caster perceives an assassin hiding behind every tree and rock 1423 Caster perceives marbles to be rolling around inside his skull 1424 Caster perceives mysterious ships to be flying in the air nearby 1425 Caster permanently gains 1d4-1 hit points 1426 Caster permanently gains an additional 1d4 hit points 1427 Caster permanently loses 1d4-1 hit points 1428 Caster permanently loses the sense of taste 1429 Caster prefers not to cast magic indoors 1430 Caster prefers not to cast magic unless it's raining 1431 Caster prefers not to cast magic while anyone is watching him 1432 Caster prefers not to cast magic while it's raining 1433 Caster projects an air of competence even when it's unwarranted 1434 Caster prophesies that he'll die by drowning in melted butter 1435 Caster publicly curses a member of the royal family 1436 Caster pursues a disastrous fiscal policy despite public outcry 1437 Caster quickly rusts if someone else's blood touches him 1438 Caster randomly teleports 1d100 yards when he becomes invisible 1439 Caster raves like a lunatic whenever he witnesses a spellcasting 1440 Caster reacts to hospitality with shocking boorishness 1441 Caster reacts violently to any perceived insults 1442 Caster reacts violently to anyone bearing a coat-of-arms 1443 Caster reacts violently to anyone he hears using improper grammar 1444 Caster reacts violently to anyone who asks his name 1445 Caster reacts violently to conspicuous rhymes in speech 1446 Caster reacts violently to offers of food or water 1447 Caster reacts violently to religious symbols displayed in battle 1448 Caster reacts violently to the scent of baking bread 1449 Caster realizes he's an escaped slave whose owner is tracking him 1450 Caster realizes that chickens and ducks are plotting a mutiny 1451 Caster realizes that he's his left arm isn't actually attached 1452 Caster realizes that he's lived this day repeatedly for years 1453 Caster realizes that he's skilled in the use of the bola 1454 Caster realizes that he's standing on a trapdoor over a deep pit 1455 Caster realizes that he's very close to fulfilling his destiny 1456 Caster realizes that his name is a synonym for manure 1457 Caster recalls enduring hideous torture but doesn't know when 1458 Caster recalls every insult with remarkable clarity 1459 Caster receives a divine vision of some dreadfully mundane event 1460 Caster receives no Save against the next spell cast against him 1461 Caster recently drank a poison or a potion; he can't recall which 1462 Caster recently found a powerful artifact but doesn't realize it 1463 Caster recently took an inviolable vow but can quite remember it 1464 Caster recites a long list of grievances against his allies 1465 Caster recites that bit from Macbeth whenever he holds a dagger 1466 Caster refers to his allies by cute nicknames 1467 Caster refers to his spellbook as his "Booky-Wooky" 1468 Caster refuses to carry any gems or jewels 1469 Caster refuses to eat in the presence of Dwarves 1470 Caster refuses to enter any town that isn't encircled by a wall 1471 Caster refuses to handle any blade that hasn't drawn blood 1472 Caster refuses to rage, rage against the dying of the light 1473 Caster refuses to speak to anyone while his spellbook is open 1474 Caster refuses to speak to anyone who addresses him by name 1475 Caster refuses to speak with one particular ally 1476 Caster refuses to wield any weapon not engraved with his name 1477 Caster refuses to wield any weapon that has ever drawn blood 1478 Caster repeats the next round 1d100 times 1479 Caster requires only 1d8 hours of sleep per week 1480 Caster reveals that he enjoys the taste of roasted Dwarf 1481 Caster reveals that he's a doppelganger 1482 Caster routinely forgets magical command words 1483 Caster routinely forgets that he can't breathe underwater 1484 Caster routinely forgets that poisons are harmful when ingested 1485 Caster routinely forgets the reason he stood up, sat down, etc. 1486 Caster routinely forgets to douse campfires, cooking fires, etc. 1487 Caster routinely forgets to draw a weapon before attacking 1488 Caster routinely forgets to eat, even when he's famished 1489 Caster routinely forgets to lie down before sleeping 1490 Caster routinely forgets to put his clothes on after bathing 1491 Caster routinely forgets to remove his clothes before bathing 1492 Caster routinely forgets where he is and where he's going 1493 Caster routinely forgets where he left his spellbook 1494 Caster routinely forgets whether or not he's wearing armor 1495 Caster routinely forgets which spells he has memorized 1496 Caster routinely loses his train of thought mid-sentence 1497 Caster runs to and attempts to uproot the nearest tree 1498 Caster runs to the nearest abattoir 1499 Caster seeks sanctuary in the nearest brothel 1500 Caster sees as if everything is cloaked in perpetual twilight 1501 Caster sees as if his eyes were hovering one foot to the left 1502 Caster sees as if his eyes were in the back of his head 1503 Caster sees as if his eyes were where his ears are 1504 Caster sees colorful ribbons swirling in the air around him 1505 Caster sees cryptic messages in the patterns of plant growth 1506 Caster sees everything as if he's deep underwater 1507 Caster sees everything as through a glass, darkly 1508 Caster sees geysers of flaming pitch erupting all around him 1509 Caster sees ghostly courtesans all around him 1510 Caster sees huge bats and manta rays whirling all around him 1511 Caster sees in daylight as if it's night, and vice versa 1512 Caster sees menacing, shadowy figures everywhere he goes 1513 Caster sees the spell's target point as a place of great holiness 1514 Caster selected today's attire with insufficient forethought 1515 Caster seriously considers abandoning magic for all time 1516 Caster seriously considers entering the clergy 1517 Caster shatters like glass if he falls more than 2X his height 1518 Caster shivers uncontrollably in the presence of fire 1519 Caster shows all signs of plague but is actually quite healthy 1520 Caster shows everyone his wounds and asks if they look infected 1521 Caster shrieks like a fire alarm in the presence of fire 1522 Caster shrinks by 50% upon losing 50% of his hit points 1523 Caster shuns the company of other magic users 1524 Caster shuns the use of magic items as being "amateurish" 1525 Caster shuns the use of weapons that contain ferrous metal 1526 Caster sinks like a stone in water but cannot drown 1527 Caster smells faintly of cabbage 1528 Caster smells strongly burnt toast 1529 Caster smells strongly of alcohol 1530 Caster smells strongly of blood while he's wet 1531 Caster smells strongly of boiling tar 1532 Caster smells strongly of exotic perfumes 1533 Caster smells strongly of fuel oil 1534 Caster smells strongly of fungus while he's near a campfire 1535 Caster smells strongly of garlic 1536 Caster smells strongly of peppermint 1537 Caster smells strongly of rose petals 1538 Caster sneezes 1d20 times in each of the next 1d20 rounds 1539 Caster sneezes repeatedly when he becomes invisible 1540 Caster sparkles as though dusted with glitter from now on 1541 Caster speaks in an obviously fake and irritating Cockney accent 1542 Caster spends 1d4 rounds attacking the nearest tree 1543 Caster spends 1d4 rounds attempting to ignite his shoes 1544 Caster spends 1d4 rounds trying to cast this same spell 17 1545 Caster spends 1d4 rounds trying to strangle himself with his hair 1546 Caster spends 2d10 rounds racing toward the nearest coastline 1547 Caster spends 2d10 rounds trying to look into his own ears 1548 Caster spends all of his money on the next thing he buys 1549 Caster spews philosophical gobbledygook about one-hand-clapping 1550 Caster spouts water like a gargoyle for 1d4 rounds 1551 Caster spreads vicious and embarrassing rumors about himself 1552 Caster sprouts a dorsal fin 1553 Caster sprouts a ghastly tentacle from the center of his chest 1554 Caster sprouts a large, spongy mass between his shoulder blades 1555 Caster sprouts a mane like a lion's 1556 Caster sprouts a new ear on the back of one hand 1557 Caster sprouts a pretty flower from his chin 1558 Caster sprouts a prominent brow ridge 1559 Caster sprouts a retractable metal antenna from his forehead 1560 Caster sprouts a small, flaming wick atop of his head 1561 Caster sprouts a tiny horn from the tip of his nose 1562 Caster sprouts a zipper along the length of his spine 1563 Caster sprouts an additional ear behind each of his normal ears 1564 Caster sprouts an eye at the exact top of his head 1565 Caster sprouts an ugly protuberance from his forearm 1566 Caster sprouts sharp blades along the edges of his forearms 1567 Caster sprouts tiny, useless wings from the bridge of his nose 1568 Caster sprouts wild-looking feathers on his cheeks 1569 Caster sprouts wires and rubber tubing from his flesh 1570 Caster stands in uffish thought for 3d4 rounds 1571 Caster stares at the spell's target point for 1d10 rounds 1572 Caster starts billing his allies for each spell he casts 1573 Caster starts dancing and can't stop until he's struck by magic 1574 Caster starts running and thinks he'll explode if he stops 1575 Caster steps into a snare and is hoisted high into a tree 1576 Caster steps onto a loose stone and tumbles down the nearest hill 1577 Caster sticks to the next metal item he touches for 1d6 turns 1578 Caster stumbles into the next campfire that he passes 1579 Caster suddenly has 2d4+2 toes jutting from his face 1580 Caster suddenly has feet like an elephant 1581 Caster suddenly has misgivings about his skill as a magic user 1582 Caster suddenly has ten toes on each foot 1583 Caster suddenly has ten toes on one foot and none on the other 1584 Caster suddenly realizes that he's been naked for 2d8 days 1585 Caster suddenly realizes that his clothing is made of human skin 1586 Caster suddenly starts hemorrhaging honey and molasses 1587 Caster suffers 10X normal damage from falls of more than 20 feet 1588 Caster suffers 2x the damage from the next 1d4 attacks on him 1589 Caster suffers acute paranoia whenever he hears his name 1590 Caster suffers an intense, debilitating fever for 1d4 days 1591 Caster suffers bouts of rampant xenophobia 1592 Caster suffers brief pain every time he closes a book 1593 Caster suffers cramps if he uses magic within an hour of eating 1594 Caster suffers crippling arthritis pain 1595 Caster suffers delusions about the efficacy of the Free Market 1596 Caster suffers fools gladly 1597 Caster suffers incredible fear the next time he crosses a bridge 1598 Caster suffers intense pain during attempts at magical healing 1599 Caster suffers intense pain in his eyes whenever he sees undead 1600 Caster suffers intense pain whenever he changes shape 1601 Caster suffers intense pain whenever he eats cooked meat 1602 Caster suffers intense pain whenever he enters a temple or church 1603 Caster suffers intense pain whenever he passes through a doorway 1604 Caster suffers intense pain whenever he treads upon grass 1605 Caster suffers intense pain whenever he tries to sing 1606 Caster suffers intense pain whenever he uses Divination magic 1607 Caster suffers intense pain whenever he wields a magical blade 1608 Caster suffers maximum damage from the next 1d4 attacks upon him 1609 Caster suffers the bends as if he surfaced too quickly 1610 Caster suffers the tortures of the damned for 1d4 hours 1611 Caster suspects that all foliage nearby is hostile to him 1612 Caster suspects that everyone nearby is trying to rob him 1613 Caster suspects that his allies have all joined a dangerous cult 1614 Caster suspects that his use of magic is entirely delusional 1615 Caster suspects that someone nearby has taken over his mind 1616 Caster suspects that someone nearby is a mechanical automaton 1617 Caster takes a big bite out of his spellbook 1618 Caster takes a big bite out of the nearest statue 1619 Caster takes a big bite out of the nearest tree 1620 Caster takes a vow of absolute pacifism for 2d4-1 days 1621 Caster teleports one mile the next time he crosses a river 1622 Caster teleports to exactly where he was standing an hour ago 1623 Caster teleports to the planet's moon for 1d4 hours 1624 Caster teleports to the site of another caster's Chaos Burst 1625 Caster teleports to the site of the most recent state execution 1626 Caster teleports to the spot where he last ate 1627 Caster tells everyone that he has an eidetic memory 1628 Caster tells everyone that his bones are made of diamond 1629 Caster tells malicious lies about his employer or benefactor 1630 Caster tells malicious lies in the presence of clergy 1631 Caster tends to be marked as the strongest member of his party 1632 Caster tends to become briefly invisible at inconvenient times 1633 Caster tends to dribble heavily when drinking from a mug or cup 1634 Caster thinks that "high-ho, high-ho" is a proper Dwarf greeting 1635 Caster thinks that a distant mountain is made of gold 1636 Caster thinks that a huge fire is blazing all around him 1637 Caster thinks that a magic candle is burning in his stomach 1638 Caster thinks that a nearby ally is sapping his magical energies 1639 Caster thinks that a past life is intruding upon his current one 1640 Caster thinks that a snake runs the length of his digestive tract 1641 Caster thinks that a violent hailstorm is going on 1642 Caster thinks that all fire is an illusion 1643 Caster thinks that all of his suspicions are justified 1644 Caster thinks that all other magic users are out to get him 1645 Caster thinks that all royalty is hopelessly corrupt 1646 Caster thinks that an ally will kill him before sunset tomorrow 1647 Caster thinks that any wound he receives is much, much worse 1648 Caster thinks that elementals pose no threat to him 1649 Caster thinks that every herbivore in the world hates him 1650 Caster thinks that every scratch will infect him with lycanthropy 1651 Caster thinks that everyone he knows is an impostor 1652 Caster thinks that everyone is jealous of his magical prowess 1653 Caster thinks that everyone thinks that he is an impostor 1654 Caster thinks that everything he owns has been replaced by a copy 1655 Caster thinks that everything he owns is powerfully enchanted 1656 Caster thinks that evil beings will kill to possess his spellbook 1657 Caster thinks that food prepared by others is poisonous to him 1658 Caster thinks that gold will burn him if placed against his skin 1659 Caster thinks that he came into existence just 1d4 days ago 1660 Caster thinks that he can become invisible to undead at will 1661 Caster thinks that he can command dragons to do his bidding 1662 Caster thinks that he can communicate with ants 1663 Caster thinks that he can communicate with cats 1664 Caster thinks that he can fly by leaping off of tall buildings 1665 Caster thinks that he can handle red-hot metal without harm 1666 Caster thinks that he can neutralize poisons by swallowing them 1667 Caster thinks that he can restore the undead to true life 1668 Caster thinks that he can speak directly to his deity 1669 Caster thinks that he can speak with birds 1670 Caster thinks that he can survive many hammer blows to the skull 1671 Caster thinks that he died during his youth 1672 Caster thinks that he has a weakness to green rock 1673 Caster thinks that he has diplomatic immunity 1674 Caster thinks that he has the power to speak prophecy 18 1675 Caster thinks that he is attended by invisible undead retainers 1676 Caster thinks that he just died and is now a zombie 1677 Caster thinks that he knows the location of a vast horde of gold 1678 Caster thinks that he looks totally different after each sunrise 1679 Caster thinks that he must eat a pound of soil by midnight 1680 Caster thinks that he must hold an awkward item to cast magic 1681 Caster thinks that he must learn a new spell before sunset 1682 Caster thinks that he must protect the target at all costs 1683 Caster thinks that he must quickly remove and burn his clothes 1684 Caster thinks that he must undertake some bizarre quest 1685 Caster thinks that he owes thousands of gold pieces to the king 1686 Caster thinks that he owns everything now in his line of sight 1687 Caster thinks that he smells strongly of manure 1688 Caster thinks that he'll be a god if he removes all of his skin 1689 Caster thinks that he'll be canonized immediately after his death 1690 Caster thinks that he'll be eaten by zombies if he falls asleep 1691 Caster thinks that he'll be executed for treason at dawn tomorrow 1692 Caster thinks that he'll be executed for treason if he uses magic 1693 Caster thinks that he'll be immolated if he uses magical fire 1694 Caster thinks that he'll be killed in his sleep one night soon 1695 Caster thinks that he'll catch a disease if he uses magic items 1696 Caster thinks that he'll combust if he gets wet 1697 Caster thinks that he'll combust if he tells a lie 1698 Caster thinks that he'll combust unless he wears a garland of ivy 1699 Caster thinks that he'll contract every disease he encounters 1700 Caster thinks that he'll die if a particular person nearby dies 1701 Caster thinks that he'll die unless he eats a magical scroll 1702 Caster thinks that he'll drown in the next water he crosses 1703 Caster thinks that he'll excrete diamonds if he ingests coal 1704 Caster thinks that he'll melt if he gets too close to a fire 1705 Caster thinks that he's a master thief 1706 Caster thinks that he's a priest of a foul, tentacled monstrosity 1707 Caster thinks that he's actually 10X older than he appears to be 1708 Caster thinks that he's aging at a rate of one year per hour 1709 Caster thinks that he's been declared The Protector Of The Forest 1710 Caster thinks that he's been spared for some infernal purpose 1711 Caster thinks that he's being attacked by piranha 1712 Caster thinks that he's being attacked by the nearest boulder 1713 Caster thinks that he's being consumed by invisible worms 1714 Caster thinks that he's being held against his will 1715 Caster thinks that he's being savaged by rabid dogs 1716 Caster thinks that he's being squeezed by a large python 1717 Caster thinks that he's dead and hopes his allies don't find out 1718 Caster thinks that he's destined to be hanged at midnight tonight 1719 Caster thinks that he's destined to die in a comical fashion 1720 Caster thinks that he's died and gone to heaven 1721 Caster thinks that he's fireproof while he's naked 1722 Caster thinks that he's guilty of sedition and treason 1723 Caster thinks that he's highly combustible 1724 Caster thinks that he's immune to lycanthropy 1725 Caster thinks that he's immune to necromantic magic 1726 Caster thinks that he's immune to non-magical diseases 1727 Caster thinks that he's indentured to some nearby landowner 1728 Caster thinks that he's invincible while he's talking 1729 Caster thinks that he's invulnerable to magical weapons 1730 Caster thinks that he's invulnerable to missile weapons 1731 Caster thinks that he's invulnerable while he's invisible 1732 Caster thinks that he's invulnerable while wearing a hat 1733 Caster thinks that he's just escaped from rogue vivisectionists 1734 Caster thinks that he's next in line for the throne of hell 1735 Caster thinks that he's on fire and begs people to extinguish him 1736 Caster thinks that he's raised himself from the dead 1737 Caster thinks that he's seeing through someone else's eye 1738 Caster thinks that he's slowly transforming into a dragon 1739 Caster thinks that he's sold his soul to several different demons 1740 Caster thinks that he's sold his soul to that guy at the market 1741 Caster thinks that he's soon to be bronze-plated 1742 Caster thinks that he's standing at the edge of a cliff 1743 Caster thinks that he's standing in a chest-high heap of manure 1744 Caster thinks that he's standing in waist-deep water 1745 Caster thinks that he's standing on a tall, narrow staircase 1746 Caster thinks that he's stolen this body from its rightful owner 1747 Caster thinks that he's the child of some unlikely person nearby 1748 Caster thinks that he's the lizard king and can do anything 1749 Caster thinks that he's the man in the moon 1750 Caster thinks that he's the victim of an elaborate practical joke 1751 Caster thinks that he's the victim of circumstance 1752 Caster thinks that he's water soluble 1753 Caster thinks that his actions are fulfilling ancient prophecy 1754 Caster thinks that his allies will all be dead before morning 1755 Caster thinks that his allies' wounds are much more serious 1756 Caster thinks that his ancestors are speaking through his allies 1757 Caster thinks that his ancestors came from a distant world 1758 Caster thinks that his brain will pop if he learns one more spell 1759 Caster thinks that his clothing is drenched in strong acid 1760 Caster thinks that his current alignment isn't his true alignment 1761 Caster thinks that his death will bring about the apocalypse 1762 Caster thinks that his death will open the gates of heaven 1763 Caster thinks that his death will open the gates of hell 1764 Caster thinks that his deity has commanded him to kill his allies 1765 Caster thinks that his destiny awaits him in the nearest cave 1766 Caster thinks that his face is far too hideous to look at 1767 Caster thinks that his face is just a mask he wears on his skull 1768 Caster thinks that his hands will disintegrate if he touches gold 1769 Caster thinks that his head is a parasitic organism 1770 Caster thinks that his head is an extraneous, vestigial appendage 1771 Caster thinks that his head was sewn onto this body only recently 1772 Caster thinks that his head will fall off if he removes his hat 1773 Caster thinks that his head will shatter if he wears a hat 1774 Caster thinks that his magic items are about to explode 1775 Caster thinks that his magic items are plotting against him 1776 Caster thinks that his soul is controlling his body from far away 1777 Caster thinks that his soul was forced into this current body 1778 Caster thinks that his spellbook belongs to someone else 1779 Caster thinks that his spellbook is a living entity 1780 Caster thinks that his spellbook is incredibly flammable 1781 Caster thinks that his spellbook is trying to consume his soul 1782 Caster thinks that his spellbook is trying to kill him 1783 Caster thinks that his teeth will explode if chews meat 1784 Caster thinks that horses are conspiring against him 1785 Caster thinks that imps and demons harass him while he sleeps 1786 Caster thinks that it's cute when he speaks in baby-talk 1787 Caster thinks that life is a simulation and he's soaking in a vat 1788 Caster thinks that many of his memories were falsely implanted 1789 Caster thinks that mighty deities are vying for his soul 1790 Caster thinks that must hold one hand to his head at all times 1791 Caster thinks that no non-magical animal can harm him 1792 Caster thinks that no one really trusts him 1793 Caster thinks that no one really understands what he's saying 1794 Caster thinks that one his allies will kill him while he sleeps 1795 Caster thinks that people are just using him for his money 1796 Caster thinks that people think he's some kind of deity 1797 Caster thinks that rhyming words have mystical significance 1798 Caster thinks that some item he's carrying is about to explode 1799 Caster thinks that some item he's carrying will soon explode 1800 Caster thinks that some nearby person killed him yesterday 1801 Caster thinks that someone else can see through his eyes 1802 Caster thinks that something valuable's been stolen from him 1803 Caster thinks that the king owes him a big favor 1804 Caster thinks that the stars are speaking to him 19 1805 Caster thinks that the target is the only one who can save him 1806 Caster thinks that the target's death will cause the apocalypse 1807 Caster thinks that the top of his head should be flattened 1808 Caster thinks that the universe will cease to exist when he dies 1809 Caster thinks that the world's rotation will hurl him into space 1810 Caster thinks that this date will live in infamy 1811 Caster thinks that this is all just a big misunderstanding 1812 Caster thinks that Chaos Bursts are proof that he's nearly a deity 1813 Caster threatens to kill and eat anyone who insults him 1814 Caster tries to commit hara-kiri with some sort of cudgel 1815 Caster tries to pop his head by squeezing it with both hands 1816 Caster tries to swallow any writing instrument that he's carrying 1817 Caster tries very hard to peel his face from his skull 1818 Caster tries very hard to twist his nose upside down 1819 Caster turns bright blue while he's bleeding 1820 Caster turns into a clothing store mannequin for 1d6 rounds 1821 Caster turns into a small, pot-bellied pig 1822 Caster turns into an elemental of equal hit dice for 1d4 rounds 1823 Caster turns invisible to himself but not to anyone else 1824 Caster turns to stone but is fully restored at dawn tomorrow 1825 Caster unleashes a torrent of shocking profanity for 2d4 rounds 1826 Caster uses fire-based magic in preference to other magic 1827 Caster utters shocking blasphemies in the presence of clergy 1828 Caster utters shocking profanities at inappropriate times 1829 Caster vanishes; has a 1% cumulative chance per round to return 1830 Caster vanishes; in 1d8 rounds he appears at the target point 1831 Caster volunteers for the most dangerous task he can find 1832 Caster vows not to rest until he's found the real killers 1833 Caster vows to commit deicide before the end of the year 1834 Caster vows to make a little birdhouse in his soul 1835 Caster vows to slay the next person to use magic on him 1836 Caster vows to slay the next person who addresses him by name 1837 Caster wagers all of his money on an improbable contest 1838 Caster walks with a profound limp except while naked 1839 Caster wants to join the next flock of birds he sees 1840 Caster was born in the universe that existed before this one 1841 Caster wears eyeglasses and has an odd birthmark on his forehead 1842 Caster weeps powerfully adhesive tears for 1d6 rounds 1843 Caster weeps tears of blood whenever someone says his name 1844 Caster will appear to be his current age for the rest of his life 1845 Caster will combust unless he immerses himself within an hour 1846 Caster will die if struck by a wooden club in the next 1d4 rounds 1847 Caster wins a magical lamp shaped like a woman's leg 1848 Caster wishes to divest himself of all worldly goods 1849 Caster won't age for 100 years if he cuts off his thumbs 1850 Caster won't remember the next 4d6 hours 1851 Caster, his gear, and clothes are translucent for 2d4-1 days 1852 Caster's age is doubled until sunrise tomorrow 1853 Caster's allies completely ignore him for 1d6 hours 1854 Caster's allies have never quite trusted him 1855 Caster's allies suspect that he isn't quite housebroken 1856 Caster's allies suspect that he secretly eats mice and rats 1857 Caster's allies treat him like a child for 2d12 hours 1858 Caster's allies worship him as a god for 1d4 days 1859 Caster's Armor Class is improved by 1d4 until dawn 1860 Caster's Armor Class is worsened by 1d6 until sunset tomorrow 1861 Caster's arms and legs are bound in shackles of gold 1862 Caster's arms and legs look like chicken's legs 1863 Caster's arms are covered by scars from ritual burns 1864 Caster's arms are covered in hideous welts and bruises 1865 Caster's arms are tied together in a tight knot 1866 Caster's arms from shoulder to wrist are unharmed by acid 1867 Caster's arms vanish for the duration of the intended spell 1868 Caster's attacks are 20% likely to inflict no damage on undead 1869 Caster's attempts at scrying yield sanity-damaging visions 1870 Caster's attempts at scrying yield visions of a sunken city 1871 Caster's attempts at scrying yield visions of astonishing boredom 1872 Caster's attempts at scrying yield visions of his own home 1873 Caster's attempts at scrying yield visions of horrific carnage 1874 Caster's attempts at scrying yield visions of impossible events 1875 Caster's attempts at scrying yield visions of incredible beauty 1876 Caster's attempts at scrying yield visions of nonexistent places 1877 Caster's attempts at scrying yield visions of raucous debauchery 1878 Caster's attempts at scrying yield visions of sugarplums 1879 Caster's attempts at scrying yield visions of the caster himself 1880 Caster's attempts at scrying yield visions of the distant future 1881 Caster's attempts at scrying yield visions of the distant past 1882 Caster's attempts at scrying yield visions of this location 1883 Caster's attempts at scrying yield visions of utter desolation 1884 Caster's attempts at scrying yield wildly inaccurate visions 1885 Caster's attempts to change shape always fail spectacularly 1886 Caster's back is scarred in a checkerboard pattern of burns 1887 Caster's back is scarred with the imprint of a dragon's foot 1888 Caster's base Armor Class is 8 1889 Caster's base Armor Class is 12 1890 Caster's big toes become opposable like thumbs 1891 Caster's blood causes metal to become invisible 1892 Caster's blood combusts violently within his body 1893 Caster's blood is a sickly green and smells like manure 1894 Caster's blood is poisonous to vampires and were-beasts 1895 Caster's blood is sought as a panacea by Dwarves and Gnomes 1896 Caster's blood is strongly adhesive after it leaves his body 1897 Caster's blood is toxic to him, if ingested 1898 Caster's blood is weightless 1899 Caster's blood is worth more than gold, in the proper market 1900 Caster's blood leaves indelible stains on rock and stone 1901 Caster's blood radiates intense magic 1902 Caster's body appears to have been shredded and reassembled 1903 Caster's body can act independently if separated from his head 1904 Caster's body is 40% fireproof 1905 Caster's body is an artificial construct 1906 Caster's body is covered in festering scabs 1907 Caster's body is covered in ugly, livid bruises 1908 Caster's body is reset to a 48-hour cycle rather than 24 1909 Caster's body is rumored to contain countless diamonds 1910 Caster's body is scarred as if he's undergone an autopsy 1911 Caster's body is scarred with innumerable cryptic runes 1912 Caster's body swivels 180° at the waist and stays that way 1913 Caster's bones are as fragile as glass for 1d4 rounds 1914 Caster's bones can't be broken but are highly combustible 1915 Caster's bones can't be broken unless he's barefoot 1916 Caster's bones will be powerfully explosive after his death 1917 Caster's boots adhere strongly to stone while he's wearing them 1918 Caster's boots are worth 10d100 gold pieces 1919 Caster's boots can never move more than ten feet from this spot 1920 Caster's boots have been kidnapped and held for a high ransom 1921 Caster's boots weigh 100 pounds when wet 1922 Caster's casting times are shortened by 50% for 2d4-1 days 1923 Caster's center of gravity changes daily 1924 Caster's center of gravity is 1d4 feet to his left 1925 Caster's center of gravity is at the level of his eyes 1926 Caster's center of gravity is at the level of his feet 1927 Caster's closest blood relative ascends to godhood 1928 Caster's closest blood relative has been abducted by a vile cult 1929 Caster's closest blood relative is slated for execution tomorrow 1930 Caster's closest blood relative vows to slay him 1931 Caster's clothes are 25% likely to be invisible to each viewer 1932 Caster's clothes are burned to cinders, but he is unharmed 1933 Caster's clothes are caked with salt 1934 Caster's clothes are drenched with goat's milk 20 1935 Caster's clothes are impervious to Alteration magic 1936 Caster's clothes are impervious to fire when it's not being worn 1937 Caster's clothes are invisible by firelight 1938 Caster's clothes are invisible in the presence of royalty 1939 Caster's clothes are soaked with lambs' blood 1940 Caster's clothes are soaked with lamp oil 1941 Caster's clothes are soaked with molasses 1942 Caster's clothes are stripped of any and all enchantments 1943 Caster's clothes are water soluble 1944 Caster's clothes clatter like metal when he moves 1945 Caster's clothes don't leave much to the imagination 1946 Caster's clothes heat by 1° per minute for the next 1d10 hours 1947 Caster's clothes maintain a constant temperature of 70° 1948 Caster's clothes radiate intense magic 1949 Caster's clothes turn to copper 1950 Caster's clothes turn to densely-woven spider's web 1951 Caster's clothes turn to living human flesh 1952 Caster's clothing inflates to the size of a house 1953 Caster's cranium enlarges by 25% 1954 Caster's cranium reforms into a tall, blunt cone 1955 Caster's death is ordered due to a Burst he triggered previously 1956 Caster's death is prophesied to precede centuries of prosperity 1957 Caster's death will inspire weeks of riots and revolution 1958 Caster's debt increases at a rate of 30% per month 1959 Caster's digestive system becomes independently sentient 1960 Caster's dominant hand becomes as clumsy as his other hand 1961 Caster's ears are burned from his head 1962 Caster's ears are on the same side of his head 1963 Caster's ears are unaffected by polymorph magic 1964 Caster's ears bleed harmlessly but copiously for 10d10 rounds 1965 Caster's ears can't be cut by any metal blade 1966 Caster's ears fall off and regrow every few days 1967 Caster's ears grow to the size of dinner plates 1968 Caster's ears resemble butterfly's wings 1969 Caster's elbows can't bend more than 90° 1970 Caster's entire head looks like a huge nose 1971 Caster's every attempt at music yields the same annoying tune 1972 Caster's eyelids look like lips 1973 Caster's eyes appear crystalline like diamonds 1974 Caster's eyes are artificial and were installed by demons 1975 Caster's eyes are invulnerable to heat and fire 1976 Caster's eyes are replaced by new ones every 1d4 days 1977 Caster's eyes can be safely removed for up to 1d4 hours 1978 Caster's eyes can't be harmed by any physical force or object 1979 Caster's eyes do not move, but he can see normally 1980 Caster's eyes glow red when he tries to make a good impression 1981 Caster's eyes merge into a single eye at the bridge of his nose 1982 Caster's eyes migrate to his cheekbones 1983 Caster's eyes migrate two inches higher on his forehead 1984 Caster's eyes sink 1d4 inches into his skull 1985 Caster's eyes swell shut for 2d12 hours 1986 Caster's eyeteeth grow into tusks like those of a walrus 1987 Caster's face and head are covered by a tight shell of fetid wax 1988 Caster's face and head resemble a snowman's 1989 Caster's face appears melted like wax 1990 Caster's face appears to age backwards at 2X the normal rate 1991 Caster's face appears to be made of chrome 1992 Caster's face appears to be made of hammered aluminum 1993 Caster's face appears to be upside-down 1994 Caster's face appears to float 1d4 inches in front of his skull 1995 Caster's face appears to have been sculpted from cold wax 1996 Caster's face doesn't move when he speaks; -2 to reaction rolls 1997 Caster's face elongates into a short snout with prominent teeth 1998 Caster's face falls off, leaving a bare skull until sunrise 1999 Caster's face is a mask 2000 Caster's face is an illusion and can be dispelled as such 2001 Caster's face is concave 2002 Caster's face is covered with cactus spines 2003 Caster's face is fireproof 2004 Caster's face is glazed in a thick layer of ice 2005 Caster's face is pliant like rubber 2006 Caster's face is printed with intricate, dark blue tattoos 2007 Caster's face is scarred as though slashed by an eagle's talons 2008 Caster's face swells enough to be unrecognizable 2009 Caster's face tingles in the presence of magical animals 2010 Caster's face turns to wood 2011 Caster's feet are burned as if he's waded through ankle-deep acid 2012 Caster's feet are encased in brick 2013 Caster's feet can't be burned by magical fire 2014 Caster's feet inflate to 2X normal size while he wades in water 2015 Caster's feet shrink by 80% while he's wearing shoes or boots 2016 Caster's feet smolder gently for 1d6 hours without harming him 2017 Caster's feet vanish, but he can walk comfortably on his ankles 2018 Caster's fingernails are poisonous to him 2019 Caster's fingernails display otherworldly scenes 2020 Caster's fingernails each grow 1d20 inches 2021 Caster's fingernails exude a pungent green fluid 2022 Caster's fingernails grow 1d4 inches per day 2023 Caster's fingers appear to be made of delicate crystal 2024 Caster's fingers are as flexible as tentacles 2025 Caster's fingers are as rigid as steel while they're wet 2026 Caster's fingers are threaded like bolts 2027 Caster's fingers can't be severed from his hands 2028 Caster's fingers glow faintly in the presence of humans 2029 Caster's fingers randomly shuffle their positions 2030 Caster's fingers seem ice cold to anyone other than the caster 2031 Caster's fist fuses into an clumsy stub 2032 Caster's fist jams itself into his mouth 2033 Caster's footprints glow with sickly green light for 5d6 rounds 2034 Caster's footprints seem to shimmer and waver in sunlight 2035 Caster's footprints shine brightly while he's invisible 2036 Caster's hair and clothes become horribly entangled 2037 Caster's hair and clothes constantly stir as if blown by wind 2038 Caster's hair becomes tangled in any hat or helmet he wears 2039 Caster's hair becomes thick and coarse like that of a boar 2040 Caster's hair can never become invisible 2041 Caster's hair falls out each evening and regrows by morning 2042 Caster's hair freezes solid 2043 Caster's hair is clear like glass 2044 Caster's hair is discovered to be a bad toupee 2045 Caster's hair is fireproof 2046 Caster's hair is perpetually soaked with sea water 2047 Caster's hair is striped like a tiger's coat 2048 Caster's hair reeks of sulfur when he's near a campfire 2049 Caster's hair stands straight up for the next 1d4 weeks 2050 Caster's hand adheres to the next bludgeoning weapon he grips 2051 Caster's hand adheres to the next tree he touches 2052 Caster's hands and arms are covered with cactus needles 2053 Caster's hands and feet are invisible for 1d4 weeks 2054 Caster's hands appear to be crude wooden replicas 2055 Caster's hands appear to be made of solid gold 2056 Caster's hands appear to have been badly gnawed by rodents 2057 Caster's hands are blasted to a crisp but heal in 1d4+1 weeks 2058 Caster's hands are completely insulated against electricity 2059 Caster's hands are impervious to all harm for one week 2060 Caster's hands are invisible while he clasps them 2061 Caster's hands are totally numb for 10d10 rounds 2062 Caster's hands are translucent like smoky quartz 2063 Caster's hands can't come within 12 inches of each other 2064 Caster's hands can't come within 12 inches of his face 21 2065 Caster's hands detach the next time he puts them in his pockets 2066 Caster's hands explode but grow back by morning 2067 Caster's hands feel just like two balloons 2068 Caster's hands reform into lobster-like pincers 2069 Caster's hands shine like a beacon visible only to goblins 2070 Caster's hands shrink by 50% 2071 Caster's hands shrink or grow to fit any gloves he wears 2072 Caster's hands sprout coarse scales 2073 Caster's hands sprout luxuriant feathers 2074 Caster's head appears to hang loosely above his shoulders 2075 Caster's head appears translucent when backlit by firelight 2076 Caster's head deforms like a rubber ball when bludgeoned 2077 Caster's head explodes as a 20HD fireball if cut from his body 2078 Caster's head is demanded as tribute by some insane despot 2079 Caster's head is discovered to be a mechanical construct 2080 Caster's head is impervious to non-magical missile fire 2081 Caster's head is now shaped like a bell 2082 Caster's head is perfectly cylindrical until sunset tomorrow 2083 Caster's head is permanently surrounded by dense fog 2084 Caster's head is rendered permanently invisible 2085 Caster's head is sealed in a block of ice with breathing holes 2086 Caster's head is split down the middle but he is unharmed 2087 Caster's head once belonged to a great military leader 2088 Caster's head shines like a beacon visible only to orcs 2089 Caster's head turns into a pumpkin for 1d6 hours 2090 Caster's heart is mechanical and not subject to necromancy 2091 Caster's heart is widely rumored to be the Philosopher's Stone 2092 Caster's home and everything in it are invisible to him 2093 Caster's home appears to be shockingly evil to everyone but him 2094 Caster's home appears to have been abandoned for centuries 2095 Caster's home can't be entered through the front door 2096 Caster's home drops from the sky to land heavily nearby 2097 Caster's home fills with some kind of thick blue liquid 2098 Caster's home has a secret entrance accessible only to trolls 2099 Caster's home has a secret room that he's never noticed before 2100 Caster's home has served as a brothel while he's been away 2101 Caster's home has served as a cafeteria while he's been away 2102 Caster's home has served as a crematorium while he's been away 2103 Caster's home has served as a grain silo while he's been away 2104 Caster's home has served as a monastery while he's been away 2105 Caster's home has served as a mortuary while he's been away 2106 Caster's home has served as a pig sty while he's been away 2107 Caster's home has served as a prison while he's been away 2108 Caster's home has served as a public latrine while he's been away 2109 Caster's home has served as a stable while he's been away 2110 Caster's home has served as an abattoir while he's been away 2111 Caster's home has served as an armory while he's been away 2112 Caster's home has served as an unholy altar while he's been away 2113 Caster's home has served as barracks while he's been away 2114 Caster's home is a triumph of postmodern architecture 2115 Caster's home is at the center of a huge territorial squabble 2116 Caster's home is buried in compost 2117 Caster's home is destroyed by a huge magical explosion 2118 Caster's home is fireproof but water soluble 2119 Caster's home is flattened by a mysterious magical explosion 2120 Caster's home is infested with bubonic rats 2121 Caster's home is leveraged in a speculative financial scheme 2122 Caster's home is made of gingerbread 2123 Caster's home is packed completely full of manure 2124 Caster's home is packed completely full of pigs' ears 2125 Caster's home is packed completely full of salt 2126 Caster's home is packed completely full of snow 2127 Caster's home is seized through an act of Imminent Domain 2128 Caster's home is suddenly at the bottom of a deep, dark valley 2129 Caster's home is suddenly at the top of a forbidding mountain 2130 Caster's home levitates 1d10 yards in the air for that many days 2131 Caster's home resembles a large toadstool 2132 Caster's home sinks into the ground 1d10 inches per day 2133 Caster's home stands on a kobold burial mound 2134 Caster's home throbs and pulses like a gigantic heart 2135 Caster's home will cease to exist in 1d4 days 2136 Caster's image appears on every shield within 100 yards 2137 Caster's index finger is shaped like a key 2138 Caster's Intelligence is equal to his level for 2d12 hours 2139 Caster's Intelligence is reduced by 1d4 for a like number of days 2140 Caster's internal monologue becomes audible to others 2141 Caster's is unable to digest uncooked foods 2142 Caster's kidneys vanish 2143 Caster's knees can bend forward and backward with equal ease 2144 Caster's left arm appears to carry a powerful enchantment 2145 Caster's left arm appears to have been made from twine and glue 2146 Caster's left arm doubles in length 1d4 times 2147 Caster's left arm doubles in length; right arm shrinks by 50% 2148 Caster's left arm stretches to 2X the length of his body 2149 Caster's left hand and 10d10% of his arm turn to brass 2150 Caster's left hand can't be cut by any non-magical blade 2151 Caster's left hand is affected as by the spell Haste 2152 Caster's left hand is hideously warped and mangled 2153 Caster's left hand strongly resents his right hand 2154 Caster's left leg detaches and starts kicking him really hard 2155 Caster's left leg is covered by bark 2156 Caster's legs are both encased in a single thick, steel pipe 2157 Caster's legs are now exactly as long as his arms 2158 Caster's legs can't support his weight for 10d10 rounds 2159 Caster's legs double in length, and his arms shorten by 50% 2160 Caster's legs weigh as much as iron while he's wading 2161 Caster's limbs are rendered permanently invisible 2162 Caster's limbs each belong to a different species 2163 Caster's lungs are visible through his flesh and clothing 2164 Caster's lungs begin to function at 2X normal efficiency 2165 Caster's lungs begin to function at half normal efficiency 2166 Caster's lungs sound like bagpipes when he exerts himself 2167 Caster's lungs stop working for 1d10 rounds 2168 Caster's magic does not affect females for 1d4 days 2169 Caster's magic does not affect males for 1d4 days 2170 Caster's magic doesn't work if he's ankle-deep in water 2171 Caster's magic is detected by Detect Magic only 20% of the time 2172 Caster's magic is somewhat resistant to the spell Dispel Magic 2173 Caster's magic leaves a filmy residue on precious metals 2174 Caster's mass increases by a factor of 10 while he's on a boat 2175 Caster's missile-based spells seem to issue from his eyes 2176 Caster's missile-based spells seem to issue from his mouth 2177 Caster's missile-based spells seem to issue from the ground 2178 Caster's most powerful foe always knows caster's precise location 2179 Caster's motion is impeded by a strong wind that affects only him 2180 Caster's nearest ally attacks him for 1d6 rounds 2181 Caster's nearest ally is invisible to him for 1d4 days 2182 Caster's neck doubles in length 2183 Caster's neck is invisible 2184 Caster's next 1d8 attacks inflict only illusionary damage 2185 Caster's next attack causes equal damage to him and his target 2186 Caster's next attack heals its target of all damage and disease 2187 Caster's next spell affects only half of its intended targets 2188 Caster's next spell causes its target to become invisible 2189 Caster's next spell fills the air with the sound of buzzing bees 2190 Caster's next spell functions as a Disintegrate spell instead 2191 Caster's next spell functions but has an invisible effect 2192 Caster's next spell functions but knocks him unconscious 2193 Caster's next spell persists until he's injured 2194 Caster's next spell turns its target bright blue for its duration 22 2195 Caster's next Summoning calls up something he can not put down 2196 Caster's next Summoning turns him into the Summoned creature 2197 Caster's next Summoning yields 1d10 decapitated human heads 2198 Caster's next Summoning yields 1d1000 fluffy white rabbits 2199 Caster's next Summoning yields 1d4 chrome-plated ostriches 2200 Caster's next Summoning yields 1d8 tiny blue imps with white hats 2201 Caster's next Summoning yields 4d10 bushels of rotten apples 2202 Caster's next Summoning yields a 16HD Earth Elemental 2203 Caster's next Summoning yields a bucket of brine-soaked plums 2204 Caster's next Summoning yields a coil of rope one mile in length 2205 Caster's next Summoning yields a creature that attacks him 2206 Caster's next Summoning yields a creature that dies instantly 2207 Caster's next Summoning yields a horrifyingly loathsome monster 2208 Caster's next Summoning yields a mockery of the intended effect 2209 Caster's next Summoning yields a puddle of highly unstable goo 2210 Caster's next Summoning yields an ice sculpture 2211 Caster's next Summoning yields an illusion of the intended effect 2212 Caster's next Summoning yields something wildly inappropriate 2213 Caster's next Summoning yields the last thing that he expects 2214 Caster's next Summoning yields two of whatever he's Summoning 2215 Caster's nose looks like a noose 2216 Caster's nose looks like an ear 2217 Caster's nostrils are stuffed full of pimentos 2218 Caster's palms turn to stone 2219 Caster's pockets are filled with confectioner's sugar 2220 Caster's pockets are filled with glue 2221 Caster's pockets are filled with greasy candle stubs 2222 Caster's pockets are filled with live minnows 2223 Caster's pockets are filled with offal 2224 Caster's pockets are filled with stringy pasta 2225 Caster's pockets are filled with weeks-old goat cheese 2226 Caster's pockets are fireproof 2227 Caster's pockets are inaccessible for 1d6 days 2228 Caster's pockets are lined with chain mail 2229 Caster's pockets are lined with sharp, jagged teeth 2230 Caster's pockets vanish along with anything inside them 2231 Caster's presence causes all food to taste like liver 2232 Caster's presence causes birds in nearby trees to fall silent 2233 Caster's presence causes bowstrings to be abnormally elastic 2234 Caster's presence causes clockwork devices to malfunction 2235 Caster's presence causes food to be drained of all flavor 2236 Caster's presence causes holy symbols to seem unusually hot 2237 Caster's presence causes magical animals to be oddly intractable 2238 Caster's presence causes magical weapons to glow a dim red 2239 Caster's presence causes musical instruments to go out of tune 2240 Caster's presence causes people to sing wildly off-key 2241 Caster's presence causes the clanking of metal to be muted 2242 Caster's presence causes timekeeping devices to combust 2243 Caster's presence causes timekeeping devices to malfunction 2244 Caster's presence causes undead skeletons to sneeze 2245 Caster's presence causes worked stone to sweat 2246 Caster's presence induces lightheartedness in Dwarves 2247 Caster's presence makes it hard to discern the value of things 2248 Caster's principal weapon bends until the ends are touching 2249 Caster's principal weapon can indicate True North once per turn 2250 Caster's principal weapon can't be damaged by non-magical heat 2251 Caster's principal weapon can't exist on this plane for 4d8 days 2252 Caster's principal weapon can't kill anyone now within 10 miles 2253 Caster's principal weapon can't kill anyone of Elfin stock 2254 Caster's principal weapon disintegrates if it draws his blood 2255 Caster's principal weapon glows as though it's red hot 2256 Caster's principal weapon is as shiny as mirror for 1d12 months 2257 Caster's principal weapon is extremely sticky to the touch 2258 Caster's principal weapon is matte black between sunset and dawn 2259 Caster's principal weapon is older than the whole universe 2260 Caster's principal weapon is reclaimed by its former owner 2261 Caster's principal weapon is translucent like smoked glass 2262 Caster's principal weapon shrinks by 5d10+45% 2263 Caster's principal weapon sprouts luxuriant tresses 2264 Caster's reflection appears upside down 2265 Caster's reflection chants dire prophecies about him 2266 Caster's reflection commits suicide when he next sees it 2267 Caster's reflection harbors a deep and obvious resentment of him 2268 Caster's reflection is not mirror-reversed 2269 Caster's reflection shows him as battered corpse 2270 Caster's reflection shows him as he was 10 years ago 2271 Caster's reflection shows him beaten nearly to death 2272 Caster's right arm is encased in a cylinder of solid crystal 2273 Caster's right arm is just like his left arm, facing backwards 2274 Caster's right arm resembles a horse's foreleg 2275 Caster's right hand is a perfect sphere at the end of his wrist 2276 Caster's right hand struggles to grip his right elbow 2277 Caster's right leg increases in thickness by a factor of 1d4 2278 Caster's right thigh is as long as his entire left leg 2279 Caster's skin appears cracked like an old oil painting 2280 Caster's skin appears pitted like Swiss cheese 2281 Caster's skin appears to have been boiled 2282 Caster's skin appears to have been riveted to his body in sheets 2283 Caster's skin appears to have been woven of flesh-colored thread 2284 Caster's skin can't be punctured by any mammal's teeth 2285 Caster's skin is blood red for 2d4-1 days 2286 Caster's skin is completely free of moles, scars, and blemishes 2287 Caster's skin is covered by human bite-marks 2288 Caster's skin is fireproof but tarnishes quickly in sunlight 2289 Caster's skin is infused with countless tiny glass nuggets 2290 Caster's skin is permanently stained by his blood 2291 Caster's skin is plaid from now on 2292 Caster's skin is suddenly the color of his hair 2293 Caster's skin ripples like a rain-spattered pond from now on 2294 Caster's skin varies in opacity from hour to hour 2295 Caster's skull becomes intensely magnetic 2296 Caster's speech doesn't match the movement of his lips 2297 Caster's speech is clearly audible to all within 50 yards 2298 Caster's speech is utterly unintelligible for 1d4 hours 2299 Caster's speech is utterly unintelligible to him 2300 Caster's spellbook absorbs moisture like a sponge 2301 Caster's spellbook acquires a saucy and antagonistic personality 2302 Caster's spellbook and any ink within it are waterproof 2303 Caster's spellbook appears to be in a language unknown to him 2304 Caster's spellbook appears to be on fire while it's open 2305 Caster's spellbook belongs to someone else who wants it back 2306 Caster's spellbook can be folded to the size of a deck of cards 2307 Caster's spellbook can be judged by its cover 2308 Caster's spellbook can be unfolded to function as a small boat 2309 Caster's spellbook can be unfolded to function as a small tent 2310 Caster's spellbook can be unfolded to serve as a table for six 2311 Caster's spellbook can be used as an anvil but weighs as much 2312 Caster's spellbook can dispense 1d4 gallons of pure water per day 2313 Caster's spellbook can hold 100 pounds like a Bag of Holding 2314 Caster's spellbook can hold 4x the usual number of spells 2315 Caster's spellbook can only be read by females 2316 Caster's spellbook can only be read by males 2317 Caster's spellbook can only be read in near-total darkness 2318 Caster's spellbook can withstand 100 hit points of fire damage 2319 Caster's spellbook can't be harmed or altered by any mortal means 2320 Caster's spellbook contains 1d8 spells he's never seen before 2321 Caster's spellbook contains a mysterious key 2322 Caster's spellbook contains nothing but gibberish for 1d4 days 2323 Caster's spellbook contains pages and pages of court transcripts 2324 Caster's spellbook contains pages and pages of idle gossip 23 2325 Caster's spellbook contains pages and pages of inaccurate maps 2326 Caster's spellbook contains pages and pages of New Age garbage 2327 Caster's spellbook contains pages and pages of ribald limericks 2328 Caster's spellbook contains pages and pages of risquÈ woodcuts 2329 Caster's spellbook contains pages and pages of shocking profanity 2330 Caster's spellbook contains pages and pages of tasty recipes 2331 Caster's spellbook contains pages and pages of trite haikus 2332 Caster's spellbook contains pages and pages of uplifting slogans 2333 Caster's spellbook contains pages and pages of utter gibberish 2334 Caster's spellbook giggles in the presence of other books 2335 Caster's spellbook giggles loudly when its pages are turned 2336 Caster's spellbook gives faulty warnings about his impending doom 2337 Caster's spellbook glows in the dark 2338 Caster's spellbook growls ominously when anyone else touches it 2339 Caster's spellbook has 60% Magic Resistance 2340 Caster's spellbook has a handle and can be used as a shield +1 2341 Caster's spellbook has a hideous face embossed on its cover 2342 Caster's spellbook has a secret, flask-shaped compartment 2343 Caster's spellbook has a surprise ending 2344 Caster's spellbook has no clear beginning or end 2345 Caster's spellbook has straps and can be worn as a backpack 2346 Caster's spellbook induces madness in those of Lawful alignment 2347 Caster's spellbook induces nausea in anyone else who touches it 2348 Caster's spellbook induces ravenous hunger in any who read it 2349 Caster's spellbook is 30% likely to be invisible on any given day 2350 Caster's spellbook is as fragile as glass until sunset 2351 Caster's spellbook is bound in a sheathe of human skin 2352 Caster's spellbook is bound tightly shut in barbed wire 2353 Caster's spellbook is breaded and deep-fried 2354 Caster's spellbook is chrome-plated 2355 Caster's spellbook is covered in a thin shell of clay 2356 Caster's spellbook is coveted by a fire elemental 2357 Caster's spellbook is coveted by the undead 2358 Caster's spellbook is discovered to be a forgery 2359 Caster's spellbook is distributed as a mass-market paperback 2360 Caster's spellbook is drenched in goat's milk 2361 Caster's spellbook is ethereal to everyone except him 2362 Caster's spellbook is fiercely coveted by all who pass near it 2363 Caster's spellbook is filled with ways to dispose of corpses 2364 Caster's spellbook is found to be just one part of a trilogy 2365 Caster's spellbook is glazed like a doughnut 2366 Caster's spellbook is gritty like sandpaper 2367 Caster's spellbook is impervious to acid 2368 Caster's spellbook is impervious to cold 2369 Caster's spellbook is indestructible but appears to be decaying 2370 Caster's spellbook is invisible for one hour each day 2371 Caster's spellbook is invisible to everyone except magic users 2372 Caster's spellbook is invisible to him unless his hair is wet 2373 Caster's spellbook is invisible when wet 2374 Caster's spellbook is laminated 2375 Caster's spellbook is long overdue at the library 2376 Caster's spellbook is perfectly spherical for 1d12 hours 2377 Caster's spellbook is permanently water-soaked but undamaged 2378 Caster's spellbook is rewritten in a language known only to him 2379 Caster's spellbook is rewritten in a language unknown to him 2380 Caster's spellbook is riddled with holes like Swiss cheese 2381 Caster's spellbook is rumored to contain several lost spells 2382 Caster's spellbook is rumored to have been penned by heretics 2383 Caster's spellbook is sealed in a heavy wooden crate 2384 Caster's spellbook is sealed with a combination lock 2385 Caster's spellbook is sheathed in flame but doesn't burn 2386 Caster's spellbook is sought by power-crazed conjurers 2387 Caster's spellbook is stolen by someone on his way to the latrine 2388 Caster's spellbook is tightly wrapped in cellophane 2389 Caster's spellbook is transparent while closed 2390 Caster's spellbook is unintelligible for 1d100 hours 2391 Caster's spellbook is waterproof 2392 Caster's spellbook is weightless while it's open 2393 Caster's spellbook is wrapped in festive paper and ribbons 2394 Caster's spellbook is written entirely in purple crayon 2395 Caster's spellbook leaves a trail of ash wherever it's carried 2396 Caster's spellbook randomly shuffles its pages 2397 Caster's spellbook reeks as though drenched in perfume 2398 Caster's spellbook reeks indelibly of mold and mildew 2399 Caster's spellbook reeks of manure while it's open 2400 Caster's spellbook reeks of rotting, mildewed cloth 2401 Caster's spellbook seems badly scorched but is undamaged 2402 Caster's spellbook shines as bright as the sun for 4d6 hours 2403 Caster's spellbook shrinks to the size of a coin for 1d4 days 2404 Caster's spellbook sprays skunk-musk each time it's opened 2405 Caster's spellbook tastes like chicken between sunset and dawn 2406 Caster's spellbook teleports 10d20 yards straight up 2407 Caster's spellbook teleports 1d4 feet straight down 2408 Caster's spellbook tends to slam shut on his hand (1d2-1 damage) 2409 Caster's spellbook turns into a cat when he says a command word 2410 Caster's spellbook vanishes; he finds it in a nearby well 2411 Caster's spellbook vanishes; in 1d4 days he disgorges it 2412 Caster's spellbook warms a five foot radius to a comfy 70° 2413 Caster's spellbook was here just a minute ago 2414 Caster's spellbook was instrumental in the downfall of an empire 2415 Caster's spellbook was stolen from a secret monastery 2416 Caster's spellbook was stolen from a traveler from the future 2417 Caster's spellbook weighs 1d100+100 pounds 2418 Caster's spellbook weighs as much as he does 2419 Caster's spellbook will combust if he opens it before dawn 2420 Caster's spells function as though cast by someone half his level 2421 Caster's spells no longer work on some particular person nearby 2422 Caster's Strength increases by 1d6 for a like number of days 2423 Caster's Strength is halved 2424 Caster's Strength is halved until he's struck by fire-based magic 2425 Caster's Strength is rerolled hourly for the next 24 hours 2426 Caster's teeth appear shiny and black like obsidian 2427 Caster's teeth appear to drip blood for one week 2428 Caster's teeth become serrated and triangular like a shark's 2429 Caster's teeth can be broken by any physical force or object 2430 Caster's teeth can never become invisible 2431 Caster's teeth grow continuously, like a rodent's 2432 Caster's teeth shatter on contact with unrefined iron 2433 Caster's tongue is bifurcated along half of its length 2434 Caster's tongue is invisible during daylight hours 2435 Caster's tongue is removable 2436 Caster's voice becomes increasingly loud 2437 Caster's voice cracks like a teenage boy's voice 2438 Caster's voice inspires rage in dogs and wolves 2439 Caster's voice is hoarse and strained for 1d4 weeks 2440 Caster's voice issues from his right hand instead of his mouth 2441 Caster's voice makes people feel hostile and aggressive 2442 Caster's voice resonates in any gems nearby 2443 Caster's voice seems poorly matched to his age and sex 2444 Caster's voice seems to issue from 1d4 people around him 2445 Caster's voice seems to issue from his pockets 2446 Caster's voice seems to issue from some item he's now carrying 2447 Caster's voice sounds as if it's coming from a distant megaphone 2448 Caster's voice sounds as if it's coming through a metal tube 2449 Caster's voice sounds like he's 1d100 years older 2450 Caster's voice sounds like that of each person to whom he speaks 2451 Caster's voice sounds like the braying of donkeys 2452 Caster's voice sounds like the buzzing of metal bees 2453 Caster's voice sounds like the honking of geese 2454 Caster's voice sounds like the sputtering of a clogged drain 24 2455 Caster's waterskin is filled with mashed potatoes 2456 Caster's waterskin makes its contents taste brackish and foul 2457 Caster's weight increases tenfold while on a ladder 2458 Caster's weight increases tenfold while walking across ice 2459 Cooked meat is mildly poisonous to the caster 2460 Countless pine needles adhere tightly to the caster's skin 2461 Countless tiny wood chips swirl about the caster for 2d10 rounds 2462 Countless tiny worms cascade from caster's ears 2463 Crawling insects pour from caster's nostrils for 1d4 rounds 2464 Cryptic messages are embossed on the caster's chest and back 2465 Cryptic runes cover the caster's arms and hands 2466 Cryptic symbols flash constantly across caster's forehead 2467 Damage from caster's next 1d8 attacks appears 1d8 rounds later 2468 Damage inflicted upon caster can only be healed near firelight 2469 Damage inflicted upon caster is 10% likely to be just an illusion 2470 Damage inflicted upon caster is 10% likely to harm someone else 2471 Damage inflicted upon caster leaves unusually severe scars 2472 Domestic cats react to caster with astonishing ferocity 2473 Each day at noon, caster's age is reduced by 50% 2474 Each day at noon, caster's weapon heats to 2d100° 2475 Each day at sunset, caster suffers intense pain for 1d4 rounds 2476 Each day for 2d6 days, caster must reroll his attributes 2477 Each day, caster adds a cumbersome new title to his name 2478 Each day, caster attempts to prove that he's impervious to blades 2479 Each day, caster bores his allies with tales of his own heroism 2480 Each day, caster can add +1 (or +5%) to any one dice roll 2481 Each day, caster can cause one foe to miss one attack 2482 Each day, caster can detach his head for up to one hour 2483 Each day, caster can digest up to half a pound of stone 2484 Each day, caster can magically cause 1d6 people to hate him 2485 Each day, caster can roar like a dragon one time 2486 Each day, caster can see through one door as if it were glass 2487 Each day, caster can Summon 1d10 minnows up to 1d4 times 2488 Each day, caster decides to worship a different deity 2489 Each day, caster demands to be called by a different name 2490 Each day, caster displays a new phobia that disappears by sunset 2491 Each day, caster finds 1d10 human eyeballs in his pocket 2492 Each day, caster finds 1d4 gold pieces in his pocket 2493 Each day, caster finds a severed body part in his pocket 2494 Each day, caster has no idea who he is for 1d10 minutes 2495 Each day, caster increasingly obsesses about his waning lifespan 2496 Each day, caster insists on being called by a different name 2497 Each day, caster is 1% likely to be destroyed by a meteor strike 2498 Each day, caster is 5% likely to teleport to this target point 2499 Each day, caster is 10% likely to change sex until sunset 2500 Each day, caster is 40% likely to crave garlic intensely 2501 Each day, caster is 50% likely to leave no footprints 2502 Each day, caster is accosted by a man with a real estate scheme 2503 Each day, caster is attacked but not injured by a huge, ugly bird 2504 Each day, caster is immune to 1d6 hit points of damage 2505 Each day, caster loses 1d4 gold pieces 2506 Each day, caster must cast at least one spell upon himself 2507 Each day, caster must drink at least four gallons of water 2508 Each day, caster must eat a pound of tree bark, or he'll starve 2509 Each day, caster must eat at least one lighted candle 2510 Each day, caster must pluck at least one rose or be stricken mute 2511 Each day, caster must recite a new limerick, or he'll go insane 2512 Each day, caster must Save or be unable to count until sunset 2513 Each day, caster must Save or lose half of his hit points 2514 Each day, caster must Save vs Will or his home explodes 2515 Each day, caster must tell at least one outrageous lie 2516 Each day, caster recalls a new but entirely fictional past life 2517 Each day, caster reveals a new and offensive truth about himself 2518 Each day, caster sees great meaning in the first words he hears 2519 Each day, caster suffers violent withdrawal unless he uses magic 2520 Each day, caster tells the same stupid joke about gnomes 2521 Each day, caster threatens to murder someone nearby 2522 Each day, caster wakes because a small pebble hits his forehead 2523 Each day, caster wakes beneath a brine-soaked tangle of vines 2524 Each day, caster wakes beneath a layer of fine white sand 2525 Each day, caster wakes certain that he'll die before sunset 2526 Each day, caster wakes certain that the world will end by sunset 2527 Each day, caster wakes completely deaf until he drinks something 2528 Each day, caster wakes dressed in a mummy's filthy rags 2529 Each day, caster wakes exhausted as if he just ran a marathon 2530 Each day, caster wakes in a pile of dry leaves 2531 Each day, caster wakes looking as if he's been beaten with clubs 2532 Each day, caster wakes nearly out of his mind with rage 2533 Each day, caster wakes thinking that 1d100 days have passed 2534 Each day, caster wakes thinking that he's under attack 2535 Each day, caster wakes to find a loaf of warm bread on his chest 2536 Each day, caster wakes unable to see his allies for 1d4 turns 2537 Each day, caster wakes wearing a heavily powdered wig 2538 Each day, caster wakes wearing a straw hat 2539 Each day, caster wakes with a daisy sprouting from his mouth 2540 Each day, caster wakes with a gold coin in his mouth 2541 Each day, caster wakes with a hospital bracelet on his wrist 2542 Each day, caster wakes with his mouth packed full of flour 2543 Each day, caster wakes with no idea of how he got there 2544 Each day, caster wakes with several new and disturbing scars 2545 Each day, caster's face is unbearably hideous for 1d10 minutes 2546 Each day, caster's hair grows 10% longer 2547 Each day, caster's height fluctuates plus or minus 1d100% 2548 Each day, caster's height fluctuates plus or minus 1d6 inches 2549 Each day, caster's home shrinks by 1% 2550 Each day, caster's nostrils appear at a new place on his head 2551 Each day, one of caster's spells (random) has its effect reversed 2552 Each day, some part of caster's body falls off and regrows 2553 Each day, someone accuses the caster of grand theft 2554 Each day, someone accuses the caster of high treason 2555 Each day, someone accuses the caster of unwholesome practices 2556 Each day, someone accuses the caster or regicide 2557 Each day, the caster is praised for some act of amazing heroism 2558 Each hour, 1d4 small pine cones fall from the caster's ears 2559 Each morning, caster must Save or be rendered mute for that day 2560 Each morning, caster must Save or be sprayed by a skunk 2561 Each morning, caster must Save or contract a non-magical illness 2562 Each morning, caster must Save or earn the enmity of a monarch 2563 Each morning, caster must Save or he ages 1d4 days 2564 Each morning, caster must Save or he'll be arrested before sunset 2565 Each morning, caster must Save or his clothes dissolve by sunset 2566 Each night as caster sleeps, every blade he owns is sharpened 2567 Each night as caster sleeps, he's 5% likely to trigger a Burst 2568 Each night as caster sleeps, his ankles are bound by silk cord 2569 Each night as caster sleeps, his lips move as though he's talking 2570 Each of caster's big toes is now as long as the rest of his foot 2571 Each of caster's big toes is now as wide as the rest of his foot 2572 Each of caster's teeth is now a different and contrasting color 2573 Each of caster's teeth screams each time he opens his mouth 2574 Each of caster's toes is 5% likely to explode right now 2575 Eerie moans fill the air when caster touches holy water 2576 Efforts to become invisible make the caster much more visible 2577 Efforts to become invisible temporarily age the caster 1d10 years 2578 Elementals Summoned in caster's presence are 20% larger 2579 Elementals Summoned in caster's presence are at -2 to hit him 2580 Elementals Summoned in caster's presence are completely silent 2581 Elementals Summoned in caster's presence are horrible to look at 2582 Elementals Summoned in caster's presence are invisible to him 2583 Elementals Summoned in caster's presence are invulnerable to him 2584 Elementals Summoned in caster's presence are Slowed 25 2585 Elementals Summoned in caster's presence are terrified of him 2586 Elementals Summoned in caster's presence assume comical forms 2587 Elementals Summoned in caster's presence attack him outright 2588 Elementals Summoned in caster's presence attack their summoner 2589 Elementals Summoned in caster's presence can't be controlled 2590 Elementals Summoned in caster's presence crave decaying meat 2591 Elementals Summoned in caster's presence explode instantly 2592 Elementals Summoned in caster's presence flee the area at once 2593 Elementals Summoned in caster's presence look familiar to him 2594 Elementals Summoned in caster's presence mock him endlessly 2595 Elementals Summoned in caster's presence seem far more fierce 2596 Elementals Summoned in caster's presence totally ignore him 2597 Elementals Summoned in caster's presence vaguely resemble him 2598 Elementals Summoned in caster's presence weep until dismissed 2599 Elementals Summoned in caster's presence will not attack him 2600 Embarrassing rumors about the caster circulate far and wide 2601 Embarrassing sounds issue from the caster at inopportune times 2602 Even in darkness, caster is visible as though in full daylight 2603 Every third tooth falls from caster's mouth 2604 Everyone knows the caster's most embarrassing secret 2605 Everyone now harboring ill will toward caster forgets who he is 2606 Everyone now harboring ill will toward caster knows where he is 2607 Everyone thinks that the caster is using a false name 2608 Everyone thinks that the caster's use of magic is reckless 2609 Everyone thinks the caster to be vaguely unreliable 2610 Everyone who knows the caster suspects that he's really undead 2611 Everyone who knows the caster thinks that he owes them money 2612 Everyone within 100 miles hates the caster until at least sunset 2613 Everyone within 100 miles knows that the caster is a magic user 2614 Everyone within one mile appears as a skeleton to the caster 2615 Everything caster eats for 1d12 months tastes strongly of blood 2616 Fine gold wire is visibly threaded through the caster's flesh 2617 Fire-based magic is invisible to the caster 2618 Fires can't be sustained within three feet of caster's spellbook 2619 Flames shoot from caster's ears at least once per hour until dawn 2620 Foliage grows to entangle caster's feet if he stands still 2621 Food turns ethereal while the caster touches it 2622 For 1d4 days, caster can neutralize poisons by touch 2623 For 1d4 days, caster is certain that his saliva is poisonous 2624 For 1d4 rounds, caster's left foot is fused to the ground 2625 For 1d4 rounds, normal water can burn the caster like strong acid 2626 For 1d4 weeks, caster's eyelids glow brightly in the dark 2627 For 1d4 weeks, caster's nose hovers 1d4 inches before his face 2628 For 2d4-1 horrible days, caster works in a huge corporate office 2629 For 3d10 days caster is immune to magic cast by one person 2630 For 6d10 rounds, caster is the only person on the entire planet 2631 For one day, caster is so monstrously ugly that people attack him 2632 For one day, caster knows the location of all gold within 5 miles 2633 For several days, caster strongly resembles a drowned corpse 2634 Foul-smelling steam issues from the caster's nostrils 2635 Half of caster's body is as hairy as an ape 2636 Half of caster's body is immune to polymorph magic 2637 Half of caster's hair is replaced by very fine silver wire 2638 Holy symbols inspire dread in the caster 2639 Holy water boils on contact with caster's skin 2640 Honey flows through caster's veins instead of blood 2641 Horrific screams issue from the caster's spellbook 2642 Huge volumes of ectoplasm ooze from the caster's nostrils 2643 Icy winds buffet the caster for 2d8-1 days 2644 If alive, caster is totally healed in each of the next 1d6 hours 2645 If asked for identification, caster offers a funny self-portrait 2646 If caster attempts a Summoning, he vanishes for its duration 2647 If caster attempts to create or control undead, they attack him 2648 If caster casts a spell in the next turn, he thinks he's drowning 2649 If caster casts a spell in the next turn, his clothing vanishes 2650 If caster comes within one mile of a dragon, his hair falls out 2651 If caster comes within one mile of an ocean, he begins to drown 2652 If caster damages a statue, he suffers an equivalent injury 2653 If caster dies and is resurrected, he's 85% likely to change sex 2654 If caster draws a weapon before sunset, he goes berserk 2655 If caster draws a weapon before sunset, that weapon vanishes 2656 If caster falls more than twenty yards, he teleports to this spot 2657 If caster has a beard, it vanishes; if he doesn't, he grows one 2658 If caster has a missile weapon, he's attacked by small animals 2659 If caster has drawn blood recently, he vanishes until sunrise 2660 If caster has eaten in the past hour, he falls unconscious 2661 If caster has eaten in the past hour, he loses 2d10 hit points 2662 If caster has eaten in the past hour, he never has to eat again 2663 If caster has eaten in the past hour, he vanishes until lunchtime 2664 If caster has eaten meat in the past hour, it was human flesh 2665 If caster has eaten meat in the past hour, it wasn't really meat 2666 If caster has ever been resurrected, he loses 1d100 hit points 2667 If caster has ever been resurrected, he now gains one level 2668 If caster has ever been resurrected, he now loses one level 2669 If caster has ever been resurrected, he teleports to that spot 2670 If caster has slain anyone in cold blood, he's wracked by remorse 2671 If caster has slain anyone in cold blood, that person haunts him 2672 If caster ingests poison, he becomes powerfully addicted to it 2673 If caster ingests poison, he briefly gains 1d4 points of Wisdom 2674 If caster ingests poison, he can't be harmed by fire for 1d4 days 2675 If caster ingests poison, he combusts in 1d6 turns 2676 If caster ingests poison, he develops an intense, unusual phobia 2677 If caster ingests poison, he develops hundreds of ugly blisters 2678 If caster ingests poison, he forgets his name and how to speak 2679 If caster ingests poison, he hallucinates wildly for 2d20 hours 2680 If caster ingests poison, he is instantly aware of it 2681 If caster ingests poison, he smells like carrion for 1d4 weeks 2682 If caster ingests poison, he tries to cut it out of his body 2683 If caster ingests poison, he's 20% likely to change sex 2684 If caster ingests poison, his age is reduced by 1d20 years 2685 If caster ingests poison, his blood is corrosive to metal 2686 If caster ingests poison, his body shrinks by 1d100% 2687 If caster ingests poison, his fingers vanish 2688 If caster ingests poison, his teeth fall out 2689 If caster ingests poison, its onset is delayed by 1d4 days 2690 If caster ingests poison, non-magical antidotes are toxic to him 2691 If caster ingests poison, someone nearby also suffers its effect 2692 If caster is carrying a dagger, it grows as large as a greatsword 2693 If caster is carrying a pouch, he attempts to climb into it 2694 If caster is carrying a pouch, he likes to wear it as a hat 2695 If caster is carrying a pouch, he uses it as a hand-puppet 2696 If caster is carrying a weapon, it attempts to strike him 2697 If caster is carrying a weapon, it turns into an umbrella 2698 If caster is carrying any blades, he throws them in a nearby lake 2699 If caster is carrying any blades, they're now incredibly sharp 2700 If caster is carrying any bread, it animates and attacks him 2701 If caster is carrying any coins, each weighs as much as he does 2702 If caster is carrying any coins, he develops an allergy to gold 2703 If caster is carrying any keys, they're all suddenly identical 2704 If caster is carrying any kind of key, it explodes violently 2705 If caster is carrying any metal, he can't cast magic until dawn 2706 If caster is carrying any metal, he thinks that he's rusting 2707 If caster is carrying any wood, he tries to eat it like a termite 2708 If caster is carrying any wood, he's attacked by termites 2709 If caster is carrying food, he becomes violently ill for an hour 2710 If caster is carrying food, he eats all of it as fast as he can 2711 If caster is carrying food, he's attacked by hungry hungry hippos 2712 If caster is carrying food, it's 4X as nutritious as normal food 2713 If caster is carrying his spellbook, he teleports 2d4 miles 2714 If caster is carrying his spellbook, he teleports to his home 26 2715 If caster is carrying his spellbook, he's illiterate for one week 2716 If caster is carrying his spellbook, he's reluctant to open it 2717 If caster is carrying his spellbook, it teleports to his home 2718 If caster is carrying his spellbook, it vanishes until dawn 2719 If caster is hit by a bludgeon, his head resembles a watermelon 2720 If caster is hit by a bludgeon, his head rings like a bronze gong 2721 If caster is now at full hit points, he vanishes for 1d12 hours 2722 If caster is now bleeding, he ages 10d10 years 2723 If caster is now bleeding, he attacks his nearest ally 2724 If caster is now bleeding, he can never use invisibility magic 2725 If caster is now bleeding, he can't be healed before midnight 2726 If caster is now bleeding, he can't use magic for 1d4 days 2727 If caster is now bleeding, he can't use magic for 2d12 hours 2728 If caster is now bleeding, he changes sex for 1d6 days 2729 If caster is now bleeding, he declares war on an imagined enemy 2730 If caster is now bleeding, he flees at top speed in a panic 2731 If caster is now bleeding, he gains 10,000 Experience Points 2732 If caster is now bleeding, he gains one level 2733 If caster is now bleeding, he loses another 4d10 hit points 2734 If caster is now bleeding, he races to the nearest coastline 2735 If caster is now bleeding, he teleports to his home 2736 If caster is now bleeding, he thinks that he's somebody else 2737 If caster is now bleeding, he's attacked by a shark 2738 If caster is now bleeding, he's forever immune to healing magic 2739 If caster is now bleeding, he's immune to fire magic until sunset 2740 If caster is now bleeding, he's permanently invisible to goblins 2741 If caster is now bleeding, he's reduced to just one hit point 2742 If caster is now bleeding, he's restored to full Health 2743 If caster is now bleeding, he's stricken mute until he's healed 2744 If caster is now bleeding, his blood glows in the dark 2745 If caster is now bleeding, his blood is flammable for 2d12 hours 2746 If caster is now bleeding, his hair grows 8d12 inches 2747 If caster is now bleeding, his weapon is +4 ToHit for 2d12 hours 2748 If caster is now bleeding, his weapons vanish until dawn 2749 If caster is now bleeding, is base AC is zero for 1d10 hours 2750 If caster is now carrying a waterskin, it can hold 10d10 gallons 2751 If caster is now carrying a waterskin, it turns into bagpipes 2752 If caster is slain by a metal weapon, he can't be resurrected 2753 If caster is slain by a metal weapon, he'll rises as a zombie 2754 If caster is slain, he awakens the next day fully healed (once) 2755 If caster is slain, his killer is 20% likely to take his own life 2756 If caster is slain, his killer is universally hailed as a hero 2757 If caster is slain, his killer receives 100,000 gold pieces 2758 If caster is standing near open flame, he tries to extinguish it 2759 If caster is standing near open flame, he tries to ignite himself 2760 If caster is struck by an axe, he disgorges a pound of sawdust 2761 If caster is struck by an axe, he yells "timber" and falls over 2762 If caster is usually shy, he becomes very assertive, & vice versa 2763 If caster is wearing a magic ring, brackish slime oozes from it 2764 If caster is wearing a magic ring, everyone one nearby hates him 2765 If caster is wearing a magic ring, he acquires a new language 2766 If caster is wearing a magic ring, he acquires an unusual phobia 2767 If caster is wearing a magic ring, he ages 1d100 years until dawn 2768 If caster is wearing a magic ring, he ages one year per round 2769 If caster is wearing a magic ring, he becomes loudly belligerent 2770 If caster is wearing a magic ring, he becomes nocturnal 2771 If caster is wearing a magic ring, he can breathe underwater 2772 If caster is wearing a magic ring, he can't be harmed by ice 2773 If caster is wearing a magic ring, he can't Detect Magic 2774 If caster is wearing a magic ring, he can't discern True North 2775 If caster is wearing a magic ring, he can't eat while wearing it 2776 If caster is wearing a magic ring, he can't leave this spot 2777 If caster is wearing a magic ring, he can't remove it by himself 2778 If caster is wearing a magic ring, he can't sit until sunrise 2779 If caster is wearing a magic ring, he can't sleep for 2d10 days 2780 If caster is wearing a magic ring, he can't speak above a whisper 2781 If caster is wearing a magic ring, he can't use it for 1d4 days 2782 If caster is wearing a magic ring, he can't wear any other rings 2783 If caster is wearing a magic ring, he claims to be an impostor 2784 If caster is wearing a magic ring, he claims to be enslaved to it 2785 If caster is wearing a magic ring, he claims to be indestructible 2786 If caster is wearing a magic ring, he claims to despise it 2787 If caster is wearing a magic ring, he claims to have created it 2788 If caster is wearing a magic ring, he claims to have stolen it 2789 If caster is wearing a magic ring, he decides that he's a god 2790 If caster is wearing a magic ring, he disgorges a large bell 2791 If caster is wearing a magic ring, he disgorges one just like it 2792 If caster is wearing a magic ring, he feels 1d100° colder 2793 If caster is wearing a magic ring, he finds an enormous diamond 2794 If caster is wearing a magic ring, he finds another just like it 2795 If caster is wearing a magic ring, he forgets how to use it 2796 If caster is wearing a magic ring, he founds a bizarre cult 2797 If caster is wearing a magic ring, he goes insane for 1d4 days 2798 If caster is wearing a magic ring, he grows suspicious of Elves 2799 If caster is wearing a magic ring, he hasn't eaten in weeks 2800 If caster is wearing a magic ring, he hates to use it indoors 2801 If caster is wearing a magic ring, he hates to use it outdoors 2802 If caster is wearing a magic ring, he joins a bizarre cult 2803 If caster is wearing a magic ring, he misplaces it 2804 If caster is wearing a magic ring, he refuses to speak to Dwarves 2805 If caster is wearing a magic ring, he regains 2d6 hit points 2806 If caster is wearing a magic ring, he rings like a bell 2807 If caster is wearing a magic ring, he shrinks by 50% until dawn 2808 If caster is wearing a magic ring, he suffers cannibalistic urges 2809 If caster is wearing a magic ring, he suspects that it's a fake 2810 If caster is wearing a magic ring, he thinks his allies covet it 2811 If caster is wearing a magic ring, he thinks it's consuming him 2812 If caster is wearing a magic ring, he thinks it's controlling him 2813 If caster is wearing a magic ring, he thinks that it's on fire 2814 If caster is wearing a magic ring, he throws it 4d6 feet from him 2815 If caster is wearing a magic ring, he tries to destroy it 2816 If caster is wearing a magic ring, he tries to sever that finger 2817 If caster is wearing a magic ring, he uses it whenever possible 2818 If caster is wearing a magic ring, he wants to swallow it 2819 If caster is wearing a magic ring, he weeps tears of honey 2820 If caster is wearing a magic ring, he'll die if he removes it 2821 If caster is wearing a magic ring, he's accused of sedition 2822 If caster is wearing a magic ring, he's allergic to it 2823 If caster is wearing a magic ring, he's attacked by crows 2824 If caster is wearing a magic ring, he's attacked by scarabs 2825 If caster is wearing a magic ring, he's blind until he removes it 2826 If caster is wearing a magic ring, he's declared guilty of heresy 2827 If caster is wearing a magic ring, he's eager to behead himself 2828 If caster is wearing a magic ring, he's imprisoned far away 2829 If caster is wearing a magic ring, he's known to have stolen it 2830 If caster is wearing a magic ring, he's placed under arrest 2831 If caster is wearing a magic ring, he's related to the king 2832 If caster is wearing a magic ring, he's reluctant to use it 2833 If caster is wearing a magic ring, he's struck by lightning 2834 If caster is wearing a magic ring, he's swarmed by vermin 2835 If caster is wearing a magic ring, he's terrified of its power 2836 If caster is wearing a magic ring, he's wearing a copy in his nose 2837 If caster is wearing a magic ring, his Charisma is 3 until dawn 2838 If caster is wearing a magic ring, his Charisma is 18 until dawn 2839 If caster is wearing a magic ring, his clothes turn invisible 2840 If caster is wearing a magic ring, his clothes turn to lead 2841 If caster is wearing a magic ring, his ears and nose fall off 2842 If caster is wearing a magic ring, his eyes turn invisible 2843 If caster is wearing a magic ring, his fingernails grow 1d4 feet 2844 If caster is wearing a magic ring, his hands look like a corpse's 27 2845 If caster is wearing a magic ring, his hands switch wrists 2846 If caster is wearing a magic ring, his head turns invisible 2847 If caster is wearing a magic ring, his teeth turn to gold 2848 If caster is wearing a magic ring, holy water burns his skin 2849 If caster is wearing a magic ring, it acquires an odd new ability 2850 If caster is wearing a magic ring, it becomes clear like glass 2851 If caster is wearing a magic ring, it becomes part of his body 2852 If caster is wearing a magic ring, it can't cross moving water 2853 If caster is wearing a magic ring, it can't pass through doorways 2854 If caster is wearing a magic ring, it derides his magical prowess 2855 If caster is wearing a magic ring, it disintegrates upon removal 2856 If caster is wearing a magic ring, it explodes upon removal 2857 If caster is wearing a magic ring, it has 2X as many charges 2858 If caster is wearing a magic ring, it heats to 1,000° 2859 If caster is wearing a magic ring, it shines like the sun 2860 If caster is wearing a magic ring, it shrinks by 50% 2861 If caster is wearing a magic ring, it sprouts dozens of needles 2862 If caster is wearing a magic ring, it turns permanently invisible 2863 If caster is wearing a magic ring, it turns to lead 2864 If caster is wearing a magic ring, it weighs more than he does 2865 If caster is wearing a magic ring, it works only 75% of the time 2866 If caster is wearing a magic ring, it's as brittle as glass 2867 If caster is wearing a magic ring, it's on someone else's finger 2868 If caster is wearing a magic ring, it's suddenly in his stomach 2869 If caster is wearing a magic ring, its effect is reversed 2870 If caster is wearing a magic ring, its main function is altered 2871 If caster is wearing a magic ring, no one takes him seriously 2872 If caster is wearing a magic ring, smoke pours from his nostrils 2873 If caster is wearing a magic ring, that finger doubles in length 2874 If caster is wearing a magic ring, that finger turns into a thumb 2875 If caster is wearing a magic ring, that finger turns invisible 2876 If caster is wearing a magic ring, that hand ages 1d100 years 2877 If caster is wearing a magic ring, that hand attacks the other 2878 If caster is wearing a magic ring, that hand becomes gangrenous 2879 If caster is wearing a magic ring, that hand doubles in size 2880 If caster is wearing a magic ring, that hand has Dexterity 18 2881 If caster is wearing a magic ring, that hand has Strength 18/00 2882 If caster is wearing a magic ring, that hand is burned to a crisp 2883 If caster is wearing a magic ring, that hand is gnarled like wood 2884 If caster is wearing a magic ring, that hand is stricken numb 2885 If caster is wearing a magic ring, that hand looks like a claw 2886 If caster is wearing a magic ring, that hand looks like bare bone 2887 If caster is wearing a magic ring, that hand sprouts feathers 2888 If caster is wearing a magic ring, that hand turns into a foot 2889 If caster is wearing a magic ring, that hand turns to gold 2890 If caster is wearing a magic ring, that hand turns to stone 2891 If caster is wearing a magic ring, that hand's thumb vanishes 2892 If caster is wearing a magic ring, the bones in that hand vanish 2893 If caster is wearing a magic ring, water is poisonous to him 2894 If caster is wearing any armor, he attacks someone nearby 2895 If caster is wearing any armor, he removes it as fast as possible 2896 If caster is wearing any armor, he teleports to his home 2897 If caster is wearing any armor, it teleports to his home 2898 If caster is wearing any leather, he moos like a cow until sunset 2899 If caster is wearing any leather, he reeks of manure until sunset 2900 If caster is wearing gloves, he can't remove them 2901 If caster is wearing gloves, he requires no sleep for 1d4 weeks 2902 If caster is wearing gloves, they turn into fluffy wool mittens 2903 If caster is wearing gloves, they turn into rigid steel 2904 If caster kills anyone in the next turn, he also perishes 2905 If caster kills anyone in the next turn, he's declared a hero 2906 If caster rides a horse in the next 24 hours, it tries to eat him 2907 If caster sleeps in his boots, he can never again remove them 2908 If caster sleeps in his boots, they begin devouring him tonight 2909 If caster stands on a riverbank, he's attacked by crustaceans 2910 If caster stands on a riverbank, the bank crumbles beneath him 2911 If caster swallows a hot coal, he's 5% likely to turn to diamond 2912 If caster swallows a hot coal, it's 10% likely to turn to diamond 2913 If caster tells a lie, he giggles 2914 If caster tells a lie, he's 40% likely to declare it outright 2915 If caster uses Detect Magic, he loses 1d6 hit points 2916 If caster uses Detect Magic, he's blinded for 1d10 rounds 2917 If caster's carrying a dagger, he throws it at someone nearby 2918 If caster's carrying a dagger, he tries to stab himself with it 2919 If cut open, caster is found to be a mechanical construct 2920 If cut open, caster is found to be completely hollow 2921 If cut open, caster is found to be filled with gold coins 2922 If cut open, caster is found to be filled with thick red foam 2923 If cut open, caster is found to be made of soap 2924 If cut open, caster is found to be packed with gunpowder 2925 If cut open, caster is found to be stuffed with goose down 2926 If cut open, caster is found to be teeming with filthy worms 2927 If cut open, caster is found to contain 1d1000 feet of intestine 2928 If cut open, caster is found to contain countless glass beads 2929 If cut open, caster is found to contain only mildewed straw 2930 If cut open, caster is found to contain thousands of bees 2931 If cut open, caster is found to contain tiny replicas of himself 2932 If cut open, caster is found to house paper-wrapped candies 2933 If hit by a bludgeon on a natural 20, caster abandons magic use 2934 If hit by a bludgeon on a natural 20, caster ages 1d100 years 2935 If hit by a bludgeon on a natural 20, caster becomes a werewolf 2936 If hit by a bludgeon on a natural 20, caster becomes undead 2937 If hit by a bludgeon on a natural 20, caster bursts into flame 2938 If hit by a bludgeon on a natural 20, caster causes a Chaos Burst 2939 If hit by a bludgeon on a natural 20, caster changes sex 2940 If hit by a bludgeon on a natural 20, caster doubles in height 2941 If hit by a bludgeon on a natural 20, caster falls 1d100 feet 2942 If hit by a bludgeon on a natural 20, caster finds a magical ring 2943 If hit by a bludgeon on a natural 20, caster gains a new language 2944 If hit by a bludgeon on a natural 20, caster gains one level 2945 If hit by a bludgeon on a natural 20, caster gets hopelessly lost 2946 If hit by a bludgeon on a natural 20, caster goes berserk 2947 If hit by a bludgeon on a natural 20, caster grows 1d4 extra arms 2948 If hit by a bludgeon on a natural 20, caster grows another head 2949 If hit by a bludgeon on a natural 20, caster has a divine vision 2950 If hit by a bludgeon on a natural 20, caster hears ghostly voices 2951 If hit by a bludgeon on a natural 20, caster is badly sunburned 2952 If hit by a bludgeon on a natural 20, caster is blind until dawn 2953 If hit by a bludgeon on a natural 20, caster is briefly paralyzed 2954 If hit by a bludgeon on a natural 20, caster is cloned 2955 If hit by a bludgeon on a natural 20, caster is completely healed 2956 If hit by a bludgeon on a natural 20, caster is named a heretic 2957 If hit by a bludgeon on a natural 20, caster is paralyzed by fear 2958 If hit by a bludgeon on a natural 20, caster is thrown 1d100 feet 2959 If hit by a bludgeon on a natural 20, caster loses 1d8 teeth 2960 If hit by a bludgeon on a natural 20, caster loses all fear 2961 If hit by a bludgeon on a natural 20, caster loses all inhibition 2962 If hit by a bludgeon on a natural 20, caster loses his spellbook 2963 If hit by a bludgeon on a natural 20, caster loses one level 2964 If hit by a bludgeon on a natural 20, caster no longer needs food 2965 If hit by a bludgeon on a natural 20, caster returns to this spot 2966 If hit by a bludgeon on a natural 20, caster shatters like glass 2967 If hit by a bludgeon on a natural 20, caster suffers no damage 2968 If hit by a bludgeon on a natural 20, caster teleports 2d6 miles 2969 If hit by a bludgeon on a natural 20, caster wins 500 gold pieces 2970 If hit by a bludgeon on a natural 20, caster's head explodes 2971 If hit by a bludgeon on a natural 20, caster's Strength is halved 2972 If hit by a bludgeon on a natural 20, caster's teeth turn to gold 2973 If slain before sunset, caster dissolves into a putrid slush 2974 Illusions cast by caster make him 2X as heavy for their duration 28 2975 In matters of barter, caster offers his spellbook first 2976 In the next few days, caster unearths a statue of himself 2977 Iridescent plumage sprouts from caster's shoulder blades 2978 Lightning flashes about the caster's head during battle 2979 Lightning is 3% likely to strike the caster on any given day 2980 Luxuriant, leafy foliage sprouts from the caster's head 2981 Magic items are 10% likely to fail when caster uses them 2982 Magic items use charges at 50% normal rate if caster uses them 2983 Magical animals seem to mock the caster while he's not looking 2984 Magical armor bonuses are 50% likely to fail for the caster 2985 Magical armor bonuses no longer work at all for the caster 2986 Magical blades that hit the caster apply no magical damage bonus 2987 Magical creatures and fantastical animals are invisible to caster 2988 Magical creatures ignore and are impervious to the caster 2989 Merchants charge the caster 2X as much for their wares 2990 Merchants readily identify the caster as a notorious thief 2991 Merchants readily identify the caster as a trustworthy customer 2992 Meteoritic iron is powerfully toxic to the caster 2993 Mocking, spectral voices taunt the caster incessantly 2994 Money paid by caster appears to be obviously counterfeit 2995 Money paid by caster rapidly depreciates in value 2996 Mysterious runes are visible on the caster's skin in moonlight 2997 Nearest angry mob identifies caster as its leader 2998 Nearest angry mob identifies caster as the cause of its outrage 2999 Nearest ant colony begins worshipping the caster as its god 3000 Nearest colony of bees identifies the caster as an enemy 3001 Nearest colony of bees identifies the caster as its queen 3002 Nearest dragon has a vendetta against the caster 3003 Nearest dragon urgently desires an audience with the caster 3004 Nearest horse has been plotting against the caster for years 3005 Nearest horse is ravenously hungry for the caster's flesh 3006 Nearest statue animates and begins stalking the caster 3007 Nearest tree falls on caster but doesn't make a sound 3008 Nearest tree falls on caster, pinning him but not harming him 3009 Nearest wizard decides that the caster owes him a favor 3010 Nearest wizard thinks that the caster is plotting against him 3011 Next 1d4 attacks on caster automatically inflict maximum damage 3012 Next 1d4 attacks on caster automatically inflict minimum damage 3013 Next 1d4 attacks on caster automatically leave hideous scars 3014 Next 1d4 attacks on caster equally affect the attackers 3015 Next attack on caster causes him to hallucinate for 1d4 hours 3016 Next attack on caster has a +10 ToHit bonus 3017 Next attack on caster kills him, but he resurrects at dawn 3018 Next attack on caster literally knocks the smile off of his face 3019 Next blade to cut the caster vanishes until that wound is healed 3020 Next blade to cut the caster will never rust or go dull 3021 Next bridge that caster crosses turns to chocolate 3022 Next creature slain by caster infects him with a strange disease 3023 Next creature slain by caster is avenged by 10d10 kobolds 3024 Next creature slain by caster is consumed by flames in 1d8 rounds 3025 Next creature slain by caster is resurrected in 1d10 turns 3026 Next creature slain by caster places a Geas on him as it dies 3027 Next creature slain by caster pursues him as a vengeful undead 3028 Next door opened by caster becomes sentient and animated 3029 Next door opened by caster can never be closed again 3030 Next door opened by caster can never be opened by him again 3031 Next door opened by caster causes a pit to open beneath his feet 3032 Next door opened by caster causes all of his spells to discharge 3033 Next door opened by caster dispels any magic then affecting him 3034 Next door opened by caster explodes as a 1d10HD fireball 3035 Next door opened by caster explodes in a swarm of searing embers 3036 Next door opened by caster falls on him heavily 3037 Next door opened by caster floods the room on the opposite side 3038 Next door opened by caster gives him a useful bit of information 3039 Next door opened by caster hurls him out of the nearest window 3040 Next door opened by caster ignites the room on the opposite side 3041 Next door opened by caster is thereafter as clear as glass 3042 Next door opened by caster knocks him unconscious 3043 Next door opened by caster leads directly out of the universe 3044 Next door opened by caster leads to a confessional booth 3045 Next door opened by caster leads to a courtyard with no doors 3046 Next door opened by caster leads to a distant crypt 3047 Next door opened by caster leads to a distant mountaintop 3048 Next door opened by caster leads to a distant ship on the ocean 3049 Next door opened by caster leads to a dragon's nest 3050 Next door opened by caster leads to a dragon's treasure horde 3051 Next door opened by caster leads to a fabulous ballroom 3052 Next door opened by caster leads to a featureless desert 3053 Next door opened by caster leads to a filthy and fetid stable 3054 Next door opened by caster leads to a hidden oubliette 3055 Next door opened by caster leads to a huge monster's stomach 3056 Next door opened by caster leads to a long-forgotten vault 3057 Next door opened by caster leads to a magical armory 3058 Next door opened by caster leads to a meat locker 3059 Next door opened by caster leads to a modern bathroom 3060 Next door opened by caster leads to a mysterious control room 3061 Next door opened by caster leads to a room full of hourglasses 3062 Next door opened by caster leads to a sacrificial altar 3063 Next door opened by caster leads to a terrible misunderstanding 3064 Next door opened by caster leads to a treasury of fabulous wealth 3065 Next door opened by caster leads to a vast cornfield 3066 Next door opened by caster leads to a vast magical library 3067 Next door opened by caster leads to a vast, snow-swept plain 3068 Next door opened by caster leads to a vault deep in a coal mine 3069 Next door opened by caster leads to a warehouse full of candy 3070 Next door opened by caster leads to all manner of confusion 3071 Next door opened by caster leads to an enormous wine cellar 3072 Next door opened by caster leads to an overflowing sewer 3073 Next door opened by caster leads to another plane of existence 3074 Next door opened by caster leads to deep within a blazing forest 3075 Next door opened by caster leads to goblin barracks 3076 Next door opened by caster leads to his home 3077 Next door opened by caster leads to interstellar space 3078 Next door opened by caster leads to the basement of a brothel 3079 Next door opened by caster leads to the bottom of the sea 3080 Next door opened by caster leads to the center of a labyrinth 3081 Next door opened by caster leads to the center of the universe 3082 Next door opened by caster leads to the king's linen closet 3083 Next door opened by caster leads to the last door he opened 3084 Next door opened by caster leads to the middle of a battlefield 3085 Next door opened by caster leads to the mind of a famous actor 3086 Next door opened by caster leads to the queen's bedchamber 3087 Next door opened by caster leads to the roof of that building 3088 Next door opened by caster leads to the room that he just left 3089 Next door opened by caster leads to the royal treasury 3090 Next door opened by caster leads to the top of a distant volcano 3091 Next door opened by caster leads to this location 3092 Next door opened by caster leads to tomorrow but not back 3093 Next door opened by caster leads to war between 1d4 nations 3094 Next door opened by caster locks shut behind him 3095 Next door opened by caster opens upon a sanity-damaging vista 3096 Next door opened by caster plunges that room into total darkness 3097 Next door opened by caster releases a cloud of choking smoke 3098 Next door opened by caster restores him to full hit points 3099 Next door opened by caster reveals a caterpillar smoking a hookah 3100 Next door opened by caster reveals a scene of horrid debauchery 3101 Next door opened by caster reveals an unutterably foul monster 3102 Next door opened by caster reveals Death on the opposite side 3103 Next door opened by caster triggers a Chaos Burst 3104 Next door opened by caster turns into a vault door of heavy steel 29 3105 Next enemy to wound caster also Charms him 3106 Next enemy to wound caster begins to resemble him 3107 Next enemy to wound caster can't harm him for 1d4 days thereafter 3108 Next enemy to wound caster disarms himself and runs away 3109 Next enemy to wound caster gains one level or hit die 3110 Next enemy to wound caster heroically defends him for 1d4 turns 3111 Next enemy to wound caster is attacked by vermin 3112 Next enemy to wound caster is healed of any current damage 3113 Next enemy to wound caster is heavily smeared with bacon grease 3114 Next enemy to wound caster is himself restored to full hit points 3115 Next enemy to wound caster is teleported to caster's home 3116 Next enemy to wound caster is teleported to his own home 3117 Next enemy to wound caster is thrown 4d6 hours into the future 3118 Next enemy to wound caster sinks into the ground to his knees 3119 Next enemy to wound caster suffers an equivalent injury 3120 Next enemy to wound caster then attacks his own allies 3121 Next enemy wounded by caster becomes an ally for 1d6 rounds 3122 Next enemy wounded by caster becomes ethereal for 4d6 hours 3123 Next enemy wounded by caster becomes immune to fire 3124 Next enemy wounded by caster becomes invisible to caster 3125 Next enemy wounded by caster becomes king 3126 Next enemy wounded by caster begins to age one year per round 3127 Next enemy wounded by caster can no longer see the caster 3128 Next enemy wounded by caster contracts some magical disease 3129 Next enemy wounded by caster erupts into a cloud of angry wasps 3130 Next enemy wounded by caster is attacked by feral cats 3131 Next enemy wounded by caster is Healed 3132 Next enemy wounded by caster is immune to magic for 2d4 rounds 3133 Next enemy wounded by caster is invisible to him, and vice versa 3134 Next enemy wounded by caster is suddenly fabulously wealthy 3135 Next enemy wounded by caster loses an additional 1d100 hit points 3136 Next enemy wounded by caster must Save or change alignment 3137 Next enemy wounded by caster must Save or Disintegrate 3138 Next enemy wounded by caster teleports 1d100 miles 3139 Next enemy wounded by caster teleports to a safe location nearby 3140 Next enemy wounded by caster teleports to caster's home 3141 Next enemy wounded by caster turns into a two-headed dragon 3142 Next enemy wounded by caster turns to stone over 1d10 rounds 3143 Next enemy wounded by caster was never born 3144 Next enemy wounded by caster will resurrect 24 hours after death 3145 Next horse ridden by caster acquires lycanthropy 3146 Next horse ridden by caster develops an intense hatred of humans 3147 Next horse ridden by caster gains Intelligence equal to his own 3148 Next horse ridden by caster is blasted to ashes beneath him 3149 Next horse ridden by caster is reconfigured into humanoid shape 3150 Next horse ridden by caster runs to the nearest pit and jumps in 3151 Next horse ridden by caster sprouts another head facing backwards 3152 Next horse ridden by caster sprouts horns like a bull 3153 Next horse ridden by caster sprouts two additional pairs of legs 3154 Next horse ridden by caster turns hollow and made of wood 3155 Next horse ridden by caster turns into a cow 3156 Next lycanthrope to attack caster is cured of lycanthropy 3157 Next meal prepared by caster can't be digested by mortals 3158 Next meal prepared by caster dissolves into a stinking mush 3159 Next meal prepared by caster functions as a potion of healing 3160 Next meal prepared by caster harms the sanity of any who eat it 3161 Next meal prepared by caster has strong anesthetic properties 3162 Next meal prepared by caster induces hallucinations in Dwarves 3163 Next meal prepared by caster induces insanity for 1d4 hours 3164 Next meal prepared by caster induces megalomania in Halflings 3165 Next meal prepared by caster induces pyromania in Elves 3166 Next meal prepared by caster induces raving paranoia in humans 3167 Next meal prepared by caster induces uncontrollable debauchery 3168 Next meal prepared by caster induces xenophobia in Gnomes 3169 Next meal prepared by caster is lethally toxic to him 3170 Next meal prepared by caster is the best meal in all of history 3171 Next meal prepared by caster is unpalatable in sunlight 3172 Next meal prepared by caster shines as brightly as the sun 3173 Next meal prepared by caster tastes strongly of manure 3174 Next meal prepared by caster tastes strongly of soap 3175 Next missile shot at caster passes in one ear and out the other 3176 Next missile shot at caster turns to gold and falls to the ground 3177 Next permanent spell cast by caster fails in 1d4 rounds 3178 Next permanent spell cast by caster functions only intermittently 3179 Next person struck by caster's magic becomes hopelessly drunk 3180 Next person struck by caster's magic goes insane for 2d4-1 days 3181 Next person struck by caster's magic is stricken blind and deaf 3182 Next person to see caster's reflection attacks him immediately 3183 Next person to touch the caster acquires illusory leprosy 3184 Next person to touch the caster can't speak to him until sunset 3185 Next person to touch the caster is dressed just like him 3186 Next person to touch the caster is invisible to him for 1d4 days 3187 Next person to touch the caster is stricken permanently bald 3188 Next person to touch the caster then attacks him for one round 3189 Next person to whom caster speaks acquires a phony language 3190 Next person to whom caster speaks adopts the caster's voice 3191 Next person to whom caster speaks attacks him for 1d6 rounds 3192 Next person to whom caster speaks can Command him 1d4 times 3193 Next person to whom caster speaks demands 10d10 gold pieces 3194 Next person to whom caster speaks develops a stutter until sunset 3195 Next person to whom caster speaks disappears until sunset 3196 Next person to whom caster speaks forgets who the caster is 3197 Next person to whom caster speaks hasn't slept for 2d10 days 3198 Next person to whom caster speaks hates him for 1d4 hours 3199 Next person to whom caster speaks ignores him for 2d4 hours 3200 Next person to whom caster speaks is destined to kill him someday 3201 Next person to whom caster speaks is dressed just like him 3202 Next person to whom caster speaks is invisible to him until dawn 3203 Next person to whom caster speaks is overcome by awful boredom 3204 Next person to whom caster speaks is overcome by hunger 3205 Next person to whom caster speaks is soaked with icy brine 3206 Next person to whom caster speaks is stricken deaf for 2d4 rounds 3207 Next person to whom caster speaks is stricken mute until sunset 3208 Next person to whom caster speaks is teleported 10d10 feet 3209 Next person to whom caster speaks is unable to eat for 1d4 days 3210 Next person to whom caster speaks looks just like him until dawn 3211 Next person to whom caster speaks mocks him outrageously 3212 Next person to whom caster speaks must give him 8d8 gold pieces 3213 Next person to whom caster speaks races away at top speed 3214 Next person to whom caster speaks regains 1d4 hit points 3215 Next person to whom caster speaks shrinks by 25% for 1d4 days 3216 Next person to whom caster speaks suspects the caster of heresy 3217 Next potion imbibed by caster alerts everyone to his whereabouts 3218 Next potion imbibed by caster burns his home to the ground 3219 Next potion imbibed by caster cancels any resurrections he's had 3220 Next potion imbibed by caster causes him to be Slowed 3221 Next potion imbibed by caster causes him to spit out wood chips 3222 Next potion imbibed by caster causes him to sprout feathers 3223 Next potion imbibed by caster causes him to sprout tentacles 3224 Next potion imbibed by caster causes his clothing to disintegrate 3225 Next potion imbibed by caster causes his voice to echo ominously 3226 Next potion imbibed by caster changes his alignment for 2d8 hours 3227 Next potion imbibed by caster changes his sex for its duration 3228 Next potion imbibed by caster cures him of any current diseases 3229 Next potion imbibed by caster doubles in volume 1d20 times 3230 Next potion imbibed by caster enables him to breathe underwater 3231 Next potion imbibed by caster enlarges his hands by 50% 3232 Next potion imbibed by caster freezes him solid until sunset 3233 Next potion imbibed by caster gives him chimp-like proportions 3234 Next potion imbibed by caster glues his mouth shut 30 3235 Next potion imbibed by caster has no effect whatsoever 3236 Next potion imbibed by caster has only half its normal potency 3237 Next potion imbibed by caster has the same effect as the last one 3238 Next potion imbibed by caster hurls him 5d10 yards 3239 Next potion imbibed by caster induces a fit of spastic coughing 3240 Next potion imbibed by caster induces crazed religious fervor 3241 Next potion imbibed by caster induces intense vertigo 3242 Next potion imbibed by caster induces lycanthropy for 1d4 months 3243 Next potion imbibed by caster induces pacifism 3244 Next potion imbibed by caster induces phenomenal hallucinations 3245 Next potion imbibed by caster induces temporary homicidal rage 3246 Next potion imbibed by caster induces uncharacteristic generosity 3247 Next potion imbibed by caster inflicts an embarrassing ailment 3248 Next potion imbibed by caster is 5% likely to kill him outright 3249 Next potion imbibed by caster is 10% likely to last 1d10 years 3250 Next potion imbibed by caster is actually a living thing 3251 Next potion imbibed by caster is incredibly addictive 3252 Next potion imbibed by caster is powerfully emetic 3253 Next potion imbibed by caster is pure human blood 3254 Next potion imbibed by caster lasts only until he speaks 3255 Next potion imbibed by caster makes foliage sprout from his head 3256 Next potion imbibed by caster makes gold invisible to him 3257 Next potion imbibed by caster makes him -4 to Save vs Fortitude 3258 Next potion imbibed by caster makes him a terrific dancer 3259 Next potion imbibed by caster makes him age one year per round 3260 Next potion imbibed by caster makes him ambidextrous 3261 Next potion imbibed by caster makes him blink like a neon sign 3262 Next potion imbibed by caster makes him crave raw meat 3263 Next potion imbibed by caster makes him forget his name 3264 Next potion imbibed by caster makes him forget the past 24 hours 3265 Next potion imbibed by caster makes him hate magic for 1d4 days 3266 Next potion imbibed by caster makes him hate to answer questions 3267 Next potion imbibed by caster makes him horrifyingly ugly 3268 Next potion imbibed by caster makes him illiterate for 1d10 days 3269 Next potion imbibed by caster makes him invisible for 1d6 turns 3270 Next potion imbibed by caster makes him invisible to undead 3271 Next potion imbibed by caster makes him levitate 1d10 yards 3272 Next potion imbibed by caster makes him look 5d10 years older 3273 Next potion imbibed by caster makes him look like an infant 3274 Next potion imbibed by caster makes him lose 1d100 pounds 3275 Next potion imbibed by caster makes him overwhelmingly beautiful 3276 Next potion imbibed by caster makes him profoundly drunk 3277 Next potion imbibed by caster makes him see fire all around him 3278 Next potion imbibed by caster makes him seem far more charming 3279 Next potion imbibed by caster makes him spin rapidly 1d100 times 3280 Next potion imbibed by caster makes him sweat blood 3281 Next potion imbibed by caster makes him think he doesn't exist 3282 Next potion imbibed by caster makes him think that he's dead 3283 Next potion imbibed by caster makes him think that he's drowning 3284 Next potion imbibed by caster makes him think that he's invisible 3285 Next potion imbibed by caster makes him think that it's poison 3286 Next potion imbibed by caster makes his arms and legs invisible 3287 Next potion imbibed by caster makes his face invisible 3288 Next potion imbibed by caster makes his flesh invisible 3289 Next potion imbibed by caster makes his hands and feet invisible 3290 Next potion imbibed by caster makes immune to charm-like magic 3291 Next potion imbibed by caster makes ink invisible to him 3292 Next potion imbibed by caster makes undead invisible to him 3293 Next potion imbibed by caster paralyzes his hands until sunset 3294 Next potion imbibed by caster reduces him to one hit point 3295 Next potion imbibed by caster restores him to full hit points 3296 Next potion imbibed by caster reveals any secret doors nearby 3297 Next potion imbibed by caster rotates his feet 180° 3298 Next potion imbibed by caster sets his hair ablaze 3299 Next potion imbibed by caster shrinks his hands by 50% 3300 Next potion imbibed by caster snuffs all fires within one mile 3301 Next potion imbibed by caster solidifies in his stomach 3302 Next potion imbibed by caster strikes him bald for one year 3303 Next potion imbibed by caster tastes like lamp oil 3304 Next potion imbibed by caster teleports him to his home 3305 Next potion imbibed by caster throws him 1d4 days into the future 3306 Next potion imbibed by caster triggers a Chaos Burst 3307 Next potion imbibed by caster turns him into 1d100 frogs 3308 Next potion imbibed by caster turns him into a zombie until dawn 3309 Next potion imbibed by caster turns him to vapor for 1d10 rounds 3310 Next potion imbibed by caster turns his hands into feet 3311 Next potion imbibed by caster turns his head to a cube 3312 Next potion imbibed by caster turns his lips and tongue to steel 3313 Next potion imbibed by caster turns his skeleton to steel 3314 Next potion imbibed by caster turns his skin permanently orange 3315 Next potion imbibed by caster turns his speech to gibberish 3316 Next potion imbibed by caster works only during every other round 3317 Next puddle stepped in by caster drains 1d10 hit points 3318 Next puddle stepped in by caster freezes solid around his feet 3319 Next puddle stepped in by caster ignites like gasoline 3320 Next puddle stepped in by caster is charged with electricity 3321 Next puddle stepped in by caster is full of piranha 3322 Next puddle stepped in by caster is, to him, 10d10 feet deep 3323 Next puddle stepped in by caster makes him think he's drowning 3324 Next puddle stepped in by caster renders him briefly invulnerable 3325 Next puddle stepped in by caster restores 1d10 hit points 3326 Next puddle stepped in by caster soaks him from head to toe 3327 Next puddle stepped in by caster teleports him to a puddle nearby 3328 Next puddle stepped in by caster throws him 1d20 yards 3329 Next puddle stepped in by caster turns to blood 3330 Next spell caster casts on himself also affects someone nearby 3331 Next spell caster casts on himself flares out of control 3332 Next spell caster casts on himself has the opposite effect 3333 Next spell caster casts on himself persists for 1d4 days 3334 Next spell caster casts on himself takes effect 1d4 days later 3335 Next spell caster casts on himself works at 2X normal potency 3336 Next spell to hit the caster also renders his head invisible 3337 Next spell to hit the caster causes him to glow brightly 3338 Next spell to hit the caster leaves him hideously scarred 3339 Next spell to hit the caster likewise affects whoever cast it 3340 Next spell to hit the caster renders him blind for its duration 3341 Next spell to hit the caster takes effect 4d6 hours later 3342 Next successful attack upon caster hits a bystander instead 3343 Next successful attack upon caster knocks him unconscious 3344 Next sword that wounds caster acquires a permanent +2 bonus 3345 Next sword that wounds caster heals him for 1d10 hit points 3346 Next sword that wounds caster heats to 10d100 degrees 3347 Next sword that wounds caster is totally rusted by dawn tomorrow 3348 Next sword that wounds caster likewise wounds its wielder 3349 Next sword that wounds caster mimics his personality thereafter 3350 Next sword that wounds caster must Save or disintegrate 3351 Next sword that wounds caster then ignites and burns like paper 3352 Next sword that wounds caster turns to gold 3353 Next sword that wounds caster vanishes for 1d8 days 3354 Next sword that wounds caster was coated with deadly venom 3355 Next sword touched by caster gains a +1 ToHit bonus for 4d6 days 3356 Next sword touched by caster turns into a crescent wrench 3357 Next time caster's restored to full hit points, he shrinks by 50% 3358 Next tree touched by caster animates and attacks everyone nearby 3359 Next tree touched by caster crumbles to ash in minutes 3360 Next wound inflicted by caster can't heal without magic 3361 Next wound inflicted upon caster can't be healed magically 3362 No animal will allow the caster to ride it 3363 No matter how far the caster travels today, he winds up here 3364 No more than 60% of caster's body can become invisible at a time 31 3365 No one now within 10 yards of caster can harm him until dawn 3366 No one within 100 miles trusts caster enough to lend him money 3367 Non-humanoid mammals are invisible to caster 3368 Non-humanoid mammals react badly to the caster for 1d10 days 3369 Non-magical blades inflict bludgeoning damage upon caster 3370 Non-magical rodents are invisible to the caster 3371 Objects are more resistant to fire while caster carries them 3372 Objects handled by caster can't be made invisible for one year 3373 Objects placed in caster's pockets freeze solid in minutes 3374 On a successful attack roll, caster must Save or drop his weapon 3375 On any given day, caster's left foot is 50% likely to be ethereal 3376 On any successful attack roll, caster is still 10% likely to fail 3377 Once per day, caster can cause himself to age 1d10 years 3378 Once per day, caster can cause his shoes or boots to vanish 3379 Once per day, caster can cause his spellbook to ignite 3380 Once per day, caster can cause one flash of lightning overhead 3381 Once per day, caster can cause one person to lie to him 3382 Once per day, caster can cause ten pounds of ice to melt rapidly 3383 Once per day, caster can create one loosely-packed snowball 3384 Once per day, caster can create up to one pound of cheese 3385 Once per day, caster can discern True North with 100% accuracy 3386 Once per day, caster can dry a soaking wet, shirt-sized garment 3387 Once per day, caster can eliminate rust from one sword or helmet 3388 Once per day, caster can locate the most valuable jewel nearby 3389 Once per day, caster can locate the nearest holy symbol 3390 Once per day, caster can locate the nearest locked door 3391 Once per day, caster can locate the nearest potable alcohol 3392 Once per day, caster can locate the nearest unrefined iron ore 3393 Once per day, caster can make his clothes vanish for 1d10 rounds 3394 Once per day, caster can make someone briefly forget his name 3395 Once per day, caster can pull a big, ripe turnip from the ground 3396 Once per day, caster can purify up to one gallon of water 3397 Once per day, caster can read a new language for 1d4 rounds 3398 Once per day, caster can read any written language for 1d4 rounds 3399 Once per day, caster can render glass opaque for 1d4 hours 3400 Once per day, caster can stab himself with a dagger without harm 3401 Once per day, caster can teleport up to one foot per level 3402 Once per day, caster can totally ignore one attack against him 3403 Once per day, caster can turn his hands ethereal for 1d6 rounds 3404 Once per day, caster can turn his hands invisible for 1d10 rounds 3405 Once per day, caster can turn his head 360° at the neck, unharmed 3406 Once per day, caster can turn his teeth invisible for 10 minutes 3407 Once per day, caster can turn invisible for up to three minutes 3408 Once per week, caster can appear to be a foot taller for one hour 3409 Once per week, caster can appear to be half his age for two hours 3410 Once per week, caster can cause all nearby to forget his name 3411 Once per week, caster can cause his hair to grow 1d4 inches 3412 Once per week, caster can create 1d20 gallons of salt water 3413 Once per week, caster can disgorge an ice cube one foot on a side 3414 Once per week, caster can freeze up to one gallon of water 3415 Once per week, caster can hold his breath for a full hour 3416 Once per week, caster can ignore one fire-based spell cast at him 3417 Once per week, caster can instantly snuff one campfire 3418 Once per week, caster can join any two pieces of non-living wood 3419 Once per week, caster can kill all small insects within 10 feet 3420 Once per week, caster can levitate for 1d4 rounds 3421 Once per week, caster can locate any artifacts within one mile 3422 Once per week, caster can locate the nearest magical animal 3423 Once per week, caster can locate the nearest magical blade 3424 Once per week, caster can magically create a tasty meal for four 3425 Once per week, caster can negate magical bonuses for 1d4 rounds 3426 Once per week, caster can open any non-magical lock by touch 3427 Once per week, caster can open one locked door by sneezing at it 3428 Once per week, caster can render one cooked meal uncooked 3429 Once per week, caster can shed and regrow 1d10 fingernails 3430 Once per week, caster can speak only in rhyme for one hour 3431 Once per week, caster can speak with horses for up to 1d10 rounds 3432 Once per week, caster can strip one tree of all leaves 3433 Once per week, caster can summon 1d20 cockroaches 3434 Once per week, caster can summon 1d4 pigeons or sparrows 3435 Once per week, caster can teleport his spellbook up to 1d4 miles 3436 Once per week, caster can teleport up to 10 feet per level 3437 Once per week, caster can turn one nearby magical blade invisible 3438 Once per week, caster can untie one knot without touching it 3439 Once per week, caster can walk on water, up to 5 yards per level 3440 Once per week, caster must cast one damaging spell on himself 3441 Once per week, caster throws a tantrum lasting 1d4 rounds 3442 One of caster's arms acquires malevolent intelligence 3443 One of caster's arms adopts the color and texture of brick 3444 One of caster's arms appears to be stripped of all flesh 3445 One of caster's arms becomes as limber as a snake 3446 One of caster's arms becomes undead 3447 One of caster's arms can be removed for up to 1d4 turns per day 3448 One of caster's arms can't be cut by magical blades 3449 One of caster's arms disappears until sunset tomorrow 3450 One of caster's arms ignites 3451 One of caster's arms is as pale as an albino's 3452 One of caster's arms is encased in a tight steel sheath 3453 One of caster's arms is impervious to magical cold 3454 One of caster's arms is only an illusion 3455 One of caster's arms is scarred as though badly burned by acid 3456 One of caster's arms now juts from the center of his chest 3457 One of caster's arms oozes fetid slime 3458 One of caster's arms resembles a small, gnarled branch 3459 One of caster's arms shrivels to a dry husk 3460 One of caster's arms sprouts dozens of tiny, ugly feelers 3461 One of caster's arms turns to solid silver 3462 One of caster's eyes bulges like a fish eye 3463 One of caster's eyes doubles in size 3464 One of caster's eyes doubles in size; the other shrinks by 50% 3465 One of caster's eyes glows with infernal radiance 3466 One of caster's feet disintegrates 3467 One of caster's feet is replaced by an off-balance wheel 3468 One of caster's feet reforms into a perfect sphere 3469 One of caster's feet refuses to come anywhere near the other 3470 One of caster's hands doubles in size; the other shrinks by 50% 3471 One of caster's hands is as durable as steel 3472 One of caster's hands is green and scaly like a lizard's claw 3473 One of caster's hands is susceptible to rust 3474 One of caster's hands turns into an eagle's talon 3475 One of caster's knees locks whenever nimble footwork is required 3476 One of caster's pockets accesses a small box in his home 3477 One side of caster's body adopts a mirror-bright sheen 3478 One side of caster's body ages 2X as fast as the other 3479 One side of caster's body appears to be naked by firelight 3480 One side of caster's body changes color each hour 3481 One side of caster's body is as hairy as an ape 3482 One side of caster's body is blurred as if seen through ice 3483 One side of caster's body is immune to magic cast by him 3484 One side of caster's body is immune to normal missiles 3485 One side of caster's body is invulnerable to fire 3486 One side of caster's body is paralyzed for 1d4 rounds 3487 One side of caster's body is rendered invisible for 1d4 weeks 3488 One side of caster's body looks like a photo negative 3489 One side of caster's body shrinks by 10% 3490 People journey for miles to beseech the caster for healing 3491 People journey for miles to study magic under the caster 3492 People journey for miles to touch the hem of caster's garment 3493 People journey for miles to voice grievances against the caster 3494 People not in the caster's presence tend to forget about him 32 3495 Powerful jets of air blow from the caster's ears 3496 Predators react to the caster as if he were a small rabbit 3497 Railroad tracks run straight from here to the caster's home 3498 Rapturous shrieks fill the air when caster removes a hat 3499 Raw meat is invisible to the caster 3500 Right now, caster can teleport up to 1d10 miles one time 3501 Rocks and boulders express a vague fondness for the caster 3502 Rope breaks 2X as readily while the caster is using it 3503 Rope is 2X as strong while the caster is using it 3504 Scavengers and carrion birds react to caster as if he were dead 3505 Short, bony spikes sprout from caster's knuckles 3506 Small objects carried by caster seem 10X as heavy to him 3507 Smoke billows from the caster's head as from a coal chimney 3508 Some deity has a personal vendetta against the caster 3509 Some deity takes a personal interest in the caster's life 3510 Some subterranean race annexes caster's home 3511 Some subterranean race declares a holy war against the caster 3512 Some subterranean race declares that the caster is one of them 3513 Some subterranean race declares the caster its patron saint 3514 Some unseen entity wipes the smile off of the caster's face 3515 Someone nearby vanishes; in 2d6 rounds the caster disgorges him 3516 Someone very dear to the caster doesn't really exist 3517 Someone very dear to the caster is discovered to be undead 3518 Something about the caster makes people suspect that he's dying 3519 Something about the caster makes people unlikely to trust him 3520 Sometime in the next turn, the caster punches an ally in the nose 3521 Sometime in the next turn, the caster races into a nearby forest 3522 Spell works normally, but caster loses 1d4 spells from memory 3523 Spell works normally; next casting automatically causes a Burst 3524 The bones of caster's arms and legs can't be broken 3525 The clothes caster is wearing makes him dangerous overconfident 3526 The clothes caster is wearing makes him feel intensely cold 3527 The Fireball spell won't function within 100 yards of caster 3528 The ground beneath caster's feet flows like water for 1d4 rounds 3529 The ground beneath caster's feet is alive for 1d4 hours 3530 The ground beneath caster's feet sinks a depth 2X his height 3531 The ground beneath caster's feet swirls like a whirlpool 3532 The ground beneath caster's feet turns to living human flesh 3533 The left and right sides of caster's body hate each other 3534 The next spell used against caster automatically fails 3535 The pages of caster's spellbook are indestructible 3536 The pages of caster's spellbook are invisible; ink on them is not 3537 The pages of caster's spellbook are replaced with gold leaf 3538 The pages of caster's spellbook flap as though in a strong breeze 3539 The pages of caster's spellbook turn to thin sheets of bacon 3540 The pages of caster's spellbook turn to thin sheets of steel 3541 The presence of undead causes caster to giggle like a fool 3542 The rear half of caster's body appears to be made of glass 3543 The rear half of caster's body is invisible 3544 The spell cast most recently upon caster is retroactively undone 3545 The wreckage of a sunken warship appears in caster's home 3546 The wreckage of caster's home is strewn across the countryside 3547 Thick clouds of acrid steam issue from the ground near the caster 3548 Thick clouds of steam constantly billow from the caster's skin 3549 Thunder rumbles overhead whenever caster's blood is spilled 3550 To the caster, everyone appears to be sweating profusely 3551 To the caster, everyone looks and sounds exactly like him 3552 To the caster, everyone looks and sounds exactly like him 3553 To the caster, everyone smells like a rotting corpse 3554 To the caster, the weather always appears overcast and gloomy 3555 To the caster, the weather always appears to be the same 3556 Tomorrow, caster can speak all languages until noon 3557 Tomorrow, caster can speak only a bizarre, esoteric language 3558 Tomorrow, caster can't be injured by magical weapons until sunset 3559 Tomorrow, caster finds 1d100 statues of himself in hideous poses 3560 Tomorrow, caster finds a book detailing his complete dissection 3561 Tomorrow, caster finds a jar containing 1d20 tiny elephants 3562 Tomorrow, caster finds a key to a lock that doesn't yet exist 3563 Tomorrow, caster finds a key to that mysterious door in his home 3564 Tomorrow, caster finds a lab holding many lifeless clones of him 3565 Tomorrow, caster finds a legendary sword & loses it the next day 3566 Tomorrow, caster finds a piece of anachronistic technology 3567 Tomorrow, caster finds a ruby as large as his head 3568 Tomorrow, caster finds a secret Gate to the Astral Plane 3569 Tomorrow, caster finds a small pouch full of counterfeit rubies 3570 Tomorrow, caster finds a small pouch full of diamonds 3571 Tomorrow, caster finds a small pouch full of scorpions 3572 Tomorrow, caster finds a small pouch full of strong acid 3573 Tomorrow, caster finds a small pouch full of teeth 3574 Tomorrow, caster finds a tunnel that leads to his home 3575 Tomorrow, caster finds a vial containing a viscous salve 3576 Tomorrow, caster finds his own badly-decomposed corpse 3577 Tomorrow, caster finds what looks like his own severed head 3578 Tomorrow, caster forms an alliance with a long-hated enemy 3579 Tomorrow, caster has absolutely no desire to use magic 3580 Tomorrow, caster is unable to cast magic before noon 3581 Tomorrow, caster meets a priest who places a Geas upon him 3582 Tomorrow, caster meets an immortal desperate and unable to die 3583 Tomorrow, caster meets and insults the avatar of some deity 3584 Tomorrow, caster meets his long-lost and malevolent twin 3585 Tomorrow, caster meets his mentor, who expresses disapproval 3586 Tomorrow, caster meets someone claiming to have sold the world 3587 Tomorrow, caster meets someone claiming to own the caster's soul 3588 Tomorrow, caster meets someone convinced that he doesn't exist 3589 Tomorrow, caster meets someone desperate to be his bodyguard 3590 Tomorrow, caster meets someone desperate to become the caster 3591 Tomorrow, caster meets someone on the verge of becoming a god 3592 Tomorrow, caster meets someone who calls humans a delicacy 3593 Tomorrow, caster meets someone who can command demons 3594 Tomorrow, caster meets someone who can remove his own heart 3595 Tomorrow, caster meets someone who can remove his skin at will 3596 Tomorrow, caster meets someone who claims the caster killed him 3597 Tomorrow, caster meets someone who claims to be haunting him 3598 Tomorrow, caster meets someone who claims to be him 3599 Tomorrow, caster meets someone who claims to be his father 3600 Tomorrow, caster meets someone who claims to be his grandchild 3601 Tomorrow, caster meets someone who foretells a bleak fate for him 3602 Tomorrow, caster meets someone who has vowed to murder him 3603 Tomorrow, caster meets someone who names the caster his heir 3604 Tomorrow, caster meets someone who offers him his firstborn son 3605 Tomorrow, caster meets someone who offers to sell him an artifact 3606 Tomorrow, caster meets someone who owes him a lot of money 3607 Tomorrow, caster meets someone who tries to eat his eyes 3608 Tomorrow, caster meets someone who wants to buy his pancreas 3609 Tomorrow, caster meets someone who's 100% immune to magic 3610 Tomorrow, caster meets someone who's plotting to kill the king 3611 Tomorrow, caster meets someone whom caster knows to be dead 3612 Tomorrow, caster meets someone whom he owes a lot of money 3613 Tomorrow, caster meets someone whose existence is impossible 3614 Tomorrow, caster meets someone with the secret of immortality 3615 Tomorrow, caster meets the alchemist who created him 3616 Tomorrow, caster must Save vs Will once per hour or combust 3617 Tomorrow, caster saves the life of a notorious villain 3618 Tomorrow, caster saves the life of someone important 3619 Tomorrow, caster saves the life whom fate has decreed must die 3620 Tomorrow, caster thinks he's awakened from a centuries-long sleep 3621 Tomorrow, caster thinks that magic no longer functions 3622 Tomorrow, caster uncovers a well-funded plot against his life 3623 Tomorrow, caster unknowingly snubs a powerful spellcaster 3624 Tomorrow, caster vanishes at dawn and reappears at sunset 33 3625 Tomorrow, caster wakes 2d10 miles from where he fell asleep 3626 Tomorrow, caster wakes and gives apparently divine prophecy 3627 Tomorrow, caster wakes as if he's spent a month in the desert 3628 Tomorrow, caster wakes at this location 3629 Tomorrow, caster wakes convinced that all of his allies are dead 3630 Tomorrow, caster wakes convinced that he must return to his home 3631 Tomorrow, caster wakes convinced that he's just been created 3632 Tomorrow, caster wakes convinced that he's just been resurrected 3633 Tomorrow, caster wakes convinced that he's murdered his allies 3634 Tomorrow, caster wakes convinced that he's slept for 2d10 years 3635 Tomorrow, caster wakes convinced that his limbs are mechanical 3636 Tomorrow, caster wakes covered in pungent, glowing moss 3637 Tomorrow, caster wakes early and races back to this location 3638 Tomorrow, caster wakes embarrassingly drunk 3639 Tomorrow, caster wakes in a coil of dried and sinuous vines 3640 Tomorrow, caster wakes in a full-length body cast 3641 Tomorrow, caster wakes in the branches of a tall tree 3642 Tomorrow, caster wakes on the bank of the River Styx 3643 Tomorrow, caster wakes reeking of garlic and raw meat 3644 Tomorrow, caster wakes seated in the throne of the nearest king 3645 Tomorrow, caster wakes standing atop a tall pole 3646 Tomorrow, caster wakes standing in a barrel of chum 3647 Tomorrow, caster wakes to find that 1d4 days have passed 3648 Tomorrow, caster wakes unable to stand until he casts a spell 3649 Tomorrow, caster wakes where he awoke this morning 3650 Tomorrow, caster wakes with a mouthful of mud from a cemetery 3651 Tomorrow, caster wakes with mysterious tattoos all over his body 3652 Tomorrow, caster wakes with no memory of the previous day 3653 Tomorrow, caster wakes wrapped in disease-ridden blankets 3654 Trees and bushes express open hostility toward the caster 3655 Ugly thorns sprout from the caster's cheekbones 3656 Undead have commandeered caster's home while he's been away 3657 Undead skeletons react to caster as if he were one of them 3658 Undead tend to ignore the caster until he acts against them 3659 Undead tend to laugh in the caster's presence 3660 Vile tentacles sprout from the caster's face 3661 Viscous pus oozes from the caster's orifices until sunset 3662 Water feels like acid to the caster but doesn't actually harm him 3663 Water splashes from caster's footfalls for the next 1d12 hours 3664 Water trickles from caster's elbows for 1d4 hours 3665 Weight-affecting spells make the caster weigh 2X as much as iron 3666 Well-funded liars slander caster's conduct in a war decades past 3667 Whatever caster is wearing is a synthetic copy of the real thing 3668 When caster dies, 10d10 voles burst from his corpse 3669 When caster dies, a small religious cult starts worshipping him 3670 When caster dies, a Chaos Burst occurs: roll again at that time 3671 When caster dies, he can't be resurrected for 1d12 months 3672 When caster dies, he's discovered to have died centuries ago 3673 When caster dies, he's found to have been remotely controlled 3674 When caster dies, he's quickly impersonated by a doppelganger 3675 When caster dies, his allies deny that they ever knew him 3676 When caster dies, his corpse appears riddled by gunfire 3677 When caster dies, his corpse attacks the nearest Elf 3678 When caster dies, his corpse disgorges 10d1000 gallons of water 3679 When caster dies, his corpse giggles maniacally for 1d4 hours 3680 When caster dies, his corpse is dismembered and scattered 3681 When caster dies, his corpse is dragged away by goblins 3682 When caster dies, his corpse is elected to public office 3683 When caster dies, his corpse melts like a snowman 3684 When caster dies, his corpse runs shrieking through a nearby town 3685 When caster dies, his corpse shatters into countless fragments 3686 When caster dies, his corpse swells to 1d6 times normal size 3687 When caster dies, his corpse turns to densely packed salt 3688 When caster dies, his corpse turns to solid bronze 3689 When caster dies, his corpse weighs as much as lead 3690 When caster dies, his heart assumes a life of its own 3691 When caster dies, his killer is thrown 1d20 days into the future 3692 When caster dies, his last word is "Rosebud" 3693 When caster dies, his name becomes synonymous with treachery 3694 When caster dies, his skeleton turns to glass 3695 When caster dies, his skull turns to wood 3696 When caster dies, his spellbook burns to cinders in 1d4 rounds 3697 When caster dies, his veins are discovered to be filled with gold 3698 When caster dies, some random person nearby dies as well 3699 When caster dies, the first person to touch his corpse also dies 3700 When caster dies, the nearest town is evacuated 3701 When caster dies, the nearest tree falls on his corpse 3702 When caster dies, the sky turns blood red for 2d4-1 days 3703 When caster dies, violent riots break out in the nearest town 3704 When caster is angry, a small snake slithers out of his ear 3705 When caster is angry, he foams at the mouth like a rabid dog 3706 When caster is angry, he turns bright green 3707 When caster is angry, his face appears scarred and deformed 3708 When caster is angry, his face appears to glisten with slime 3709 When caster is angry, his head appears to be a bare skull 3710 When caster is angry, insects appear to swarm over his face 3711 When caster is angry, steam billows from his nostrils 3712 When caster is surprised, he randomly teleports 1d4 yards 3713 When caster is surprised, his head briefly doubles in size 3714 When caster is surprised, his head spins 360° 3715 When caster next casts this spell, he becomes hopelessly lost 3716 When caster next casts this spell, he feels overwhelming deja vu 3717 When caster next casts this spell, he teleports to this spot 3718 When caster next casts this spell, he's attacked by squirrels 3719 When caster next casts this spell, he's paralyzed until sunset 3720 When caster next casts this spell, he's stricken with Confusion 3721 When caster next casts this spell, his age temporarily doubles 3722 When caster next casts this spell, his clothing attacks him 3723 When caster next casts this spell, his clothing freezes solid 3724 When caster next casts this spell, his clothing turns to cheese 3725 When caster next casts this spell, the winter solstice occurs 3726 When caster next draws blood, a large pit opens beneath him 3727 When caster next draws blood, he disgorges 1d10 gallons of blood 3728 When caster next draws blood, he laughs like a demon 3729 When caster next draws blood, he leaps 4d6 hours into the future 3730 When caster next draws blood, he loses 2d10 hit points 3731 When caster next draws blood, he must Save or fall unconscious 3732 When caster next draws blood, he regains 1d10 hit points 3733 When caster next draws blood, he suffers an equivalent wound 3734 When caster next draws blood, he teleports 1d100 yards 3735 When caster next draws blood, he's addicted to the taste of blood 3736 When caster next draws blood, he's attacked by rabid bats 3737 When caster next draws blood, he's restored to full hit points 3738 When caster next draws blood, he's stricken mute until sunrise 3739 When caster next draws blood, his eyes blaze with flame 3740 When caster next draws blood, his weapon turns to steam 3741 When caster next draws blood, rain immediately begins to fall 3742 When caster next draws blood, thunder rumbles in the distance 3743 When caster next enters a building, he teleports onto its roof 3744 When caster next enters a building, his clothes catch fire 3745 When caster next enters a lake, any boats nearby turn invisible 3746 When caster next enters a lake, he blasphemes some ocean god 3747 When caster next enters a lake, he decides to become amphibious 3748 When caster next enters a lake, he discovers a small island 3749 When caster next enters a lake, he emerges draped with seaweed 3750 When caster next enters a lake, he encounters a lady with a sword 3751 When caster next enters a lake, he encounters a tentacled monster 3752 When caster next enters a lake, he finds 1d4 valuable pearls 3753 When caster next enters a lake, he has visions of a sunken city 3754 When caster next enters a lake, he spouts water like a whale 34 3755 When caster next enters a lake, he suffers severe hypothermia 3756 When caster next enters a lake, he teleports to a different lake 3757 When caster next enters a lake, he's 30% likely to become a fish 3758 When caster next enters a lake, he's attacked by sharks 3759 When caster next enters a lake, he's attacked by turtles 3760 When caster next enters a lake, he's befriended by otters 3761 When caster next enters a lake, he's caught in a fisherman's net 3762 When caster next enters a lake, he's covered with barnacles 3763 When caster next enters a lake, he's hit by 2d8 harpoons 3764 When caster next enters a lake, he's mistaken for a sea monster 3765 When caster next enters a lake, he's sucked up into a waterspout 3766 When caster next enters a lake, he's swept toward the sea 3767 When caster next enters a lake, he's thrown to the opposite shore 3768 When caster next enters a lake, his clothing inflates 3769 When caster next enters a lake, his clothing vanishes 3770 When caster next enters a lake, his feet turn into duck's feet 3771 When caster next enters a lake, his hands and feet grow webbing 3772 When caster next enters a lake, his home is completely flooded 3773 When caster next enters a lake, his pockets fill with sodium 3774 When caster next enters a lake, it becomes 2X as deep 3775 When caster next enters a lake, it drains dry in 1d4 rounds 3776 When caster next enters a lake, it turns from fresh to salt-water 3777 When caster next enters a lake, it's covered by two inches of ice 3778 When caster next enters a lake, it's heavily stocked with trout 3779 When caster next enters a lake, night falls immediately 3780 When caster next enters a lake, someone nearby starts to drown 3781 When caster next enters a town, a huge festival takes place 3782 When caster next enters a town, he finds a magical scroll 3783 When caster next enters a town, he violates community standards 3784 When caster next enters a town, he's imprisoned for murder 3785 When caster next enters a town, he's named as its patron saint 3786 When caster next enters a town, he's quickly arrested for heresy 3787 When caster next enters a town, he's quickly elected mayor 3788 When caster next enters a town, he's recognized as a vampire 3789 When caster next enters a town, he's sold into slavery 3790 When caster next enters a town, his spellbook is confiscated 3791 When caster next enters a town, it secedes from the kingdom 3792 When caster next enters a town, it's attacked by goblins 3793 When caster next enters a town, it's besieged by orcs 3794 When caster next enters a town, it's overrun by feral dogs 3795 When caster next enters a town, it's renamed after him 3796 When caster next enters a town, its population doubles 3797 When caster next enters a town, martial law is declared 3798 When caster next enters a town, the king orders it destroyed 3799 When caster next enters a town, violent riots break out 3800 When caster next enters his home, 1d4 exterior walls vanish 3801 When caster next enters his home, 1d4 weeks pass in 1d4 rounds 3802 When caster next enters his home, a small hill rises beneath it 3803 When caster next enters his home, any curses upon him are lifted 3804 When caster next enters his home, he ages 1d10 years 3805 When caster next enters his home, he ages 1d10 years 3806 When caster next enters his home, he doubts he's ever lived there 3807 When caster next enters his home, he falls unconscious 3808 When caster next enters his home, he finds 1d100+100 gold pieces 3809 When caster next enters his home, he finds a secret trapdoor 3810 When caster next enters his home, he finds a troll in residence 3811 When caster next enters his home, he finds another spellbook 3812 When caster next enters his home, he finds his clone in residence 3813 When caster next enters his home, he finds it completely empty 3814 When caster next enters his home, he forgets how to exit again 3815 When caster next enters his home, he gains one level 3816 When caster next enters his home, he is healed of all damage 3817 When caster next enters his home, he loses a point of Wisdom 3818 When caster next enters his home, he loses any memorized spells 3819 When caster next enters his home, he must evict 2d10 squatters 3820 When caster next enters his home, he realizes it's made of coral 3821 When caster next enters his home, he recognizes nothing within it 3822 When caster next enters his home, he teleports to this location 3823 When caster next enters his home, he's attacked by kobolds 3824 When caster next enters his home, he's blinded for 4d12 hours 3825 When caster next enters his home, he's convinced it isn't his 3826 When caster next enters his home, he's drafted into the military 3827 When caster next enters his home, he's visited by solicitors 3828 When caster next enters his home, he's visited by three ghosts 3829 When caster next enters his home, his age is reduced by 3d4 years 3830 When caster next enters his home, his bed combusts violently 3831 When caster next enters his home, his clothes burst into flame 3832 When caster next enters his home, his clothes turn to stone 3833 When caster next enters his home, it becomes indestructible 3834 When caster next enters his home, it becomes steamy like a sauna 3835 When caster next enters his home, it doubles its current size 3836 When caster next enters his home, it drifts slowly out to sea 3837 When caster next enters his home, it falls into a heap of sawdust 3838 When caster next enters his home, it gains an additional level 3839 When caster next enters his home, it migrates 1d20 miles 3840 When caster next enters his home, it sinks into the ground 3841 When caster next enters his home, it turns invisible from within 3842 When caster next enters his home, it turns to glass 3843 When caster next enters his home, it's been thoroughly cleaned 3844 When caster next enters his home, it's buried by an avalanche 3845 When caster next enters his home, it's buried by volcanic ash 3846 When caster next enters his home, it's encircled by a deep moat 3847 When caster next enters his home, it's flattened by a meteor 3848 When caster next enters his home, it's infested with vermin 3849 When caster next enters his home, it's swept away by a tidal wave 3850 When caster next enters his home, it's totally refurbished 3851 When caster next enters his home, its doors and windows vanish 3852 When caster next enters his home, monsters reside under the bed 3853 When caster next enters his home, someone's eaten his porridge 3854 When caster next enters his home, the doors & windows fuse shut 3855 When caster next enters his home, the floor vanishes 3856 When caster next enters his home, the magistrate condemns it 3857 When caster next enters his home, the roof ignites 3858 When caster next kills someone, he appears in that person's home 3859 When caster next kills someone, he must Save vs Fortitude or die 3860 When caster next kills someone, that person quickly resurrects 3861 When caster next opens his spellbook, he's attacked by a shark 3862 When caster next says his name, 2d6 fish leap from his mouth 3863 When caster next says his name, a bird flies into his mouth 3864 When caster next says his name, he learns it's not his real name 3865 When caster next says his name, he promptly forgets his name 3866 When caster next says his name, his mouth is sealed shut 3867 When caster next teleports, he arrives bound and gagged 3868 When caster next teleports, he arrives fully Healed 3869 When caster next touches money, he triggers a Chaos Burst 3870 When caster next triggers a Burst, he teleports to this location 3871 When caster next triggers a Burst, its effect is irreversible 3872 When caster next uses magic, 2d4 zombies appear and attack him 3873 When caster next uses magic, all vegetation within 10 yards dies 3874 When caster next uses magic, all within one mile know about it 3875 When caster next uses magic, an ice statue of him appears nearby 3876 When caster next uses magic, any gold he's carrying vanishes 3877 When caster next uses magic, cold water sprays from his ears 3878 When caster next uses magic, he and his allies are drenched 3879 When caster next uses magic, he becomes drunk for 1d4 hours 3880 When caster next uses magic, he becomes invisible to his allies 3881 When caster next uses magic, he disgorges 2d6 large clay bricks 3882 When caster next uses magic, he loses 3d4 hit points 3883 When caster next uses magic, he must Save or fall unconscious 3884 When caster next uses magic, he reeks of sulfur for 1d10 hours 35 3885 When caster next uses magic, he teleports 10d10 yards randomly 3886 When caster next uses magic, he teleports into a nearby building 3887 When caster next uses magic, he thinks that he's at death's door 3888 When caster next uses magic, he's 5% likely to lose one level 3889 When caster next uses magic, he's 10% likely to die outright 3890 When caster next uses magic, he's shunned by other magic users 3891 When caster next uses magic, he's thrown back to this moment 3892 When caster next uses magic, his clone appears nearby 3893 When caster next uses magic, his clone teleports to his home 3894 When caster next uses magic, his clothes turn to paper 3895 When caster next uses magic, his hands double in size 3896 When caster next uses magic, his hands freeze solid 3897 When caster next uses magic, his nearest ally falls unconscious 3898 When caster next wears a hat, he's targeted for assassination 3899 When caster opens his spellbook, he's shrouded by darkness 3900 When caster opens his spellbook, thunder rumbles overhead 3901 When caster teleports, he arrives 1d4 miles from the destination 3902 When caster teleports, he arrives 2d4 hours later than expected 3903 When caster teleports, he arrives blinded for 1d6 rounds 3904 When caster teleports, he arrives in an embarrassing posture 3905 When caster teleports, he arrives invisible 3906 When caster teleports, he arrives ravenously hungry 3907 When caster teleports, he arrives upside down 3908 When caster teleports, he arrives with half of his gear missing 3909 When caster teleports, only 95% + 1d10% of his body is teleported 3910 When caster tells a falsehood, he confesses it to everyone nearby 3911 When caster uses Mirror Image, 10X the number of Images appear 3912 When caster uses Mirror Image, he can't tell which image is real 3913 When caster uses Mirror Image, the Images look like demons 3914 When caster uses Mirror Image, the Images look like infants 3915 When caster uses Mirror Image, the Images look like skeletons 3916 When caster uses Mirror Image, the Images look like the target 3917 When caster uses Mirror Image, the Images look nothing like him 3918 When caster's blood is next spilled, he ages 5d10 years 3919 When caster's blood is next spilled, he can't speak for 1d4 turns 3920 When caster's blood is next spilled, he's blinded for 1d4 rounds 3921 When next struck by magic, caster becomes spotted like a leopard 3922 When next struck by magic, caster disgorges 1d4 pounds of gravel 3923 When next struck by magic, caster falls 6d10 feet 3924 When next struck by magic, caster is carried aloft by a pigeons 3925 When next struck by magic, caster sprouts wool from his arms 3926 When next struck by magic, caster triggers a Chaos Burst 3927 When reduced to one hit point, caster ages 2d10 years 3928 When reduced to one hit point, caster can see invisible objects 3929 When reduced to one hit point, caster flees, panic-stricken 3930 When reduced to one hit point, caster flies into a berserk fury 3931 When reduced to one hit point, caster is stricken mute 3932 When reduced to one hit point, caster suffers wild hallucinations 3933 When reduced to one hit point, caster teleports 2d20 yards 3934 When reduced to one hit point, caster teleports to his home 3935 When reduced to one hit point, caster turns invisible until dawn 3936 When reduced to one hit point, caster turns to iron until sunset 3937 When seen from behind, caster appears to be bleeding profusely 3938 When seen from behind, caster appears to be on fire 3939 When seen from behind, caster's torso is riddled with large holes 3940 When struck by magic, caster briefly appears to be made of chrome 3941 When struck by magic, caster briefly appears to be made of wood 3942 When struck by magic, caster feels the urge to reveal a secret 3943 When struck by magic, caster flies into a berserker rage 3944 When struck by magic, caster is 10% likely to be caked in grime 3945 When struck by magic, caster is covered by ashes and soot 3946 When struck by magic, caster sings raucous songs for 1d4 rounds 3947 When struck by magic, caster temporarily inflates like a balloon 3948 Whenever caster casts a spell, a spotlight illuminates him 3949 Whenever caster casts a spell, an invisible bronze gong is rung 3950 Whenever caster casts a spell, electricity crackles in his hair 3951 Whenever caster casts a spell, ghostly laughter echoes in the air 3952 Whenever caster casts a spell, he appears to explode 3953 Whenever caster casts a spell, he becomes light as a feather 3954 Whenever caster casts a spell, he experiences profound remorse 3955 Whenever caster casts a spell, he feels overwhelming euphoria 3956 Whenever caster casts a spell, he hears glass breaking everywhere 3957 Whenever caster casts a spell, he hears loud, discordant music 3958 Whenever caster casts a spell, he hears the laments of the damned 3959 Whenever caster casts a spell, he must Save or be knocked down 3960 Whenever caster casts a spell, he must Save or shrink by 20% 3961 Whenever caster casts a spell, he suffers crippling stage fright 3962 Whenever caster casts a spell, he thinks that he ages 1d10 years 3963 Whenever caster casts a spell, he whistles like a teapot 3964 Whenever caster casts a spell, he's 10% likely to pass out 3965 Whenever caster casts a spell, he's haunted by cryptic warnings 3966 Whenever caster casts a spell, his bones glow visibly in his body 3967 Whenever caster casts a spell, his clothes are glazed with frost 3968 Whenever caster casts a spell, his ears shine like the sun 3969 Whenever caster casts a spell, his feet swell by 10% 3970 Whenever caster casts a spell, his spellbook must Save or combust 3971 Whenever caster casts a spell, one of his hands grows by 25% 3972 Whenever caster casts a spell, someone far away vows to kill him 3973 Wherever caster walks, he sounds like he's on a squeaky floor 3974 While caster is invisible, a faint outline can still be seen 3975 While caster sleeps, he appears to be a perfect cube 3976 While caster sleeps, he appears to melt like a wax dummy 3977 While caster sleeps, he freezes solid but thaws before waking 3978 While caster sleeps, his allies must Save or forget who he is 3979 While caster sleeps, his arms and legs retract into his torso 3980 While caster sleeps, his body is translucent 3981 While caster sleeps, his body retracts into his head 3982 While caster sleeps, his clothing and gear are invisible 3983 While caster sleeps, his head appears detached from his body 3984 While caster sleeps, his head retracts into his body 3985 While caster sleeps, his whole body contracts into a small ball 3986 While caster sleeps, luminous moths flutter over his body 3987 While caster sleeps, mysterious runes hover over his head 3988 While caster sleeps, rodents bring him sacrificial offerings 3989 While caster sleeps, thousands of insects swarm over his body 3990 While indoors, caster appears to be 5% larger 3991 While indoors, caster feels as if he's dragging heavy chains 3992 While indoors, caster feels as if he's in a blazing desert 3993 While indoors, caster feels as if he's on a ship's deck 3994 While indoors, caster feels as if he's on windswept tundra 3995 While standing on a riverbank, caster is invisible to amphibians 3996 While walking, caster sounds as if he's wearing full plate armor 3997 Woodland creatures openly mock the caster and call him a coward 3998 Woodland creatures react to the caster as if he's one of them 3999 Woodland creatures react violently to the caster's presence 4000 Zombies can't come within 10 feet of the caster for 1d4 days 4001 1d8 of target's fingers reappear elsewhere on his body 4002 A handful of small glass marbles tumble from the target's nose 4003 A heavy chain runs the entire length of target's alimentary canal 4004 A nearby but invisible heckler pummels the target with tomatoes 4005 A nearby tree animates and swears allegiance to the target 4006 A nearby tree becomes ravenously carnivorous and attacks target 4007 A nearby tree bends down and hurls the target like a catapult 4008 A nearby tree sprays its bark at the target, briefly blinding him 4009 A second, identical skeleton appears in the target's body 4010 A small fire blazes harmlessly in the target's mouth 4011 A tall picket fence encircles the target 4012 A tentacle slithers from a nearby cave to grasp the target 4013 A vital organ is ripped from target's body for 1d100 damage 4014 All of target's belongings are compressed into a tiny cube nearby 36 4015 All of target's belongings are seized by the local magistrate 4016 All of target's belongings are transported beyond the horizon 4017 All of target's belongings were stolen by a vengeful wizard 4018 All of target's belongings were stolen from a vengeful wizard 4019 All that the target has ever done was really done by someone else 4020 All voices sound alike to the target for 5d6 days 4021 All within 100 yards with a missile weapon fire it at the target 4022 Ambient temperature always feels 50° colder to target 4023 Ambient temperature rises 10° when target is angry 4024 An earthen duplicate of the target rises up and attacks him 4025 An earthen duplicate of the target wants to take his place 4026 An evergreen sprouts from target's chest while he sleeps tonight 4027 An item carried by target discharges a Chaos Burst when next used 4028 An item carried by target explodes for 3d10 hit points of damage 4029 An item carried by target is widely sought for its healing powers 4030 An item carried by target releases narcotic vapors when next used 4031 Any attack on target appears not to injure him, even if it does 4032 Any blade hitting target for maximum damage acquires intelligence 4033 Any blade hitting target for maximum damage acquires intelligence 4034 Any blade hitting target for maximum damage also injects a poison 4035 Any blade hitting target for maximum damage disappears forever 4036 Any blade hitting target for maximum damage gains a +1 bonus 4037 Any blade hitting target for maximum damage gets stuck in him 4038 Any blade hitting target for maximum damage is briefly weightless 4039 Any blade hitting target for maximum damage must Save or shatter 4040 Any blade hitting target for maximum damage rapidly corrodes 4041 Any blade hitting target for maximum damage turns clear as glass 4042 Any blade hitting target for maximum damage turns to gold 4043 Any blade hitting target for maximum damage vanishes until sunset 4044 Any bludgeon that hits the target is 10% likely to shatter 4045 Any bludgeon that hits the target is thereafter +4 ToHit him 4046 Any bludgeon that hits the target sprays water like a fountain 4047 Any bludgeon that hits the target turns to sponge as it does so 4048 Any clothing or armor now worn by target ages 100 years per round 4049 Any clothing or armor now worn by target is fireproof until dawn 4050 Any clothing or armor now worn by target is soaked with tree sap 4051 Any clothing or armor now worn by target shrinks by 30% 4052 Any coins that target is now carrying double in value 4053 Any coins that target is now carrying shrink by 50% 4054 Any coins that target is now carrying turn to cheese 4055 Any coins that target is now carrying weigh 100 pounds each 4056 Any fire damage suffered by target equally affects someone nearby 4057 Any fire damage suffered by target inflicts 2X normal damage 4058 Any fire damage suffered by target is delayed for 3d4 rounds 4059 Any fire damage suffered by target leaves cryptic scars 4060 Any gems now carried by target are cursed against him 4061 Any gold now carried by target belongs to a dragon 4062 Any gold now carried by target combusts like tinder 4063 Any jewelry that target is wearing heats to 500° 4064 Any magic items carried by the target glow like embers until dawn 4065 Any metal now in target's possession becomes intensely magnetic 4066 Any metal now in target's possession heats to its melting point 4067 Any metal now in target's possession is as fragile as glass 4068 Any metal now in target's possession is highly flammable 4069 Any metal now in target's possession is transparent like glass 4070 Any metal now in target's possession is water soluble until dawn 4071 Any metal now in target's possession turns to lead 4072 Any metal now in target's possession turns to mercury 4073 Any metal target is now carrying reverts to raw ore 4074 Any metal weapons that wound the target are dulled for 1d4 rounds 4075 Any metal weapons that wound the target are hurled 1d8 yards away 4076 Any metal weapons that wound the target vanish for 1d4 rounds 4077 Any missile weapon hitting the target inflicts triple damage 4078 Any missile weapon hitting the target instantly combusts 4079 Any missile weapon hitting the target is 10% likely to take root 4080 Any missile weapon hitting the target suddenly triples in weight 4081 Any missile weapons now carried by target are badly warped 4082 Any missile weapons now carried by target have 10X normal range 4083 Any missile weapons now carried by target have a +1 ToHit bonus 4084 Any missile weapons now carried by target have his name on them 4085 Any missiles fired at target are affected by Reverse Gravity 4086 Any missiles fired at target are blown off course by high winds 4087 Any missiles fired at target instantly sprout wings and fly away 4088 Any missiles fired at target leave colorful trails in the air 4089 Any missiles fired at target sound like thunder when they hit 4090 Any missiles fired at target turn invisible if they hit him 4091 Any missiles fired near target orbit him like satellites 4092 Any missiles fired near target shriek as they fly through the air 4093 Any nearby undead attack the target exclusively for 1d10 rounds 4094 Any nearby undead defend the target to the best of their ability 4095 Any nearby undead howl wildly and race toward the target 4096 Any nearby undead now look disturbingly like the target 4097 Any nearby undead obey the target for 1d8 rounds 4098 Any open wounds the target now has are welded closed like metal 4099 Any packs, pouches, or bags carried by target are full of blood 4100 Any packs, pouches, or bags carried by target are interconnected 4101 Any packs, pouches, or bags carried by target double in volume 4102 Any packs, pouches, or bags carried by target dump their contents 4103 Any paper, parchment, etc. now carried by target combusts 4104 Any paper, parchment, etc. now carried by target is fireproof 4105 Any paper, parchment, etc. now carried by target is rain-soaked 4106 Any paper, parchment, etc. now carried by target turns to steel 4107 Any part of target not covered by clothing appears to be skeletal 4108 Any part of target not covered by clothing is badly sunburned 4109 Any part of target not covered by clothing is forever invisible 4110 Any part of target not covered by clothing turns bright orange 4111 Any part of target now covered by clothing is covered in blisters 4112 Any part of target now covered by clothing is fireproof 4113 Any part of target now covered by clothing is forever invisible 4114 Any part of target now covered by clothing is hideously scarred 4115 Any spells cast in target's presence seem to originate from him 4116 Any successful attack on target is 2% likely to kill him 4117 Any successful attack on target is 10% likely to fail outright 4118 Any successful attack on target will leave hideous scars 4119 Any undead now within 10 yards of target attack him until slain 4120 Any undead now within 10 yards of target combust 4121 Any undead now within 10 yards of target gain an extra hit die 4122 Any undead now within 10 yards of target vanish or are destroyed 4123 Any water elemental touching or touched by target freezes solid 4124 Any water elemental touching or touched by target heats to 200° 4125 Any water elemental touching or touched by target is set ablaze 4126 Any water elemental touching or touched by target splits in two 4127 Any water now in contact with target's body freezes solid 4128 Any water now in contact with target's body is poisonous to him 4129 Any water now in contact with target's body turns to glue 4130 Any water now in contact with target's body turns to lamp oil 4131 Any water now in contact with target's body turns to mud 4132 Any water now in contact with target's body turns to stone 4133 Any wooden weapons that wound the target are invisible until dawn 4134 Any wooden weapons that wound the target become heavy as lead 4135 Any wooden weapons that wound the target burst into flame 4136 Any wooden weapons that wound the target must Save or shatter 4137 Any wooden weapons that wound the target turn to steel until dawn 4138 Any wooden weapons that wound the target vanish until he's dead 4139 Anyone cutting target with a blade ages 1d10 years until sunset 4140 Anyone cutting target with a blade briefly turns orange 4141 Anyone cutting target with a blade can't sleep for 1d4 days 4142 Anyone cutting target with a blade can't speak to him until dawn 4143 Anyone cutting target with a blade feels heartwarming glee 4144 Anyone cutting target with a blade feels incredible hunger 37 4145 Anyone cutting target with a blade feels momentarily dizzy 4146 Anyone cutting target with a blade feels overwhelming dread 4147 Anyone cutting target with a blade feels the same amount of pain 4148 Anyone cutting target with a blade feels unsettling dÈj‡ vu 4149 Anyone cutting target with a blade gets an electric shock 4150 Anyone cutting target with a blade has awful dreams for one week 4151 Anyone cutting target with a blade immediately apologizes for it 4152 Anyone cutting target with a blade is briefly blinded 4153 Anyone cutting target with a blade is briefly invisible 4154 Anyone cutting target with a blade is briefly rendered mute 4155 Anyone cutting target with a blade is paralyzed for 1d4 rounds 4156 Anyone cutting target with a blade is soaked with goat's milk 4157 Anyone cutting target with a blade is soaked with his own blood 4158 Anyone cutting target with a blade loses one hit point 4159 Anyone cutting target with a blade suffers visions of damnation 4160 Anyone cutting target with a blade teleports 1d6 feet 4161 Anyone cutting target with a blade thinks he's an ally 4162 Anyone cutting target with a blade thinks the target is immortal 4163 Anyone cutting target with a blade vanishes for 1d4 rounds 4164 Anyone looking into the target's ear has visions of debauchery 4165 Anyone looking into the target's ear has visions of his own death 4166 Anyone looking into the target's ear has visions of the hereafter 4167 Anyone looking into the target's ear suffers intense vertigo 4168 Anyone nearby when target is wounded applauds for 1d4 rounds 4169 Anyone nearby when target is wounded must Save or begin weeping 4170 Anyone nearby when target is wounded must Save or flee in panic 4171 Anyone nearby when target is wounded must Save or pass out 4172 Anyone nearby wielding a wooden weapon hits the target with it 4173 Anyone nearby wielding a wooden weapon is invisible to the target 4174 Anyone nearby wielding a wooden weapon offers it to the target 4175 Anyone nearby wielding a wooden weapon throws it at the target 4176 Anyone nearby with a drawn blade attacks target for 1d4 rounds 4177 Anyone nearby with a drawn blade can't use it against the target 4178 Anyone nearby with a drawn blade races away from the target 4179 Anyone nearby with a drawn blade shouts the target's name 4180 Anyone slain by target's weapon can never be resurrected 4181 Anyone touching the target in the next turn adopts his name 4182 Anyone touching the target in the next turn is briefly paralyzed 4183 Anyone touching the target in the next turn loses 1d10 hit points 4184 Anyone touching the target in the next turn suffers severe burns 4185 Anyone who wounds the target is 5% likely to kill him outright 4186 Anyone who wounds the target must Save or age 1d10 years 4187 Anyone who wounds the target must Save or be equally wounded 4188 Anyone who wounds the target must Save or disarm themselves 4189 Anyone who wounds the target must Save or fall unconscious 4190 Anyone who wounds the target must Save or sink into the ground 4191 Anyone who wounds the target must Save or teleport 1d4 miles 4192 Anyone who wounds the target must Save or temporarily shrink 25% 4193 Armor is always invisible while worn by the target 4194 As target is wounded more severely, he's less likely to sense it 4195 At any crossroads, target feels utterly lost 4196 At any crossroads, target is inclined to turn back 4197 At any crossroads, target is inclined to turn left 4198 At any crossroads, target is stricken with indecision 4199 At dawn tomorrow, all record and memory of target is lost 4200 At dawn tomorrow, demonic hordes mount a quest against the target 4201 At dawn tomorrow, target is abducted by an undead horde 4202 At dawn tomorrow, target must Save or age 1d1000 years 4203 At each sunset, target is 20% likely to age 1d20 years instantly 4204 At some point in every battle, target wholly disarms himself 4205 Beacon-bright light shines from target's palms during combat 4206 Beacon-bright light shines from the soles of the target's feet 4207 Beacon-bright light shines from the target's principal weapon 4208 Beacon-bright light shines from the top of the target's head 4209 Bits of gristle tumble from the target's mouth while he speaks 4210 Bits of hardened resin tumble constantly from target's ears 4211 Blades are magically blunted while the target wields them 4212 Blades are unbreakable while the target wields them 4213 Blades seem cumbersome and awkward while the target wields them 4214 Blades seem to have basic intelligence while target wields them 4215 Both of target's arms are now on the same side of his body 4216 Both of target's arms jut from the same shoulder 4217 Bright flames consume the target's clothing for 1d10 rounds 4218 Bright flames dance harmlessly over target's body for 1d10 rounds 4219 Bright flames ripple harmlessly along target's limbs for 1d4 days 4220 Bright flames surround the target harmlessly for 2d10 rounds 4221 Colored streamers shoot from target's ears for 2d6 rounds 4222 Colored streamers shoot from target's nostrils 4223 Colorful smoke spews from target's every orifice for 2d10 rounds 4224 Condensation endlessly forms upon and drips from target 4225 Countless glass shards slash at the target for 1d6 rounds 4226 Countless glass shards whirl around the target for 1d6 rounds 4227 Countless tiny moths flutter about the target's head 4228 Countless tiny, colorful orbs swirl harmlessly around the target 4229 Creatures Summoned in target's presence are abominations 4230 Creatures Summoned in target's presence are clear like glass 4231 Creatures Summoned in target's presence are immune to fire 4232 Creatures Summoned in target's presence are old and decrepit 4233 Creatures Summoned in target's presence beg him for mercy 4234 Creatures Summoned in target's presence have only 1 hit point 4235 Creatures Summoned in target's presence obey him unswervingly 4236 Creatures Summoned in target's presence refuse to attack him 4237 Creatures Summoned in target's presence seem to be made of stone 4238 Creatures Summoned in target's presence strongly resemble him 4239 Creatures Summoned in target's presence worship him as a god 4240 Dew and condensation inspire fear in the target 4241 Dozens of tiny glass slivers fall harmlessly from target's mouth 4242 During any combat round, target is 3% likely to die outright 4243 During any combat round, target is 5% likely to flee in panic 4244 During any combat round, target is 10% likely to be invisible 4245 During any combat round, target is 50% likely to be very drunk 4246 During battle, target experiences distracting hallucinations 4247 During battle, target hears overpoweringly loud calliope music 4248 During battle, target perceives thick, acrid smoke all around him 4249 During battle, target quacks like an enormous duck 4250 During battle, target repeatedly chants a naughty limerick 4251 During battle, target's allies are invisible to him 4252 During battle, target's allies can't speak to him 4253 During battle, target's allies don't recognize him 4254 During battle, target's clothes and gear are invisible 4255 During battle, target's clothes appear to burst into flame 4256 During battle, target's clothes billow with foul smoke 4257 During battle, target's clothes moan like ghosts 4258 During battle, target's ears flap like a bird's wings 4259 During battle, target's flesh, hair, and gear turn white as snow 4260 During battle, target's hands appear to be shrouded in flame 4261 During battle, target's head is henceforth invisible 4262 During battle, target's heartbeat is audible to all nearby 4263 Each day, target can become an illusion for 1d4 rounds 4264 Each day, target can command 1d4 non-magical bears 4265 Each day, target can see through the caster's eyes for 1d4 turns 4266 Each day, target can turn his skin invisible for up to one hour 4267 Each day, target can turn into a horse for up to 1d4 hours 4268 Each day, target can walk on water up to 100 yards 4269 Each day, target is 10% likely to lose one finger or toe 4270 Each day, target is immune to one electrical attack 4271 Each day, target is struck by lightning but is basically unharmed 4272 Each day, target must eat at least one medium-sized candle 4273 Each day, target must eat at least one sheet of parchment 4274 Each day, target's body varies from 10% to 80% transparency 38 4275 Each day, target's skin is a different vibrant color 4276 Each of target's feet acquires argumentative intelligence 4277 Each of target's feet is chained to his neck 4278 Each of target's feet tries to race away in a different direction 4279 Each of target's feet weighs as much as the rest of his body 4280 Each of target's hands fuses to the opposite elbow 4281 Each time target is injured, a gold coin appears in his mouth 4282 Each time target is injured, he must Save or fall unconscious 4283 Each time target is injured, he must Save or go blind 4284 Each time target is injured, howls like a wolf 4285 Each time target opens his mouth, a small toad leaps out of it 4286 Each time target opens his mouth, another tooth turns invisible 4287 Each time target opens his mouth, he hears eerie music nearby 4288 Each time target opens his mouth, nearby birds fall silent 4289 Electricity crackles in target's clothing when he's angry 4290 Electricity crackles in target's skin as he makes an attack 4291 Electricity crackles in the air around the target for 1d4 days 4292 Electricity crackles in the ground wherever the target steps 4293 Electricity crackles in the target's hair for 1d8 hours 4294 Electricity crackles in the target's hair when he uses magic 4295 Electricity crackles through the target's body for 1d8 rounds 4296 Electricity crackles visibly along target's weapon during combat 4297 Every few rounds a spider crawls from target's mouth 4298 Every other day, the target is 20% likely to shrink by 10% 4299 Every other day, the target is 30% likely to be mute 4300 Every other day, the target is 5d10 years older than his true age 4301 Every other day, the target radiates strongly of alteration magic 4302 Every rat in the kingdom follows the target for 2d6 days 4303 Every spell cast nearby in the next 1d6 rounds strikes the target 4304 Every spell cast nearby is immediately obvious to the target 4305 Everyone knows that the target has no real martial prowess 4306 Everyone knows that the target is a powerful demon in disguise 4307 Everyone knows that the target's head is completely hollow 4308 Everyone knows that the target's skeleton is made of gold 4309 Everyone now within 10 yards of target attacks him for 1d4 rounds 4310 Everyone now within 10 yards of target ignores him for 1d4 hours 4311 Everyone now within 10 yards of target is disarmed 4312 Everyone now within 10 yards of target is invisible to him 4313 Everyone now within 10 yards of target is knocked down 4314 Everyone now within 10 yards of target is stricken bald 4315 Everyone now within 10 yards of target must Save or pass out 4316 Everyone now within 10 yards of target shouts his name 4317 Everyone who knows the target's name fears him for 3d10 rounds 4318 Everyone who knows the target's name forgets what he looks like 4319 Everyone who knows the target's name owes him 1d4 gold pieces 4320 Everyone who knows the target's name thinks his name is Twinkles 4321 Everyone whom target owes money demands repayment in full, now 4322 Everyone within 100 yards adopts the target's name 4323 Everyone within 100 yards feels intense hatred toward the target 4324 Everyone within 100 yards gives a gold piece to the target 4325 Everyone within 100 yards is invisible to the target until sunset 4326 Everyone within 100 yards races toward the target at top speed 4327 Everyone within 100 yards teleports 10d10 yards away from target 4328 Everyone within 100 yards teleports to the target's home 4329 Everyone within 100 yards thinks the target is about to explode 4330 Everyone within 100 yards thinks the target is undead 4331 Everything now worn or carried by target becomes sickly green 4332 Everything now worn or carried by target is strewn about the area 4333 Everything that target is now carrying is imperfectly duplicated 4334 Exertion makes target exhale black smoke like a steam engine 4335 Fire is intensely beautiful and attractive to the target 4336 Fire is invisible to the target 4337 Foliage grows wildly beneath the target's feet, entangling him 4338 For 1d10 rounds, magic doesn't work within 100 yards of target 4339 For 1d10 rounds, ordinary wood smoke is highly toxic to target 4340 For 1d10 rounds, target can't be affected by any magic items 4341 For 1d4 days, target can't speak to anyone now within 10 yards 4342 For 1d4 days, target can't speak to anyone who knows his name 4343 For one week, target can't be healed by any magical means 4344 For one week, target can't be injured by members of his species 4345 Glowing coals appear to be moving within the target's skin 4346 Half of target's body begins aging backwards, one year per day 4347 Half of target's body is affected by Reverse Gravity 4348 Half of target's body is badly burned, the other half frostbitten 4349 Half of target's body is indestructible for 2d4 days 4350 Half of target's body is infected with lycanthropy 4351 Half of target's body polymorphs into some kind of animal 4352 Half of target's body resembles half of the caster's body 4353 Half of target's body shrinks by 25% 4354 Half of target's body suffers from advanced leprosy 4355 Half of target's body turns invisible while in direct sunlight 4356 Half of target's fingers are permanently invisible 4357 Half of target's head appears to be made of crystal 4358 Half of target's head appears to be made of metal 4359 Half of target's head appears to be stripped of flesh 4360 Half of target's head explodes, killing him messily 4361 Half of target's head is covered in fine gold scales 4362 Half of target's head is covered in fragrant blue moss 4363 Half of target's head vanishes, but he's basically unharmed 4364 Half of target's limbs become donkey's limbs 4365 Hundreds of blood-red worms course from the target's nostrils 4366 Hundreds of small ice chips tumble from target's ears 4367 Hundreds of wasps swarm the target whenever he draws a weapon 4368 If an ally kills target today, he'll resurrect at dawn tomorrow 4369 If an ally kills target today, target explodes as a 50HD fireball 4370 If an arrow hits the target in the next 1d3 rounds, he explodes 4371 If an arrow hits the target in the next round, he doubles in size 4372 If an arrow hits the target in the next round, he turns to glass 4373 If an arrow hits the target in the next round, he's fully healed 4374 If next attack on target causes maximum damage, he dies 4375 If next attack on target causes maximum damage, his attacker dies 4376 If next attack on target causes maximum damage, the moon vanishes 4377 If next attack on target causes maximum damage, winter begins now 4378 If reduced to exactly zero hit points, target becomes an undead 4379 If reduced to exactly zero hit points, target combusts violently 4380 If reduced to exactly zero hit points, target is fully healed 4381 If reduced to exactly zero hit points, target melts like butter 4382 If reduced to exactly zero hit points, target shatters like glass 4383 If reduced to exactly zero hit points, target shrinks by 75% 4384 If reduced to exactly zero hit points, target turns invisible 4385 If reduced to exactly zero hit points, target turns to steam 4386 If reduced to five or fewer hit points, target attacks himself 4387 If reduced to five or fewer hit points, target goes berserk 4388 If reduced to one hit point, target becomes a lich 4389 If reduced to one hit point, target is Healed but loses one level 4390 If struck by Dispel Magic, target ceases to exist for 1d10 rounds 4391 If struck by Dispel Magic, target is rendered squeaky clean 4392 If struck by Dispel Magic, target loses 1d100 hit points 4393 If struck by Dispel Magic, target's skeleton disintegrates 4394 If target attempts to teleport, his nervous system stays behind 4395 If target disembowels himself, he's 10% likely to become a god 4396 If target draws a weapon, he can't sheathe it again for 4d6 hours 4397 If target draws a weapon, he can't sheathe it until he's wounded 4398 If target draws a weapon, he can't use it for 1d4 rounds 4399 If target draws a weapon, it's 5% likely to shatter outright 4400 If target eats raw meat, he bleeds from the ears for 4d4 rounds 4401 If target eats raw meat, he has visions of a possible future 4402 If target eats raw meat, he has visions of his own death 4403 If target eats raw meat, he succumbs to voracious bloodlust 4404 If target eats raw meat, he's thrown into the nearest river 39 4405 If target eats raw meat, it increases in volume by a factor of 10 4406 If target eats raw meat, it turns to hot ashes in his stomach 4407 If target has a shield, it becomes fused to his arm 4408 If target has a shield, it claps shut on his arm like a clamshell 4409 If target has a shield, it now weighs 500 pounds 4410 If target has a shield, it vanishes, taking his arm with it 4411 If target has any charged magic items, they discharge on him 4412 If target has any charged magic items, they turn to wood 4413 If target has any charged magic items, they're fully recharged 4414 If target has any charged magic items, they're inert until dawn 4415 If target has any leather, he sprouts horns like a bull 4416 If target has any leather, he's soaked with lamp oil 4417 If target has any leather, it rots over 1d10 rounds 4418 If target has any leather, the cows that yielded it seek revenge 4419 If target has slain anyone recently, he goes insane until dawn 4420 If target has slain anyone recently, he's attacked by vultures 4421 If target is aware of any poison nearby, he begins shrieking 4422 If target is aware of any poison nearby, he thinks it's delicious 4423 If target is aware of any poison nearby, he tries to ingest it 4424 If target is aware of any poison nearby, he's immune to it 4425 If target is beheaded, a spectacular lightshow ensues 4426 If target is beheaded, a winged horse springs from his neck-stump 4427 If target is beheaded, anyone nearby is stricken blind for 1 turn 4428 If target is beheaded, he grows a new head facing backwards 4429 If target is beheaded, he grows a new head just like the caster's 4430 If target is beheaded, he's 10% likely to possess his slayer 4431 If target is beheaded, he's 40% likely to grow a new head 4432 If target is beheaded, his blood turns to very strong acid 4433 If target is beheaded, his body combusts and races to the horizon 4434 If target is beheaded, his body defends his slayer for 2d10 turns 4435 If target is beheaded, his body deflates like a balloon 4436 If target is beheaded, his body seeks political office 4437 If target is beheaded, his body still lives a long and happy life 4438 If target is beheaded, his body tries to behead his slayer 4439 If target is beheaded, his head becomes undead 4440 If target is beheaded, his head bounces away like a rubber ball 4441 If target is beheaded, his head explodes as a 10HD fireball 4442 If target is beheaded, his head floats away like a balloon 4443 If target is beheaded, his head rolls to the highest mountaintop 4444 If target is beheaded, his head speaks prophecy for 1d4 rounds 4445 If target is beheaded, his head turns to solid gold 4446 If target is beheaded, his slayer disgorges 1d6 gallons of blood 4447 If target is beheaded, his slayer is Stunned for 1d4 hours 4448 If target is beheaded, his slayer must Save vs Will or go insane 4449 If target is beheaded, his slayer receives 10d1000 gold pieces 4450 If target is beheaded, his slayer then tries to behead himself 4451 If target is beheaded, lightning bolts discharge from his neck 4452 If target is beheaded, no one now nearby can ever be resurrected 4453 If target is beheaded, two identical heads sprout from his neck 4454 If target is carrying a magical weapon, he loses 1d8 hit points 4455 If target is carrying a magical weapon, he regains 1d8 hit points 4456 If target is carrying a magical weapon, it is burned to slag 4457 If target is carrying a magical weapon, it mimics his personality 4458 If target is carrying a pouch, he tries to climb into it 4459 If target is carrying a pouch, it becomes a small Bag of Holding 4460 If target is carrying a pouch, it contains 1d100 gold pieces 4461 If target is carrying a pouch, it inflates like a hot air balloon 4462 If target is carrying any food, he turns into a werewolf 4463 If target is carrying any gold, he can hurl one 10HD fireball 4464 If target is carrying any gold, he changes alignment until sunset 4465 If target is carrying any gold, he's struck by lightning 4466 If target is carrying any water, it becomes toxic to him 4467 If target is carrying any wood, he attempts to devour it 4468 If target is carrying any wood, it explodes into fiery splinters 4469 If target is carrying any wood, it smolders until sunset 4470 If target is carrying any wood, it turns to sawdust 4471 If target is carrying rope, he ties himself to a nearby tree 4472 If target is carrying rope, he winds it tightly about his neck 4473 If target is carrying rope, it can't be cut by non-magical means 4474 If target is carrying rope, it threads itself through his flesh 4475 If target is currently injured he begins aging one year per round 4476 If target is cut by a metal weapon, he loses 2d10 gold pieces 4477 If target is cut by a metal weapon, he won't heal naturally 4478 If target is cut by a metal weapon, his limbs turn invisible 4479 If target is cut by a metal weapon, it sizzles violently 4480 If target is cut by a metal weapon, that injury quickly rusts 4481 If target is cut by a metal weapon, that weapon quickly rusts 4482 If target is now bleeding, fire can't harm him for 2d4 days 4483 If target is now bleeding, he begins to drown as though submerged 4484 If target is now bleeding, he's hereafter susceptible to rust 4485 If target is now bleeding, his weapon is +4 for 2d4 hours 4486 If target is now bleeding, the ground at his feet heats to 500° 4487 If target is now carrying any food, he contracts advanced leprosy 4488 If target is now carrying any food, he loses 1d100 hit points 4489 If target is now carrying any food, he teleports 2d10 miles 4490 If target is now standing, he can't sit or lie down for 8d6 hours 4491 If target is now standing, he levitates helplessly for 2d8 rounds 4492 If target is now standing, he's now standing on tall stilts 4493 If target is now standing, his legs double in length 4494 If target is now wet, he suffers sudden heat exhaustion 4495 If target is slain by a blade, he can never be resurrected 4496 If target is slain by fire, he explodes as a 20HD fireball 4497 If target is slain by fire, he resurrects in 1d4 days 4498 If target is slain by fire, his ashes are scattered over the sea 4499 If target is slain by fire, the nearest forest is also set ablaze 4500 If target is slain in the next 24 hours, he becomes a god 4501 If target is slain in the next 24 hours, he can't be resurrected 4502 If target is slain in the next 24 hours, he resurrects at sunrise 4503 If target is slain in the next 24 hours, winter begins at once 4504 If target is slain, a spring bubbles up from beneath his corpse 4505 If target is slain, a virulent plague breaks out in a nearby city 4506 If target is slain, all trees within 10 miles vanish 4507 If target is slain, all within 10 miles are overcome by grief 4508 If target is slain, he becomes an undead servant for his slayer 4509 If target is slain, he forever haunts the dreams of his slayer 4510 If target is slain, his allies all attack his slayer 4511 If target is slain, his allies quickly forget him and move on 4512 If target is slain, his corpse completely decays in 1d4 rounds 4513 If target is slain, his corpse embraces his slayer and combusts 4514 If target is slain, his corpse turns to wax within 1d10 rounds 4515 If target is slain, his slayer must Save or die along with him 4516 If target is slain, his soul can't leave his body 4517 If target is slain, his soul is sent to the wrong plane 4518 If target is slain, the caster is under a Geas to resurrect him 4519 If target is slain, the caster must inform his next of kin 4520 If target is wearing animal hide, he becomes an animal until dawn 4521 If target is wearing animal hide, he hides like an animal 4522 If target is wearing animal hide, he thinks that he's that animal 4523 If target is wearing animal hide, he tries to eat it 4524 If target is wearing animal hide, it animates and attacks him 4525 If target is wearing any rings, he has a spiritual revelation 4526 If target is wearing any rings, he's immune to magic until sunset 4527 If target is wearing any rings, his hands retract into his wrists 4528 If target is wearing any rings, they ignite on his fingers 4529 If target is wearing armor, he is unable to remove it 4530 If target is wearing armor, he teleports into the nearest town 4531 If target is wearing armor, he thinks it's part of his body 4532 If target is wearing armor, he's attacked by 1d4 alligators 4533 If target is wearing armor, he's blinded until he removes it 4534 If target is wearing armor, he's hurled into the nearest river 40 4535 If target is wearing armor, he's soaked with lamp oil 4536 If target is wearing armor, he's struck by lightning 4537 If target is wearing armor, it clatters noisily in the dark 4538 If target is wearing armor, it constricts painfully about him 4539 If target is wearing armor, it has a +2 AC bonus until sunrise 4540 If target is wearing armor, it heats to 500° 4541 If target is wearing armor, it rattles violently for 1d10 hours 4542 If target is wearing armor, it teleports 2d6 yards 4543 If target is wearing armor, it turns invisible 4544 If target is wearing armor, it vanishes for 1d10 rounds 4545 If target is wearing armor, it's as supple as silk until sunset 4546 If target is wearing armor, it's restored to brand-new condition 4547 If target is wearing armor, rain falls heavily for 1d10 days 4548 If target is wearing armor, the ground beneath him gives way 4549 If target is wearing shoes, his feet become chicken's feet 4550 If target is wielding a weapon, he suffers severe frostbite 4551 If target kills an ally within one turn, he'll be fully Healed 4552 If target kills anyone in the next hour, he vanishes for 2d4 days 4553 If target lights a fire, he feels an urge to put his hands in it 4554 If target lights a fire, he is overwhelmingly afraid of it 4555 If target lights a fire, he perceives omens in its burning embers 4556 If target lights a fire, his clothing ignites 4557 If target loses a finger, he deliberately cuts off another one 4558 If target loses a finger, that hand shrivels and dies 4559 If target moves more than 10 yards from this spot, he dies 4560 If target now has fewer than 1d100 hit points, he's fully Healed 4561 If target now has more than 20 hit points, he loses 1d100 4562 If target sees an open pit, he tries to bury himself in it 4563 If target sees an open pit, he's attacked by something in it 4564 If target sits or lies down, he can't stand again for 8d6 hours 4565 If target sits or lies down, he teleports 1d100 yards 4566 If target sits or lies down, he's attacked by glowing beetles 4567 If target sits or lies down, he's covered by a light frost 4568 If target sleeps more than eight hours, he's struck by lightning 4569 If target teleports, he arrives holding two buckets of paint 4570 If target teleports, his skeleton teleports to this spot 4571 If target uses a doorway in the next hour, he turns to stone 4572 If target wields an axe, he thinks he's the archetypal Dwarf 4573 If target wields an axe, he tries to decapitate himself with it 4574 If target wields an axe, he's attacked by the nearest tree 4575 If target worships a deity, he claims to speak for the deity 4576 If target worships a deity, he forsakes that deity for another 4577 If target worships a deity, he thinks he's that deity's avatar 4578 If target worships a deity, he thinks the deity is talking to him 4579 If target's hands touch, they adhere to each other until dawn 4580 If target's weapon is metal, his hand turns to similar metal 4581 If target's weapon is metal, it turns to glass for 1d4 rounds 4582 If target's weapon is metal, it turns to wood and vice versa 4583 If target's weapon is metal, it's now indestructible 4584 Innumerable bats flutter around the target each day at twilight 4585 Insects constantly swarm around the target from now on 4586 Magic items are unreliable for the target for 2d4-1 days 4587 Magic items function at 50% power when target uses them 4588 Meat turns to gravel as it moves through target's digestive tract 4589 Melancholy chants issue from the target's weapon during battle 4590 Metal weapons are immune to magic while target wields them 4591 Metal weapons are invisible to target while he wields them 4592 Metal weapons chime pleasantly when they strike the caster 4593 Metal weapons do not conduct electricity while target wields them 4594 Metal weapons seem 10X heavier to target while he wields them 4595 Metal weapons seem to hum with power when target wields them 4596 Metal weapons seem weightless to target during combat 4597 Metal weapons strike sparks against target's body like flint 4598 Music causes the target to weep tears of blood 4599 Music inspires savage bloodlust in the target 4600 Nearest horse adopts the target's personality 4601 Nearest horse brutally attacks the target until one is dead 4602 Nearest pine tree crushes the target's home, wherever it is 4603 Nearest pine tree pelts the target with jagged pine cones 4604 Nearest pine tree sounds like the target when the wind blows 4605 Nearest pine tree sprays the target with boiling, caustic sap 4606 Nearest zombie appears in the area under the target's command 4607 Nearest zombie attacks the target until one is destroyed 4608 Nearest zombie follows the target everywhere 4609 Nearest zombie steals something precious to target, then flees 4610 Next 1d10 attacks upon target have a +4 bonus to damage 4611 Next 1d10 attacks upon target heal rather than inflict damage 4612 Next 1d10 attacks upon target inflict burning damage like fire 4613 Next 1d10 attacks upon target inflict only illusionary damage 4614 Next 1d10 attacks upon target inflict only minimum damage 4615 Next 1d10 attacks upon target leave him breathless and exhausted 4616 Next 1d10 attacks upon target leave him soaked with brine 4617 Next 1d10 attacks upon target wound a nearby tree instead 4618 Next 1d4 creatures slain by target combust immediately 4619 Next 1d4 creatures slain by target immediately rise as undead 4620 Next 1d4 creatures slain by target turn invisible upon death 4621 Next 1d4 creatures slain by target very rapidly decompose 4622 Next 1d4 hours seem like a dream to the target 4623 Next 1d4 rounds seem to last a full day to the target 4624 Next 2d4 spells cast at target are invisible in effect 4625 Next 2d4 spells cast at target function as the current spell 4626 Next 2d4 spells cast at target function at 2X normal power 4627 Next 2d4 spells cast at target strike random targets nearby 4628 Next horse touched by target becomes ravenously carnivorous 4629 Next horse touched by target can never again be ridden by mortals 4630 Next horse touched by target shrinks by 75% 4631 Next horse touched by target turns into a small dinosaur 4632 Next magic item handled by target appears as supple as clay 4633 Next magic item handled by target can again never be used by him 4634 Next magic item handled by target can't be used by anyone else 4635 Next magic item handled by target drains 1d10 hit points from him 4636 Next magic item handled by target expresses deep hatred for him 4637 Next magic item handled by target expresses deep love for him 4638 Next magic item handled by target is etched with his fingerprints 4639 Next magic item handled by target is invisible while he uses it 4640 Next magic item handled by target leaves colorful trails of light 4641 Next magic item handled by target leaves weird scars on his hands 4642 Next magic item handled by target makes him think he's drowning 4643 Next magic item handled by target makes his hands go numb 4644 Next magic item handled by target restores 1d10 hit points 4645 Next magic item handled by target seems to him to be 1,000° 4646 Next magic item handled by target seems to him to be 10X heavier 4647 Next magic item handled by target shines like a beacon to undead 4648 Next magic item handled by target smells like manure for 3d8 days 4649 Next magic item handled by target tries to control his mind 4650 Next magic item handled by target works at 2X normal power 4651 Next magic item handled by target works contrary to his wishes 4652 Next person to wound the target absorbs half of the damage 4653 Next person to wound the target can harm no one else until sunset 4654 Next person to wound the target hallucinates wildly for one turn 4655 Next person to wound the target inflicts maximum damage 4656 Next person to wound the target is attacked by vermin 4657 Next person to wound the target is immediately chained to him 4658 Next person to wound the target is paralyzed for 1d10 rounds 4659 Next person to wound the target is splattered with fish guts 4660 Next person to wound the target is stricken blind until sunset 4661 Next person to wound the target is swarmed by aggressive bees 4662 Next person to wound the target is thrown into the nearest well 4663 Next person to wound the target is worshipped by vermin 4664 Next person to wound the target must Save or fall unconscious 41 4665 Next person to wound the target races to the nearest graveyard 4666 Next person to wound the target resembles him for 1d20 hours 4667 Next person to wound the target sees fires blazing all around him 4668 Next person to wound the target suffers 2X the damage inflicted 4669 Next person to wound the target suffers equal damage 4670 Next person to wound the target suffers overpowering vertigo 4671 Next person to wound the target suffers the damage instead 4672 Next person to wound the target teleports 1d4 miles away 4673 Next person to wound the target teleports 4d8 yards straight up 4674 Next person to wound the target then attacks the caster 4675 Next person to wound the target then flees to the nearest forest 4676 Next person to wound the target thinks he'll die before nightfall 4677 Next person to wound the target thinks he's drowning for one turn 4678 Next person to wound the target thinks that he's slain the target 4679 Next person to wound the target totally disarms himself 4680 Next person to wound the target will soon be abducted by undead 4681 Next person wounded by target must Save or age 1d6 years 4682 Next person wounded by target must Save or be attacked by vermin 4683 Next person wounded by target must Save or be Charmed by him 4684 Next person wounded by target must Save or be poisoned 4685 Next person wounded by target must Save or be stricken mute 4686 Next person wounded by target must Save or contract leprosy 4687 Next person wounded by target must Save or drop to one hit point 4688 Next person wounded by target must Save or flee panic-stricken 4689 Next person wounded by target must Save or shrink by 5d10% 4690 Next person wounded by target must Save or teleport 1d4 miles 4691 Next puddle stepped in by target absolves him of sin 4692 Next puddle stepped in by target causes him to hallucinate 4693 Next puddle stepped in by target changes his alignment until dawn 4694 Next puddle stepped in by target contains a small sea monster 4695 Next puddle stepped in by target drenches him from head to toe 4696 Next puddle stepped in by target explodes as a 6HD fireball 4697 Next puddle stepped in by target hardens like cement 4698 Next puddle stepped in by target inspires him to megalomania 4699 Next puddle stepped in by target is a 16HD water elemental 4700 Next puddle stepped in by target is highly concentrated acid 4701 Next puddle stepped in by target sends him to Elemental Water 4702 Next puddle stepped in by target teleports him to a nearby lake 4703 Next puddle stepped in by target throws him 3d10 yards in the air 4704 Next puddle stepped in by target turns to glass 4705 Next time target touches a tree, he must Save or turn to wood 4706 Next time target touches a tree, he's attacked by 1d100 squirrels 4707 Next time target touches a tree, he's buried in a heap of sawdust 4708 Next time target touches a tree, he's overgrown with stiff bark 4709 Next weapon to wound target absorbs water like a sponge 4710 Next weapon to wound target afflicts its wielder with narcolepsy 4711 Next weapon to wound target appears as porous as a sponge 4712 Next weapon to wound target appears to be made of diamond 4713 Next weapon to wound target becomes as black as coal forever 4714 Next weapon to wound target begins aging 1d100 years per round 4715 Next weapon to wound target burns like magnesium for 1d10 rounds 4716 Next weapon to wound target can never wound him again thereafter 4717 Next weapon to wound target can't harm him for 1d8 days 4718 Next weapon to wound target disintegrates if it wounds him again 4719 Next weapon to wound target embeds itself in a nearby tree 4720 Next weapon to wound target exudes acrid steam for 1d4 weeks 4721 Next weapon to wound target heals him if it wounds him again 4722 Next weapon to wound target heals its wielder by an equal amount 4723 Next weapon to wound target identifies him as its rightful owner 4724 Next weapon to wound target inflicts 10X the rolled damage 4725 Next weapon to wound target is 5% likely to change his sex 4726 Next weapon to wound target is +1 until he's wounded again 4727 Next weapon to wound target is 10% likely to change his alignment 4728 Next weapon to wound target is 10% likely to destroy his soul 4729 Next weapon to wound target is 60% likely to shatter 4730 Next weapon to wound target is believed to be a mighty artifact 4731 Next weapon to wound target is crushed into a small cube 4732 Next weapon to wound target is engraved with his name 4733 Next weapon to wound target is forever after -1 ToHit 4734 Next weapon to wound target is frozen in a large block of ice 4735 Next weapon to wound target is intensely magnetic 4736 Next weapon to wound target is invisible to him forever after 4737 Next weapon to wound target is jealously sought by collectors 4738 Next weapon to wound target is older than the entire universe 4739 Next weapon to wound target is pinned beneath a nearby boulder 4740 Next weapon to wound target is replaced by a nearly exact replica 4741 Next weapon to wound target is soon confiscated by demons 4742 Next weapon to wound target is thereafter +1 to hit him 4743 Next weapon to wound target is thereafter +4 ToHit him 4744 Next weapon to wound target is thereafter indestructible 4745 Next weapon to wound target is thereafter terribly afraid of him 4746 Next weapon to wound target leaps 1d100 rounds into the future 4747 Next weapon to wound target likewise wounds his attacker 4748 Next weapon to wound target makes him suffer apocalyptic visions 4749 Next weapon to wound target must Save or melt like a candle 4750 Next weapon to wound target must Save or shrink by 5d10 + 45% 4751 Next weapon to wound target penalizes its wielder's AC by 5 4752 Next weapon to wound target turns out to be a mighty artifact 4753 Next weapon to wound target turns to stone 4754 Next weapon to wound target vanishes for 1d10 rounds 4755 Next weapon to wound target was forged from his own bones 4756 Next weapon to wound target was forged on a distant world 4757 No one speaks to target for 2d4-1 days 4758 No one speaks to target until he spills his own blood 4759 Non-magical animals react to the target as if he were a salt lick 4760 Non-magical animals react to the target as if he were food 4761 Non-magical animals react to the target as if he were one of them 4762 Non-magical animals react to the target as if he were undead 4763 Normal voices seem deafeningly loud to the target 4764 Normal voices seem ghostly and haunting to the target 4765 Normal voices seem to echo imperiously to the target 4766 Normal voices seem to resonate in the target's bones 4767 On target's back is a button that, if pushed, lights up his head 4768 On target's back is a button that, if pushed, makes him giggle 4769 On target's back is a button that, if pushed, makes him glow blue 4770 On target's back is a button that, if pushed, makes him sweat 4771 Once per day, target can make a sound like a cannon 4772 Once per day, target can turn all wheels nearby invisible 4773 One of target's allies thinks that target is an avatar of his god 4774 One of target's arms becomes as supple as rope during combat 4775 One of target's arms can bend in 1d4 additional places 4776 One of target's arms is as durable as steel, but only when wet 4777 One of target's arms is bent like a corkscrew 4778 One of target's arms is bent like a shepherd's crook 4779 One of target's arms is replaced by a duplicate of his head 4780 One of target's arms is stripped to the bone but works normally 4781 One of target's arms loses all bone but functions like a tentacle 4782 One of target's arms turns into a small replica of his leg 4783 One of target's arms turns to a lion's foreleg 4784 One of target's eyes migrates to the back of his head 4785 One of target's feet is fused into an anvil 4786 One of target's feet rotates 180° at the ankle 4787 One of target's hands appears to have been flattened by a hammer 4788 One of target's hands becomes hideously contorted and deformed 4789 One of target's hands can pass through solid steel 4790 One of target's hands can pass through stone 4791 One of target's hands can't be cut by non-magical metal 4792 One of target's hands dissolves in water like a sand castle 4793 One of target's hands figures prominently in the apocalypse 4794 One of target's hands glows brightly in the presence of magic 42 4795 One of target's hands is fireproof, but he never knows which one 4796 One of target's hands is fireproof; the other hand vanishes 4797 One of target's hands is immune to bludgeoning weapons 4798 One of target's hands is impervious to beam-based magic spells 4799 One of target's hands is impervious to magical cold 4800 One of target's hands is invisible to undead 4801 One of target's hands is shaped like an orangutan's hand 4802 One of target's hands migrates to the top of his head 4803 One of target's hands oozes a viscous liquid like sap 4804 One of target's hands shines like a beacon if clenched in a fist 4805 One of target's hands turns into a hoof 4806 One of target's hands turns into a perfect cube of granite 4807 One of target's hands turns into a replica of a rabbit's head 4808 One of target's hands turns into sponge 4809 One of target's hands, when clenched, looks like a small head 4810 One of target's legs and one of his arms become as clear as glass 4811 One of target's legs and one of his arms seem to be made of wood 4812 One of target's legs and one of his arms shrink by 50% 4813 One of target's legs and one of his arms turn invisible 4814 One of target's limbs acquires intelligence hostile to him 4815 One of target's limbs always seems to be soaked with milk 4816 One of target's limbs appears to be made of diamond 4817 One of target's limbs becomes wildly disobedient during combat 4818 One of target's limbs can appear identical to his other limbs 4819 One of target's limbs can be Dispelled as an illusion 4820 One of target's limbs can never be rendered invisible 4821 One of target's limbs can't be armored in combat 4822 One of target's limbs develops an intense hatred for the others 4823 One of target's limbs falls off and tries to escape 4824 One of target's limbs glows bright blue in the dark 4825 One of target's limbs is affected as by the spell Slow 4826 One of target's limbs is as hard as steel during combat 4827 One of target's limbs is clearly artificial 4828 One of target's limbs is controlled by caster for 1d10 rounds 4829 One of target's limbs is covered in feathers 4830 One of target's limbs is entirely indestructible 4831 One of target's limbs is impervious to blades during combat 4832 One of target's limbs is impervious to polymorph magic 4833 One of target's limbs is made of porcelain but functions normally 4834 One of target's limbs is paralyzed for 1d6 days 4835 One of target's limbs is replaced by a hideous tentacle 4836 One of target's limbs is responsible for genocide 4837 One of target's limbs is wanted for murder 4838 One of target's limbs now juts from the center of his back 4839 One of target's limbs regenerates in 1d4 rounds if severed 4840 One of target's limbs retracts into his torso when not in use 4841 One of target's limbs seems to belong to a different species 4842 One of target's limbs shrinks by 1d4% per day 4843 One of target's limbs suffers intense pain if he uses magic 4844 One of target's limbs turns as green as grass 4845 One of target's limbs turns to a tree limb 4846 One of target's limbs turns to solid gold 4847 One or more of target's allies is plotting to kill him 4848 One or more of target's allies thinks that target is a traitor 4849 Ordinary water has a powerful emetic effect upon the target 4850 Ordinary water induces aggressive incontinence in the target 4851 Ordinary water is as intoxicating to target as distilled spirits 4852 Ordinary water is incredibly impressive to the target 4853 People often mistake the target for a hated enemy 4854 People often mistake the target for a statue of the caster 4855 People often mistake the target for an undead monstrosity 4856 People often mistake the target for someone who gives a damn 4857 People who meet target for the first time accuse him of drowning 4858 People who meet target for the first time accuse him of treason 4859 People who meet target for the first time are intimidated by him 4860 People who meet target for the first time are intimidating to him 4861 People who meet target for the first time become violently ill 4862 People who meet target for the first time feel insulted by him 4863 People who meet target for the first time ignore him if he speaks 4864 People who meet target for the first time laugh at him derisively 4865 People who meet target for the first time lose 1d4 gold pieces 4866 People who meet target for the first time mistake him for royalty 4867 People who meet target for the first time mock his fashion sense 4868 People who meet target for the first time point at him and laugh 4869 People who meet target for the first time promptly forget him 4870 People who meet target for the first time refuse to speak to him 4871 People who meet target for the first time tend to trust him 4872 People who meet target for the first time think he's a corpse 4873 People who meet target for the first time think he's a murderer 4874 People who meet target for the first time think he's a thief 4875 People who meet target for the first time think he's mocking them 4876 People who meet target for the first time think he's on fire 4877 People who meet target for the first time think he's stupid 4878 People who meet target for the first time think that he's a demon 4879 People who meet target for the first time think that he's hideous 4880 People who meet target for the first time threaten to kill him 4881 Phosphorescent beetles teem over target's skin for 2d12 hours 4882 Printed text appears hopelessly garbled while target is nearby 4883 Rope hisses like a snake while target uses it 4884 Rope tends to become hopelessly tangled when target uses it 4885 Seltzer water sprays from the target's nose for 1d10 rounds 4886 Shimmering lights play over the target's skin during combat 4887 Smoke issues from the ground near the target when he's angry 4888 Smoke makes the target think that he's being suffocated 4889 Smoke pours from target's eyes when he uses or is struck by magic 4890 Smoke pours from target's skin as though his bones are ablaze 4891 Some common non-magical species adopts the target as its enemy 4892 Some common non-magical species is forever invisible to target 4893 Some distant creature has been hired to assassinate the target 4894 Something from the bottom of a nearby lake attacks the target 4895 Sparks fly from target's ears as from a grindstone 4896 Sparks fly from target's eyes when he draws a weapon 4897 Sparks fly from target's fingertips when he's angry 4898 Sparks fly from target's nostrils as he speaks 4899 Spectral voices echo everything that the target says 4900 Suddenly 1d4 people appear and attack the target 4901 Suddenly 1d4 people appear and offer trinkets to the target 4902 Suddenly 1d4 people appear and try to lasso the target 4903 Suddenly 1d4 people appear and worship the target 4904 Suddenly 1d4 people nearby resemble the target 4905 Suddenly 1d4 people nearby wish to assassinate the target 4906 Sulfurous mud oozes from target's clothes for 1d8 hours 4907 Summoned creatures are at +2 ToHit the target 4908 Summoned creatures are Hasted in the target's presence 4909 Summoned creatures are invisible to the target 4910 Summoned creatures are Slowed in the target's presence 4911 Summoned creatures can make no sound in the target's presence 4912 Summoned creatures covet the target's possessions 4913 Summoned creatures ignore and are unaffected by the target 4914 Summoned creatures ignore the target unless he attacks them 4915 Summoned creatures ignore the target unless he has a weapon drawn 4916 Swords can't come within ten feet of the target for 1d4 rounds 4917 Swords in target's presence drip with his blood 4918 Swords pass harmlessly through the target's body for 1d4 turns 4919 Target acquires a new language and refuses to speak any other 4920 Target acquires an exact copy of the caster's spellbook 4921 Target acquires scars to match any wounds he inflicts on others 4922 Target acts as though he doesn't really exist 4923 Target acts as though he's the only person who really exists 4924 Target acts as though his fingers are readily replaceable 43 4925 Target acts as though his head and body are two separate beings 4926 Target acts generally like a jerk toward his friends and allies 4927 Target acts like a child for 10d10 rounds 4928 Target acts like a horse for 1d4 turns 4929 Target adds 1d4 to each attribute score for 2d12 hours 4930 Target affects an air of ostentatious wealth even if he's poor 4931 Target ages 1d10 years per day for the next 1d4 weeks 4932 Target ages 1d1000 years; if he lives, he's not subject to aging 4933 Target ages 1d4 years each time he says his name 4934 Target ages 1d4 years each time he's cut by a claw or fang 4935 Target ages 1d4 years each time he's cut by a metal blade 4936 Target ages 1d4 years each time his weapon injures someone 4937 Target ages at 2X normal rate unless he has a coin in his mouth 4938 Target ages at 2X normal rate while not in direct sunlight 4939 Target ages one year for each hit point of fire damage he suffers 4940 Target ages one year per round spent in the caster's presence 4941 Target ages plus or minus 1d10 years each hour 4942 Target always attacks the foe he's least likely to defeat 4943 Target always fails to consider the consequences 4944 Target always knows the location of the nearest giraffe 4945 Target and his possessions are stripped of any enchantments 4946 Target and nearest zombie are chained together nearby 4947 Target and nearest zombie are often mistaken for each other 4948 Target and nearest zombie exchange bodies 4949 Target and nearest zombie form an unholy alliance 4950 Target and the nearest horse exchange bodies 4951 Target and the nearest horse exchange clothing 4952 Target and the next person he attacks are invisible to each other 4953 Target and the next person he attacks are soaked with icy brine 4954 Target and the next person he attacks both shrink by 5d10% 4955 Target and the next person he attacks each lose 2d8 hit points 4956 Target and the next person he attacks fall unconscious until dawn 4957 Target and the next person he attacks freeze solid 4958 Target and the next person he attacks teleport 1d4 miles away 4959 Target and the next person he attacks vanish for 10d10 rounds 4960 Target appears to be 1d100 years older than he really is 4961 Target appears to be 1d20 inches taller than he really is 4962 Target appears to be a hideous corpse until dawn tomorrow 4963 Target appears to be far more menacing than he really is 4964 Target appears to be in the middle of a terrible rainstorm 4965 Target appears to be made of chocolate until dawn tomorrow 4966 Target appears to be soaked in his own blood until dawn tomorrow 4967 Target appears to be wearing a cloak of shimmering fire 4968 Target appears to have been assembled out of bamboo 4969 Target appears to have been burned beyond recognition 4970 Target appears to have been turned inside-out and then restored 4971 Target asserts that a great catastrophe is about to occur 4972 Target asserts that a nearby ally is really an illusion 4973 Target asserts that a nearby ally is trying to Charm him 4974 Target asserts that a vast conspiracy is out to get him 4975 Target asserts that all contracts are null and void 4976 Target asserts that all gold within 10 miles is counterfeit 4977 Target asserts that anyone who bleeds in his presence is a coward 4978 Target asserts that anyone who drinks his blood will live forever 4979 Target asserts that dangerous organisms live within his flesh 4980 Target asserts that death no longer has any power over him 4981 Target asserts that fire-based magic has no effect upon him 4982 Target asserts that he and the caster have been allies for years 4983 Target asserts that he can command undead 4984 Target asserts that he can cure disease and cast out demons 4985 Target asserts that he can divine the future, for the right price 4986 Target asserts that he can identify poisons by tasting them 4987 Target asserts that he can issue divine edicts 4988 Target asserts that he can place powerful curses on people 4989 Target asserts that he can produce pearls if he eats sand 4990 Target asserts that he can summon Earth Elementals by eating dirt 4991 Target asserts that he can summon ghosts and phantoms at will 4992 Target asserts that he can take the shape of a doppelganger 4993 Target asserts that he can talk to Air Elementals at will 4994 Target asserts that he can throw lightning bolts at will 4995 Target asserts that he can travel between planes at will 4996 Target asserts that he can travel freely through time 4997 Target asserts that he can turn diamonds into coal by eating them 4998 Target asserts that he died 1d4 rounds ago 4999 Target asserts that he died 1d4 years ago 5000 Target asserts that he has a key that unlocks his skull 5001 Target asserts that he has any number of non-verifiable maladies 5002 Target asserts that he has only 1d4 hours to live 5003 Target asserts that he has the power to bestow godhood 5004 Target asserts that he has the power to create and destroy souls 5005 Target asserts that he heals quickly and has a metal skeleton 5006 Target asserts that he intends to raze the nearest city 5007 Target asserts that he is descended from mighty kings 5008 Target asserts that he is the caster's father 5009 Target asserts that he knows exactly who is destined to kill him 5010 Target asserts that he knows the location of a secret holy book 5011 Target asserts that he knows the location of a vast treasure 5012 Target asserts that he knows when, where, and how he'll die 5013 Target asserts that he must choose which of his allies must die 5014 Target asserts that he was bitten by a werewolf one month ago 5015 Target asserts that he will become omnipotent upon death 5016 Target asserts that he will go insane unless he eats 1d4 apples 5017 Target asserts that he worked as a torturer for the king 5018 Target asserts that he'll combust if anyone says his name 5019 Target asserts that he'll combust if he draws his weapon too fast 5020 Target asserts that he'll combust if he gets wet 5021 Target asserts that he'll combust if he reads a map 5022 Target asserts that he'll combust if he's outdoors at sunset 5023 Target asserts that he'll combust if his blood is spilled 5024 Target asserts that he'll die before he sees another winter 5025 Target asserts that he'll die during the next rainstorm 5026 Target asserts that he'll die if anyone harms the caster 5027 Target asserts that he'll die if anyone nearby dies violently 5028 Target asserts that he'll die if anyone nearby is related to him 5029 Target asserts that he'll die if anyone nearby speaks his name 5030 Target asserts that he'll die if anyone nearby uses magic 5031 Target asserts that he'll die if he changes or cleans his clothes 5032 Target asserts that he'll die if he closes his eyes or blinks 5033 Target asserts that he'll die if he crosses moving water 5034 Target asserts that he'll die if he doesn't receive a pony 5035 Target asserts that he'll die if he draws a weapon in anger 5036 Target asserts that he'll die if he draws/sheathes his weapon 5037 Target asserts that he'll die if he eats during the next 4d6 days 5038 Target asserts that he'll die if he fires any missile weapon 5039 Target asserts that he'll die if he opens his eyes 5040 Target asserts that he'll die if he sees a rainbow 5041 Target asserts that he'll die if he sees his own blood 5042 Target asserts that he'll die if he speaks his native language 5043 Target asserts that he'll die if he spends any money 5044 Target asserts that he'll die if he stops dancing 5045 Target asserts that he'll die if he stops talking 5046 Target asserts that he'll die if he touches anyone else's blood 5047 Target asserts that he'll die if he touches gold 5048 Target asserts that he'll die if he touches ice 5049 Target asserts that he'll die if he touches metal 5050 Target asserts that he'll die if he uses any magic items 5051 Target asserts that he'll die if he uses the word "the" 5052 Target asserts that he'll die if he's cut by a magical blade 5053 Target asserts that he'll die if someone tells him to die 5054 Target asserts that he'll die in 1d4 rounds 44 5055 Target asserts that he'll die of biliousness 5056 Target asserts that he'll die the next time he eats 5057 Target asserts that he'll die the next time he receives first aid 5058 Target asserts that he'll die the next time he sleeps 5059 Target asserts that he'll die unless he burns all of his clothing 5060 Target asserts that he'll die unless he cuts his own throat 5061 Target asserts that he'll die unless he cuts off his own hand 5062 Target asserts that he'll die unless he destroys his magic items 5063 Target asserts that he'll die unless he destroys his weapon 5064 Target asserts that he'll die unless he drains all of his blood 5065 Target asserts that he'll die unless he drinks strong poison 5066 Target asserts that he'll die unless he eats a special mushroom 5067 Target asserts that he'll die unless he kills the caster 5068 Target asserts that he'll die unless he receives 500 gold pieces 5069 Target asserts that he'll die unless he receives 500 gold pieces 5070 Target asserts that he'll die unless he stays awake for 2d6 weeks 5071 Target asserts that he'll die unless he swallows a magic ring 5072 Target asserts that he'll die unless he takes a vow of pacifism 5073 Target asserts that he'll die unless his demands are met 5074 Target asserts that he'll die unless someone beheads him 5075 Target asserts that he'll die unless the caster kills himself 5076 Target asserts that he'll die when the caster casts another spell 5077 Target asserts that he'll drown in a picture of a lake 5078 Target asserts that he'll drown in a small puddle nearby 5079 Target asserts that he'll explode if anyone eats food near him 5080 Target asserts that he'll go mad if anyone touches him 5081 Target asserts that he'll turn into a werewolf if he eats meat 5082 Target asserts that he'll turn to diamond when slain 5083 Target asserts that he'll vanish forever if he falls asleep 5084 Target asserts that he'll vanish forever if he leaves this area 5085 Target asserts that he'll vanish into the ground at dawn tomorrow 5086 Target asserts that he'll vanish into the sky if he's wounded 5087 Target asserts that he's a ghost and must haunt this area 5088 Target asserts that he's a highly qualified thoracic surgeon 5089 Target asserts that he's a mighty warrior despite the evidence 5090 Target asserts that he's a Summoned creature about to be banished 5091 Target asserts that he's a traveler from an antique land 5092 Target asserts that he's an assassin from the distant future 5093 Target asserts that he's an avatar of the caster's deity 5094 Target asserts that he's been fatally wounded 5095 Target asserts that he's been repeatedly destroyed and rebuilt 5096 Target asserts that he's been replaced by a doppelganger 5097 Target asserts that he's brother to dragons and companion to owls 5098 Target asserts that he's come to deliver his people from bondage 5099 Target asserts that he's eager to exterminate his species 5100 Target asserts that he's found a plot to wipe out his species 5101 Target asserts that he's hunting a monster from the distant past 5102 Target asserts that he's immune to magic 5103 Target asserts that he's on a quest to destroy a mighty artifact 5104 Target asserts that he's on a rock outcrop surrounded by lava 5105 Target asserts that he's on the verge of exterminating his race 5106 Target asserts that he's one of many clones of the real target 5107 Target asserts that he's protected by an unholy host of demons 5108 Target asserts that he's rapidly bleeding to death 5109 Target asserts that he's responsible for many thousands of deaths 5110 Target asserts that he's standing at the bottom of a deep well 5111 Target asserts that he's standing on a ledge over an infinite pit 5112 Target asserts that he's supernaturally beautiful 5113 Target asserts that he's the embodiment of a mighty artifact 5114 Target asserts that he's the mightiest warrior in the world 5115 Target asserts that he's the world's most powerful magic user 5116 Target asserts that he's transforming into some kind of beast 5117 Target asserts that he's unspeakably ugly 5118 Target asserts that he's water soluble 5119 Target asserts that his actions are in accordance with prophecy 5120 Target asserts that his actions shape the destiny of the world 5121 Target asserts that his allies have forsaken him 5122 Target asserts that his birth occurred under odd circumstances 5123 Target asserts that his blood is worth more than gold 5124 Target asserts that his body and head are two symbiotic organisms 5125 Target asserts that his clothes are writhing with snakes 5126 Target asserts that his clothing is trying to kill him 5127 Target asserts that his current form isn't his true form 5128 Target asserts that his death will be avenged one thousand times 5129 Target asserts that his flesh is harder than iron 5130 Target asserts that his god owes him a big favor 5131 Target asserts that his internal organs are made of pure gold 5132 Target asserts that his plans will all culminate at dawn tomorrow 5133 Target asserts that his soul will be destroyed if he's injured 5134 Target asserts that his touch can induce madness 5135 Target asserts that his worst injuries are just a flesh wound 5136 Target asserts that no one nearby really exists 5137 Target asserts that one of his allies will betray him in a garden 5138 Target asserts that poultices of manure can heal any wound 5139 Target asserts that puns and rhymes are painful to him 5140 Target asserts that secret entities are plotting his downfall 5141 Target asserts that someone nearby is the avatar of his god 5142 Target asserts that that all food within 10 miles is poisonous 5143 Target asserts that the answer to every riddle is "time" 5144 Target asserts that the caster is a fraud and a charlatan 5145 Target asserts that the caster is an avatar of his deity 5146 Target asserts that the caster's spell functioned as intended 5147 Target asserts that the king owes him a huge favor 5148 Target asserts that the wages of sin aren't really death 5149 Target asserts that the world will end the moment that he dies 5150 Target asserts that time is an illusion, lunchtime doubly so 5151 Target asserts that whoever kills him will become a god 5152 Target asserts that whoever slays him will win incredible riches 5153 Target attacks anyone he sees using a magic item 5154 Target attacks anyone who attacks the caster 5155 Target attacks anyone who sees him using a magic item 5156 Target attacks anyone who speaks ill of the caster 5157 Target attacks anyone who uses magic upon the caster 5158 Target attacks the nearest herd animal until he or it is dead 5159 Target attacks the next person nearby who says his own name 5160 Target attacks the next person nearby who spends money 5161 Target attacks the next person who address him by name 5162 Target attacks the next person who draws a weapon nearby 5163 Target attacks the toughest, most dangerous creature he can see 5164 Target attempts to acquire the caster's spellbook 5165 Target attempts to disembowel himself with his bare hands 5166 Target attempts to ingest any ink he sees 5167 Target attempts to mimic the caster's every more 5168 Target attempts to strangle all trees within 100 yards 5169 Target attempts to strangle himself with his bare hands 5170 Target attracts all manner of mutants and abominations 5171 Target attracts leeches, maggots, slugs, and snails 5172 Target babbles incoherently for 2d10 rounds 5173 Target barks like a dog when he thinks he sees magic 5174 Target becomes a devoted acolyte of some fringe religion 5175 Target becomes an albino 5176 Target becomes ethereal if wounded by a weapon made of gold 5177 Target becomes giddy and mirthful when he's next hit by a weapon 5178 Target becomes intensely covetous of any magic item he sees 5179 Target becomes intensely hungry following each battle 5180 Target becomes nearly insane with rage whenever he says his name 5181 Target becomes the caster's most trusted and faithful friend 5182 Target becomes violently ill if he eats while in daylight 5183 Target becomes violently ill if he eats while sitting 5184 Target becomes wildly drunk when he's next hit by a weapon 45 5185 Target befouls any food or water that he and his allies now carry 5186 Target befriends a statue and carries it with him everywhere 5187 Target befriends a statue and thinks it gives him good advice 5188 Target befriends one of the caster's allies 5189 Target befriends the toughest, most dangerous creature he can see 5190 Target begs someone to bite off 1d10 of his fingers 5191 Target begs someone to set him ablaze 5192 Target believes anything the caster says to him 5193 Target believes everything that he says 5194 Target believes no factual statement he hears uttered in sunlight 5195 Target believes that 1d10 of his fingers are intensely magical 5196 Target believes that he can't be harmed by a fall from any height 5197 Target believes that he can't be slain by metal weapons 5198 Target believes that his allies are conspiring to rob him 5199 Target believes that nearly everyone is lying to him 5200 Target believes that whatever he last ate gave him eternal life 5201 Target believes that whatever he last ate is still alive 5202 Target believes that whatever he last ate was a powerful toxin 5203 Target believes that whatever he last ate was hallucinogenic 5204 Target believes that whatever he last ate was his last meal 5205 Target believes that whatever he last ate was worth a fortune 5206 Target belongs to a cult that requires him to perform horrid acts 5207 Target belongs to a cult that will remove his heart within a week 5208 Target bleeds from every orifice for 1d6 rounds but is unharmed 5209 Target bleeds profusely during combat, even if not wounded 5210 Target blows bright blue until he's wounded by a magical weapon 5211 Target briefly appears to be undead to anyone who wounds him 5212 Target briefly becomes invisible to anyone who wounds him 5213 Target briefly resembles anyone who wounds him 5214 Target briefly resembles the target each time he's wounded 5215 Target bursts into flame the next time he's totally submerged 5216 Target can appear to be covered in moss and lichens at will 5217 Target can appear to be twice his true age at will 5218 Target can appear totally nondescript and unremarkable at will 5219 Target can be commanded by the nearest dragon at will 5220 Target can be injured by arrows, but they can't kill him 5221 Target can be injured by bludgeons, but they can't kill him 5222 Target can be injured by electricity, but it can't kill him 5223 Target can be injured by magical cold, but it can't kill him 5224 Target can be injured by magical fire, but it can't kill him 5225 Target can be injured by magical weapons, but they can't kill him 5226 Target can be injured by water, but it can't kill him 5227 Target can be Summoned by the nearest dragon at will 5228 Target can become invisible at will but is 15% likely to die 5229 Target can become invisible at will if he plucks out his eyes 5230 Target can become invisible by drinking a quart of Elf's blood 5231 Target can bend his spine 120° midway along its length 5232 Target can brachiate like an ape but adopts an ape's proportions 5233 Target can Call Lightning daily but it's 70% likely to strike him 5234 Target can cast one Wish spell but permanently dies as a result 5235 Target can cause one nearby tree to become invisible for 2d6 days 5236 Target can cause one nearby tree to topple as though chopped down 5237 Target can cause someone nearby to resemble someone else nearby 5238 Target can change the color of his face 2d4 times per day 5239 Target can climb like a monkey 5240 Target can climb like a monkey but is 40% likely to become one 5241 Target can comfortably lift and carry twice his weight in manure 5242 Target can Command one nearby humanoid for 1d6 hours 5243 Target can Command one person nearby to defend him to the death 5244 Target can Command one person now nearby to attack 5245 Target can Command one person now nearby to tell the truth 5246 Target can Command the nearest dragon, just once 5247 Target can control caster like an undead skeleton for 1d6 rounds 5248 Target can delay his voice by 1d4 rounds, 1d4 times per day 5249 Target can detect counterfeit gems by tasting them 5250 Target can digest soil as readily as meat 5251 Target can discern magic items by bleeding on them 5252 Target can discern magic items by tasting them 5253 Target can dismiss a total of 20HD worth of elementals 5254 Target can divine the caster's exact location 1d4 times per day 5255 Target can do nothing but scream for 1d8 rounds 5256 Target can easily be persuaded to disarm himself 5257 Target can erect a four foot high wall of snow once per week 5258 Target can exhale fire but is 10% likely to combust and die 5259 Target can exhale fire but suffers as much damage as he inflicts 5260 Target can fall one yard per point of Wisdom without harm 5261 Target can Heal himself at will but ages 1d6 years per hit point 5262 Target can Heal himself but his closest ally will die as a result 5263 Target can Heal himself but is 5% likely to die each time 5264 Target can Heal himself but is 80% likely to drown each time 5265 Target can Heal himself but is blinded for 1d20 days each time 5266 Target can Heal himself but it costs him 1,000,000 gold pieces 5267 Target can Heal himself but only at night if he has one hit point 5268 Target can Heal himself four times but loses a limb each time 5269 Target can Heal himself if he sacrifices a point of CON each time 5270 Target can Heal himself ten times but loses a finger each time 5271 Target can hide his weapon inside his body for 2d4 hours per day 5272 Target can ingest and digest small quantities of bone 5273 Target can ingest and digest small quantities of coral 5274 Target can ingest and digest small quantities of glass 5275 Target can ingest and digest small quantities of gold 5276 Target can ingest and digest small quantities of iron 5277 Target can ingest and digest small quantities of lamp oil 5278 Target can ingest and digest small quantities of lead 5279 Target can ingest and digest small quantities of poison 5280 Target can ingest and digest small quantities of stone 5281 Target can ingest and digest small quantities of wood 5282 Target can issue Commands but is 20% likely to die each time 5283 Target can kill the caster outright but will also permanently die 5284 Target can kill the caster outright but will never have existed 5285 Target can leap one yard straight up per point of Charisma 5286 Target can locate any bear within one mile 5287 Target can magically Summon a distant relative who despises him 5288 Target can magically Summon his own clone once for 1d10 rounds 5289 Target can magically Summon the caster 1d4 times for 1d10 rounds 5290 Target can magically Summon the corpse some person he killed 5291 Target can make his voice issue from any object within 10 feet 5292 Target can make his voice issue from any person within 5 feet 5293 Target can make his voice seem to be 1d4 octaves higher or lower 5294 Target can make his voice seem to be that of someone much older 5295 Target can make his whisper heard by anyone in his line of sight 5296 Target can make his whisper heard through one foot of stone 5297 Target can make one of his arms as supple as rope at will 5298 Target can make one of his hands double in size at will 5299 Target can mask his scent at will 5300 Target can never again address anyone by name 5301 Target can never again speak or write his own name 5302 Target can never again wear the clothes or armor he's wearing now 5303 Target can never again wield the specific weapon he now wields 5304 Target can never be harmed by any weapon now within 10 yards 5305 Target can never be harmed by the specific weapon he now wields 5306 Target can never be slain if he cuts off both of legs right now 5307 Target can never become invisible to anyone now within 100 miles 5308 Target can never become invisible to anyone who has wounded him 5309 Target can never become invisible to anyone who knows his name 5310 Target can never become invisible without dying 5311 Target can no longer conceal his astonishing halitosis 5312 Target can no longer conceal his disdain for magic users 5313 Target can no longer conceal his fear of combat 5314 Target can no longer conceal his hatred of Dwarves 46 5315 Target can no longer conceal his insatiable cannibalism 5316 Target can no longer conceal his plans for world domination 5317 Target can no longer conceal the fact that he's artificial 5318 Target can no longer conceal the secret of his birth 5319 Target can only be killed by a magical weapon that he has wielded 5320 Target can only be killed by a weapon forged from his own bones 5321 Target can only eat food that he himself has prepared 5322 Target can polymorph at will but ages 1d100 years each time 5323 Target can polymorph at will but is 10% likely to die each time 5324 Target can polymorph at will but is blind in any form but his own 5325 Target can read but not speak or write 1d6 additional languages 5326 Target can read handwritten text at a distance of 10d10 yards 5327 Target can readily be convinced that he doesn't really exist 5328 Target can recognize faces only 10% of the time 5329 Target can regenerate 1 hit point per round for the next week 5330 Target can remove his head for up to 1d4 rounds without harm 5331 Target can remove his heart for up to 1d6 rounds without harm 5332 Target can retract his ears into his skull at will 5333 Target can retract one of his limbs into his body at will 5334 Target can see no farther than 20 yards unless he's barefoot 5335 Target can see no farther than 20 yards while in sunlight 5336 Target can see secret doors but can't see normal ones 5337 Target can see secret doors if he drinks concentrated poison 5338 Target can see secret doors if he sacrifices 1d6 hit points 5339 Target can see secret doors while yelling and hopping on one foot 5340 Target can shine heatless torchlight from his palm at will 5341 Target can shine heatless torchlight from the soles of his feet 5342 Target can speak only in a full shout while his weapon is drawn 5343 Target can speak only in grunts while his weapon is drawn 5344 Target can speak only in rhyme while his weapon is drawn 5345 Target can speak only in whale song for 1d4 hours 5346 Target can speak the language of bears, but they don't listen 5347 Target can speak with flies and gnats 5348 Target can speak with livestock but henceforth smells like manure 5349 Target can speak with monkeys and apes 5350 Target can speak with one corpse per week, but it lies to him 5351 Target can speak with one tree per week 5352 Target can speak with worms and slugs 5353 Target can stride unimpeded in knee-deep snow 5354 Target can stride unimpeded through thigh-deep water 5355 Target can subsist on leaves and grass for up to 1d4 weeks 5356 Target can subsist on mud, but it tastes incredibly foul to him 5357 Target can subsist on mud, but it's highly addictive to him 5358 Target can subsist on mud, but regular food is poisonous to him 5359 Target can subsist on only 10% of the normal amount of food 5360 Target can subsist on water alone while he's at full hit points 5361 Target can subsist on water but must drink ten gallons per day 5362 Target can Summon and Command an 8HD Earth Elemental 1d6 times 5363 Target can teleport 1d4 miles per day but ages 8d8 years per mile 5364 Target can teleport 1d4 miles randomly, once per day 5365 Target can teleport at will but arrives 1d20 days later 5366 Target can teleport at will but arrives with only one hit point 5367 Target can teleport at will but is 50% likely to die on arrival 5368 Target can teleport half of his body at will 5369 Target can teleport one person nearby to the target's home 5370 Target can teleport to the caster's location once per month 5371 Target can teleport to this location once per month 5372 Target can track the caster with astonishing accuracy 5373 Target can turn his head completely around without harm 5374 Target can understand every language spoken within 10 miles 5375 Target can wield his weapon only in his non-dominant hand 5376 Target can Wish the death of someone nearby, but target also dies 5377 Target can write but not speak or read 1d6 additional languages 5378 Target can't attack anyone for 2d4 rounds 5379 Target can't attack anyone until he wounds himself 5380 Target can't attack anyone who doesn't know target's name 5381 Target can't attack or be attacked for 2d8 rounds 5382 Target can't attack or be attacked until he moves from this spot 5383 Target can't attack the caster until at least sunset 5384 Target can't attack the caster with any weapons containing metal 5385 Target can't attack the caster with any weapons containing wood 5386 Target can't attack until he drops his weapons, gear, and clothes 5387 Target can't be affected by the caster's magic for 1d6 turns 5388 Target can't be affected by the intended spell for 1d4 years 5389 Target can't be attacked by anyone or anything for 1d4 rounds 5390 Target can't be burned by acid if he cuts off both of his thumbs 5391 Target can't be burned by molten metal 5392 Target can't be burned by steam between sunset and dawn 5393 Target can't be burned by steam or boiling water while naked 5394 Target can't be burned by steam while he's wearing boots or shoes 5395 Target can't be choked, strangled, or suffocated 5396 Target can't be cut by any blade unless it's already bloodstained 5397 Target can't be cut by manufactured stone blades 5398 Target can't be detected by invisible creatures 5399 Target can't be detected by magical attempts at scrying 5400 Target can't be detected by magical scrying while naked in a tree 5401 Target can't be harmed by bludgeons between dawn and noon 5402 Target can't be harmed by bludgeons for 2d10 rounds 5403 Target can't be harmed by boiling oil or pitch 5404 Target can't be harmed by invisible creatures at night 5405 Target can't be harmed by magical fire while brandishing a weapon 5406 Target can't be harmed by magical fire while indoors 5407 Target can't be harmed by magical fire while standing in a bucket 5408 Target can't be harmed by magical fire while underwater 5409 Target can't be harmed by natural lightning 5410 Target can't be injured by wooden weapons while naked 5411 Target can't be injured by wooden weapons while sleeping 5412 Target can't be injured by wooden weapons while standing in fire 5413 Target can't be injured by wooden weapons while standing in snow 5414 Target can't be killed by any female creature for 1d4 weeks 5415 Target can't be killed by any male creature for 1d4 weeks 5416 Target can't be killed during the next 2d12 hours 5417 Target can't be knocked off balance by any less than 1d4 people 5418 Target can't be knocked off balance by any physical force 5419 Target can't be magically detected by anyone not of his race 5420 Target can't be magically detected by anyone of the same sex 5421 Target can't be slain except while sleeping 5422 Target can't be slain if he remains within 10 yards of this spot 5423 Target can't be slain while sleeping 5424 Target can't be stunned by any blow to the head 5425 Target can't be surprised if he has a snowball in each hand 5426 Target can't be surprised if he has an eyeball in his mouth 5427 Target can't be surprised if he's wearing a carnation 5428 Target can't be surprised while at full hit points 5429 Target can't be wounded by metal weapons until sunset tonight 5430 Target can't be wounded by metal weapons while barefoot 5431 Target can't breathe for 2d10 rounds 5432 Target can't breathe until he removes his boots or shoes 5433 Target can't breathe while touching more than one person 5434 Target can't breathe while wearing, touching, or carrying metal 5435 Target can't come within 10 feet of any fire now burning 5436 Target can't come within 10 yards of the caster 5437 Target can't come within one mile of his home 5438 Target can't come within one mile of the caster 5439 Target can't come within ten feet of any tree thicker than he is 5440 Target can't create or use magical fire except while indoors 5441 Target can't create or use magical fire for 1d4 years 5442 Target can't die for at least 1d4 days, but he can be injured 5443 Target can't digest any food that he eats in direct sunlight 5444 Target can't digest any food unless he prepares it himself 47 5445 Target can't digest anything that's been dead longer than a day 5446 Target can't digest cooked meat 5447 Target can't digest meat from any animal killed in daylight 5448 Target can't draw his weapon if anyone else is within 10 yards 5449 Target can't draw his weapon or sheathe it if it's now drawn 5450 Target can't draw his weapon unless he asks permission to do so 5451 Target can't draw his weapon within 100 yards of this spot 5452 Target can't hear echoes 5453 Target can't hear his own voice 5454 Target can't hear his own voice except while his eyes are closed 5455 Target can't hear the voice of any female member of his race 5456 Target can't hear the voice of any male member of his race 5457 Target can't hear the voice of anyone who's recently injured him 5458 Target can't hear the voice of anyone within 10 feet of him 5459 Target can't hear voices for 2d4-1 days 5460 Target can't ignite any fire unless his hair is soaking wet 5461 Target can't ignite any fire unless it's snowing 5462 Target can't ignite any fire while underground 5463 Target can't ignite any fire while wearing clothes 5464 Target can't leave this spot until he wounds himself 5465 Target can't lie, equivocate, or tell half-truths 5466 Target can't move more than 10 yards from the caster 5467 Target can't pass through doorways while at full hit points 5468 Target can't say anyone's name 5469 Target can't see artificial light while at full hit points 5470 Target can't see light other than sunlight or reflected sunlight 5471 Target can't see or hear any of his allies for 4d6 hours 5472 Target can't see or hear his 1d4 of his allies for 1d4 days 5473 Target can't see or hear living creatures for 2d6 rounds 5474 Target can't see or hear magical creatures for 2d6 days 5475 Target can't see or hear metal objects for 3d8 hours 5476 Target can't see sunlight or reflected sunlight 5477 Target can't sleep unless he first eats a handful of soil 5478 Target can't sleep unless he has his weapon in hand 5479 Target can't sleep unless he's standing up 5480 Target can't sleep until he fells the tallest tree in the kingdom 5481 Target can't sleep until he gives away all of his armor 5482 Target can't sleep within 10 feet of another sleeping person 5483 Target can't speak except while barefoot 5484 Target can't speak except while brandishing a weapon 5485 Target can't speak for 1d20 turns 5486 Target can't speak to anyone more than 20 feet from him 5487 Target can't speak to anyone who addresses him by name 5488 Target can't speak unless he wears a cloth over his face 5489 Target can't speak unless he's brandishing a weapon 5490 Target can't speak unless his hair is wet 5491 Target can't speak until after he has eaten his next full meal 5492 Target can't speak until his blood is next drawn 5493 Target can't speak until the caster says his own name 5494 Target can't speak while at full hit points 5495 Target can't speak while at full hit points 5496 Target can't speak while wielding a weapon 5497 Target can't use any form of rope or chain longer than he is tall 5498 Target can't use any items containing metal for 2d4-1 days 5499 Target can't use any magic items containing wood for 2d4-1 days 5500 Target can't use any magic items for 1d4 days 5501 Target can't use any magic items older than he is 5502 Target can't use his hands or any utensils while eating 5503 Target can't voluntarily pass through doorways unless naked 5504 Target can't walk until the caster says his own name 5505 Target can't walk while carrying gold 5506 Target can't wield any weapon containing metal for 1d4 days 5507 Target can't wield any weapon in his dominant hand 5508 Target can't wield any weapon that hasn't drawn his blood 5509 Target can't wield any weapon within 1d4 miles of this spot 5510 Target can't wound anyone who hasn't wounded him 5511 Target carves a tiny notch in every tree he passes 5512 Target challenges his closest ally to single combat to the death 5513 Target chants nonsensically for 2d10 rounds 5514 Target clatters when he walks like a barrel full of pots and pans 5515 Target collapses into a fetal position for 1 turn 5516 Target combusts if he uses magic within the next 1d4 turns 5517 Target combusts if his weapon is thrown into a river 5518 Target comes into possession of a world-shaking artifact 5519 Target concludes every battle thoroughly soaked by his own blood 5520 Target confesses to a list of crimes, none of which has happened 5521 Target confesses to crimes he couldn't possibly have committed 5522 Target confesses to genocide but can produce no evidence of it 5523 Target confesses to rampant kleptomania 5524 Target constantly boasts about his prowess in all things 5525 Target constantly exudes fragrant soap suds 5526 Target continuously speaks to an imaginary ally 5527 Target coughs incessantly, but his actions are unimpaired 5528 Target craves hay and has a long tail like a horse 5529 Target craves twigs and bark after every battle 5530 Target creates a phony language and refuses to speak any other 5531 Target crouches and begins eating dirt, twigs, gravel, etc. 5532 Target crows like a rooster whenever he sees a magic item used 5533 Target dares 1d4 of his allies to try to behead him 5534 Target declares this area to be a sacred shrine to his deity 5535 Target degenerates into an abomination hated by sentient beings 5536 Target demands that his friends and allies pay him tribute 5537 Target develops a pronounced stutter 5538 Target disappears and is completely forgotten for 2d4-1 days 5539 Target discovers that one of his limbs is a separate entity 5540 Target discovers that one of his limbs is made of living wood 5541 Target discovers that one of his limbs is trying to kill him 5542 Target discovers that one of his limbs isn't attached to his body 5543 Target disgorges 1d10 acorns in each of the next 1d10+10 rounds 5544 Target disgorges 1d10 cubic feet of damp, sticky rice 5545 Target disgorges 1d10 pounds of feathers 5546 Target disgorges 1d10 pounds of hallucinogenic mushrooms 5547 Target disgorges 1d100 gold coins, half of which are counterfeit 5548 Target disgorges 1d1000 dragonflies 5549 Target disgorges 1d1000 tiny, phosphorescent worms 5550 Target disgorges 1d4 cubic yards of humus 5551 Target disgorges 1d4 gallons of boiling pitch 5552 Target disgorges 1d6 filthy carrion birds 5553 Target disgorges 2d10 pounds of slag 5554 Target disgorges 3d100 feet of hemp rope 5555 Target disgorges 5d10 sheets of pristine parchment 5556 Target disgorges 5d10 sheets of rotting parchment 5557 Target disgorges a 50 pound sack of potatoes 5558 Target disgorges a boulder larger than any within 1d10 miles 5559 Target disgorges a box that he believes to contain his soul 5560 Target disgorges a brick of solid chlorine 5561 Target disgorges a bucket filled with eyeballs 5562 Target disgorges a bushel of razor-sharp shards of glass 5563 Target disgorges a bushel of rotten apples 5564 Target disgorges a corked bottle containing a mysterious note 5565 Target disgorges a corked bottle containing a powerless genie 5566 Target disgorges a dragon's egg 5567 Target disgorges a full-sized statue of a nearby ally 5568 Target disgorges a gelatinous mass writhing with tentacles 5569 Target disgorges a healthy specimen of some extinct species 5570 Target disgorges a homunculus 5571 Target disgorges a huge quantity of raisins, dates, and figs 5572 Target disgorges a large hourglass nearly empty of sand 5573 Target disgorges a large slab of marble 5574 Target disgorges a map to his home 48 5575 Target disgorges a one-half-size clone of the caster 5576 Target disgorges a pair eyeglasses granting the wearer True Sight 5577 Target disgorges a slimy slug as long and thick as his arm 5578 Target disgorges a small and long-lost artifact of great power 5579 Target disgorges a small but detailed replica of a nearby castle 5580 Target disgorges a small trampoline 5581 Target disgorges a stone that explodes on contact with ice 5582 Target disgorges a stone that will kill him if he touches it 5583 Target disgorges a ten foot column of aluminum one foot thick 5584 Target disgorges a two-foot square pane of glass 5585 Target disgorges a vial containing a powerful but unknown potion 5586 Target disgorges a vial containing the antidote to every poison 5587 Target disgorges an egg that can freeze 1,000 cubic feet of water 5588 Target disgorges an egg that, if broken, turns into a small boat 5589 Target disgorges an entire trombone, minus the mouthpiece 5590 Target disgorges an exact copy of the clothes he's now wearing 5591 Target disgorges an intricate but badly rusted clockwork device 5592 Target disgorges his own full-grown clone, which then attacks him 5593 Target disgorges several gallons of house paint 5594 Target disgorges several gallons of viscous, highly adhesive goo 5595 Target disgorges the crown of the nearest king 5596 Target disgorges the front door of his home 5597 Target doesn't age until he next speaks 5598 Target doesn't age while bald 5599 Target doesn't age while holding a gold coin in his mouth 5600 Target doesn't age while in the caster's presence 5601 Target doesn't age while naked 5602 Target doesn't age while wearing a wet hat 5603 Target doesn't age while weeping 5604 Target doesn't need to eat, drink, or breathe for 2d4-1 days 5605 Target doesn't need to sleep for 4d20 days 5606 Target donates 2d10 hit points to the caster 5607 Target drowns for 1d6 rounds but is fine afterward 5608 Target earns 50 gold pieces when his attacks cause maximum damage 5609 Target embraces a wacky cult founded by a hack writer 5610 Target endeavors to buy a controlling interest in the kingdom 5611 Target endlessly frets that he'll die in 1d10 rounds 5612 Target endlessly frets that he's doomed to be eaten by a dragon 5613 Target experiences bone-chilling cold when his head is touched 5614 Target experiences clairvoyance when he is burned 5615 Target experiences heart-rending grief whenever he uses magic 5616 Target experiences intense vertigo when he draws a weapon 5617 Target experiences searing pain when his skin is touched 5618 Target experiences soul-wrenching pain if he stands upright 5619 Target experiences transcendent euphoria when his blood is drawn 5620 Target experiences vague nostalgia whenever he's wounded 5621 Target exudes a scent 50% likely disgust any given person 5622 Target exudes a scent like something dredged from the ocean floor 5623 Target exudes a scent reminiscent of decaying skunks 5624 Target exudes a scent reminiscent of the bottom of the ocean 5625 Target exudes a scent that attracts carnivores 5626 Target exudes a scent that causes conifers to shed their needles 5627 Target exudes a scent that causes fires to burn pale green 5628 Target exudes a scent that causes food to spoil quickly 5629 Target exudes a scent that easily can be tracked for miles 5630 Target exudes a scent that induces sleep in birds 5631 Target exudes a scent that inspires attracts bats 5632 Target exudes a scent that inspires fear in earth elementals 5633 Target exudes a scent that inspires intense bloodlust 5634 Target exudes a scent that inspires loyalty in wolves 5635 Target exudes a scent that inspires rage in hoofed animals 5636 Target exudes a scent that is strongly enticing to undead 5637 Target exudes a scent that is strongly offensive to undead 5638 Target exudes a scent that makes Dwarves' eyes water 5639 Target exudes a scent that makes other people's hair fall out 5640 Target exudes a scent that makes people ignore him 5641 Target exudes a scent that obscures infravision 5642 Target exudes a scent that protects metal from natural rust 5643 Target exudes a scent that repels gnomes 5644 Target exudes an offensive stench but refuses to believe it 5645 Target fails at his next attempt at fine manual dexterity 5646 Target falls asleep for one hour per hit point he currently lacks 5647 Target fanatically defends the caster for 1d10 rounds 5648 Target fears any subsequent magic used by the caster 5649 Target fears that all of his efforts are for naught 5650 Target feels as if he's walking on a high tightrope 5651 Target feels as if he's wearing an enormous hat made of lead 5652 Target feels as if his clothes are trying to digest him 5653 Target feels as if his clothes have turned to steel 5654 Target feels as if someone else is wearing his clothes right now 5655 Target feels as if thorns have sprouted in his clothes 5656 Target feels as though a huge rodent is gnawing on his spine 5657 Target feels as though he just ate three pounds of butter 5658 Target feels as though he just ate three pounds of cement 5659 Target feels as though he just ate three pounds of flour 5660 Target feels as though he just ate three pounds of parchment 5661 Target feels as though he just swallowed a python 5662 Target feels as though he's been splashed with boiling water 5663 Target feels as though he's being swallowed by a python 5664 Target feels as though he's having a baby 5665 Target feels as though he's having a heart attack 5666 Target feels as though he's having teeth extracted 5667 Target feels as though his allies have abandoned him 5668 Target feels as though his internal organs are melting 5669 Target feels as though his teeth are spinning in his mouth 5670 Target feels as though his wounds have been completely healed 5671 Target feels as though one of his arms is being amputated 5672 Target feels compelled to abandon whatever faith he now follows 5673 Target feels compelled to attain godhood by the end of the week 5674 Target feels compelled to burn all of his clothing 5675 Target feels compelled to desecrate a shrine to his deity 5676 Target feels compelled to find a faith that contradicts his own 5677 Target feels compelled to martyr himself for someone else's deity 5678 Target feels compelled to mummify himself as soon as possible 5679 Target feels compelled to warn anyone he's about to attack 5680 Target feels his bones shake like a bundle of sticks 5681 Target feels his bones slowly disintegrating 5682 Target feels icy water dripping on him during every battle 5683 Target feels like he's having the time of his life 5684 Target feels that the direction of gravity has skewed by 10° 5685 Target feels the ground shake as during a powerful earthquake 5686 Target finds a blade that can't be broken by any physical force 5687 Target finds a book describing the methods of brain surgery 5688 Target finds a box that damages the sanity of any who look in it 5689 Target finds a canopic jar containing his own vital organs 5690 Target finds a cursed vault containing 1d100 bars of gold 5691 Target finds a foot-long bar of indestructible glass 5692 Target finds a glass vial containing a highly volatile liquid 5693 Target finds a huge cache of real but worthless currency 5694 Target finds a huge leech attached somewhere on his body 5695 Target finds a large diamond and guards it obsessively 5696 Target finds a large sack filled with powdered bone 5697 Target finds a list of command words but doesn't know for what 5698 Target finds a magical ring enabling him to command amphibians 5699 Target finds a mysterious and compelling piece of sculpture 5700 Target finds a new, functioning limb that he didn't know he had 5701 Target finds a potion affects the person nearest its imbiber 5702 Target finds a potion that either resurrects or destroys a corpse 5703 Target finds a pouch containing 1d10 super-intelligent mice 5704 Target finds a pouch containing curds and whey 49 5705 Target finds a pouch containing exact copies of his hands 5706 Target finds a recipe for creating human life in a jar 5707 Target finds a shield +4 that only he can lift 5708 Target finds a text personally written by his deity 5709 Target finds a text that he wrote but doesn't remember writing 5710 Target finds an arsenal stocked with simulated weapons 5711 Target finds himself imprisoned in a mausoleum far from here 5712 Target finds the sight of blood intoxicating 5713 Target finds the sight of male magic users to be enormously funny 5714 Target finds the sound of his own voice to be horrifying 5715 Target finds the thought of his own death strangely comforting 5716 Target finds two doses of a Potion of Resurrection 5717 Target flees from anyone who addresses him by name 5718 Target flees into the forest if struck by magic in the next turn 5719 Target flies into a panic if anyone sees him eating 5720 Target flies into a panic if he sees other people eating 5721 Target flies into a rage and attacks the person nearest to him 5722 Target flies into a rage whenever he draws blood 5723 Target forgets 1d4 of his allies 5724 Target forgets everything said to him in the past 1d6 hours 5725 Target forgets his family and where he lives 5726 Target forgets his name and doesn't believe that he ever had one 5727 Target forgets how to ascend stairs and ladders 5728 Target forgets how to feed himself 5729 Target forgets how to sleep 5730 Target forgets how to use any magic item he's now carrying 5731 Target forgets how to use any weapon containing metal 5732 Target forgets how to use doors 5733 Target forgets how to walk but not how to run 5734 Target forgets that his allies know who he is 5735 Target forgets the last 1d12 hours 5736 Target forgets the last 1d4 years 5737 Target forgets whatever mission or quest he is now undertaking 5738 Target formally changes his name to "Target" 5739 Target freezes solid if he's injured while standing in snow 5740 Target freezes solid the next time he enters an underground lake 5741 Target gains 1d10 permanent hit points but must Save or die 5742 Target gains 1d100 hit points that then vanish, one per round 5743 Target gains 1d100 pounds over that many rounds 5744 Target gains 1d100 temporary hit points that last until sunset 5745 Target gains 1d20 hit points and immediately loses another 1d20 5746 Target gains a level and is restored to full hit points 5747 Target gains a level but is stricken blind for 1d4 months 5748 Target gains a level but loses all but 1d4 of his hit points 5749 Target gains a level but one of his arms turns to steam forever 5750 Target gains a level if he permanently severs his dominant hand 5751 Target gains a level the next time he's cut by a magical blade 5752 Target gains a permanent 1d4-1 bonus to his Armor Class 5753 Target gains a point of Strength but loses 1d100 hit points 5754 Target gains a point of Wisdom but loses two points of Strength 5755 Target gains a powerful magical ally whose motives are unknown 5756 Target gains a profound insight the next time he touches gold 5757 Target gains a title based on his actions in the next 1d6 rounds 5758 Target gains access to an elite secret society 5759 Target gains benefit from food only if eaten while he's naked 5760 Target gains no hit points from his next advancement in level 5761 Target gains one level but can never gain another 5762 Target gains only a single hit point from any magical healing 5763 Target gains proficiency in the use of some unlikely weapon 5764 Target gains the respect of a man soon to be executed for treason 5765 Target gains the respect of kobolds, who long to be just like him 5766 Target gains two levels if he kills and eats a human before dawn 5767 Target gains valuable insight into the nature of ventriloquism 5768 Target gets 1,000 gold pieces if he cuts off his foot right now 5769 Target gets 100 gold pieces for each finger he cuts from his hand 5770 Target gives his most prized possession to the caster 5771 Target gives his weapon to the person standing nearest to him 5772 Target glows bright blue until he's burned by magical fire 5773 Target glows bright blue until he's struck by magic 5774 Target glows bright blue until he's wounded by his own weapon 5775 Target glows bright blue while under any magical effect 5776 Target glows with a bright, rainbow aura while moving stealthily 5777 Target glows with angelic light whenever he uses a magic item 5778 Target goes berserk if any of his allies injure him 5779 Target goes berserk if he eats meat in the next 24 hours 5780 Target goes berserk if he sees anyone burned by fire 5781 Target goes berserk if he sees anyone eating meat 5782 Target goes berserk if he touches gold in the next 1d6 rounds 5783 Target goes berserk if he's currently carrying any magic items 5784 Target goes into a homicidal rage for 1d8 rounds, then passes out 5785 Target goes into a homicidal rage for 1d8 rounds, then vanishes 5786 Target goes into a homicidal rage whenever he removes his shoes 5787 Target goes into a homicidal rage whenever he sheathes his weapon 5788 Target goes totally and dangerously insane until sunset 5789 Target grows an additional 1d8 fingers 5790 Target grows an additional pair of ears atop his head 5791 Target grows an additional pair of eyes somewhere on his face 5792 Target has 1d100 tiny steel spheres embedded in his skin 5793 Target has 25 Intelligence for 1d4 turns 5794 Target has 25 Strength for 1d4 rounds 5795 Target has a +1 Armor Class bonus while it's raining 5796 Target has a +2 Armor Class bonus while barefoot 5797 Target has a +5 Armor Class bonus until sunset tomorrow 5798 Target has a -1 Armor Class penalty while wielding a weapon 5799 Target has a -2 Armor Class penalty while it's raining 5800 Target has a blowhole in the back of his neck 5801 Target has a colony of bees living in his skull 5802 Target has a compartment in his torso able to carry small items 5803 Target has a complete but false memory of the past 24 hours 5804 Target has a doppelganger slave that looks just like the caster 5805 Target has a flawless sense of direction 5806 Target has a flawless sense of direction 50% of the time 5807 Target has a flawless sense of direction while naked 5808 Target has a hole in his forehead as large as his fist 5809 Target has a hole in his torso big enough to accommodate his head 5810 Target has a key that attracts lightning 5811 Target has a key that can make non-magical locks invisible 5812 Target has a key that can permanently fuse one non-magical lock 5813 Target has a key that locks something that doesn't have a lock 5814 Target has a key that prevents nearby keys from working properly 5815 Target has a key that turns one lock to pure, solid gold 5816 Target has a key that unlocks 99% of all non-magical locks 5817 Target has a key that unlocks a secret door to another universe 5818 Target has a key that works only once but will open any one lock 5819 Target has a large and heavy padlock around his neck 5820 Target has a large apple stuck in his mouth for 1d4 days 5821 Target has a legitimate grievance against the caster 5822 Target has a mane like a lion 5823 Target has a permanent +4 ToHit and +4 Damage bonus vs the caster 5824 Target has a permanent -4 ToHit penalty versus others of his race 5825 Target has a raised, square protuberance jutting from his chest 5826 Target has a relief of the caster's face embossed on his back 5827 Target has a scar on his forehead as though clumsily lobotomized 5828 Target has a secret name that, if spoken, causes him to race home 5829 Target has a secret name that, if spoken, teleports him 2d8 miles 5830 Target has a secret name that, if spoken, will change his sex 5831 Target has a secret name that, if spoken, will kill him outright 5832 Target has a seizure lasting 1d6 hours when he uses a magic item 5833 Target has a seizure lasting 8d8 rounds, after which he is Healed 5834 Target has a seizure lasting until he's struck by magic 50 5835 Target has a small lamp in his forehead like a miner's helmet 5836 Target has a small lump on his forehead like a horseshoe 5837 Target has a small steel ring jutting from each shoulder blade 5838 Target has a star-shaped hole running completely through his head 5839 Target has a steel band around his ankle like tagged wildlife 5840 Target has a steel bolt running completely through his head 5841 Target has a strange tattoo that, if touched, causes him to weep 5842 Target has a sword that he thinks can command an undead army 5843 Target has a sword that he thinks can make him invisible to Elves 5844 Target has a sword that he thinks can slay dragons easily 5845 Target has a sword that he thinks makes him a charismatic leader 5846 Target has a tiny compartment beneath one of his fingernails 5847 Target has a violent coughing fit that persists until sunrise 5848 Target has a violent coughing fit whenever he uses a magic item 5849 Target has a virus that will kill him in 4d6 hours unless cured 5850 Target has a wooden bucket firmly affixed to his head 5851 Target has an exact copy of everything now carried by the caster 5852 Target has an immediate 50/50 chance to die or be totally healed 5853 Target has an immediate 50/50 chance to die or become a demigod 5854 Target has an immobilizing steel brace on one of his legs 5855 Target has an overpowering fear of other members of his race 5856 Target has an overpowering fear of shoes and other footwear 5857 Target has been controlled for years by a powerful, unseen entity 5858 Target has been controlled for years by a secret committee 5859 target has been controlled for years by agents of the king 5860 Target has been controlled for years by an orbiting satellite 5861 Target has been targeted for sacrifice by some monstrous cult 5862 Target has committed unspeakable acts in his deity's name 5863 Target has committed unspeakable acts in his deity's temple 5864 Target has committed unspeakable acts involving livestock 5865 Target has committed unspeakable acts involving orcs and Dwarves 5866 Target has committed unspeakable acts involving the king's horse 5867 Target has his name tattooed all over his body 5868 Target has in his possession an item that is literally impossible 5869 Target has in his possession something precious to the caster 5870 Target has innumerable feathers stuck to his skin 5871 Target has inspiring hallucinations about his future career 5872 Target has inspiring hallucinations about his life after death 5873 Target has ironclad proof that all of this is an illusion 5874 Target has ironclad proof that everyone he knows doesn't exist 5875 Target has ironclad proof that he's a prophesied savior 5876 Target has ironclad proof that he's dead 5877 Target has ironclad proof that he's really the caster 5878 Target has ironclad proof that he's the caster's father and son 5879 Target has ironclad proof that the apocalypse will be tomorrow 5880 Target has ironclad proof that the caster doesn't exist 5881 Target has no idea of where he is or what he's doing 5882 Target has no natural visible form; his appearance is an illusion 5883 Target has numerous stigmata and attracts countless disciples 5884 Target has numerous stigmata and fears that the end is nigh 5885 Target has numerous stigmata and is persecuted as a heretic 5886 Target has numerous stigmata, as foretold by prophesy 5887 Target has only one hit point per level for the next 1d4 days 5888 Target has only one hit point per point of Wisdom for 2d8 days 5889 Target has owed the caster 1d10 gold pieces for 2d10 years 5890 Target has prominent mandibles like an ant 5891 Target has six eyes spaced evenly around his skull 5892 Target has stolen large sums of money from each of his allies 5893 Target has terrifying hallucinations about his own birth 5894 Target has terrifying hallucinations about his own death 5895 Target has the caster's name tattooed all over his body 5896 Target has the head and right arm of a common housefly 5897 Target has three identical faces spaced evenly around his skull 5898 Target has ugly, thorny projections along both of his arms 5899 Target has visions depicting the true nature of magic 5900 Target has visions of a future full of incomprehensible wonders 5901 Target has visions of a future in which he's worshipped as a god 5902 Target has visions of a past that seems more real than his own 5903 Target has visions of a transcendently beautiful city in the sky 5904 Target has visions of his slow and torturous dismemberment 5905 Target has visions of the future involving no one he recognizes 5906 Target has visions of waiting in line for eternity 5907 Target has waited years for a custom-designed breastplate 5908 Target hasn't slept in 1d100 days 5909 Target hasn't slept since he last spoke with royalty 5910 Target hates his nearest ally as much as his most bitter enemy 5911 Target hears cheers and applause whenever his blood is drawn 5912 Target hears his own voice betraying his secrets to everyone 5913 Target hears his own voice castigating him for his many failures 5914 Target hears his own voice endlessly chanting his own name 5915 Target hears his own voice screaming in his ears until sunrise 5916 Target hears his own voice whispering words of comfort to him 5917 Target hears malevolent voices all around him 5918 Target hears the clattering of swords at all times 5919 Target hears the clattering of swords while his weapon is drawn 5920 Target hears the crash of cymbals whenever he uses a magic item 5921 Target hears the noisy buzzing of countless bees at all times 5922 Target hears thunder booming all around him, but no one else does 5923 Target hoots like a foghorn when struck by magic after sunset 5924 Target increases in size and mass by 10% 5925 Target inflicts superficial wounds upon himself whenever possible 5926 Target inherits a collection of festive commemorative spoons 5927 Target insists on wearing a bucket on his head for 1d4 weeks 5928 Target insists that his body is real and spectacular 5929 Target inspires homicidal rage in some common non-magical species 5930 Target is 5% likely to vanish forever each time he says his name 5931 Target is 10% likely to attack anyone who says his name 5932 Target is 10% likely to be dragged into orbit around the planet 5933 Target is 10% likely to change sex when burned by magical fire 5934 Target is 10% likely to contract leprosy when injured by magic 5935 Target is 10% likely to lose 1d4 hit points in any given hour 5936 Target is 10% likely to see any invisible creature or object 5937 Target is 10% likely to strangle himself whenever he uses rope 5938 Target is 10% likely to turn to a wooden statue when he sleeps 5939 Target is 15% likely to be attacked by any horse he passes 5940 Target is 15% likely to die when he next sees an illusion 5941 Target is 20% likely to be healed by any poison he drinks 5942 Target is 20% likely to be healed instead of injured by fire 5943 Target is 20% likely to disbelieve any illusion he sees 5944 Target is 20% likely to drown when burned by magical fire 5945 Target is 20% likely to explode when burned by magical fire 5946 Target is 20% likely to gain a level when next struck by magic 5947 Target is 20% likely to take no damage if cut by a blade 5948 Target is 20% likely to think that he's undead if undead are near 5949 Target is 20% likely to turn invisible when injured by fire 5950 Target is 30% likely to be able to summarize any book he kisses 5951 Target is 40% likely to attack any priest who approaches him 5952 Target is 80% likely to die if Remove Curse is cast upon him 5953 Target is a carrier of some magical disease 5954 Target is at the heart of a thunderstorm, but no one else sees it 5955 Target is actually a remotely-operated simulacrum 5956 Target is acutely hungry for 5d6 days, no matter how much he eats 5957 Target is affected by Reverse Gravity for 1d4 weeks 5958 Target is afflicted with leprosy for one month, then he's healed 5959 Target is afflicted with lycanthropy until the next full moon 5960 Target is an immortal simply masquerading in this current form 5961 Target is arrested for smuggling some illegal substance 5962 Target is attacked by 1d1000 tiny skeletal bats 5963 Target is attacked by 6d12 housecats 5964 Target is attacked by a monster that no one else can see or hear 51 5965 Target is attacked by dozens of cows 5966 Target is attacked by dozens of crows 5967 Target is attacked by everyone within 50 yards 5968 Target is attacked by moths as if he were made of wool 5969 Target is attacked by teeming vermin visible only to him 5970 Target is attacked by the nearest boulder 5971 Target is blind until he wets his hair 5972 Target is blind while his hair is wet 5973 Target is blown back 3d10 yards and loses that many hit points 5974 Target is bound by fine but very durable silver chains 5975 Target is briefly blinded by a dense cloud of powdered sugar 5976 Target is briefly blinded by countless flies swarming around him 5977 Target is buffeted by mighty winds that affect no one else 5978 Target is buried by a heap of mildewed potato peelings 5979 Target is buried by a sudden avalanche; no one else is affected 5980 Target is buried up to his knees in burning coals 5981 Target is buried up to his knees in shiny new gold coins 5982 Target is captured for use in laboratory testing of cosmetics 5983 Target is carried high into the air by a flock of magpies 5984 Target is carrying a bucket of chum and must carry it until dawn 5985 Target is carrying a huge sack full of moldy rabbit pelts 5986 Target is caught in a violent hailstorm; no one else is affected 5987 Target is certain that a powerful entity is stalking him 5988 Target is certain that a vile monster is hiding in a nearby cave 5989 Target is certain that all of his allies have betrayed him 5990 Target is certain that he has the patronage of a powerful entity 5991 Target is certain that he was constructed in a laboratory 5992 Target is certain that he'll become a god if he dies in combat 5993 Target is certain that he'll die by sunset 5994 Target is certain that he's a plant-based creature 5995 Target is certain that he's about to become king 5996 Target is certain that he's as fragile as glass 5997 Target is certain that he's bleeding profusely 5998 Target is certain that he's immortal 5999 Target is certain that he's invulnerable until sunset 6000 Target is certain that he's standing at the center of a huge fire 6001 Target is chained into the highest branches of a tall tree nearby 6002 Target is coated in a delicious honey glaze like a ham 6003 Target is coated in boiling pitch and takes damage accordingly 6004 Target is completely enclosed by a layer of living flesh 6005 Target is constricted as though squeezed by an invisible python 6006 Target is covered by a suit of field plate armor, made of glass 6007 Target is covered by a thick shawl of fetid vulture feathers 6008 Target is covered by coarse and musky wool like a yak 6009 Target is covered by dozens of slugs and snails 6010 Target is covered by thick, ugly scales for an AC bonus of 1 6011 Target is discovered to be a remotely operated machine 6012 Target is discovered to be an agent of the king 6013 Target is discovered to be the real heir to the throne 6014 Target is discovered to be the true owner of caster's home 6015 Target is discovered to engage in decadent cannibalistic rituals 6016 Target is dragged along the ground into the nearest open grave 6017 Target is dragged halfway to the shore of the nearest river 6018 Target is draped in a gossamer shawl impervious to fire 6019 Target is draped in filthy funerary dressing 6020 Target is draped in foul-smelling seaweed 6021 Target is draped in threads that can only be cut under moonlight 6022 Target is dreadfully afraid of the spell's target point 6023 Target is dreadfully homesick for some place he's never been 6024 Target is dressed like a court jester 6025 Target is dressed like a crazed anchorite 6026 Target is dressed like a pig at a luau 6027 Target is dressed like one of the royal family 6028 Target is driven halfway through the nearest tree 6029 Target is driven like a thumbtack into the ground up to his neck 6030 Target is encased in a glass box quickly filling with water 6031 Target is encased in a large, hollow sphere of ice 6032 Target is encased in a marble sarcophagus 6033 Target is encased in a sealed wicker basket 6034 Target is encased in a skin-tight plaster cast 6035 Target is encased in an airtight steel capsule 6036 Target is encircled by a chest-high wall of packed snow 6037 Target is encircled by a waist-high, electrified iron fence 6038 Target is encircled by a zone of intense cold 6039 Target is encircled by a zone of pure vacuum 6040 Target is encircled by an electrified fence 6041 Target is encircled by an illusory wall of chattering skulls 6042 Target is encircled by tall icicles, each as thick as his leg 6043 Target is enclosed for one hour in an impenetrable 10-foot sphere 6044 Target is enclosed in a shrinking steel cage 6045 Target is enraged beyond all rational control 6046 Target is ensconced in velvet 6047 Target is ensnared by some distant spellcaster's Summoning spell 6048 Target is especially receptive to Commands for the next 24 hours 6049 Target is fearless as long as he wears the shoes he's wearing now 6050 Target is forever immune to all non-magical disease 6051 Target is forever immune to heatstroke 6052 Target is forever immune to hypothermia 6053 Target is forever immune to lycanthropy 6054 Target is found to be a persecuted victim needing caster's help 6055 Target is fully healed if he's slain while standing in snow 6056 Target is harassed by skeletal crows 6057 Target is haunted by the endless screams of damned souls 6058 Target is healed of all damage, but his clothes and gear vanish 6059 Target is held personally responsible for some distant atrocity 6060 Target is held personally responsible for the decay of society 6061 Target is highly magical and dies if Dispel Magic is cast on him 6062 Target is highly magical and is quickly recognized by magic users 6063 Target is holding an anvil and can't put it down for 2d8 rounds 6064 Target is holding an egg in each hand and must not break them! 6065 Target is hopelessly lost for 2d10 rounds 6066 Target is horribly afraid of cooked or salted meat 6067 Target is horribly scarred, as though shredded and reassembled 6068 Target is horrified by the sight of female magic users 6069 Target is horrified by the sound of clattering bones 6070 Target is identified as the leader of some bizarre cult 6071 Target is immortal and unaging until he next speaks 6072 Target is immortal, but he's sentenced to lifelong imprisonment 6073 Target is immortal, but his arms and legs vanish forever 6074 Target is immune to air-based magic for 1d4 days 6075 Target is immune to all attacks by non-magical birds 6076 Target is immune to all injury until he next speaks 6077 Target is immune to all swords now within one mile 6078 Target is immune to any wounds inflicted by humans for 4d6 hours 6079 Target is immune to area-effect magic for 1d4 days 6080 Target is immune to beneficial magic for 2d4 days 6081 Target is immune to charm-based spells or attacks for 1d4 weeks 6082 Target is immune to Charms and Enchantments for 1d4 weeks 6083 Target is immune to electrical attacks while carrying metal 6084 Target is immune to his allies' magic 6085 Target is immune to his allies' magic for 10d10 rounds 6086 Target is immune to his own magic and attacks for 1d4 hours 6087 Target is immune to hostile magic for 1d4 days 6088 Target is immune to illusions until dawn tomorrow 6089 Target is immune to injuries inflicted by wood in daylight 6090 Target is immune to inorganic poisons for 1d4 months 6091 Target is immune to light-based magic until sunset tomorrow 6092 Target is immune to lightning 6093 Target is immune to magical cold while naked 6094 Target is immune to magical diseases for one week 52 6095 Target is immune to magical fire while naked 6096 Target is immune to magical healing 6097 Target is immune to missile weapons for 6d8 hours 6098 Target is immune to necromantic magic until he uses a magic item 6099 Target is immune to non-magical diseases 6100 Target is immune to non-magical extremes of weather 6101 Target is immune to normal fire while wearing these clothes 6102 Target is immune to piercing weapons, such as stilettos, etc. 6103 Target is immune to poisons, but meat is highly toxic to him 6104 Target is immune to polymorph magic 6105 Target is immune to smoke inhalation for the rest of his life 6106 Target is immune to the burning effects of acid for 2d4 days 6107 Target is immune to the caster's magic for 10d10 rounds 6108 Target is immune to the crushing pressure of very deep water 6109 Target is immune to the next 1d10 attacks against him 6110 Target is immune to the next magical disease he encounters 6111 Target is implicated in numerous treasonous scandals 6112 Target is in the middle of a typhoon, but no one else is 6113 Target is infected with plague 6114 Target is instantly consumed by vermin if he dies within 24 hours 6115 Target is intensely drunk for 1d4 rounds after every combat 6116 Target is invisible to lycanthropes while he's bleeding 6117 Target is invisible to lycanthropes while they're indoors 6118 Target is invisible while carrying 1d4 burning torches 6119 Target is invisible while completely submerged 6120 Target is invisible while he has an apple in each hand 6121 Target is invisible while shouting 6122 Target is invulnerable and invisible until he speaks or moves 6123 Target is invulnerable to 80% of normal weapons 6124 Target is invulnerable to any weapon that has already wounded him 6125 Target is invulnerable to normal weapons and can't wield them 6126 Target is invulnerable to normal weapons for 1d6 turns 6127 Target is invulnerable to normal weapons until he inflicts damage 6128 Target is invulnerable to normal weapons until he wields one 6129 Target is invulnerable to weapon that he himself forged 6130 Target is kidnapped to be used as a sacrifice by a religious cult 6131 Target is kidnapped to be used as in medical experiments 6132 Target is killed outright if he ever triggers a Chaos Burst 6133 Target is killed outright if he kills any member of his species 6134 Target is killed outright if he wounds himself with a sword 6135 Target is killed outright if struck by a blood relative 6136 Target is limned by golden light until dawn tomorrow 6137 Target is liquefied and emerges from a nearby lake fully healed 6138 Target is liquefied but reforms at full hit points in 1d20 rounds 6139 Target is liquefied but reforms in a slightly warped shape 6140 Target is liquefied but returns fully healed during the next rain 6141 Target is lost in the shuffle 6142 Target is mesmerized by the sight of lighted candles 6143 Target is mesmerized by the sound of clinking metal 6144 Target is nearly paralyzed with terror under the full moon 6145 Target is now standing 8d10 yards behind the spell's target point 6146 Target is now standing atop the tallest mountain within 100 miles 6147 Target is numb to all physical sensation for 3d8 rounds 6148 Target is obsessed with ridding himself of all skin and hair 6149 Target is obsessed with ridding himself of all worldly property 6150 Target is obsessed with ridding himself of his allies 6151 Target is obsessed with ridding himself of his shadow 6152 Target is obsessively covetous of some item that he can now see 6153 Target is obsessively jealous of someone now standing nearby 6154 Target is obsessively protective of someone now standing nearby 6155 Target is obsessively protective someone he's never met 6156 Target is overwhelmingly drunk for 1d4 rounds, then totally sober 6157 Target is paralyzed by dread when he witnesses magical effects 6158 Target is pelted by hundreds of acorns 6159 Target is pelted by snowballs for 1d6 rounds 6160 Target is pelted by tiny, red hot coals for 1d4 rounds 6161 Target is pelted like a mink, otter, or beaver 6162 Target is permanently bloodstained 6163 Target is permanently invisible to caster but can't attack him 6164 Target is permanently invisible to himself between dusk and dawn 6165 Target is permanently rendered 1d100% transparent 6166 Target is physically exhausted 6167 Target is poisoned if he touches a book in the next 1d4 days 6168 Target is pursued by predatory moneylenders 6169 Target is pursued by ravenous wolves 6170 Target is pursued by rogue shadows that resemble his own 6171 Target is pushed through the planet and out to the opposite side 6172 Target is quarantined by the local Minister of Health 6173 Target is real but can be disbelieved as if he were an illusion 6174 Target is real but can be Dispelled as if he were an illusion 6175 Target is recognized as an escaped slave wherever he goes 6176 Target is reluctant to engage in combat between sunrise and noon 6177 Target is reluctant to speak between noon and sunset 6178 Target is reluctant to wield any weapon with inorganic components 6179 Target is rendered deaf and blind for 2d10 rounds 6180 Target is rendered inert for 1d10 turns 6181 Target is rendered like a cow in an abattoir 6182 Target is rendered mute for 1d100 rounds 6183 Target is scarred as though he were pressed against a hot screen 6184 Target is scarred as though his digestive tract has been removed 6185 Target is sheathed in a large, living sponge 6186 Target is sheathed in a plant like a huge pea pod 6187 Target is sheathed in blood-soaked strips of leather 6188 Target is sheathed in wax 6189 Target is shoved to the ground in each of the next 1d10 rounds 6190 Target is showered by sawdust for 1d10 rounds 6191 Target is showered by shaved ice for the next 1d10 rounds 6192 Target is shunned by all other members of his species 6193 Target is shunned by all that is holy 6194 Target is shunned by anyone carrying a magic item 6195 Target is shunned by anyone nearby who is now wounded 6196 Target is shunned by polite society 6197 Target is smeared in a coordinated campaign of personal attacks 6198 Target is smeared in a fluid that suppresses his natural scent 6199 Target is smeared in lard 6200 Target is smeared in some kind of fireproof jelly 6201 Target is so badly disfigured that people flee from him in horror 6202 Target is sought for arrest because he stole a loaf of bread 6203 Target is standing knee-deep in a basket full of cobras 6204 Target is standing knee-deep in a bucket full of manure 6205 Target is stricken completely hairless 6206 Target is stricken deaf, blind, and mute for 1d6 rounds 6207 Target is stricken from any documents that mention him by name 6208 Target is stricken mute under every full moon 6209 Target is stricken mute while horses are nearby 6210 Target is stricken mute while under any magical effect 6211 Target is struck by lightning for 1d100 hit points of damage 6212 Target is struck by lightning the next time an ally is wounded 6213 Target is struck by lightning the next time he draws a weapon 6214 Target is struck by lightning the next time he enters water 6215 Target is struck by lightning the next time he speaks 6216 Target is struck by lightning the next time he uses a magic item 6217 Target is struck by lightning unless he's currently atop a horse 6218 Target is stung by a bee as large as an ox 6219 Target is stung by a bee every time he makes a successful attack 6220 Target is suddenly acutely aware of any injuries he now has 6221 Target is suddenly attacked by ruffians 6222 Target is suddenly holding 1d4 anvils 6223 Target is suddenly holding a box full of his own bones 6224 Target is suddenly holding a pair of alligator suitcases 53 6225 Target is suddenly holding a pair of magic rings 6226 Target is suddenly holding an enormous bouquet of roses 6227 Target is suddenly holding the king's severed head 6228 Target is suddenly holding the nearest corpse in his arms 6229 Target is suddenly lying in a four-poster canopy bed 6230 Target is suddenly lying in his own bed 6231 Target is suddenly lying on a funeral pyre 6232 Target is suddenly married to 1d8 additional spouses 6233 Target is suddenly morbidly obese 6234 Target is suddenly naked except for a fig leaf 6235 Target is suddenly on the verge of an important breakthrough 6236 Target is suddenly on the verge of going berserk 6237 Target is suddenly on the verge of utter dehydration 6238 Target is suddenly on the verge of utter exhaustion 6239 Target is suddenly on the verge of utter panic 6240 Target is suddenly on the verge of utter starvation 6241 Target is suddenly packaged in a large cardboard box 6242 Target is suddenly recognized as everyone's long-lost brother 6243 Target is suddenly sitting at the base of a nearby waterfall 6244 Target is suddenly sitting atop someone else's horse 6245 Target is suddenly sitting atop the tallest waterfall in the land 6246 Target is suddenly sitting in a bucket full of ice water 6247 Target is suddenly sitting in a large wooden crate 6248 Target is suddenly sitting in the bucket of the nearest catapult 6249 Target is suddenly sitting in the queen's boudoir 6250 Target is suddenly sitting on an anthill, smeared with honey 6251 Target is suddenly sitting on the corpse of a fallen ally 6252 Target is suddenly standing atop a heap of shattered masonry 6253 Target is suddenly standing atop a rickety and very tall fence 6254 Target is suddenly standing atop a tall ladder 6255 Target is suddenly standing atop the nearest corpse 6256 Target is suddenly standing atop the nearest lookout tower 6257 Target is suddenly standing atop the nearest sand dune 6258 Target is suddenly standing in a fetid swamp miles from here 6259 Target is suddenly standing in the nearest boat 6260 Target is suddenly standing in the nearest locked treasure vault 6261 Target is suddenly standing knee-deep in the nearest ocean 6262 Target is suddenly standing next to his most powerful enemy 6263 Target is suddenly standing on a trapdoor over a very deep pit 6264 Target is suddenly standing on the shoulders of a nearby ally 6265 Target is suddenly standing outside his own front door 6266 Target is suddenly standing under the nearest bridge 6267 Target is suddenly standing upon what appears to be his own grave 6268 Target is suddenly standing wherever he awoke this morning 6269 Target is suddenly suffering from overpowering agoraphobia 6270 Target is suddenly wearing a cast-iron straightjacket 6271 Target is suddenly wearing a provocative leather ensemble 6272 Target is suddenly wearing a skin-tight suit of chain mail 6273 Target is suddenly wearing an anachronistic bathing costume 6274 Target is suddenly wearing an ornate saddle of very high quality 6275 Target is suddenly wearing fireproof clothing 6276 Target is suddenly wearing whatever the king wore yesterday 6277 Target is surrounded by pandering sycophants 6278 Target is surrounded by rabid wolves 6279 Target is surrounded by servitors who want to assassinate him 6280 Target is surrounded by vermin and small pests 6281 Target is susceptible to rust while carrying gold 6282 Target is suspected of having trafficked with demons in a church 6283 Target is suspected of having wrought a plague upon this nation 6284 Target is suspected of holding the secret of all existence 6285 Target is suspected of plotting to exterminate his entire species 6286 Target is suspended above the tallest tree nearby 6287 Target is suspended over a flaming pit until sunset 6288 Target is swarmed by countless flies, but they don't bother him 6289 Target is swarmed by undead whenever he uses a magic item 6290 Target is swept 3d100 yards by a wave of molasses 6291 Target is the most unrepentant coward in the entire world 6292 Target is the subject of a distant being's use of the Wish spell 6293 Target is thought to be a malefic figure as foretold by prophecy 6294 Target is thrown 1d4 rounds into the past 6295 Target is thrown 8d6 hours into the future 6296 Target is thrown 8d6 yards into the air 6297 Target is thrown down the nearest flight of stairs 6298 Target is thrown into a coma for 1d6 days 6299 Target is thrown into the nearest briar patch 6300 Target is tied between two trees like a hammock 6301 Target is tied to the ground with rope made of his own hair 6302 Target is tightly bound by strips of adhesive cloth 6303 Target is tightly chained to the nearest tree 6304 Target is tightly swaddled in a coarse wool blanket 6305 Target is tightly wrapped in blood-soaked bandages 6306 Target is tightly wrapped in strips of raw and greasy bacon 6307 Target is tormented by countless demonic voices 6308 Target is tormented by false but realistic echoes of a past life 6309 Target is tormented by illusory ants crawling all over him 6310 Target is tormented by invisible barbs that catch in his flesh 6311 Target is tormented by shrill and discordant music 6312 Target is tormented by the awareness of his mortality 6313 Target is tormented by visions of his own damnation 6314 Target is tormented by visions of his own descent into madness 6315 Target is tormented by visions of the damned 6316 Target is tormented by visions of the torture of his allies 6317 Target is tormented by voices telling him to kill his allies 6318 Target is tormented by voices telling him to kill the king 6319 Target is unable to look directly at the caster 6320 Target is unaffected by natural winds 6321 Target is unexpectedly thrust into a position of political power 6322 Target is unusually clumsy for 1d4 hours after he says his name 6323 Target is utterly fearless until sunset tomorrow 6324 Target is violently allergic to some common non-magical species 6325 Target is violently compressed to the size of a grain of rice 6326 Target is violently pushed 1d10 yards, stunned for as many rounds 6327 Target is wearing a diver's mask, snorkel, and swim fins 6328 Target is wearing a formal suit made entirely of lettuce 6329 Target is wearing a formal suit made entirely of smoked meats 6330 Target is wearing a necklace of severed human ears 6331 Target is wearing nothing but strategically-placed coconut shells 6332 Target is wearing the entire skin from an orc or goblin 6333 Target is wearing the leathered skin from his own corpse 6334 Target is wholly invulnerable for 1d4 rounds 6335 Target is widely famed for his prowess with the scissors 6336 Target is widely recognized as a traitor to his race and species 6337 Target is, by his very nature, impossible 6338 Target jingles like sleigh bells while trying to move stealthily 6339 Target kills himself at sunset tonight but is resurrected at dawn 6340 Target knows a secret that damages the sanity of any who learn it 6341 Target knows an economical way to extract aluminum from bauxite 6342 Target knows but won't tell the location of an important artifact 6343 Target knows everything there is to know about the caster 6344 Target knows exactly what will happen in the next 2d6 rounds 6345 Target knows the current location of every Dwarf within 10 miles 6346 Target knows the location of every lock within one mile 6347 Target labors to conceal a humiliating secret from his allies 6348 Target lacks any concept of personal property 6349 Target laughs like a braying donkey when he injures someone 6350 Target laughs outrageously at the sight of his allies' blood 6351 Target learns that a deranged cult worships him as a god 6352 Target leaves no scent for 1d4 weeks 6353 Target leeches 2d10 hit points from the caster 6354 Target levitates 10d10 yards into the air for that many rounds 54 6355 Target levitates 1d10 feet in each of the next 1d6 rounds 6356 Target literally laughs at danger, so much so that it's annoying 6357 Target looks as though half of his body has been severely burned 6358 Target looks as though half of his body is made of pumice 6359 Target looks as though half of his body is made of wood 6360 Target looks as though he's made entirely of clay 6361 Target looks exactly like the caster for 1d4 days 6362 Target looks like a photo-negative for 1d4 days 6363 Target looks like a photo-negative while wielding a weapon 6364 Target looks vaguely demonic whenever he uses a magic item 6365 Target loses 1d100 hit points if he speaks his name before sunset 6366 Target loses 1d100 hit points unless he eats 3lbs of gold by dawn 6367 Target loses 1d100% of his mass 6368 Target loses 1d4 hit points every time he draws a weapon 6369 Target loses 1d4 levels/hit dice 6370 Target loses a point of Intelligence for each hit point he loses 6371 Target loses all but one hit point, then regains one per round 6372 Target loses all hit points gained due to high Constitution 6373 Target loses all sense of decency and restraint 6374 Target loses half of his remaining hit points 6375 Target loses one hit point each day for the next 1d100 days 6376 Target loses one hit point per hour until dawn tomorrow 6377 Target loses one hit point per person now within a 10 yard radius 6378 Target loses one hit point per round until he eats some raw meat 6379 Target loses one hit point per round until he strips naked 6380 Target loses one hit point per round until he swallows a coin 6381 Target loses one hit point per round until he's struck by magic 6382 Target loses the sense of object permanence 6383 Target makes a spirited effort to detach one of his legs 6384 Target makes a spirited effort to disarm his allies 6385 Target makes a spirited effort to eat his own foot 6386 Target makes a spirited effort to extract his own heart 6387 Target makes a spirited effort to pull out his own tongue 6388 Target makes a spirited effort to remove his lower jaw 6389 Target makes a spirited effort to scour the flesh from his hands 6390 Target makes a spirited effort to swallow his weapon 6391 Target makes a spirited effort to tear off his ears 6392 Target makes outrageous claims about his martial skill 6393 Target makes outrageous claims about his wealth and property 6394 Target mimics the actions of one of his allies for 2d6 rounds 6395 Target mimics the caster's actions for 1d10 rounds 6396 Target mistakes himself for someone else 6397 Target moos like a cow each time he draws a weapon 6398 Target must carry a blade at all times that has never drawn blood 6399 Target must carry a burning candle at all times 6400 Target must carry a fifty pound wheel of cheese until sunset 6401 Target must carry a small stone from this spot at all times 6402 Target must carry a wooden staff taller than he is at all times 6403 Target must carry at least 30 feet of rope at all times 6404 Target must carry at least 4d6 gold coins at all times 6405 Target must carry at least five pounds of wood at all times 6406 Target must carry at least one pound of feathers at all times 6407 Target must climb a tall tree during the next thunderstorm 6408 Target must disrobe before entering any cave or mine 6409 Target must douse himself with 2d6 gallons of water or combust 6410 Target must draw his weapon every time he says his name 6411 Target must drink 2d4 gallons of water before sunset 6412 Target must eat 3d6 pounds of food before dawn tomorrow 6413 Target must eat a pound of grass or leaves before dawn 6414 Target must eat a pound of ice by sunset tonight 6415 Target must give his name whenever he's asked for it 6416 Target must lie whenever he's asked his name 6417 Target must re-roll any attribute scores that are higher than 15 6418 Target must re-roll any attribute scores that are lower than 12 6419 Target must return to this location at least once each month 6420 Target must Save at each sunset or forget what happened that day 6421 Target must Save each morning or be ethereal until dusk 6422 Target must Save each morning or shrink by 10% 6423 Target must Save each morning, or he can't use his arms that day 6424 Target must Save each morning, or his left leg bursts into flame 6425 Target must Save each night or else sleep for 6d8+24 hours 6426 Target must Save or 1d100 of his bones explode 6427 Target must Save or 1d100 of his bones turn to glass 6428 Target must Save or 1d100 of his bones turn to steel 6429 Target must Save or be dragged to the bottom of the nearest lake 6430 Target must Save or be struck dead by a meteor 6431 Target must Save or each of his bones teleports 1d4 miles 6432 Target must Save or forfeit ownership of all of his possessions 6433 Target must Save or he beheads himself with his next attack 6434 Target must Save or he will never have existed 6435 Target must Save or his hands and weapons vanish until sunset 6436 Target must Save or his temperature rises 1° per round 6437 Target must Save or lose 1d4 from each attribute score 6438 Target must Save when he's hit by a bludgeon or shatter 6439 Target must Save when he's hit by a bludgeon or shriek in panic 6440 Target must Save when he's hit by a bludgeon or turn inside out 6441 Target must Save when he's hit by a bludgeon or turn to butter 6442 Target must say his name every time he draws a weapon 6443 Target must scale the tallest mountain within 100 miles 6444 Target must take 1d10 steps backward each time he draws a weapon 6445 Target now has 1d12 x 10% of his full hit points 6446 Target now has an odd number of limbs 6447 Target now has three legs spaced evenly around his pelvis 6448 Target obsessively cleans and polishes any magical items he owns 6449 Target obsessively pursues a man who turns into a green monster 6450 Target obsessively pursues an immortal beast with glass eyes 6451 Target obsessively pursues some crazy get-rich-quick scheme 6452 Target obsessively pursues the one-armed man who killed his wife 6453 Target offered his legs as collateral on a high-interest loan 6454 Target only needs to blink once every 4d6 hours 6455 Target only needs to eat one normal-sized meal per week 6456 Target opens a chain of big-box retail stores 6457 Target owes a big favor to a powerful and malevolent entity 6458 Target owes a big favor to someone to whom he's morally opposed 6459 Target perceives a vast army to be just beyond the nearest ridge 6460 Target perceives aggressive creditors to be hunting him endlessly 6461 Target perceives all foliage to be ablaze 6462 Target perceives constant rainfall from now on 6463 Target perceives everyone nearby to be sheathed in golden flame 6464 Target perceives everyone nearby to be sprouting peacock feathers 6465 Target perceives everyone nearby to look just like him 6466 Target perceives everything except himself to be 50% larger 6467 Target perceives everything nearby to be aligned against him 6468 Target perceives everything nearby to made of gold 6469 Target perceives everything to be blighted and drained of color 6470 Target perceives himself to be bathed in silver light 6471 Target perceives himself to be the wealthiest person in the world 6472 Target perceives hints of prophecy in any music he hears 6473 Target perceives menacing waterfowl all around him 6474 Target perceives profound secrets in everyday conversation 6475 Target perceives shocking insults in everyday conversation 6476 Target perceives weather conditions to be six months out of sync 6477 Target perceives worms to be wriggling from his every orifice 6478 Target permanently abandons his principal weapon 6479 Target permanently ages one year for each hit point he loses 6480 Target permanently gains 1d4 hit points 6481 Target permanently loses 1d10 toes 6482 Target permanently loses 1d4 hit points 6483 Target permanently loses half his current hit points 6484 Target poses and spits water like a fountain for one turn 55 6485 Target presents a long list of grievances to the caster 6486 Target pretends that he has a personal relationship with his god 6487 Target pretends that he's been Charmed by the caster 6488 Target punches his jaw repeatedly until he knocks himself out 6489 Target quickly regenerates any lost fingers or toes 6490 Target races away in a random direction and can't stop until dawn 6491 Target races headlong toward any magic user he encounters 6492 Target races to the nearest cave and hides there 6493 Target races to the nearest cave entrance 6494 Target races to the nearest library and tries to burn it down 6495 Target races to the nearest temple and messily desecrates it 6496 Target races toward his home at top speed 6497 Target races toward the caster and begs to be killed 6498 Target races toward the caster, embraces him, & vanishes with him 6499 Target races toward the nearest lake and jumps into it 6500 Target races toward the nearest monarch and attacks him 6501 Target races toward the nearest ocean and wades out 1d4 miles 6502 Target races toward the nearest open fire and jumps into it 6503 Target races toward the nearest open pit and jumps into it 6504 Target rattles like a bucket of stones while moving with stealth 6505 Target reacts violently to any representative of the king 6506 Target reacts violently to anyone bearing a scar on his face 6507 Target reacts violently to anyone bearing a tattoo 6508 Target reacts violently to anyone displaying a holy symbol 6509 Target reacts violently to anyone he sees who is now injured 6510 Target reacts violently to anyone he thinks is able to kill him 6511 Target reacts violently to anyone nearby when he awakens 6512 Target reacts violently to anyone not of his race 6513 Target reacts violently to anyone not wearing a hat 6514 Target reacts violently to anyone refusing to address him as sire 6515 Target reacts violently to anyone representing a deity 6516 Target reacts violently to anyone taller than he is 6517 Target reacts violently to anyone wearing a cloak 6518 Target reacts violently to anyone wearing a gold ring 6519 Target reacts violently to anyone wearing a hat or helmet 6520 Target reacts violently to anyone wearing leather 6521 Target reacts violently to anyone who addresses him by name 6522 Target reacts violently to anyone who addresses the caster 6523 Target reacts violently to anyone who asks his name 6524 Target reacts violently to anyone who attacks the caster 6525 Target reacts violently to anyone who carries an axe 6526 Target reacts violently to anyone who displays fear or pity 6527 Target reacts violently to anyone who displays the color red 6528 Target reacts violently to anyone who doesn't offer him money 6529 Target reacts violently to anyone who doesn't recognize him 6530 Target reacts violently to anyone who draws a weapon near him 6531 Target reacts violently to anyone who eats in front of him 6532 Target reacts violently to anyone who eats meat in his presence 6533 Target reacts violently to anyone who gives him an order 6534 Target reacts violently to anyone who has a beard 6535 Target reacts violently to anyone who has long hair 6536 Target reacts violently to anyone who has no beard 6537 Target reacts violently to anyone who lights a fire near him 6538 Target reacts violently to anyone who mentions a deity by name 6539 Target reacts violently to anyone who mentions his martial skill 6540 Target reacts violently to anyone who offers him aid in battle 6541 Target reacts violently to anyone who offers him food or water 6542 Target reacts violently to anyone who offers him hospitality 6543 Target reacts violently to anyone who offers him money 6544 Target reacts violently to anyone who questions his bravery 6545 Target reacts violently to anyone who receives magical healing 6546 Target reacts violently to anyone who refuses to give him money 6547 Target reacts violently to anyone who refuses to worship him 6548 Target reacts violently to anyone who says a magic word near him 6549 Target reacts violently to anyone who seems to have a magic item 6550 Target reacts violently to anyone who sees him get injured 6551 Target reacts violently to anyone who shows him common courtesy 6552 Target reacts violently to anyone who speaks while on horseback 6553 Target reacts violently to anyone who speaks with an accent 6554 Target reacts violently to anyone who spends money on armor 6555 Target reacts violently to anyone who suggests that he's mortal 6556 Target reacts violently to anyone who touches him 6557 Target reacts violently to anyone who uses magic 6558 Target reacts violently to anyone who wears jewelry 6559 Target reacts violently to anyone who wields a magical weapon 6560 Target reacts violently to anyone whom he perceives to be ill 6561 Target reacts violently to anyone wielding a bloodstained weapon 6562 Target reacts violently to anyone wielding a wooden bludgeon 6563 Target reacts violently to anyone with bloodstained clothes 6564 Target reacts violently to Elves who learn his name 6565 Target reacts violently to the next person to draw blood near him 6566 Target realizes that has an extra eye in the back of his head 6567 Target realizes that he murdered 1d10 people closest to him 6568 Target realizes that he's a mechanical simulacrum 6569 Target realizes that he's always been a ravenous cannibal 6570 Target realizes that he's been chewing on gravel for several days 6571 Target realizes that he's being controlled by invisible entities 6572 Target realizes that he's had an arrow in his thigh for days 6573 Target realizes that he's lost and doesn't know anyone nearby 6574 Target realizes that the back of his head is removable 6575 Target receives a massive shock the next time he touches metal 6576 Target receives a sign that he should abandon all worldly goods 6577 Target receives a sign that he should devote himself to magic 6578 Target receives a sign that he should reject all magic 6579 Target receives a sign that his murder is imminent 6580 Target reeks of carrion when he's angry 6581 Target reeks of cheap perfume between sunset and dawn 6582 Target reeks of chlorine while he speaks 6583 Target reeks of gasoline for the rest of his life 6584 Target reeks of manure while in polite company 6585 Target reflection appears in every mirror within 10 miles 6586 Target refuses any offers of first aid or magical healing 6587 Target refuses to believe that metal weapons can harm him 6588 Target refuses to believe that poisons are poisonous 6589 Target refuses to believe that the caster exists 6590 Target refuses to eat any cooked meat 6591 Target refuses to eat or sleep for 2d4-1 days 6592 Target refuses to eat until his magical sword is returned 6593 Target refuses to eat within 6d10 miles of this spot 6594 Target refuses to give medical aid to his allies 6595 Target refuses to share food or water with his allies 6596 Target refuses to speak his native tongue while outdoors 6597 Target refuses to speak to anyone at all for 1d8 days 6598 Target refuses to speak to anyone not of his race 6599 Target refuses to speak to anyone of his race 6600 Target refuses to speak to anyone who addresses him by name 6601 Target refuses to speak to anyone who is looking at him 6602 Target refuses to speak to anyone who shares his native tongue 6603 Target refuses to speak to anyone whom he knows to employ magic 6604 Target regains his full hit points in each of the next 1d8 rounds 6605 Target regenerates one hit point for each pint of blood he drinks 6606 Target regresses to infancy but quickly grows to his correct age 6607 Target re-rolls 1d4 of his attribute scores, using 2d10 6608 Target re-rolls his hit points 6609 Target retains a perfect memory of the next 4d12 hours 6610 Target rightly believes that everyone is trying to kill him 6611 Target roars like a lion whenever he sees food 6612 Target runs 1d4 miles at top speed in a random direction 6613 Target runs completely around the nearest lake 6614 Target salivates heavily during battle 56 6615 Target screams as though in agony for 1d4 hours 6616 Target secretes 10 gallons of foul brine over the next 1d8 turns 6617 Target secretes a sticky pus from his eyes, nose, and ears 6618 Target sees anything more than 20 yards away as dull gray 6619 Target sees spectacular lightning overhead, but no one else does 6620 Target shakes violently when attempting to use magic items 6621 Target shakes violently while touching magic items 6622 Target shimmers like a desert mirage, making him -1 ToHit 6623 Target shrinks by 25% during each of the next 1d10 days 6624 Target shrinks by 8d10% when he next attacks the caster 6625 Target single-mindedly attacks the tallest person he can see 6626 Target single-mindedly tries to kill the caster until one is dead 6627 Target sinks halfway to the center of the world 6628 Target smells like 1,000 roses whenever he uses a magic item 6629 Target smells like 10 corpses whenever he uses a magic item 6630 Target smells like fungus for 1d4 hours after every battle 6631 Target smells like roses for one hour after every battle 6632 Target smells rotting flesh everywhere for 1d4 weeks 6633 Target smells strongly of blood whenever he uses a magic item 6634 Target smells strongly of cabbage until his next birthday 6635 Target smells strongly of sauerkraut for the rest of his life 6636 Target smells strongly of sour milk until next wounded in battle 6637 Target smells strongly of vanilla for 2d4 days 6638 Target sneezes and 10d10 angry wasps spew from his nose 6639 Target sneezes and blows 1d4 pounds of iron filings from his nose 6640 Target sneezes and blows all of his teeth from his mouth 6641 Target snorts like a pig before and after he says his name 6642 Target sounds as though he's shouting through a distant megaphone 6643 Target speaks only in an archaic dialect of his native language 6644 Target spends 1d4 rounds obsessing over the impact of his actions 6645 Target spends 1d4 turns trying to fell a tree with his bare hands 6646 Target spends 2d4 rounds trying to remove one of his vital organs 6647 Target spends 2d8 rounds praising the caster for his magic skills 6648 Target spends a few rounds trying to convince himself he's dead 6649 Target spends a few rounds trying to unscrew his own head 6650 Target spends all of his money to buy something totally worthless 6651 Target spins a cocoon & emerges in 1d4 days with butterfly wings 6652 Target spins like a top for 1d8 rounds 6653 Target spits out small lumps of coal after any melee 6654 Target sprays a gallon of milk from his nose 6655 Target sprays a huge gout of jet-black ink from his nose 6656 Target sprouts 1d10 additional noses all over his body 6657 Target sprouts 1d10 fingers from his cheeks 6658 Target sprouts 1d10 pairs of delicate antennae 6659 Target sprouts 1d100 additional ears on his body 6660 Target sprouts 1d6 additional noses somewhere on his body 6661 Target sprouts 3d10 tufts of coarse, ugly hair on his body 6662 Target sprouts a bunch of flexible metal tines on his face 6663 Target sprouts a clumsy elephant's trunk at the back of his head 6664 Target sprouts a collar of holly from the skin of his neck 6665 Target sprouts a horse's tail from the center of his chest 6666 Target sprouts a long, prehensile tail from his chest 6667 Target sprouts a non-functional face between his shoulder blades 6668 Target sprouts a non-functioning hand from the top of his head 6669 Target sprouts a pair of compound eyes from his cheekbones 6670 Target sprouts a pair of loathsome tentacles from his forehead 6671 Target sprouts a pair of retractable fangs in each palm 6672 Target sprouts a pig's tail from between his eyes 6673 Target sprouts a small foot from the top of his head 6674 Target sprouts a torch sconce between his shoulder blades 6675 Target sprouts a vulture's wing between his shoulder blades 6676 Target sprouts an additional foot from each knee 6677 Target sprouts an additional foot from each shoulder 6678 Target sprouts an additional forearm and hand from one elbow 6679 Target sprouts an additional hand from each shoulder 6680 Target sprouts an additional hand from one of his arms 6681 Target sprouts an additional hand from the palm of one hand 6682 Target sprouts an additional head beside the existing one 6683 Target sprouts an additional limb 6684 Target sprouts an additional mouth next to his original one 6685 Target sprouts an additional pair of eyes on his forehead 6686 Target sprouts an additional pair of nostrils on his forehead 6687 Target sprouts an additional pair of thumbs on his forehead 6688 Target sprouts an additional thumb from the back of each hand 6689 Target sprouts an iguana's tail from his chin 6690 Target sprouts an intelligent fungus atop his head 6691 Target sprouts an ox horn from his chin 6692 Target sprouts an ox horn from one side of his head 6693 Target sprouts countless leaves, each bearing a mysterious rune 6694 Target sprouts deer antlers from his shoulder blades 6695 Target sprouts enormous fangs from his lower jaw 6696 Target sprouts harmless but acrid blue mold all over his body 6697 Target sprouts retractable iron claws from his fingers 6698 Target sprouts small, flashing lights along his spine 6699 Target sprouts wool like a sheep 6700 Target stalks the caster, always at least one mile distant 6701 Target steals credit for writing a list of 7,000 random effects 6702 Target stretches into an upright "X" for 1d10 rounds 6703 Target struggles with some trite philosophical conundrum 6704 Target suddenly has 2d10 carpenter's nails in his mouth 6705 Target suddenly has a horseshoe in his mouth 6706 Target suddenly owns a book describing how to build a spacecraft 6707 Target suddenly owns a large pouch made of his own leathered skin 6708 Target suddenly owns an exact replica of his own skeleton 6709 Target suddenly owns an exact replica of some person nearby 6710 Target suddenly owns an exact replica of the caster's skeleton 6711 Target suddenly realizes that fire can harm him 6712 Target suddenly realizes that he doesn't know how to use weapons 6713 Target suddenly realizes that he has a conjoined twin 6714 Target suddenly realizes that he's terrified of spiders 6715 Target suddenly realizes that he's undead 6716 Target suddenly realizes that magic doesn't really exist 6717 Target suddenly realizes that magical illusions can't hurt him 6718 Target suddenly realizes that the caster is only an illusion 6719 Target suddenly senses that his identity is a fictional construct 6720 Target suffers a fit of crippling paranoia for 1d4 turns 6721 Target suffers a seizure lasting 1d10 rounds 6722 Target suffers burns if he touches water hotter than 80° 6723 Target suffers double damage from injuries while he's wet 6724 Target suffers extreme hypothermia 6725 Target suffers from a disfiguring pox, but his teeth are radiant 6726 Target suffers from hysterical pregnancy 6727 Target suffers half damage from metal weapons while it's snowing 6728 Target suffers immense pain while in close proximity to fire 6729 Target suffers intense dread when he tries to use a magic item 6730 Target suffers no damage from dragons' breath for 1d4 weeks 6731 Target suffers no damage from falls of less than 1d100 feet 6732 Target suffers no damage from magical blades for 2d4 days 6733 Target suffers no damage from wounds inflicted by orcs 6734 Target suffers only half damage from acid for 1d4 days 6735 Target suffers only half damage from fire for 1d8 days 6736 Target suffers only half damage from now until midnight 6737 Target suffers only half damage from wounds received in daylight 6738 Target suffers severe burns if cut by a magical blade 6739 Target suffers severe burns the next time he removes his clothes 6740 Target suffers severe convulsions in the presence of kobolds 6741 Target suffers severe frostbite the next time he touches metal 6742 Target suffers splitting headaches after using magic items 6743 Target swallowed a tiny but powerful artifact yesterday 6744 Target swaps places with himself from 1d10+10 rounds ago 57 6745 Target swears undying loyalty to the next person to say his name 6746 Target sweats viscous and fragrant oil 6747 Target teleports 100 yards north in each of the next 1d10 rounds 6748 Target teleports 6d6 miles & back in each of the next 2d6 rounds 6749 Target teleports 8d10 miles when he next attacks the caster 6750 Target teleports into the nearest convent 6751 Target teleports into the nearest grain silo 6752 Target teleports into the nearest leper colony 6753 Target teleports into the nearest monastery 6754 Target teleports into the nearest oubliette 6755 Target teleports into the nearest unoccupied sarcophagus 6756 Target teleports one mile upon his next successful attack 6757 Target teleports to a barren, arctic wasteland for 1d4+1 hours 6758 Target teleports to a point 1d100 feet above the nearest lake 6759 Target teleports to a tiny and distant island for 1d4 days 6760 Target teleports to an impenetrable forest for 4d6 hours 6761 Target teleports to the base of the largest tree within 100 miles 6762 Target teleports to the caster's location in exactly 24 hours 6763 Target teleports to the centerpoint of the nearest lake's surface 6764 Target teleports to the exact place where he awoke this morning 6765 Target teleports to the exact place where he last ate a full meal 6766 Target teleports to the exact place where he met the caster 6767 Target teleports to the exact place where he was born 6768 Target teleports to the exact place where he'll be in 24 hours 6769 Target teleports to the exact place where the caster was born 6770 Target teleports to the location of the nearest anvil 6771 Target teleports to the place where he last paid for a meal 6772 Target teleports to the place where his blood was last spilled 6773 Target teleports to this spot at both dawn and sunset tomorrow 6774 Target teleports to this spot on the first day of each month 6775 Target teleports to this spot upon losing 50% of his hit points 6776 Target teleports to this spot when his blood is next spilled 6777 Target teleports well beyond the caster's line of sight 6778 Target tells embarrassing lies about himself at every opportunity 6779 Target thinks he'll die if he climbs a tree taller than he is 6780 Target thinks he'll die if he sees a shooting star 6781 Target thinks he'll die if he wields a magical weapon 6782 Target thinks he'll die if struck again by the caster's magic 6783 Target thinks he'll die unless the caster saves him 6784 Target thinks he's an elephant until he's next injured 6785 Target thinks that 1d100 years have passed 6786 Target thinks that a mighty artifact is hidden in a nearby lake 6787 Target thinks that he can control the caster for 1d6 rounds 6788 Target thinks that he's thoroughly soaked with lamp oil 6789 Target thinks that he's under the caster's control until sunset 6790 Target thinks that his attacks heal rather than inflict damage 6791 Target thinks that his clothing is on fire for 1d10 rounds 6792 Target thinks that his enemies are only illusions 6793 Target thinks that his left arm has turned to stone 6794 Target thinks that his skin is trying to suffocate him 6795 Target thinks that his sweat is flammable 6796 Target thinks that his weapon is intelligent and powerful 6797 Target thinks that his weapon will explode on contact with metal 6798 Target thinks that non-magical fire is a manifestation of his god 6799 Target thinks that non-magical fire is an offense against his god 6800 Target thinks that one of his limbs is as fragile as glass 6801 Target thinks that the nearest fire is an avatar of his god 6802 Target thinks that the nearest statue is his close relative 6803 Target thinks that the nearest statue was once his close friend 6804 Target throws all of his belongings into the next fire he sees 6805 Target throws his weapon into the next chasm he passes 6806 Target tries to bite off 1d10 of his fingers, one try per finger 6807 Target trips and falls over in each of the next 1d6 rounds 6808 Target trips over what he realizes is his own grave marker 6809 Target trumpets like an elephant when he draws a weapon 6810 Target trusts everyone unquestioningly, no matter how unworthy 6811 Target trusts no one who's visibly carrying a weapon 6812 Target trusts the caster absolutely and unquestioningly 6813 Target trusts the caster implicitly until the caster next speaks 6814 Target turns in a circle every time he passes through a doorway 6815 Target turns into a pumpkin at midnight tonight; reverts at dawn 6816 Target turns into a tree at each sunset but reverts at dawn 6817 Target understands 3d6 languages but can speak and write only one 6818 Target vanishes for 1d4 days, then reappears unaware of the lapse 6819 Target vanishes until 1d4 different people say his name 6820 Target vanishes until the caster dies or gains a level 6821 Target vanishes until two different people say his name 6822 Target volunteers for any task, the more dangerous, the better 6823 Target vows not to eat meat unless it comes from primates 6824 Target vows to adopt a life of asceticism and poverty 6825 Target vows to eat an entire person before the end of next month 6826 Target vows to eat only raw meat starting tomorrow 6827 Target vows to eat only rotting meat starting tomorrow 6828 Target vows to forego all magical healing for one full year 6829 Target vows to return to this exact spot once per week 6830 Target vows to slay anyone who uses magic on him 6831 Target vows to slay every necromancer he meets 6832 Target vows to smite those who take his name in vain 6833 Target vows to tithe 90% of his income 6834 Target wails inconsolably for 1d10 rounds 6835 Target wakes each day bald, but his hair regrows by noon 6836 Target wakes each day certain that he's been buried for weeks 6837 Target wakes each day certain that he's been tortured for weeks 6838 Target wakes each day certain that he's gone blind 6839 Target wakes each day certain that he's immortal 6840 Target wakes each day certain that he's spent a month in the snow 6841 Target wakes each day certain that he's still dreaming 6842 Target wakes each day certain that he's the king 6843 Target wakes each day certain that his heart has been removed 6844 Target wakes each day covered in dirt as though recently buried 6845 Target wakes each day covered in finely-powdered rust 6846 Target wakes each day with his pockets full of twigs and gravel 6847 Target wakes tomorrow certain that it's yesterday 6848 Target wakes tomorrow floating in the middle of the nearest lake 6849 Target wakes tomorrow within 1d10 yards of the caster 6850 Target was assembled from portions of corpses 6851 Target was just released after decades of solitary confinement 6852 Target was the caster in a past life 6853 Target was Wished into existence by a delusional necromancer 6854 Target wastes many hours writing a list of 10,000 random effects 6855 Target whistles like a teapot when struck by magic 6856 Target will be devoured by a dragon within 24 hours 6857 Target will befriend a dragon within 24 hours 6858 Target will betray himself at the most inopportune time 6859 Target will betray his closest ally in his time of greatest need 6860 Target will combust in 1d10 rounds unless he eats 2d10 gold coins 6861 Target will combust violently in 2d10 rounds 6862 Target will die unless he spends 100 gold pieces each day 6863 Target will either die or become a god at the next solstice 6864 Target will gouge out his eyes unless he's retrained or attacked 6865 Target will rescue his closest ally but it will cost his own life 6866 Target will soon be arrested for bearing forged letters of marque 6867 Target will soon be arrested for running an illegal orphanage 6868 Target will soon be mistaken for a mighty figure out of legend 6869 Target will spend any amount necessary to buy a handful of smoke 6870 Target wobbles and clangs like a buoy while walking in fog 6871 Target won't be able to sleep in the next 1d100 days 6872 Target wrongly believes that everyone is trying to kill him 6873 Target's AC is re-rolled on 1d10 in each of the next 2d10 rounds 6874 Target's age doubles twice 58 6875 Target's age fluctuates 5d10 years each round for 10 rounds 6876 Target's age is now 3d20, with all related bonuses and penalties 6877 Target's age is re-rolled on 10d10 each morning 6878 Target's age varies by 1d10 years each time he's wounded 6879 Target's allies all attack him for 1d4 rounds 6880 Target's allies all sound just like him 6881 Target's allies are all healed, but he's reduced to one hit point 6882 Target's allies are all standing within arm's reach of him 6883 Target's allies are condescending and patronizing to him 6884 Target's allies are immune to the target's weapons for 1d12 hours 6885 Target's allies are stricken blind until the target says his name 6886 Target's allies are teleported at least 1d4 miles away from him 6887 Target's allies arrange to sell him for a substantial profit 6888 Target's allies assembled him from artificial parts 6889 Target's allies attempt to steal and sell all of his belongings 6890 Target's allies betrayed him terribly within the last 1d4 days 6891 Target's allies can come within 10 yards of him during melee 6892 Target's allies can't communicate with him until he spills blood 6893 Target's allies can't defend him in a fight 6894 Target's allies can't digest any food that he prepares 6895 Target's allies can't distinguish the target from the caster 6896 Target's allies can't draw weapons within 10 yards of him 6897 Target's allies can't look directly at him for 1d4 days 6898 Target's allies can't see him while he's at full hit point 6899 Target's allies can't speak to him while he has a weapon drawn 6900 Target's allies conspire to sell him into slavery 6901 Target's allies conspire to sell his soul to a demon 6902 Target's allies each carry a small vial filled with his blood 6903 Target's allies each find 1d10 gold pieces 6904 Target's allies each give him 1d100 gold pieces 6905 Target's allies fear that he's about to go on a homicidal rampage 6906 Target's allies go berserk if he is slain 6907 Target's allies have never liked or respected him 6908 Target's allies look just like him for 4d6 hours 6909 Target's allies look just like him until sunset 6910 Target's allies mock and ridicule him mercilessly until sunset 6911 Target's allies speak no language he can understand for 2d8 days 6912 Target's allies spread vicious and humiliating rumors about 6913 Target's allies suspect that he belongs to a divine lineage 6914 Target's allies suspect that he's a mechanical impostor 6915 Target's allies suspect that he's hiding vast wealth from them 6916 Target's allies suspect that he's joined a violent cult 6917 Target's allies suspect that he's plotting to betray them 6918 Target's allies suspect that he's really the caster 6919 Target's allies swear a blood oath against whoever slays him 6920 Target's allies think that he can resurrect the dead 6921 Target's allies think that he fulfills an ancient prophecy 6922 Target's allies think that he has some terribly virulent disease 6923 Target's allies think that he plans to sacrifice them to his god 6924 Target's allies think that he's ablaze 6925 Target's allies think that he's at death's door 6926 Target's allies think that he's being controlled by unseen forces 6927 Target's allies think that he's damned beyond hope of redemption 6928 Target's allies think that he's dead, and they try to bury him 6929 Target's allies think that he's drowning 6930 Target's allies think that he's far more powerful than he lets on 6931 Target's allies think that he's guilty of many unspeakable crimes 6932 Target's allies think that he's ingested a powerful toxin 6933 Target's allies think that he's possessed by a powerful demon 6934 Target's allies think that he's under the caster's control 6935 Target's allies think that his name is "Fungus" 6936 Target's allies think that his touch is poisonous to them 6937 Target's allies trust him implicitly 6938 Target's allies utterly terrify him for 1d8 hours 6939 Target's allies worship him as a god for 1d8 days 6940 Target's ankle is tightly chained to his neck 6941 Target's ankles are bound by a large and heavy padlock 6942 Target's apparent physical age fluctuates by 1d100 years daily 6943 Target's arms appear to be stricken with advanced leprosy 6944 Target's arms are as limp as rope for 4d6 rounds 6945 Target's arms are encased in straight, tight-fitting steel tubes 6946 Target's arms are henceforth as limber as snakes 6947 Target's arms are replaced by inert duplicates of his head 6948 Target's arms can't be bound by cloth, rope, or vines 6949 Target's arms can't be broken by any natural means 6950 Target's arms can't be harmed by claws or teeth 6951 Target's arms can't be harmed by non-magical weapons 6952 Target's arms flap like a hummingbird's wings for 3d6 rounds 6953 Target's arms have been repeatedly severed and reattached 6954 Target's arms reflect light like a mirror 6955 Target's arms shrink to the size of an infant's arms 6956 Target's arms spin like propellers until he's hit by magic 6957 Target's arms vanish, but he sprouts a trunk like an elephant 6958 Target's arms wheeze like hydraulics when he moves them 6959 Target's arms wriggle like angry snakes 6960 Target's attacks are 5% likely to inflict 5X normal damage 6961 Target's attacks are 5% likely to inflict equal damage upon him 6962 Target's attacks are 10% likely to inflict no damage at all 6963 Target's attacks are 10% likely to inflict only illusory damage 6964 Target's attacks are accompanied by eerie, disembodied chanting 6965 Target's attacks are accompanied by mocking, disembodied laughter 6966 Target's attacks are accompanied by the sound of breaking glass 6967 Target's attacks cause maximum damage, but he takes equal damage 6968 Target's attempts at tracking invariably lead to his own trail 6969 Target's blood burn as bright as magnesium 6970 Target's blood can eat through steel and iron like acid 6971 Target's blood hold the secret to eternal life 6972 Target's blood induces wild hallucinations in any who spill it 6973 Target's blood is highly flammable for 2d10 rounds 6974 Target's blood is invisible 6975 Target's blood is widely believed to be a panacea 6976 Target's blood smells powerfully of sulfur 6977 Target's body appears to be full of holes like Swiss cheese 6978 Target's body appears to be made entirely of cork 6979 Target's body appears to be made of porous wax 6980 Target's body can absorb twice its weight in water 6981 Target's body climbs into a tree each night as he sleeps 6982 Target's body inflates to twice its normal volume 6983 Target's body is covered with sores and blisters 6984 Target's body is infested with an enormous colony of termites 6985 Target's body is scarred as if he'd been pushed through a screen 6986 Target's body is scoured with steel wool 6987 Target's body rings like an enormous church bell 1d12 times 6988 Target's body slowly absorbs any clothing he wears 6989 Target's body, clothing, and gear are uniformly bright orange 6990 Target's bones are as brittle as chalk until sunset tomorrow 6991 Target's bones are discovered to have been stolen 6992 Target's bones are intensely magnetic 6993 Target's bones are sought by poachers 6994 Target's bones are visible through his skin while he sleeps 6995 Target's bones are visible through his skin while he's wet 6996 Target's bones are weightless 6997 Target's bones can never be rendered invisible 6998 Target's bones can't be broken by any natural physical force 6999 Target's bones chime like bells when he's struck 7000 Target's bones clatter inside his body like a bare skeleton 7001 Target's bones combust if exposed to direct sunlight 7002 Target's bones fuse into a single, inflexible mass 7003 Target's bones turn to ice 7004 Target's bones turn to muscle 59 7005 Target's boots are discovered to be living organisms 7006 Target's boots can never sink underwater while he wears them 7007 Target's boots fuse to the ground where he's now standing 7008 Target's boots turn to glass 7009 Target's Charisma is raised to 25 for 1d6 rounds 7010 Target's closest ally attacks him for 1d10 rounds 7011 Target's closest ally is permanently invisible to him 7012 Target's closest ally turns out to be his clone 7013 Target's closest ally will betray him in his hour of need 7014 Target's clothes always appear to be filthy 7015 Target's clothes always resemble the clothes he's now wearing 7016 Target's clothes and gear are affected by Reverse Gravity 7017 Target's clothes and gear are highly flammable 7018 Target's clothes and gear are insulated against electricity 7019 Target's clothes appear 10d10 centuries out of date 7020 Target's clothes appear to be made of ice 7021 Target's clothes are 90% transparent while in mixed company 7022 Target's clothes are as delicate as cobweb 7023 Target's clothes are as rigid as boiled leather 7024 Target's clothes are as susceptible to rust as iron 7025 Target's clothes are chilled nearly to absolute zero 7026 Target's clothes are consumed by fire, but he is unharmed 7027 Target's clothes are devoured by vermin over the next 4d6 rounds 7028 Target's clothes are extraordinarily elastic 7029 Target's clothes are seized by the local authorities 7030 Target's clothes are soaked with a fetid and viscous slime 7031 Target's clothes are soaked with a powerful acid 7032 Target's clothes are soaked with beer 7033 Target's clothes are soaked with butterscotch pudding 7034 Target's clothes are soaked with deer musk 7035 Target's clothes are soaked with icy water once every 1d12 hours 7036 Target's clothes are soaked with strong perfume 7037 Target's clothes are stuffed full of snow 7038 Target's clothes attract wasps, hornets, and bees 7039 Target's clothes billow with foul smoke when he uses a magic item 7040 Target's clothes billow with foul smoke when he wields a weapon 7041 Target's clothes billow with foul smoke when he's underground 7042 Target's clothes billow with scalding steam 7043 Target's clothes can't be moved more than 10 yards from this spot 7044 Target's clothes can't be pierced by wooden weapons 7045 Target's clothes clatter like a suit of armor while he walks 7046 Target's clothes combust if worn while crossing moving water 7047 Target's clothes defy community standards of decency 7048 Target's clothes double in size in each of the next 1d8 rounds 7049 Target's clothes double in weight in each of the next 1d8 rounds 7050 Target's clothes exactly match the caster's clothes 7051 Target's clothes exude fragrant smoke for 1d4 weeks 7052 Target's clothes glow in the dark 7053 Target's clothes have been buried for weeks in a midden 7054 Target's clothes heat to 500° 7055 Target's clothes ignite each time he uses a magic item 7056 Target's clothes inflate to the size of a house 7057 Target's clothes make him appear to suffer from leprosy 7058 Target's clothes mock him with whispers that only he can hear 7059 Target's clothes protect him against extremes of natural weather 7060 Target's clothes shrink by one percent per round 7061 Target's clothes smolder from now until dawn, but he is unharmed 7062 Target's clothes teleport 1d10 yards 7063 Target's clothes totally unravel over the next 3d10 rounds 7064 Target's clothes turn invisible each time he uses a magic item 7065 Target's clothes writhe like a living creature for 24 hours 7066 Target's corpse will never decay by natural processes 7067 Target's current hit point total is his maximum hit point total 7068 Target's deadliest foe appears in the area, armed to the teeth 7069 Target's deadliest foe will rescue him in his hour of need 7070 Target's death is expected to yield vast riches for his slayer 7071 Target's death is one of the final precursors to the apocalypse 7072 Target's death will awaken a nightmarish, slumbering deity 7073 Target's death will be horrible enough to inspire legends 7074 Target's death will bring swift retaliation from the authorities 7075 Target's death will herald the coming of an age of horrors 7076 Target's death will inflict a plague upon the surrounding area 7077 Target's death will lead to mass rioting 7078 Target's death will reveal him to be a horrific, demonic entity 7079 Target's ears are indestructible 7080 Target's ears are prehensile 7081 Target's ears are the size of dinner plates 7082 Target's ears explode if removed 7083 Target's ears melt like wax 7084 Target's ears migrate about his head as the days wear on 7085 Target's ears migrate to his shoulders 7086 Target's ears shrivel and fall off over the next 1d8 days 7087 Target's ears turn slowly counter-clockwise 7088 Target's ears, nose, and lips are invisible for 1d4 days 7089 Target's ears, nose, and lips double in size 7090 Target's ears, nose, and lips fall off 7091 Target's ears, nose, and lips turn bright blue 7092 Target's entire family is arrested by royal decree 7093 Target's explodes if any attempt is made at resurrection 7094 Target's expression is permanently locked into a manic smile 7095 Target's eyes appear to be bundles of writhing worms 7096 Target's eyes appear to be tiny fireballs 7097 Target's eyes automatically filter out harmfully bright light 7098 Target's eyes bulge from the top of his head like a frog's eyes 7099 Target's eyes bulge to the size of hen's eggs 7100 Target's eyes burst, blinding him, but they grow back in 1d4 days 7101 Target's eyes can move independently, like a chameleon's 7102 Target's eyes each have 1d4 irises and pupils 7103 Target's eyes glow with malevolent fire when he faces true north 7104 Target's eyes merge into a single eye somewhere on his face 7105 Target's eyes migrate to just above his ears 7106 Target's eyes see normally but appear lifeless like a doll's eyes 7107 Target's eyes steam and hiss like quenching metal 7108 Target's face appears to have been roughly chiseled out of coal 7109 Target's face appears to have been welded to his skull 7110 Target's face begins to look more and more bat-like 7111 Target's face can't be harmed by acid 7112 Target's face glows pale green when he tells a lie 7113 Target's face is badly sunburned in a checkerboard pattern 7114 Target's face is flattened to his skull 7115 Target's face is scarred as by acid or flame 7116 Target's face is scarred as though horribly slashed years ago 7117 Target's face is tattooed with cryptic runes and sigils 7118 Target's face looks as though he's been pounded with hammers 7119 Target's face looks as though something exploded in his nose 7120 Target's face looks like badly melted wax 7121 Target's face migrates to the top of his head 7122 Target's family disowns him and places a bounty on his head 7123 Target's family includes at least one demonic abomination 7124 Target's family relocates to a distant land without telling him 7125 Target's feet appear to be made of clay 7126 Target's feet are fused to the ground beneath him 7127 Target's feet are henceforth clear like glass 7128 Target's feet are now prehensile, but his hands are not 7129 Target's feet can rotate 360° at the ankle without harming him 7130 Target's feet can't come within one yard of each other 7131 Target's feet explode if he ventures more than one mile from here 7132 Target's feet shriek incessantly while he wears shoes or boots 7133 Target's fingernails are hard as steel and susceptible to rust 7134 Target's fingernails begin to grow 1d4 inches per round 60 7135 Target's fingernails glow like burning coals 7136 Target's fingernails pulse with an unholy glow under moonlight 7137 Target's fingernails react to water like pure sodium 7138 Target's fingers and thumbs are intertwined like tangled rope 7139 Target's fingers and thumbs connect directly to his wrists 7140 Target's fingers and thumbs shuffle positions 7141 Target's fingers merge into a single digit like a mitten 7142 Target's fists are attracted to each other like strong magnets 7143 Target's fists are each as large as his head 7144 Target's fists can't come within five feet of the ground 7145 Target's fists retract into his forearms when not in use 7146 Target's flesh is utterly transparent to artificial light 7147 Target's footfalls strike sparks on the ground 7148 Target's footprints are perfectly rectangular 7149 Target's footprints completely vanish after 1d10 rounds 7150 Target's footprints look like arrows pointing which way he went 7151 Target's footprints look like he's executing complex dance steps 7152 Target's forearms are invisible 7153 Target's hair can't be cut by non-magical metal 7154 Target's hair falls out and is replaced by lush feathers 7155 Target's hair falls out and is replaced by thick grass 7156 Target's hair falls out and tiny spikes sprout all over his head 7157 Target's hair floats as though underwater 7158 Target's hair grows 1d12 inches each time he's struck by magic 7159 Target's hair is severely tangled in the nearest tree or bush 7160 Target's hair is styled into a tall bouffant 7161 Target's hair moves from his head to somewhere else on his body 7162 Target's hair noticeably changes color every six hours 7163 Target's hands and feet are abnormally spongy 7164 Target's hands and feet are scarred with arcane symbols 7165 Target's hands and feet are tightly wrapped in adhesive cloth 7166 Target's hands and feet can never be rendered magically invisible 7167 Target's hands and feet give off unsettling vapors 7168 Target's hands and feet reform into perfect cubes 7169 Target's hands and feet shuffle their locations 7170 Target's hands and feet turn to pig's hooves for 1d4 days 7171 Target's hands applaud despite his wishes for 3d10 rounds 7172 Target's hands are bound in adamantite shackles 7173 Target's hands are encased in thick blobs of candle wax 7174 Target's hands are invisible while he wields a weapon 7175 Target's hands are magically slicked with butter for 1d4 hours 7176 Target's hands are nailed to the nearest tree 7177 Target's hands are shaped like those of a bat, minus the wings 7178 Target's hands are utterly paralyzed until he's struck by magic 7179 Target's hands attempt to strangle him for 3d10 rounds 7180 Target's hands become ethereal while he wields a weapon 7181 Target's hands can never be severed from his arms 7182 Target's hands can't be burned by acid, fire, or electricity 7183 Target's hands can't be burned by magical fire 7184 Target's hands can't be cut by any blade forged by a mortal 7185 Target's hands can't be cut by non-magical blades 7186 Target's hands can't come within 18 inches of his mouth 7187 Target's hands change color each hour 7188 Target's hands combust if he tries to wear gloves 7189 Target's hands combust if they come into contact with each other 7190 Target's hands flap like birds' wings for 1d10 rounds 7191 Target's hands freeze to the next wooden object he touches 7192 Target's hands fuse to the next metal object he handles 7193 Target's hands fuse together behind his back 7194 Target's hands itch slightly when he touches a magic item 7195 Target's hands look black and necrotic after handling magic items 7196 Target's hands melt like wax if exposed to magical fire 7197 Target's hands rotate 180° at the wrists 7198 Target's hands shrink by 50% 7199 Target's hands steam vigorously when he's struck by magic 7200 Target's hands try to grab his ankles while he's walking 7201 Target's hands turn to metal but otherwise function normally 7202 Target's hands vanish while he sleeps but return before he wakes 7203 Target's hat animates and attempts to eat his head 7204 Target's hat bleeds profusely until sunset tomorrow 7205 Target's hat is replaced by a spittoon or chamber pot 7206 Target's hat is replaced by half of a hollowed-out coconut 7207 Target's head always appear to face true north 7208 Target's head appears as a photo-negative 7209 Target's head appears to age at a rate of one year per day 7210 Target's head appears to be a naked brain 7211 Target's head appears to be made of delicate porcelain 7212 Target's head appears to be made of fire 7213 Target's head appears to be made of ice 7214 Target's head appears to be made of pure gold 7215 Target's head appears to be made of sand 7216 Target's head appears to be made of the finest crystal 7217 Target's head appears to be made of wood 7218 Target's head appears to be severely cracked like an egg 7219 Target's head blazes with illusory fire for 1d4 months 7220 Target's head can survive away from his body for 3d8 hours 7221 Target's head can't be harmed by magical electricity 7222 Target's head considers itself separate from his body 7223 Target's head deflates like a balloon while he sleeps 7224 Target's head explodes but regrows over the next 1d10 rounds 7225 Target's head explodes if he's decapitated 7226 Target's head glows like a jack-o-lantern 7227 Target's head goes on a murderous rampage if he's decapitated 7228 Target's head has a chunk missing as though hacked by an axe 7229 Target's head has a large hole through it like a doughnut 7230 Target's head has an arrow running harmlessly through it 7231 Target's head increases in size by a factor of 1d4+1 7232 Target's head is artificial 7233 Target's head is claimed as a sacred relic by orcs or goblins 7234 Target's head is clear like glass for 1d4 weeks 7235 Target's head is covered in coarse and ugly scales 7236 Target's head is covered with numerous disc-shaped scars 7237 Target's head is encased in a durable, transparent globe 7238 Target's head is enclosed in an indestructible helmet 7239 Target's head is enwrapped in delicate gold filigree 7240 Target's head is flattened on top like a pounded wooden stake 7241 Target's head is immune to extremes of pressure 7242 Target's head is impervious to magical fire 7243 Target's head is impervious to missile weapons 7244 Target's head is impervious to non-magical bludgeons 7245 Target's head is impervious to polymorph magic 7246 Target's head is invisible from the chin to the ears 7247 Target's head is of no particular physiological importance 7248 Target's head is prehensile 7249 Target's head is protected as though he's wearing a steel helmet 7250 Target's head is scarred as though split down the middle 7251 Target's head is shaped like a light bulb 7252 Target's head is Slowed for 1d4 hours 7253 Target's head is stuck in a huge conch shell 7254 Target's head is vestigial 7255 Target's head no longer ages 7256 Target's head seems on the verge of bursting 7257 Target's head shrinks to the size of his closed fist 7258 Target's head spins rapidly at the neck for 2d10 rounds 7259 Target's head splits in half, revealing his real head inside 7260 Target's head strongly resembles a foot 7261 Target's head throbs visibly when he's angry 7262 Target's head vanishes and his face appears on his chest 7263 Target's head was stolen from a necromancer's workshop 7264 Target's head will be claimed by warring factions after he dies 61 7265 Target's heart is safe in a silver urn buried in the forest 7266 Target's heart turns to solid gold, potentially killing him 7267 Target's highest attribute score drops to 3 for 2d12 hours 7268 Target's highest attribute score is halved for 1d4 days 7269 Target's highest attribute score is re-rolled daily 7270 Target's hindquarters resemble those of a donkey 7271 Target's hit points are doubled for the next 24 hours 7272 Target's huge likeness appears on the side of a nearby mountain 7273 Target's image appears on every flag and banner within 10 miles 7274 Target's internal organs have been culled from various animals 7275 Target's internal organs murmur and chant inside him 7276 Target's internal organs shuffle positions 7277 Target's internal organs turn into infernal oranges 7278 Target's intestines are more intelligent than he is 7279 Target's intestines are replaced by a length of noisy chain 7280 Target's jawbone becomes that of an ass 7281 Target's knees and elbows become ball-joints like his shoulders 7282 Target's knees and elbows can't straighten to more than 120° 7283 Target's knees and elbows creak like rusty metal 7284 Target's knees and elbows vanish 7285 Target's large intestine explodes 7286 Target's left arm has Strength 18/00 7287 Target's left arm is fused into a nearby boulder 7288 Target's left arm is permanently invisible 7289 Target's left arm moves to his right shoulder 7290 Target's left foot appears to be that of a large duck 7291 Target's left foot can never again tolerate a shoe or boot 7292 Target's left foot henceforth appears to be badly mangled 7293 Target's left foot is wholly invulnerable to all harm 7294 Target's left foot sinks six inches into the ground at each step 7295 Target's left foot sprouts a pair of thumbs 7296 Target's left foot takes root 7297 Target's legs are covered in bark 7298 Target's legs are fireproof 7299 Target's legs are invisible in direct sunlight 7300 Target's legs are shaped like springs and twang when he walks 7301 Target's legs can't be cut by non-magical weapons 7302 Target's legs exactly resemble his arms 7303 Target's legs exchange positions 7304 Target's legs fuse together, and his arms fuse to his sides 7305 Target's legs shrink by 1d10 x 10% for 1d12 hours 7306 Target's level is halved 7307 Target's limbs change proportion to match those of an infant 7308 Target's limbs shrink to the size of an infant's limbs 7309 Target's lips are sewn shut with fine gold wire 7310 Target's lips move constantly as though he's singing to himself 7311 Target's lips vanish 7312 Target's loses 1d10 levels but regains one per day 7313 Target's maximum natural lifespan doubles 7314 Target's maximum natural lifespan increases by 1d100 years 7315 Target's maximum natural lifespan is 1d10 years more than his age 7316 Target's maximum natural lifespan is reduced by 50% 7317 Target's memories of the last 1d12 hours are full of butterflies 7318 Target's memories of the last 1d12 hours are vivid but incorrect 7319 Target's most valuable possession animates and attacks him 7320 Target's most valuable possession becomes brittle as glass 7321 Target's most valuable possession bursts into flame 7322 Target's most valuable possession can't be affected by magic 7323 Target's most valuable possession doubles in size 7324 Target's most valuable possession flies toward him at great speed 7325 Target's most valuable possession is affected by reverse gravity 7326 Target's most valuable possession is an illusion 7327 Target's most valuable possession is coveted by all who see it 7328 Target's most valuable possession is encased in glass 7329 Target's most valuable possession is indestructible 7330 Target's most valuable possession is sold for 1d100 gold pieces 7331 Target's most valuable possession is stolen by the king 7332 Target's most valuable possession now belongs to someone else 7333 Target's most valuable possession turns permanently invisible 7334 Target's most valuable possession turns to lead 7335 Target's mouth and each nostril is plugged by a cork 7336 Target's mouth and one of his eyes exchange places 7337 Target's mouth appears to be full of angry hornets 7338 Target's mouth can speak with a mind of its own 7339 Target's mouth can't be opened while he's wearing a hat 7340 Target's mouth glows as though he's eating fireflies 7341 Target's mouth glows like a forge 7342 Target's mouth is full of moths 7343 Target's mouth is now located on the back of his head 7344 Target's mouth is packed completely full of leaves 7345 Target's mouth is replaced by a duck's bill 7346 Target's mouth is replaced by a hideous scolex 7347 Target's mouth is replaced by a toucan's beak 7348 Target's mouth opens to a span of 4d4 inches 7349 Target's mouth vanishes for 1d6 hours 7350 Target's neck and head shift 1d4+4 inches to the left 7351 Target's neck attempts to devour his head 7352 Target's neck can extend an additional 1d4 feet at will 7353 Target's neck can retract into his torso like a turtle's 7354 Target's neck can't be broken 7355 Target's neck doubles in length 7356 Target's neck flares like a lizard's frill when he's angry 7357 Target's neck has a frill like a triceratops 7358 Target's neck is as thin as a spear-shaft 7359 Target's neck is encircled by a tight steel collar 7360 Target's neck is impervious to blades 7361 Target's neck is scarred and twisted as if he survived a hanging 7362 Target's next 1d10 attacks affect him as well 7363 Target's next 1d10 attacks don't take effect for 1d10 rounds 7364 Target's next 1d10 attacks have a damage bonus of 1d6 hit points 7365 Target's next 1d10 attacks inflict only illusionary damage 7366 Target's next attack inflicts damage that only a Wish can heal 7367 Target's next missile attack automatically strikes him instead 7368 Target's next missile attack causes whoever is hit to combust 7369 Target's next missile attack equally injures an extra 1d6 people 7370 Target's next missile attack Heals its victim to full hit points 7371 Target's next missile attack inflicts 1d10 times normal damage 7372 Target's next missile attack strikes a nearby tree and ignites it 7373 Target's next missile attack teleports whoever it hits 1d4 miles 7374 Target's next missile attack turns its victim invisible 7375 Target's nose looks like a small, clenched fist 7376 Target's nose turns into a wolf's snout under the full moon 7377 Target's nose turns to flint 7378 Target's nostrils are each as large as his mouth 7379 Target's nostrils glow with an unholy radiance 7380 Target's nostrils migrate to the top of his head 7381 Target's own corpse appears from the future as a powerful undead 7382 Target's physical age is now 1d100 7383 Target's pockets and mouth are full of sand 7384 Target's possessions are hidden beneath a nearby boulder 7385 Target's possessions are possessed by a powerful demon 7386 Target's possessions turn to solid aluminum 7387 Target's possessions, if enchanted, acquire hostile intelligence 7388 Target's possessions, if enchanted, swap their enchantments 7389 Target's presence causes birds to fall silent 7390 Target's presence causes birds to sing ominous songs 7391 Target's presence causes insects to exhibit strange behaviors 7392 Target's presence causes magical metal to appear badly tarnished 7393 Target's presence causes metal to yield disturbing reflections 7394 Target's presence causes priests and clerics to blaspheme openly 62 7395 Target's presence causes Summoned creatures to be Slowed 7396 Target's presence causes undead to appear to smolder gently 7397 Target's presence is 20% likely to make Summoned creatures vanish 7398 Target's presence makes cooked meat taste blood-raw 7399 Target's presence makes fires burn in a festive blue-green hue 7400 Target's presence makes foliage appear sickly and blighted 7401 Target's presence makes hoofed animals nervous 7402 Target's presence makes impassable trails seem passable 7403 Target's presence makes merchants hostile to bargaining 7404 Target's presence makes mind-reading impossible 7405 Target's presence makes missile weapons leave rainbow trails 7406 Target's presence makes secret doors twice as easy to find 7407 Target's presence makes secret doors twice as hard to find 7408 Target's presence makes smoke assume disturbing, ghostly shapes 7409 Target's presence renders clockwork devices temporarily inert 7410 Target's presence renders magical weapons temporarily invisible 7411 Target's presence renders maps temporarily illegible 7412 Target's principal weapon sprouts 10d10 roses 7413 Target's scent causes hallucinations in animals used to track him 7414 Target's shadow appears to flicker like a shadowy flame 7415 Target's shadow can travel up to 1d4 miles away from him 7416 Target's shadow races around him in a tight circle 7417 Target's shadow rises up and tries to strangle him 7418 Target's skin acquires 1d100 blasphemous tattoos 7419 Target's skin ages 10X as fast as the rest of his body 7420 Target's skin appears permanently stained with blood 7421 Target's skin appears slightly inflated after each battle 7422 Target's skin appears to be the texture of pumice 7423 Target's skin appears to be the texture of sandstone 7424 Target's skin appears to have been gnawed by countless rodents 7425 Target's skin appears to have been roughly stitched together 7426 Target's skin appears to have been torn off and reattached 7427 Target's skin appears to have been turned inside-out 7428 Target's skin appears uniformly smooth and waxy 7429 Target's skin appears weathered like an ancient statue 7430 Target's skin attracts scavengers as if it were carrion 7431 Target's skin can't be burned, but fire still causes him pain 7432 Target's skin can't be cut 7433 Target's skin can't be cut by magical weapons under moonlight 7434 Target's skin can't be cut, and his mouth and nose seal shut 7435 Target's skin can't be pierced by carved wood 7436 Target's skin can't be pierced by stone weapons 7437 Target's skin can't be pierced by teeth or claws 7438 Target's skin cracks painfully like a dried-up riverbed 7439 Target's skin develops an intricate patchwork of scars 7440 Target's skin displays a series of concentric rings like a target 7441 Target's skin displays cryptic and constantly-changing runes 7442 Target's skin doubles in size 7443 Target's skin erupts into countless weeping boils 7444 Target's skin erupts with 3d10 acrid fungal outgrowths 7445 Target's skin freezes to his weapon each time he wields it 7446 Target's skin gives him a natural AC of 3, but only while naked 7447 Target's skin glistens as though soaked with lamp oil 7448 Target's skin glows cherry red during melee 7449 Target's skin glows pale green in moonlight 7450 Target's skin has the texture of rough bark 7451 Target's skin is 10% likely to be fireproof during any given day 7452 Target's skin is a widely coveted delicacy 7453 Target's skin is actually an intricate pattern of tiny tiles 7454 Target's skin is as combustible as paper 7455 Target's skin is as hard as bronze 7456 Target's skin is as white as snow until the next vernal equinox 7457 Target's skin is charred and blackened, but he is unharmed 7458 Target's skin is covered in scales like a fish 7459 Target's skin is flayed from his limbs, but it regrows by dawn 7460 Target's skin is forever the color of the next stone he touches 7461 Target's skin is invisible by firelight 7462 Target's skin is invisible in the presence of undead 7463 Target's skin is invisible while he's standing in water 7464 Target's skin is magically delicious 7465 Target's skin is mildly magnetic while wet 7466 Target's skin is patterned like a checkerboard 7467 Target's skin is patterned like a Holstein 7468 Target's skin is patterned like modern camouflage gear 7469 Target's skin is permanently and disturbingly moist 7470 Target's skin is permanently crisscrossed with fine lines 7471 Target's skin is repeatedly tattooed with caster's name 7472 Target's skin is repeatedly tattooed with his own name 7473 Target's skin is repeatedly tattooed with slurs against the king 7474 Target's skin is rumored to produce the world's finest leather 7475 Target's skin reeks of mold and mildew 7476 Target's skin reflects torchlight perfectly, but not sunlight 7477 Target's skin ripples in the wind like a cloth sheet 7478 Target's skin rotates 180° 7479 Target's skin shimmers like mother-of-pearl from now on 7480 Target's skin sizzles harmlessly on contact with water 7481 Target's skin smolders during combat 7482 Target's skin turns as black as pitch while in sunlight 7483 Target's skin will melt if he gets too close to a campfire 7484 Target's skin writhes and pulses while he's eating 7485 Target's skull is inscribed with a mysterious rune of power 7486 Target's skull sprouts numerous knobby projections 7487 Target's speech is intelligible to anyone, regardless of language 7488 Target's speech is reversed while his weapon is drawn 7489 Target's speech seems unaccountably rude and aggressive 7490 Target's speech sounds like the buzzing of innumerable bees 7491 Target's spine bends 90° halfway along its length 7492 Target's spine can twist 360° without harming him 7493 Target's spine doubles in length 7494 Target's spine is fused into a single bone for 1d8 hours 7495 Target's spine is indestructible 7496 Target's spine is reconfigured like a quadruped's 7497 Target's spine juts from his flesh along his entire back 7498 Target's spine sprouts needle-sharp projections 7499 Target's spine twists like a corkscrew 7500 Target's sternum sprouts 2d4 inch-long spikes 7501 Target's sternum turns to glass 7502 Target's sternum turns to steel 7503 Target's sternum vanishes 7504 Target's sweat is brightly phosphorescent by firelight 7505 Target's teeth and tongue fall out when he next opens his mouth 7506 Target's teeth and tongue turn invisible 7507 Target's teeth are etched with cryptic runes 7508 Target's teeth are perfectly reflective of natural light 7509 Target's teeth are so beautiful that they're painful to look at 7510 Target's teeth can never be rendered invisible 7511 Target's teeth glow brightly while his mouth is open 7512 Target's teeth glow like coals in a forge 7513 Target's teeth glow like torches when he's struck by magic 7514 Target's teeth resonate in his jaw when he uses a magic item 7515 Target's teeth shoot from his mouth like bullets 7516 Target's teeth teleport into the mouth of someone nearby 7517 Target's teeth turn as black as coal 7518 Target's teeth turn to diamonds 1d4 hours after being extracted 7519 Target's teeth turn to soap 7520 Target's teeth turn to steel 7521 Target's teeth were cut from diamonds by a Gnome master lapidary 7522 Target's toes are each as large as his big toe 7523 Target's toes become gangrenous 7524 Target's toes constantly exude a fragrant steam 63 7525 Target's toes each grow 1d12 inches, rolling for each separately 7526 Target's torso and arms are encased in tight-fitting steel plate 7527 Target's torso and arms are invisible for 1d4 months 7528 Target's torso does not age and will not decay upon death 7529 Target's torso inspires fear and dread in all who touch it 7530 Target's torso is artificial 7531 Target's torso is hollow and can store up to 2d4 cubic feet 7532 Target's torso is pierced by 4d10 long needles 7533 Target's torso is reproduced as a marble sculpture nearby 7534 Target's torso is sought by wizards for its alchemical properties 7535 Target's torso regenerates his limbs and head as needed 7536 Target's torso shines like a beacon for 1d4 days 7537 Target's torso shines like a beacon when he uses a magic item 7538 Target's torso shrinks by 50% 7539 Target's torso sprouts a face with malign intelligence and power 7540 Target's torso teleports 1d4 feet to the left 7541 Target's torso unzips and dumps out all of his organs 7542 Target's vertebrae are replaced by titanium replicas 7543 Target's vision is unimpaired by non-magical rain 7544 Target's voice causes metal to resonate lightly 7545 Target's voice crackles with static until sunrise tomorrow 7546 Target's voice induces fear in herbivores 7547 Target's voice inspires confidence in others of his species 7548 Target's voice inspires dread in anyone of the opposite sex 7549 Target's voice is inaudible to others of his species 7550 Target's voice is nearly unintelligible when he wields his weapon 7551 Target's voice issues from his navel 7552 Target's voice issues from his weapon for the next few weeks 7553 Target's voice issues from the nearest wooden object 7554 Target's voice issues from this spot for 2d10 days 7555 Target's voice seems to issue from whomever he's addressing 7556 Target's voice sounds as though he's shouting from a distance 7557 Target's voice sounds like a muted trumpet 7558 Target's voice sounds like someone of the opposite sex 7559 Target's voice sounds like the barking of feral dogs 7560 Target's voice sounds like the braying of donkeys 7561 Target's voice sounds like the chirping of crickets for 3d8 hours 7562 Target's voice sounds like the honking of geese 7563 Target's voice sounds oddly artificial and disturbing 7564 Target's waterskin is filled with his own blood 7565 Target's waterskin is filled with hot pepper sauce 7566 Target's waterskin is filled with liquid soap 7567 Target's waterskin is filled with mercury 7568 Target's waterskin is filled with molten gold 7569 Target's waterskin is filled with water from the River Styx 7570 Target's weapon adheres to the next creature whose blood it draws 7571 Target's weapon adheres to the next person to touch it 7572 Target's weapon appears to be an umbrella while not in use 7573 Target's weapon appears to be made of cheese for 1d6 days 7574 Target's weapon appears to be made of diamond 7575 Target's weapon appears to be made of ice 7576 Target's weapon appears to be made of solid water 7577 Target's weapon appears to be of much higher quality than it is 7578 Target's weapon appears to be very hot to anyone else wielding it 7579 Target's weapon appears to be worth 50X its real value 7580 Target's weapon attacks him the next time he's wounded in battle 7581 Target's weapon attracts the attention of the authorities 7582 Target's weapon attracts undead while it's drawn 7583 Target's weapon blazes with illusionary flame while it's drawn 7584 Target's weapon burns anyone who wields it, other than the target 7585 Target's weapon burns like an oil-soaked wick but isn't consumed 7586 Target's weapon burns target's hand the next time he wields it 7587 Target's weapon can be disassembled into 1d20 tiny pieces 7588 Target's weapon can freeze 10 cubic feet of water, once per week 7589 Target's weapon can hurl 2d6 magic missiles, then it disappears 7590 Target's weapon can inflict no damage for 1d10 rounds 7591 Target's weapon can injure anyone now within 1d10 feet of it 7592 Target's weapon can injure but not kill anyone 7593 Target's weapon can return polymorphed beings to their true forms 7594 Target's weapon can spray enough octopus ink to blind one foe 7595 Target's weapon can't be altered by any non-magical means 7596 Target's weapon can't be harmed by magical fire 7597 Target's weapon can't be teleported 7598 Target's weapon can't be wielded unless the wielder is naked 7599 Target's weapon can't cut flesh for 1d12 hours 7600 Target's weapon can't harm non-humanoid mammals 7601 Target's weapon can't harm undead 7602 Target's weapon can't injure anyone of his sex 7603 Target's weapon can't injure anyone of the opposite sex 7604 Target's weapon can't pass through doorways 7605 Target's weapon causes fire to be invisible while it's drawn 7606 Target's weapon causes him to issue ridiculous threats 7607 Target's weapon causes its wielder to be Slowed during melee 7608 Target's weapon clangs like a bell when used in melee 7609 Target's weapon coils about his arm for 1d4 rounds 7610 Target's weapon delivers an electrical shock with every strike 7611 Target's weapon develops an intense and obvious dislike of him 7612 Target's weapon dims light in a 10-yard radius while it's drawn 7613 Target's weapon disintegrates if ever it wounds him 7614 Target's weapon disintegrates if it's hit by magic 7615 Target's weapon disrupts infravision within a 100 yard radius 7616 Target's weapon dissolves its wielder's clothes during battle 7617 Target's weapon doubles in weight after each failed strike 7618 Target's weapon doubles in weight each time it draws blood 7619 Target's weapon draws lightning bolts down from the sky 7620 Target's weapon drips with blood until it next draws blood 7621 Target's weapon drips with molasses during battle 7622 Target's weapon enables him to breathe underwater for 3d8 rounds 7623 Target's weapon explodes if ever it inflicts maximum damage 7624 Target's weapon floats on water as readily as wood 7625 Target's weapon giggles menacingly upon contact with blood 7626 Target's weapon glows as bright as the sun, but only to him 7627 Target's weapon glows blue except in the presence of orcs 7628 Target's weapon glows blue in his presence 7629 Target's weapon glows blue in the presence of orcs or birds 7630 Target's weapon glows blue in the presence of swords 7631 Target's weapon glows blue whenever he tries to remain hidden 7632 Target's weapon glows brightly when his blood has been spilled 7633 Target's weapon glows like a firefly when wielded underground 7634 Target's weapon glows red hot during battle but doesn't harm him 7635 Target's weapon grows to 10x its normal size 7636 Target's weapon has a +10 ToHit and Damage bonus for 1d4 rounds 7637 Target's weapon has a +4 bonus when used against him 7638 Target's weapon has a +4 bonus when used against his allies 7639 Target's weapon has a +4 bonus when used against the caster 7640 Target's weapon has a +4 bonus while he's standing in water 7641 Target's weapon has a -4 ToHit penalty while in direct sunlight 7642 Target's weapon has a constant sheath of frost 7643 Target's weapon has been broken and reforged many times 7644 Target's weapon has been prophesied to kill the king 7645 Target's weapon has never been tempered or hardened 7646 Target's weapon heats to 1,000° the next time it draws blood 7647 Target's weapon hisses during battle like quenched steel 7648 Target's weapon hums audibly during battle 7649 Target's weapon induces a fear of magic in anyone wounded by it 7650 Target's weapon induces pessimism in his allies during melee 7651 Target's weapon induces racial hatred in Dwarves and Elves 7652 Target's weapon induces vertigo in anyone wielding it 7653 Target's weapon induces vertigo in anyone wounded by it 7654 Target's weapon inflates like a balloon 64 7655 Target's weapon inspires him to embark on a murderous rampage 7656 Target's weapon instills Fear in any who've been wounded by it 7657 Target's weapon instills Fear in goblins and kobolds 7658 Target's weapon instills Fear in him after each battle 7659 Target's weapon instills Fear in his allies during battle 7660 Target's weapon instills Fear in its wielder during melee 7661 Target's weapon is 5% likely to explode when it inflicts damage 7662 Target's weapon is 5% likely to kill whomever it next injures 7663 Target's weapon is 5% likely to melt when immersed in water 7664 Target's weapon is 5% likely to sever its wielder's hand 7665 Target's weapon is 5% likely to start a war when it draws blood 7666 Target's weapon is 5% likely to turn to glass in each battle 7667 Target's weapon is +4 against anyone with an intelligent weapon 7668 Target's weapon is 10% likely to inflict tetanus upon its wielder 7669 Target's weapon is 20% likely to droop like a noodle in battle 7670 Target's weapon is 20% likely to poison him when it draws blood 7671 Target's weapon is 20% likely to turn ethereal during battle 7672 Target's weapon is 20% likely to vanish each time he draws it 7673 Target's weapon is a holy relic for a decadent tribe of kobolds 7674 Target's weapon is a legendary item straight out of myth 7675 Target's weapon is a mighty but hitherto unknown artifact 7676 Target's weapon is a prized relic stolen from the Royal Armory 7677 Target's weapon is as pliant as soft clay for 1d4 rounds 7678 Target's weapon is as supple as silk for 1d4 turns 7679 Target's weapon is bent into a torc around his neck 7680 Target's weapon is bent into the shape of a paperclip 7681 Target's weapon is chained by its hilt to a collar about his neck 7682 Target's weapon is chained by its hilt to the nearest boulder 7683 Target's weapon is clear like glass but is all but unbreakable 7684 Target's weapon is cloned 7685 Target's weapon is edible, but only to him 7686 Target's weapon is embarrassed to be seen with him 7687 Target's weapon is etched with his likeness 7688 Target's weapon is guilty of numerous capital crimes 7689 Target's weapon is highly elastic along its long axis until dawn 7690 Target's weapon is immune to rust and the passage of time 7691 Target's weapon is intensely coveted by demonic hordes 7692 Target's weapon is intensely coveted by pacifistic monks 7693 Target's weapon is invisible to everyone else during battle 7694 Target's weapon is invisible to him in daylight 7695 Target's weapon is invisible to him until it draws his blood 7696 Target's weapon is nearly indestructible but dissolves in water 7697 Target's weapon is part of a set sought by a wealthy collector 7698 Target's weapon is perfectly balanced for a non-magical +2 ToHit 7699 Target's weapon is permanently -2 ToHit 7700 Target's weapon is refurbished to better-than-new condition 7701 Target's weapon is replaced by a vastly inferior replica 7702 Target's weapon is replaced by an indestructible replica 7703 Target's weapon is riddled with holes but functions normally 7704 Target's weapon is sheathed in a scab-like shell 7705 Target's weapon is sheathed in a shell of chocolate 7706 Target's weapon is sheathed in a soft wool tube 7707 Target's weapon is stuck high in the branches of a nearby tree 7708 Target's weapon is suddenly 10d100 years older 7709 Target's weapon is thrown 1d1000 years into the past 7710 Target's weapon is tied to both of the target's hands 7711 Target's weapon is translucent like smoked glass 7712 Target's weapon is twisted like a corkscrew 7713 Target's weapon is vulnerable to magical fire while he wields it 7714 Target's weapon is weightless when not in use 7715 Target's weapon kills him outright if used against him 7716 Target's weapon makes him 1d20 years older while it's drawn 7717 Target's weapon makes him appear somehow less imposing 7718 Target's weapon makes him highly susceptible illusion magic 7719 Target's weapon melts if ever it's immersed in sea water 7720 Target's weapon melts like a candle 7721 Target's weapon must be fed one mouse or rat per day, or it dies 7722 Target's weapon passes through armor unimpeded 7723 Target's weapon passes through flesh unimpeded 7724 Target's weapon practically reeks of malevolent hatred 7725 Target's weapon puts forth huge plumes of smoke while it's drawn 7726 Target's weapon renders him mute for 1d8 hours after each battle 7727 Target's weapon repels his allies while it's drawn 7728 Target's weapon repels non-magical vermin 7729 Target's weapon repels normal flame to a distance of one foot 7730 Target's weapon repels oxygen while it's drawn 7731 Target's weapon ridicules him in front of his allies 7732 Target's weapon rings like a bell to mark the hours 7733 Target's weapon shatters the next time he's burned by fire 7734 Target's weapon shatters the next time it strikes metal 7735 Target's weapon shrieks until sunset tomorrow 7736 Target's weapon shrinks by 75% upon contact with blood 7737 Target's weapon shrinks to 10% of its normal size 7738 Target's weapon spins rapidly around its axis for 10d10 rounds 7739 Target's weapon sprouts 1d100 teeth along its length 7740 Target's weapon sprouts leaves 7741 Target's weapon starts bleeding profusely 7742 Target's weapon teleports exactly 1d10 yards due north 7743 Target's weapon teleports to the caster's home 7744 Target's weapon teleports to the target, 1d4 weeks in the future 7745 Target's weapon thinks that he's its mother 7746 Target's weapon turns ethereal in the presence of other weapons 7747 Target's weapon turns inside-out 7748 Target's weapon turns into a rattan simulation 7749 Target's weapon turns into a replica of the caster's weapon 7750 Target's weapon turns into a shield for 1d4 days 7751 Target's weapon turns into a small glass replica when not in use 7752 Target's weapon turns into a two-by-four eight feet in length 7753 Target's weapon turns into an umbrella under each full moon 7754 Target's weapon turns to lightweight plastic 7755 Target's weapon turns to sodium during the next rainstorm 7756 Target's weapon urges him to leap from the nearest bridge 7757 Target's weapon vanishes until he dies 7758 Target's weapon vanishes when he dies 7759 Target's weapon was forged by his descendent years in the future 7760 Target's weapon was forged by someone who has never existed 7761 Target's weapon was forged from the bones of a slain god 7762 Target's weapon was forged in a volcano by demonic weaponsmiths 7763 Target's weapon was forged on the western slope of Heaven 7764 Target's weapon was lost in a tragic shipwreck decades ago 7765 Target's weapon was shrinks him by 5% each time it draws blood 7766 Target's weapon was stolen from the gods, and they want it back 7767 Target's weapon weighs as much as he does 7768 Target's weapon whispers terrible secrets to any who wield it 7769 Target's weapon will be instrumental in the world's destruction 7770 Target's weapon will be irretrievably lost by this time tomorrow 7771 Target's weapons and gear teleport 10d10 yards into the air 7772 Target's weight quadruples while he's swimming or wading 7773 Target's weight temporarily doubles with each step upon a bridge 7774 Teleportation is impossible within 10 yards of target 7775 The bones of target's hand and feet turn to high-grade steel 7776 The buzzing of bees fills the air whenever target draws a weapon 7777 The flesh of target's face pulses as though full of maggots 7778 The ground beneath target's feet briefly acts as a trampoline 7779 The ground beneath target's feet briefly shines like the sun 7780 The ground beneath target's feet collapses into a cave below 7781 The ground beneath target's feet contains an unquiet spirit 7782 The ground now at target's feet acquires sentience 7783 The ground now at target's feet appears in the caster's home 7784 The ground now at target's feet breaks off and drifts out to sea 65 7785 The ground now at target's feet collapses into a cavern below 7786 The ground now at target's feet conceals a sacred cairn 7787 The ground now at target's feet explodes for 10d10 hit points 7788 The ground now at target's feet exudes noxious and fetid vapors 7789 The ground now at target's feet heats to 10 x 1d100 degrees 7790 The ground now at target's feet hides the gate to a buried city 7791 The ground now at target's feet hurls him 1d4 miles away 7792 The ground now at target's feet is a blanket over a deep pit 7793 The ground now at target's feet is a portal to some nether plane 7794 The ground now at target's feet is an illusion 7795 The ground now at target's feet is charred black as by a bonfire 7796 The ground now at target's feet is dangerously slick with ice 7797 The ground now at target's feet is edible 7798 The ground now at target's feet is forever barren of vegetation 7799 The ground now at target's feet is fused into glass 7800 The ground now at target's feet is intensely magnetic 7801 The ground now at target's feet is invisible to him 7802 The ground now at target's feet is obviously artificial 7803 The ground now at target's feet is powerfully toxic to him 7804 The ground now at target's feet is soaked with blood 7805 The ground now at target's feet is strewn with shards of metal 7806 The ground now at target's feet is strongly adhesive 7807 The ground now at target's feet is the back of a huge turtle 7808 The ground now at target's feet is the top of a buried column 7809 The ground now at target's feet is yanked from under him 7810 The ground now at target's feet rises 10d10 yards into the air 7811 The ground now at target's feet seems to move like a ship's deck 7812 The ground now at target's feet shines as bright as the sun 7813 The ground now at target's feet sinks 1d10 yards into the ground 7814 The ground now at target's feet starts to digest him 7815 The ground now at target's feet suppresses magic within 10 yards 7816 The ground now at target's feet turns to cement and hardens 7817 The ground now at target's feet turns to cobblestone 7818 The ground now at target's feet turns to molten glass 7819 The ground now at target's feet turns to quicksand 7820 The ground now at target's feet turns to warm butter 7821 The ground now at target's feet whispers horrific threats to him 7822 The left half of target's skeleton rebels against the right 7823 The left half of target's skeleton vanishes 7824 The right half of target's head vanishes, but he is unharmed 7825 The scent of the target's blood induces Fear in others 7826 The scent of the target's blood induces paranoid delusions 7827 The scent of the target's blood induces profound calm in horses 7828 The scent of the target's blood inspires savage bloodlust 7829 The sight of the target's weapon affects undead like sunlight 7830 The sight of the target's weapon induces intense covetousness 7831 The target is blamed for the worst thing that has ever happened 7832 The target takes credit for all sorts of diplomatic successes 7833 The top few inches of target's head vanish, but he is unharmed 7834 Thousands of nails are embedded harmlessly in target's flesh 7835 Thousands of snails rain down harmlessly upon the target 7836 To the target, all liquids taste like acrid poison 7837 To the target, all liquids taste like his own blood 7838 To the target, all liquids taste like strong vinegar 7839 To the target, all liquids taste like the sweetest nectar 7840 To the target, everyone appears to be a hideously decayed corpse 7841 To the target, everyone appears to be an artificial approximation 7842 To the target, everyone appears to be plated in gold 7843 To the target, the previous 1d4 rounds were only a dream 7844 Undead are attracted to the target as though he can help them 7845 Undead are invisible to the target 7846 Undead can't speak in the target's presence 7847 Undead declare a coordinated war against the target 7848 Undead ignore target and can't be harmed by him 7849 Undead recognize the target as one of their own 7850 Undead that attack the target are 40% likely to be Turned 7851 Undead will not relent until the target is also undead 7852 Until dawn, target resembles the person who last wounded him 7853 Until sunset tonight, all within one mile want to kill the target 7854 Vines bind the target tightly to a nearby tree 7855 Vines sprout from any open wounds the target now has 7856 Vines sprout from the ground at target's feet and attack him 7857 Vines sprout from the target's weapon and bind his limbs 7858 Viscous slime drips from the target's mouth from now on 7859 Water always feels 50° colder to the target 7860 Water boils on contact with the target's flesh 7861 Water gives no benefit to target if imbibed while indoors 7862 Water has no weight when carried by the target 7863 Water induces amnesia in target if ingested between dawn and noon 7864 Water is a deadly poison to target for 2d12 hours 7865 Water is invisible while within 10 feet of the target 7866 Water is toxic to target if ingested between noon and dusk 7867 Water spews from target's ears during battle 7868 Waterfowl attack the target on sight 7869 Waterfowl swear eternal loyalty to the target 7870 Weapons are invisible to the target while he wields them 7871 Whatever is now in target's hand heats to 500° 7872 Whatever is now in target's hand is embossed with his name 7873 Whatever is now in target's hand is replaced by a sunflower 7874 Whatever is now in target's hand is worth 10X its normal value 7875 Whatever is now in target's hand now belongs to the caster 7876 Whatever is now in target's hand turns to gold 7877 Whatever is now in target's hand vanishes for 1d6 days 7878 Whatever is now in target's hand weighs more than he does 7879 Whatever target does, he claims some bizarre, fantastical motive 7880 Whatever target does, he claims to be fulfilling his deity's will 7881 Whatever target is wearing is stuck to him like glue 7882 When caster dies, target begins aging 1d10 years per round 7883 When injured, target is 5% likely to fly into a berserker rage 7884 When injured, target is 10% likely to attack his nearest ally 7885 When injured, target must Save or go blind until the next round 7886 When injured, target weeps like a baby for 1d10 rounds 7887 When target dies, all within one mile are struck blind until dawn 7888 When target dies, countless abhorrent deeds are attributed to him 7889 When target dies, everyone who knew him forgets all about him 7890 When target dies, he is posthumously crowned king 7891 When target dies, he is rumored never to have existed 7892 When target dies, he's immediately resurrected 10d100 miles away 7893 When target dies, his corpse animates and races to this spot 7894 When target dies, his corpse attacks the nearest person 7895 When target dies, his corpse burns with green flame until sunset 7896 When target dies, his corpse grows by a factor of 2d10 7897 When target dies, his corpse immediately turns to granite 7898 When target dies, his corpse metamorphoses into something awful 7899 When target dies, his corpse runs wild through the nearest town 7900 When target dies, his corpse teleports into the caster's home 7901 When target dies, his killer is hailed as a national hero 7902 When target dies, his killer is named his executor 7903 When target dies, his skeleton animates as a free willed undead 7904 When target dies, his soul commandeers the nearest undead body 7905 When target dies, his soul is trapped in his weapon 7906 When target draws a weapon, a nearby tree drops its leaves 7907 When target draws a weapon, he can't put it down until sunset 7908 When target draws a weapon, he feels that he'll die in 1d6 rounds 7909 When target draws a weapon, he must declare his name and title 7910 When target draws a weapon, he must draw blood within 1d6 rounds 7911 When target draws a weapon, he must pass a DEX check or drop it 7912 When target draws a weapon, he must Save or lose 1d4-1 hit points 7913 When target draws a weapon, he's randomly teleported 1d20 yards 7914 When target draws a weapon, he's stricken with intense fear 66 7915 When target draws a weapon, he's stunned for 1d4 rounds 7916 When target draws a weapon, his allies all shout his name 7917 When target draws a weapon, his weapon arm glows like a firefly 7918 When target draws a weapon, it costs him 1d4 gold pieces 7919 When target draws a weapon, it turns invisible for 1d4 rounds 7920 When target draws a weapon, me must Save or become wildly drunk 7921 When target draws a weapon, someone nearby declares him a coward 7922 When target draws a weapon, someone nearby laughs at him 7923 When target draws a weapon, the scent of eggs fills the air 7924 When target is next struck by magic, he becomes chaotic evil 7925 When target is next struck by magic, he becomes powerfully drunk 7926 When target is next struck by magic, he hates that spell's caster 7927 When target is next struck by magic, he teleports 1d6 miles 7928 When target next sleeps, a small tree sprouts from his chest 7929 When target next sleeps, everyone nearby dreams of killing him 7930 When target next sleeps, he sleeps for 2d20 days and nights 7931 When target next spills blood, any coins he's holding are doubled 7932 When target next spills blood, he finds 1d1000 gold pieces 7933 When target next spills blood, he is excommunicated and condemned 7934 When target next spills blood, he loses 1d10 hit points 7935 When target next spills blood, he loses any wealth he's carrying 7936 When target next spills blood, he regains 1d10 hit points 7937 When target next spills blood, he suffers cannibalistic urges 7938 When target next spills blood, he suffers dreadful hallucinations 7939 When target next spills blood, he takes a vow of pacifism 7940 When target next spills blood, he thinks he'll die by nightfall 7941 When target next spills blood, he vanishes for 1d4 days 7942 When target next spills blood, he's thrown 4d8 yards into the air 7943 When target next spills blood, his allies attack him 7944 When target next spills blood, his clothes are soaked in it 7945 When target next spills blood, his clothes burst into flame 7946 When target next spills blood, his feet take root in the ground 7947 When target next spills blood, his allies think he's dying 7948 When target next spills blood, his skin and hair become blood-red 7949 When target next spills blood, his Strength is halved until dawn 7950 When target next spills blood, his victim grows obsessed with him 7951 When target next spills blood, his waterskin fills with blood 7952 When target next spills blood, his weapon attacks him 7953 When target next spills blood, his weapon steams and hisses 7954 When target next spills blood, his weapon vanishes for 1d4 days 7955 When target next uses rope, he ties an insoluble knot 7956 When target next uses rope, he's attacked by undead skeletons 7957 When target next uses rope, it attacks him as if it were a snake 7958 When target next uses rope, it hauls him high into the air 7959 When target next uses rope, it shocks him like electrical wire 7960 When target next uses rope, it winds around him and combusts 7961 When target rolls a natural 20 ToHit, he wounds himself instead 7962 When target rolls a natural 20 ToHit, his weapon explodes 7963 When target says his name, he adds a wildly effusive honorific 7964 When target says his name, he can't tell a lie for one hour 7965 When target says his name, his age doubles 7966 When target says his name, his clothes are soaked with brine 7967 When target says his name, his clothes become amazingly clean 7968 When target says his name, mocking laughter echoes in the sky 7969 When target says his name, someone nearby adopts his name 7970 When target says his name, someone nearby forgets his own name 7971 When target says his name, someone nearby weeps openly 7972 When target sees or is hit by magic, he giggles for 1d10 rounds 7973 When target sees or is hit by magic, his head becomes invisible 7974 When target sneezes, 1d4 nearby trees are rendered invisible 7975 When target sneezes, bits of hot gravel spray from his nostrils 7976 When target uses magic, he thinks he's spinning rapidly 7977 While outdoors, target feels uncomfortable walking upright 7978 While outdoors, target perceives everything to be shrouded in fog 7979 While target sleeps, he dreams that he's in hell 7980 While target sleeps, he dreams that he's undergoing surgery 7981 While target sleeps, he is invisible and inaudible to his allies 7982 While target sleeps, he sees and hears through the caster 7983 While target sleeps, he's 40% likely to regain 1d10 hit points 7984 While target sleeps, he's absolutely invulnerable to harm 7985 While target sleeps, he's bound by countless spider webs 7986 While target sleeps, his body races away in a random direction 7987 While target sleeps, his clothes deteriorate to filthy rags 7988 While target sleeps, someone writes obscene limericks on his skin 7989 While target stands still, he rotates slowly counter-clockwise 7990 While target stands still, pigeons treat him just like a statue 7991 Yesterday, target ate 1d10 pounds of baked beans 7992 Yesterday, target had dark premonitions of this exact moment 7993 Yesterday, target ingested some powerful but slow-acting poison 7994 Yesterday, target learned that he and caster are closely related 7995 Yesterday, target learned that he had 36 hours left to live 7996 Yesterday, target stole a magic ruby from a dragon 7997 Yesterday, target took a sacred vow that he just now violated 7998 Yesterday, target was sentenced to be executed at dawn tomorrow 7999 Yesterday, target's feet were burned to a crisp 8000 Yesterday, target's head was removed and shoddily reattached 8001 1,000 cubic feet of dirt and rock rise as a 16HD earth elemental 8002 1d10 nearby trees uproot and race to the nearest town square 8003 1d10 nearby trees uproot and vanish into the sky 8004 1d100 adorable but demonic puppies scamper through the area 8005 1d100 skeletons rise from the ground and begin building a pyramid 8006 1d100 stone spheres, one foot in diameter, appear in the area 8007 1d100% of a major continent sinks beneath the sea 8008 1d1000 clay bricks fall from the sky 8009 1d1000 skeletons rise from the ground and march to the sea 8010 1d20 skeletons rise from the ground and attack anyone nearby 8011 1d4 creatures nearby are suddenly gold-plated 8012 1d4 creatures nearby double in size 8013 1d4 gallons of molten gold pour from the target point 8014 1d4 magical golden apples appear nearby 8015 1d6 aggressive, human-sized pigeons appear in the area 8016 1d6 horses nearby are turned into carousel horses 8017 1d6 people nearby adopt entirely new personalities 8018 1d6 people nearby are 50% likely to gain a level or die outright 8019 1d6 people nearby are chained together 8020 1d6 people nearby are duplicated exactly 8021 1d6 people nearby are hurled high into the air 8022 1d6 people nearby are identified as harbingers of vile pestilence 8023 1d6 people nearby are pulled into the target point and destroyed 8024 1d6 people nearby are tarred and feathered 8025 1d6 people nearby are teleported 1d4 miles 8026 1d6 people nearby are unable to wield weapons for 1d8 hours 8027 1d6 people nearby can breathe water as readily as air 8028 1d6 people nearby feel like they're drowning 8029 1d6 people nearby flee from the area at top speed 8030 1d6 people nearby grow feathers like peacocks 8031 1d6 people nearby grow wool like sheep 8032 1d6 people nearby join forces against all others nearby 8033 1d6 people nearby look exactly alike 8034 1d6 people nearby look like children for 1d4 years 8035 1d6 people nearby must Save or be Disintegrated 8036 1d6 people nearby shrink by 5d10+50% 8037 1d6 people nearby will become zombies in 3d6 days 8038 2d100 spectators appear in the area 8039 2d100 wild bulls appear in the area 8040 4d10 duplicates of someone nearby appear in the area 8041 4d100 zombies appear in the area and race to the nearest town 8042 4d100 zombies appear in the area and start attacking 8043 A 100 yard radius is blanketed by a thick cloud of chlorine gas 8044 A 100 yard radius is blanketed by snow to a depth of 2d4 feet 67 8045 A 100 yard radius is carpeted with small white pebbles 8046 A 100 yard radius is covered by a dense growth of fragrant grass 8047 A 100 yard radius is covered by ankle-deep fetid mud 8048 A 100 yard radius is covered by ankle-deep white sand 8049 A 100 yard radius is covered by slimy, decaying vegetable matter 8050 A 100 yard radius is covered with acrid cinders and ash 8051 A 100 yard radius is covered with nuggets of artificial stone 8052 A 100 yard radius is discovered to be an ancient graveyard 8053 A 100 yard radius is encircled by a dense curtain of smoke 8054 A 100 yard radius is encircled by a moat of lava 20 feet across 8055 A 100 yard radius is encircled by a ring of raised earth 8056 A 100 yard radius is encircled by a wall of hay bales 8057 A 100 yard radius is indistinguishable from the moon's surface 8058 A 100 yard radius is rendered totally silent until dawn tomorrow 8059 A 100 yard radius is shaken by a powerful earthquake for 1d4 days 8060 A 100 yard radius is strewn with blood-soaked rags 8061 A 100 yard radius is strewn with decaying marine life 8062 A 100 yard radius is strewn with jagged metal and coils of wire 8063 A 100 yard radius is strewn with seashells and driftwood 8064 A 100 yard radius is stripped of vegetation, soil, and water 8065 A 100 yard radius swirls with finely-milled flour for 1d6 turns 8066 A 1d10 mile radius becomes a dense and temperate forest 8067 A 1d10 mile radius becomes a pastoral idyll 8068 A 1d10 mile radius becomes a peaceful lake 8069 A 1d10 mile radius becomes an arid and desolate desert 8070 A 5,000 pound iron slab appears 1d10 yards above the target point 8071 A baby born in a nearby town is prophesied to destroy the kingdom 8072 A baby born in a nearby town is the spawn of a powerful demon 8073 A blasphemous tome appears at the target point 8074 A charred human corpse bearing a magical sword appears nearby 8075 A column of green light shines from the target point into the sky 8076 A cube of dry ice 10 feet across appears at the target point 8077 A cube of granite 10 feet across appears a the target point 8078 A deafening cacophony blares from the target point until sunset 8079 A deity has died, and someone nearby is blamed for his death 8080 A dense tangle of thorny vines fills the area 8081 A featureless black slab appears nearby measuring 1 x 4 x 9 8082 A fissure runs from beneath the target point to the nearest lake 8083 A flaming sword appears at the target point, turning every way 8084 A flock of 5d20 human-sized geese lands in the area 8085 A four-dimensional cube appears at the target point 8086 A fully outfitted galleon appears nearby 8087 A gargantuan, tentacled monstrosity rises from the nearest ocean 8088 A giant sequoia quickly grows from beneath the target point 8089 A heavy rope runs from the target point into the sky 8090 A herd of animals not native to this area stampedes through it 8091 A horrifyingly loathsome creature races through the area 8092 A huge army appears to be approaching from the distance 8093 A huge city is just barely visible on the surface of the moon 8094 A huge earthen fist rises from the ground below the target point 8095 A huge glacier forms at the target point over the next 1d4 days 8096 A huge outcrop of beautiful crystals erupts under the target point 8097 A huge vein of highly toxic metal runs directly under this area 8098 A huge volume of confetti rains down in a 100 yard radius 8099 A jug full of highly volatile liquid appears at the target point 8100 A large pool of fetid slime appears beneath the target point 8101 A large pool of liquid helium appears beneath the target point 8102 A large pool of molten aluminum appears beneath the target point 8103 A large, hay-packed wooden crate marked "FRAGILE" appears nearby 8104 A leather briefcase containing something beautiful appears nearby 8105 A local ruler declares any use of magic to be treasonous 8106 A local ruler declares some crazy new taboo punishable by death 8107 A local ruler has a mad plan to tax the poor instead of the rich 8108 A local ruler has ordered the execution of 1d4 people nearby 8109 A local ruler has quite obviously sold his soul to a demon 8110 A local ruler invades a sovereign nation under false pretenses 8111 A local ruler is known to kill and eat 1d4 people each week 8112 A local ruler is revealed to be an illusion 8113 A local ruler is under the control of infernal powers 8114 A local ruler orders the execution of anyone causing a Chaos Burst 8115 A local ruler shames his title with interpersonal indiscretions 8116 A local ruler values empty rhetoric over valid policy 8117 A lump of heavy and very toxic metal appears at the target point 8118 A massive explosion flattens all stone structures within one mile 8119 A mighty hailstorm pummels the area for 1d4 hours 8120 A mysterious gold sarcophagus appears at the target point 8121 A new, non-magical, and deadly virus issues from the target point 8122 A one mile radius appears gloomy and blighted for 1d12 months 8123 A one mile radius is illuminated by full daylight for 3d10 days 8124 A one mile radius is rotates 360° every 24 hours 8125 A one mile radius is shrouded by an eclipse for 2d8-1 days 8126 A one mile radius looks like a desert wasteland for one year 8127 A perfect 10 foot sphere of ice appears at the target point 8128 A pitiable demon appears at the target point, begging sanctuary 8129 A powerful and malign spirit emerges from the target point 8130 A powerful and radical religious sect usurps the throne 8131 A powerful demon takes up residence in a nearby house 8132 A powerful earthquake shifts this whole area one mile north 8133 A sandstorm sweeps through the area for 2d6 turns 8134 A sculpted ice portrait appears for everyone within 50 yards 8135 A small, mysterious island appears in the nearest river 8136 A sphere of annihilation appears at the spell's target point 8137 A steel tower 100 yards tall emerges form under the target point 8138 A stolen dragon egg appears at the target point 8139 A stone cube 25 yards across rises from beneath the target point 8140 A terrible din fills the air like the clanging of pots and pans 8141 A terrible fire occurred on this site 4d6 hours ago 8142 A terrible fire will occur on this site 4d6 hours from now 8143 A thin shaft of stone runs from the target point to the sea 8144 A tornado arises at the target point and devastates the area 8145 A torrent of thick, soapy foam sprays from the target point 8146 A viscous corrosive fluid drips coats all exposed rock nearby 8147 A volcano erupts at the center of the nearest town 8148 A volley of 10d20 arrows rains down on the area 8149 A widespread peasants' revolt begins in 1d12 hours 8150 A Chaos Burst occurs when each of the next 1d4 people speak nearby 8151 Abnormally large locusts plague the area for 1d8 weeks 8152 Acrid fungus sprouts under the target point and quickly spreads 8153 Air in this area is 75% thinner than the surrounding atmosphere 8154 All air within one mile is totally opaque but otherwise normal 8155 All armor removed in this area shrinks by 25% 8156 All armor within 50 yards becomes clear like glass 8157 All armor within 50 yards is as heavy as lead 8158 All armor within 50 yards is weightless for 1d12 months 8159 All armor within one mile is ethereal until sunset 8160 All artificial light sources within one mile are rendered inert 8161 All artificial structures within 50 yards cease to exist 8162 All attack rolls in the next 1d10 rounds must be made twice 8163 All bags of holding within one mile are completely full of anvils 8164 All birds within 50 yards explode, 1d6 hit points per bird 8165 All birds within one mile are completely plucked 8166 All bladed weapons within 50 yards are intensely magnetic 8167 All blades within 50 yards are 10% likely to turn to gold 8168 All blades within 50 yards are engraved with cryptic sigils 8169 All blades within 50 yards are restored to pristine condition 8170 All blades within 50 yards become clear like glass 8171 All blades within 50 yards bend 90° halfway along their length 8172 All blades within 50 yards must Save or crumble into rust 8173 All blades within one mile are blunted until sunset 8174 All blades within one mile glow cherry red until sunset tomorrow 68 8175 All bowstrings within 50 yards break the next time they're drawn 8176 All carved wood within 50 yards gains rudimentary intelligence 8177 All chain mail within 50 yards appears moth-eaten and threadbare 8178 All chain mail within 50 yards is highly attractive to lightning 8179 All chain mail within 50 yards is slicked with ice 8180 All chain mail within 50 yards is strongly magnetic 8181 All cloth within 50 yards begins to digest itself 8182 All cloth within 50 yards can never be rendered invisible 8183 All cloth within 50 yards is as shiny and lustrous as gold 8184 All cloth within 50 yards is rendered as brittle as eggshell 8185 All cloth within 50 yards is rendered as stiff as wood 8186 All cloth within 50 yards is scrubbed clean 8187 All cloth within 50 yards is soaked with gasoline 8188 All cloth within 50 yards seems unusually heavy 8189 All cloth within 50 yards smolders and smokes until dawn 8190 All cloth within 50 yards turns invisible upon exiting the area 8191 All cloth within 50 yards turns to burlap until sunset tomorrow 8192 All cloth within one mile is invisible until sunset tomorrow 8193 All coins within 50 yards appear in a heap at the target point 8194 All coins within 50 yards are engraved with cryptic runes 8195 All coins within 50 yards are invisible under moonlight 8196 All coins within 50 yards become flexible as rubber 8197 All coins within 50 yards double in value 8198 All coins within 50 yards explode, 1d4-1 hit points per coin 8199 All coins within 50 yards heat to 1,000° 8200 All coins within 50 yards turn to mercury 8201 All coins within one mile are easily recognized as counterfeit 8202 All curses now in effect within 100 yards are negated 8203 All dragons within 1d10 miles are enraged beyond all reason 8204 All dragons within 1d10 miles shrink by 10d10% 8205 All Dwarves within 10 miles are secretly fond of orcs 8206 All Dwarves within 10 miles are violently allergic to alcohol 8207 All Dwarves within 10 miles are violently allergic to gold 8208 All Dwarves within 10 miles become intensely claustrophobic 8209 All Dwarves within 10 miles have orange skin and green hair 8210 All Dwarves within 10 miles lose their infravision for 1d4 months 8211 All Elves within 10 miles are carrying vials of Dwarf blood 8212 All Elves within 10 miles develop a powerful fear of heights 8213 All Elves within 10 miles forget how to speak Elvish 8214 All Elves within 10 miles sprout jagged fangs 8215 All Elves within 50 yards are allergic to wood 8216 All ferrous metal within 50 yards doubles in weight 8217 All ferrous metal within 50 yards is as shiny & lustrous as gold 8218 All ferrous metal within 50 yards is invisible until it gets wet 8219 All ferrous metal within 50 yards is magnetized 8220 All ferrous metal within 50 yards is rustproof for one year 8221 All ferrous metal within 50 yards is somewhat resistant to magic 8222 All ferrous metal within 50 yards is strangely opalescent 8223 All ferrous metal within 50 yards vanishes until sunset tomorrow 8224 All fires lit in this area are waterproof for the next 1d6 weeks 8225 All fires lit in this area flare up wildly for 1d4 rounds 8226 All fires lit in this area reek of brimstone 8227 All flesh within 50 yards is clear like glass until sunset 8228 All foliage within 50 yards is poisonous to humans and demihumans 8229 All foliage within 50 yards is replaced by plastic replicas 8230 All food consumed within one mile is overpoweringly delicious 8231 All food consumed within one mile is unpalatably bitter 8232 All food within 50 yards completely spoils by sunset 8233 All food within 50 yards freezes solid 8234 All food within 50 yards is crawling with illusory maggots 8235 All food within 50 yards is poisonous for the next 1d4 hours 8236 All food within 50 yards is stripped of all nutritive value 8237 All food within one mile turns to salt 8238 All footprints within one mile fossilize by dawn tomorrow 8239 All forged steel within 100 yards turns to aluminum 8240 All forged steel within 100 yards turns to slate 8241 All gems within 50 yards are duplicated exactly 8242 All gems within 50 yards become spherical 8243 All gems within 50 yards turn to sodium when placed in water 8244 All gems within 50 yards vibrate in the presence of gold 8245 All Gnomes within 10 miles develop a dislike of gems and jewels 8246 All Gnomes within 10 miles grow 1d20 inches 8247 All goblins within 10 miles appear in the immediate area 8248 All goblins within 10 miles are afraid of the dark 8249 All goblins within 10 miles are exterminated 8250 All goblins within 10 miles are transformed into Elves 8251 All goblins within 10 miles become vegetarian pacifists 8252 All goblins within 10 miles swear allegiance to someone nearby 8253 All goblins within 10 miles swear vengeance upon someone nearby 8254 All gold within 50 yards always seems to be 200° 8255 All gold within 50 yards becomes transparent when submerged 8256 All gold within 50 yards begins to rust like damp steel 8257 All gold within 50 yards induces extreme covetousness 8258 All gold within 50 yards is 10% likely to turn to lead 8259 All gold within 50 yards is 50% likely to be counterfeit 8260 All gold within 50 yards is attracted to magnets like iron 8261 All gold within 50 yards is drawn to the target point 8262 All gold within 50 yards is indestructible for one year 8263 All gold within 50 yards is irresistibly attractive to undead 8264 All gold within 50 yards is severely tarnished 8265 All gold within 50 yards is thrown 1d10 years into the future 8266 All gold within 50 yards is weightless for 2d10 rounds 8267 All gold within 50 yards sweats some kind of foul liquid 8268 All ground within 10 miles is at exactly the same elevation 8269 All Halflings within 10 miles develop a penchant for violence 8270 All Halflings within 10 miles develop a strong wanderlust 8271 All hats or helmets within 50 yards are drawn to the target point 8272 All hats or hoods within 50 yards burst into flame 8273 All herbivores within 100 yards are panic-stricken 8274 All horses within 100 yards have built-in saddles 8275 All horses within 100 yards shrink by 1% per round 8276 All horses within one mile become bipedal for 1d4 weeks 8277 All horses within one mile become clear like glass 8278 All houses within one mile appear to be of much higher quality 8279 All houses within one mile are fireproof for one year 8280 All humans within 10 miles are suddenly wearing peculiar hats 8281 All humans within 10 miles think that demihumans are subhuman 8282 All inanimate matter nearby wobbles as though made of gelatin 8283 All ink within 50 yards appears to be made from human blood 8284 All ink within 50 yards is powerfully hallucinogenic 8285 All ink within one mile is invisible for 2d4-1 days 8286 All ink within one mile is invisible in sunlight 8287 All inorganic matter within 10 miles appears blurry until sunset 8288 All inorganic matter within 10 yards disappears 8289 All inorganic matter within 10 yards turns to ice 8290 All inorganic matter within 50 yards appears to be magical 8291 All invisible matter within 100 yards becomes permanently visible 8292 All invisible matter within one mile is clear like glass 8293 All leather within 50 yards begins sweating profusely 8294 All leather within 50 yards is as rigid as steel 8295 All leather within 50 yards shatters like glass 8296 All leather within 50 yards turns to silk 8297 All living creatures nearby are driven away for 1d4 months 8298 All living creatures nearby are enraged beyond reason 8299 All lycanthropes within one mile are cured of their lycanthropy 8300 All lycanthropes within one mile are locked in their current form 8301 All lycanthropes within one mile develop a great fear of the dark 8302 All lycanthropes within one mile have a new kind of lycanthropy 8303 All magic items used nearby are 10% likely to burn out forever 8304 All magic items within 50 yards appear to be blazing with fire 69 8305 All magic items within 50 yards are easily recognized as magical 8306 All magic items within 50 yards disappear until sunset tomorrow 8307 All magic items within 50 yards fail to function 20% of the time 8308 All magic items within 50 yards hum softly for 1d4 days 8309 All magic potions within 50 yards are 10X as powerful 8310 All magic potions within 50 yards are powerfully toxic 8311 All magic potions within 50 yards are rendered inert 8312 All magic potions within 50 yards become Potions of Flying 8313 All magic potions within 50 yards freeze solid when imbibed 8314 All magic potions within 50 yards induce overwhelming thirst 8315 All magic potions within 50 yards induce wild hallucinations 8316 All magic potions within 50 yards yield the opposite effect 8317 All magic rings within 50 yards appear at the target point 8318 All magic rings within 50 yards are identical in appearance 8319 All magic rings within 50 yards are inert for one week 8320 All magic rings within 50 yards are now as large as hula hoops 8321 All magic rings within 50 yards are unharmed by fire or heat 8322 All magic rings within 50 yards attract lightning 8323 All magic rings within 50 yards fuse to their wearers' fingers 8324 All magic rings within 50 yards grant a +1 Armor Class bonus 8325 All magic rings within 50 yards must Save or Disintegrate 8326 All magic rings within 50 yards shine as brightly as the Sun 8327 All magic rings within 50 yards shrink by 10% with each use 8328 All magic rings within 50 yards turn to crystal 8329 All magic rings within 50 yards turn to lead while not being worn 8330 All magic rings within 50 yards whistle softly while in use 8331 All magic weapons nearby are ethereal until sunset 8332 All magic weapons nearby gain an additional +1 ToHit for 1d6 days 8333 All magic weapons nearby glow like fireflies under the new moon 8334 All magic weapons nearby lose their enchantments until dawn 8335 All magic weapons within 100 yards are non-magical for 1d4 days 8336 All magical animals nearby become their non-magical equivalents 8337 All magical animals nearby desire to leave the area 8338 All magical garments within one mile are filthy and foul-smelling 8339 All magical garments within one mile burst into flame 8340 All magical light sources within 100 yards are 2X as bright 8341 All magical light sources within 100 yards dim by 50% 8342 All magical light sources within one mile are extinguished 8343 All magical light sources within one mile are hot as normal fire 8344 All magical light sources within one mile attract magical moths 8345 All magical light sources within one mile flash like strobes 8346 All magical light sources within one mile hum loudly while in use 8347 All magical light sources within one mile only work underground 8348 All magical light sources within one mile produce blood-red light 8349 All magical light sources within one mile yield darkness instead 8350 All mechanical locks within one mile are fused shut 8351 All mechanical locks within one mile are invisible for 1d12 months 8352 All mechanical locks within one mile can only open under moonlight 8353 All mechanical locks within one mile spring open 8354 All members of a major race are discovered to be artificial 8355 All members of a major race are rendered sterile 8356 All metal armor nearby has been soaking in vinegar 8357 All metal armor nearby is chilled to freezing 8358 All metal gauntlets within 50 yards are non-removable until dawn 8359 All metal gauntlets within 50 yards are rustproof 8360 All metal gauntlets within 50 yards cause terrible chafing 8361 All metal gauntlets within 50 yards close into fists 8362 All metal gauntlets within 50 yards heat to 400° 8363 All metal gauntlets within 50 yards insulate against electricity 8364 All metal gauntlets within 50 yards shrink by 25% 8365 All metal gauntlets within 50 yards turn to silk 8366 All metal weapons wielded nearby seem to be 500° 8367 All metal within 50 yards appears to be made of solid shadow 8368 All metal within 50 yards induces frostbite while in daylight 8369 All metal within 50 yards is entirely non-reflective 8370 All metal within 50 yards is flammable for 2d10 rounds 8371 All metal within 50 yards is indestructible until sunset tomorrow 8372 All metal within 50 yards is invisible when anointed with blood 8373 All metal within 50 yards is non-conductive of electricity 8374 All metal within 50 yards is polished to mirror-brightness 8375 All metal within 50 yards is twice as heavy when it's wet 8376 All metal within 50 yards liquefies for 2d6 rounds, then reforms 8377 All metal within 50 yards shimmers like mother of pearl 8378 All missile weapons within 50 yards are inoperative until sunset 8379 All missile weapons within 50 yards combust when they're fired 8380 All missile weapons within 50 yards have 2X normal maximum range 8381 All missile weapons within 50 yards vanish when they're fired 8382 All nearby age 3d20 years but return to normal at sunset tomorrow 8383 All nearby must eat their meat, or they can't have any pudding 8384 All nearby who've drawn blood in the past day are deaf until dawn 8385 All nearby who've drawn blood in the past day weep for 3d8 rounds 8386 All nearby with more than 10 gold pieces age that many years 8387 All nearby with more than 10 gold pieces give it all to charity 8388 All nearby with more than 10 gold pieces heal as many hit points 8389 All nearby with more than 10 gold pieces lose as many hit points 8390 All nearby with more than 10 gold pieces pass out for 1d8 hours 8391 All nearby with more than 10 gold pieces teleport that many yards 8392 All nonliving wood within 50 yards is as brittle as a pretzel 8393 All nonliving wood within 50 yards is as pliant as grass 8394 All non-magical animals nearby are healed of all disease 8395 All non-magical animals nearby are restored to full hit points 8396 All non-magical animals nearby shrink by 40% 8397 All non-magical books within 50 yards are duplicated 8398 All non-magical books within 50 yards must Save or combust 8399 All non-sentient animals nearby are 1d100 years 8400 All non-sentient animals nearby are panic-stricken 8401 All non-sentient animals within 50 yards become vaguely evil 8402 All open wounds within 50 yards steam violently but harmlessly 8403 All paper now nearby glows in the dark permanently 8404 All paper now nearby is fireproof 8405 All plant life within 10 miles is sky-blue from now on 8406 All plant-based fabric within 50 yards becomes dull brown 8407 All plant-based fabric within 50 yards combusts 8408 All priestly magic within 500 yards is dispelled 8409 All priestly magic within 500 yards is suppressed for 1d10 turns 8410 All reflective surfaces in the area display imaginary scenes 8411 All reflective surfaces in the area display scenes of carnage 8412 All right arms within 50 yards are ethereal until sunset 8413 All right arms within 50 yards are invulnerable for 1d10 hours 8414 All right arms within 50 yards are paralyzed until dawn 8415 All rope within 50 yards can't be cut or broken 8416 All rope within 50 yards ignites along its entire length 8417 All rope within 50 yards is as rigid as wood 8418 All rope within 50 yards is as strong as steel wire 8419 All rope within 50 yards is forever unable to hold a knot 8420 All rope within 50 yards is permanently invisible 8421 All rope within 50 yards shortens by 80% 8422 All rope within 50 yards straightens and becomes hard as stone 8423 All rope within 50 yards stretches like elastic 8424 All rope within 50 yards turns to flesh 8425 All saddles within 50 yards are as durable as tempered steel 8426 All saddles within 50 yards disappear 8427 All shields within 50 yards are fragile like glass for 1d4 rounds 8428 All shields within 50 yards are impervious to fire 8429 All shields within 50 yards are impervious to harm until sunset 8430 All shields within 50 yards are imprinted with ugly faces 8431 All shields within 50 yards gain a +1 bonus lasting 1d10 battles 8432 All soil and rock within 100 yards vanishes 8433 All soil within 50 yards is seeded with an aggressive vegetable 8434 All soil within 50 yards turns invisible 70 8435 All spells cast in the last 1d4 rounds are retroactively negated 8436 All spells cast in the last 1d4 rounds recur in 1d4 rounds 8437 All spells cast in the next 2d6 rounds are invisible in effect 8438 All spells cast in the next 2d6 rounds occur 2d6 rounds later 8439 All spells cast in this area are accompanied by trumpet fanfare 8440 All spells cast in this area are delayed by 2d10 rounds 8441 All Summoned creatures within 10 miles are dismissed 8442 All Summoned creatures within 10 miles vanish in 1d4 rounds 8443 All swords within one mile are hopelessly blunted for 1d4 days 8444 All swords within one mile turn to golf clubs until dawn tomorrow 8445 All teeth within 50 yards are as black as coal for 1d4 weeks 8446 All teeth within 50 yards are rendered invisible for 1d12 months 8447 All tempered metal within 50 yards is reduced in weight by 50% 8448 All tempered metal within 50 yards is soft as rubber until dawn 8449 All thumbs within 50 yards are immune to polymorph magic 8450 All thumbs within 50 yards vanish for 1d4 hours 8451 All transparent matter within one mile is as fragile as glass 8452 All transparent matter within one mile is rendered invisible 8453 All trees within 10 miles drop their leaves until next spring 8454 All trees within 50 yards are glazed with ice 8455 All trees within 50 yards are impervious to saws and axes 8456 All trees within 50 yards bear watermelons for 1d4 months 8457 All trees within 50 yards become ambulatory 8458 All trees within 50 yards become omnivorous 8459 All trees within 50 yards chant dirges at every sunset 8460 All trees within 50 yards gain a semblance of sentience 8461 All trees within 50 yards turn permanently invisible 8462 All trees within a one mile vanish 8463 All trees within one mile are cut down and stacked as cordwood 8464 All trees within one mile are hollow 8465 All trees within one mile crumble to dust within 1d4 days 8466 All trees within one mile double in height 8467 All trees within one mile drip with blood 8468 All trees within one mile uproot and move 10 miles to the north 8469 All trolls within 10 miles adopt a kinder, gentler philosophy 8470 All trolls within 10 miles lose their ability to regenerate 8471 All undead skeletons within 10 miles turn to wood 8472 All undead within 1d100 miles vanish until sunset tomorrow 8473 All undead within 50 yards are restored to full hit points 8474 All undead within 50 yards are teleported 1d4 miles 8475 All undead within 50 yards attack one random person nearby 8476 All undead within one mile can exhale clouds of fog at will 8477 All undead within one mile combust and burn until sunset tomorrow 8478 All undead within one mile require air just like living creatures 8479 All undead within one mile think that they're still alive 8480 All vegetable matter within 50 yards, alive or dead, dissolves 8481 All vegetation within 10 miles is 10X as nutritious for 1d4 weeks 8482 All vegetation within 10 miles is incredibly toxic for 1d4 days 8483 All vegetation within 10 miles tastes like manure when cooked 8484 All vegetation within 50 yards becomes incredibly lush 8485 All vegetation within 50 yards dies within 1d4 rounds 8486 All vegetation within 50 yards grows 100X as fast for 2d4 days 8487 All vegetation within 50 yards is frozen solid 8488 All vegetation within 50 yards turns bone-white for 1d4 days 8489 All visible trails or tracks within 10 miles vanish completely 8490 All voices within 50 yards seem to issue from the same person 8491 All voices within 50 yards sound identical 8492 All water within 10 miles is chilled to just above freezing 8493 All water within 50 yards becomes invisible 8494 All water within 50 yards becomes thick like gelatin 8495 All water within 50 yards does nothing to mitigate thirst 8496 All water within 50 yards doubles in volume 1d6 times 8497 All water within 50 yards holds its temperature for one year 8498 All water within 50 yards looks foul but is fresh and sweet 8499 All water within 50 yards remains liquid for at least 1d4 months 8500 All water within 50 yards smells and tastes strongly of fish 8501 All water within 50 yards turns to for over the next 1d4 rounds 8502 All water within 50 yards turns to glass 8503 All water within 50 yards turns to milk 8504 All water within one mile vanishes 8505 All weapons and armor within 50 yards seem to be 3X normal weight 8506 All weapons nearby are bound to this area and will return to it 8507 All weapons within 50 yards appear to be made of bone 8508 All weapons within 50 yards are +1 ToHit until dawn tomorrow 8509 All weapons within 50 yards are +10 ToHit for 1d4 rounds 8510 All weapons within 50 yards are +2 ToHit for 2d12 hours 8511 All weapons within 50 yards are +2 ToHit Summoned creatures 8512 All weapons within 50 yards are +2 ToHit until their next hit 8513 All weapons within 50 yards are +5 ToHit but -5 to damage 8514 All weapons within 50 yards are -4 ToHit anyone currently nearby 8515 All weapons within 50 yards are caked in sticky clay 8516 All weapons within 50 yards are cleaned, polished, and sterilized 8517 All weapons within 50 yards are edible 8518 All weapons within 50 yards are etched with their owners' names 8519 All weapons within 50 yards are impervious to Alteration magic 8520 All weapons within 50 yards are invulnerable to acid 8521 All weapons within 50 yards are marked with demonic sigils 8522 All weapons within 50 yards are piled at the target point 8523 All weapons within 50 yards are repelled from the target point 8524 All weapons within 50 yards are sealed in candle wax 8525 All weapons within 50 yards are stuck in their sheathes 8526 All weapons within 50 yards are terribly unwieldy for 4d6 rounds 8527 All weapons within 50 yards are the property of some distant king 8528 All weapons within 50 yards attract flies and gnats for one week 8529 All weapons within 50 yards exude aromatic smoke for 1d6 hours 8530 All weapons within 50 yards glow red as though they're very hot 8531 All weapons within 50 yards hum in the presence of spilled blood 8532 All weapons within 50 yards must Save or be bent like corkscrews 8533 All weapons within 50 yards steam violently on contact with water 8534 All weapons within 50 yards were forged by an undead smith 8535 All weapons within one mile vanish until dawn tomorrow 8536 All wheeled vehicles within one mile burst into flame 8537 All wheeled vehicles within one mile sink 1d4 feet into the mud 8538 All wheels within one mile are chrome-plated 8539 All wheels within one mile become perfectly square 8540 All who saw this casting are 10% likely to be driven insane 8541 All who saw this casting are healed for 1d4 hit points 8542 All who saw this casting are soaked with cold gravy 8543 All who saw this casting are stricken mute until sunset 8544 All who saw this casting are stricken totally deaf for 1d12 hours 8545 All who saw this casting are thrown 1d4 days into the future 8546 All who saw this casting are unable to sleep for 2d10 days 8547 All who saw this casting despise magic for until dawn tomorrow 8548 All who saw this casting giggle like lunatics for 3d4 rounds 8549 All who saw this casting hear an eerie moaning for 1d4 days 8550 All who saw this casting howl at the moon for the next 1d8 nights 8551 All who saw this casting lose 1d20 points of Wisdom until sunset 8552 All who saw this casting lose 1d4 hit points 8553 All who saw this casting stare at the target point until dawn 8554 All who saw this casting think that its target has been slain 8555 All who saw this casting undertake a pilgrimage to a distant town 8556 All within 10 feet are wrapped like mummies 8557 All within 10 feet feel like they've just run a marathon 8558 All within 10 feet must Save or be teleported 1d100 miles 8559 All within 10 feet point loses 1d100 hit points 8560 All within 10 miles are convinced that the apocalypse is nigh 8561 All within 10 miles identify the target point as a holy site 8562 All within 10 miles seek to worship someone near the target point 8563 All within 10 yards divest themselves of all gems and jewels 8564 All within 10 yards find a diamond worth 1,000 gold pieces 71 8565 All within 50 miles realize that thieves' cant is fictitious 8566 All within 50 miles rise up against the king 8567 All within 50 yards acquire a distinctive accent 8568 All within 50 yards adopt new names and answer only to them 8569 All within 50 yards age 1d12 months 8570 All within 50 yards and in armor are paralyzed for 2d6 rounds 8571 All within 50 yards appear blurry to each other for 1d12 hours 8572 All within 50 yards appear to be 1d100 years older 8573 All within 50 yards appear to be covered with festering sores 8574 All within 50 yards appear to be indescribably ugly to each other 8575 All within 50 yards appear to have advanced leprosy 8576 All within 50 yards appear to have bubonic plague 8577 All within 50 yards are 5% likely to be turned inside out 8578 All within 50 yards are 5% likely to become amphibious 8579 All within 50 yards are 5% likely to die at dawn tomorrow 8580 All within 50 yards are 5% likely to freeze solid 8581 All within 50 yards are 5% likely to inherit a small keep 8582 All within 50 yards are 5% likely to suffer total amnesia 8583 All within 50 yards are 10% likely to age 1d100 years 8584 All within 50 yards are 10% likely to be closely related 8585 All within 50 yards are 10% likely to be stricken bald forever 8586 All within 50 yards are 10% likely to wake tomorrow as undead 8587 All within 50 yards are -2 ToHit for 2d10 rounds 8588 All within 50 yards are 20% likely to be knocked unconscious 8589 All within 50 yards are 20% likely to be paralyzed for 1d4 hours 8590 All within 50 yards are 20% likely to lose all but one hit point 8591 All within 50 yards are 25% likely to be covered in chocolate 8592 All within 50 yards are 30% likely to vanish for 1d6 rounds 8593 All within 50 yards are 40% likely to regain full hit points 8594 All within 50 yards are a peculiar shade of blue-gray 8595 All within 50 yards are AC 0 (no modifiers) for 2d6 hours 8596 All within 50 yards are arrested for sedition and treason 8597 All within 50 yards are at risk of awakening a vengeful god 8598 All within 50 yards are attacked by countless magpies 8599 All within 50 yards are attacked by locusts 8600 All within 50 yards are banded like protected wildlife 8601 All within 50 yards are blamed for some recent catastrophe 8602 All within 50 yards are blind while at full hit points 8603 All within 50 yards are branded heretics and ordered slain 8604 All within 50 yards are branded with the mark of some random god 8605 All within 50 yards are carrying an additional 5d10 gold pieces 8606 All within 50 yards are carrying an identical iron medallion 8607 All within 50 yards are carrying ornate ceremonial daggers 8608 All within 50 yards are carrying small discs of carved stone 8609 All within 50 yards are charged with an arduous divine quest 8610 All within 50 yards are claimed as slaves by the nearest tyrant 8611 All within 50 yards are considered pariahs 8612 All within 50 yards are covered in creosote 8613 All within 50 yards are covered in powdered sugar like doughnuts 8614 All within 50 yards are covered with honey and feathers 8615 All within 50 yards are disarmed 8616 All within 50 yards are discovered to be clones 8617 All within 50 yards are doused with molasses 8618 All within 50 yards are drafted into military service 8619 All within 50 yards are draped in tough, fibrous filaments 8620 All within 50 yards are draped with pungent floral garlands 8621 All within 50 yards are drenched with cold, soapy water 8622 All within 50 yards are drenched with olive oil 8623 All within 50 yards are dressed and painted like clowns 8624 All within 50 yards are dressed in black and have jet-black hair 8625 All within 50 yards are dressed in high quality fur 8626 All within 50 yards are dressed in illusory formal wear 8627 All within 50 yards are dressed in illusory full plate armor 8628 All within 50 yards are dressed in wildly inappropriate attire 8629 All within 50 yards are dressed like pirates 8630 All within 50 yards are enraged beyond thought or reason 8631 All within 50 yards are extremely short-tempered for 1d12 hours 8632 All within 50 yards are filthy as though they've never bathed 8633 All within 50 yards are glazed with yellow ice 8634 All within 50 yards are Held for 6d10 rounds 8635 All within 50 yards are holding tiny stone carvings of themselves 8636 All within 50 yards are immune to all magic for 1d6 rounds 8637 All within 50 yards are immune to disease for 1d6 months 8638 All within 50 yards are immune to missile fire for 2d6 rounds 8639 All within 50 yards are immune to poison for 1d4 days 8640 All within 50 yards are immune to polymorph magic for one year 8641 All within 50 yards are immune to reason for 1d4 days 8642 All within 50 yards are implicated in a huge royal scandal 8643 All within 50 yards are individually shrouded in fog 8644 All within 50 yards are invisible for 1d4 rounds 8645 All within 50 yards are invisible to a single person nearby 8646 All within 50 yards are invisible to all others within 50 yards 8647 All within 50 yards are invisible to birds 8648 All within 50 yards are invisible to reptiles for 1d6 hours 8649 All within 50 yards are invisible when seen from below 8650 All within 50 yards are involved in a diplomatic nightmare 8651 All within 50 yards are invulnerable to wood for 1d10 rounds 8652 All within 50 yards are liberally sprayed with octopus ink 8653 All within 50 yards are now standing in the nearest building 8654 All within 50 yards are now wearing tap-shoes 8655 All within 50 yards are offered for sale on the open market 8656 All within 50 yards are overpoweringly thirsty 8657 All within 50 yards are painted with woad 8658 All within 50 yards are paralyzed by indecision for 1d4 rounds 8659 All within 50 yards are pardoned for any outstanding crimes 8660 All within 50 yards are permanently branded as escaped slaves 8661 All within 50 yards are profoundly drunk for 1d10 rounds 8662 All within 50 yards are pushed 1d10 yards from the target point 8663 All within 50 yards are ravenously hungry 8664 All within 50 yards are restored to full hit points 8665 All within 50 yards are rumored to be undead 8666 All within 50 yards are rumored to belong to some bizarre cult 8667 All within 50 yards are showered in maggots 8668 All within 50 yards are smeared with a foul-smelling gelatin 8669 All within 50 yards are sprayed with skunk musk 8670 All within 50 yards are standing on three-foot cast iron discs 8671 All within 50 yards are sterile for 2d12 months 8672 All within 50 yards are stricken mute for 1d6 rounds 8673 All within 50 yards are strongly addicted to some kind of poison 8674 All within 50 yards are suddenly arranged in a big circle 8675 All within 50 yards are suddenly barefoot 8676 All within 50 yards are suddenly extremely drunk 8677 All within 50 yards are suddenly seated in the lotus position 8678 All within 50 yards are tempted to dabble in cannibalism 8679 All within 50 yards are thoroughly cleansed 8680 All within 50 yards are thrown 1d4 days into the future 8681 All within 50 yards are unable to breathe for 1d20 rounds 8682 All within 50 yards are unable to move their feet for 2d10 rounds 8683 All within 50 yards are unable to sleep for 2d20 days 8684 All within 50 yards are unable to use magic for 1d8 hours 8685 All within 50 yards are unable to wield weapons while in armor 8686 All within 50 yards are unable to wield wooden weapons until dawn 8687 All within 50 yards are wearing beekeepers' veils 8688 All within 50 yards are wearing ostrich feathers in their hair 8689 All within 50 yards are wearing wooden shoes 8690 All within 50 yards become hopelessly lost for 1d4 hours 8691 All within 50 yards believe that they're dreaming 8692 All within 50 yards can see just fine in normal darkness 8693 All within 50 yards covet the possessions of one person nearby 8694 All within 50 yards crackle with ozone for 6d6 rounds 72 8695 All within 50 yards dance lasciviously for 1d6 rounds 8696 All within 50 yards develop an acute fear of wood 8697 All within 50 yards die in a huge explosion but resurrect at dawn 8698 All within 50 yards disarm themselves and race to a nearby river 8699 All within 50 yards disarm themselves as quickly as they can 8700 All within 50 yards exchange places with someone else nearby 8701 All within 50 yards exhale steam as if the air were very cold 8702 All within 50 yards feel a wildly different ambient temperature 8703 All within 50 yards feel insects crawling over their skin 8704 All within 50 yards feel intense hunger at the sight of blood 8705 All within 50 yards feel overpowering fear for 2d6 rounds 8706 All within 50 yards feel unfocused yet overwhelming disgust 8707 All within 50 yards find obscene tattoos on their bodies 8708 All within 50 yards find that their clothes are torn and bloody 8709 All within 50 yards forget everyone's name 8710 All within 50 yards forget how to use weapons or magic until dawn 8711 All within 50 yards gain 1d1000 Experience Points 8712 All within 50 yards grow 1d4 inches 8713 All within 50 yards have a copy of a mysterious brass key 8714 All within 50 yards have a mark identifying them as pariahs 8715 All within 50 yards have an additional, functioning kidney 8716 All within 50 yards have clouded vision for 2d6 rounds 8717 All within 50 yards have conflicting memories of the past day 8718 All within 50 yards have five pounds of butter in their pockets 8719 All within 50 yards have gone without sleep for 3d4 days 8720 All within 50 yards have horrifying visions of future tragedy 8721 All within 50 yards have just run 1d10 miles 8722 All within 50 yards have the exact same voice 8723 All within 50 yards laugh like lunatics for 4d6 rounds 8724 All within 50 yards levitate 1d6 feet for 2d6 rounds 8725 All within 50 yards look and smell as if they've been in a fire 8726 All within 50 yards look like cadavers when seen from behind 8727 All within 50 yards lose 1 hit point per round spent in that area 8728 All within 50 yards lose 1d6 levels until sunset tomorrow 8729 All within 50 yards lose 1d8 hit points but gain 1d10 hit points 8730 All within 50 yards mount an attack upon the nearest castle 8731 All within 50 yards move as if they're underwater 8732 All within 50 yards must hibernate this winter 8733 All within 50 yards must remain in this area until dawn tomorrow 8734 All within 50 yards must remain within 10 yards of each other 8735 All within 50 yards must repeat everything they say for 1d10 days 8736 All within 50 yards must Save each morning or age 1d4 years 8737 All within 50 yards must Save or be attacked by rats and mice 8738 All within 50 yards must Save or be branded like cattle 8739 All within 50 yards must Save or be burned for 1d10 hit points 8740 All within 50 yards must Save or be Slowed 8741 All within 50 yards must Save or be soaked with icy brine 8742 All within 50 yards must Save or be stricken mute for 1d4 months 8743 All within 50 yards must Save or be Teleported 2d10 miles 8744 All within 50 yards must Save or be thrown into nearby trees 8745 All within 50 yards must Save or be tightly bound in wire 8746 All within 50 yards must Save or feel 1d100° colder 8747 All within 50 yards must Save or feel 1d100° warmer 8748 All within 50 yards must Save or flee in panic for 2d10 rounds 8749 All within 50 yards must Save or sink 4d12 inches into the ground 8750 All within 50 yards must Save or suffer blinding pain until dawn 8751 All within 50 yards must Save or suffer frostbite in 1d10 fingers 8752 All within 50 yards must Save or their clothes burst into flame 8753 All within 50 yards must Save or their hair combusts 8754 All within 50 yards must Save or their hands shrink by 50% 8755 All within 50 yards must Save or they must re-roll their stats 8756 All within 50 yards must Save vs Death or be shorn of all hair 8757 All within 50 yards must Save, or their wounds will never heal 8758 All within 50 yards now have bright blue hair 8759 All within 50 yards preach a ridiculous "abstinence only" policy 8760 All within 50 yards quickly devour any food that they're carrying 8761 All within 50 yards run at top speed toward the target point 8762 All within 50 yards see illusory animals flitting about the area 8763 All within 50 yards shrink 1d4 inches 8764 All within 50 yards smell like carrion until sunset tomorrow 8765 All within 50 yards smell strongly of alcohol 8766 All within 50 yards smell strongly of brimstone until sunrise 8767 All within 50 yards smell strongly of manure for 1d4 days 8768 All within 50 yards suddenly have perfectly groomed hair 8769 All within 50 yards talk like 1930's movie gangsters 8770 All within 50 yards think that a deity is in their midst 8771 All within 50 yards think that all others nearby are lying 8772 All within 50 yards think that all others nearby are on fire 8773 All within 50 yards think that fire is edible 8774 All within 50 yards think that they're being attacked by zombies 8775 All within 50 yards think that they're in a parallel universe 8776 All within 50 yards think that they're standing in knee-deep snow 8777 All within 50 yards think that they've suffered massive injuries 8778 All within 50 yards think they'll die unless they remain standing 8779 All within 50 yards think they've shrunk by 90% 8780 All within 50 yards throw their weapons as far as they can 8781 All within 50 yards vanish for 3d10 rounds 8782 All within 50 yards weep hysterically but can act normally 8783 All within 50 yards who are injured smell strongly of peppermint 8784 All within 50 yards who are not now bleeding fall unconscious 8785 All within 50 yards who are now bleeding fall unconscious 8786 All within 50 yards who breathe air suffocate for 2d10 rounds 8787 All within 50 yards will be fully healed at the end of 3d8 rounds 8788 All within 50 yards will become undead when they die 8789 All within 50 yards will die if any one of them dies before dawn 8790 All within 50 yards witness a miraculous manifestation of a deity 8791 All wood within one mile is fireproof for 1d4 weeks 8792 All worked stone within 50 yards absorbs water like a sponge 8793 All worked stone within 50 yards begins eroding rapidly 8794 All worked stone within 50 yards blazes with illusory flame 8795 All worked stone within 50 yards clangs like bronze bells 8796 All worked stone within 50 yards hums audibly in moonlight 8797 All worked stone within 50 yards increases in size by 1d100% 8798 All worked stone within 50 yards is as shiny as a mirror 8799 All worked stone within 50 yards is briefly pliant as soft clay 8800 All worked stone within 50 yards is clear like glass 8801 All worked stone within 50 yards is etched with blasphemous runes 8802 All worked stone within 50 yards is now 3d100° colder 8803 All worked stone within 50 yards is water soluble 8804 All worked stone within 50 yards oozes blood for 1d4 hours 8805 All worked stone within 50 yards returns to its natural state 8806 All worked stone within 50 yards turns to ice 8807 All written text within 50 yards appears reversed in sunlight 8808 All written text within 50 yards can only be read by moonlight 8809 All written text within 50 yards hums audibly while being read 8810 All written text within 50 yards is reversed 8811 All written text within 50 yards shrinks by 50% 8812 An ancient battle is endlessly reenacted on this site by ghosts 8813 An animal species native to the area acquires sentience 8814 An animal species native to the area actually controls the throne 8815 An animal species native to the area is now immune to magic 8816 An animal species native to the area quickly goes extinct 8817 An arrogant, inarticulate twit achieves great political power 8818 An asteroid 1d20 miles in diameter strikes the planet near here 8819 An enormous black disc hovers over the area for 1d4 hours 8820 An enormous cache of classified documents is found nearby 8821 An enormous cache of D-Cell batteries is found nearby 8822 An enormous castle formed entirely of ice appears nearby 8823 An enormous fishing net settles over a 100 yard radius 8824 An enormous head of sculpted stone bursts from the ground 73 8825 An enormous oak tree appears at the target point 8826 An enormous sand castle appears at the target point 8827 An enormous volume of acrid smoke spews from the target point 8828 An exact copy of the moon appears 180° away from the original one 8829 An experimental forge in a nearby town achieves critical mass 8830 An incredibly dangerous and powerful artifact appears nearby 8831 An incredibly dangerous toxin is released into a nearby river 8832 An incredibly foul entity is summoned to the target point 8833 An ingot of metallic hydrogen appears at the target point 8834 An ingot of neutronium appears at the target point 8835 An ingot of some impossible metal appears at the target point 8836 An intoxicatingly delightful scent issues from the target point 8837 An intricate maze of panels of ice sprouts in a 100 yard radius 8838 An intricate maze of tall hedges sprouts in a 100 yard radius 8839 An intricate sculpture of blown glass appears at the target point 8840 An invisible, whistling octopus slithers through the area 8841 An overpoweringly foul stench issues from the target point 8842 An unusually virulent form of plague breaks out in a nearby town 8843 Ants appear to swarm on all blades within 50 yards 8844 Any active charms and enchantments nearby are negated until dawn 8845 Any alcoholic beverages within 50 yards are now 10X as potent 8846 Any alcoholic beverages within 50 yards become powerfully toxic 8847 Any alcoholic beverages within 50 yards combust violently 8848 Any alcoholic beverages within 50 yards induce temporary insanity 8849 Any alcoholic beverages within 50 yards turn to mercury 8850 Any artifacts within 50 miles become non-functional for 2d6 days 8851 Any beneficial enchantments now in effect nearby are dispelled 8852 Any blades currently sheathed nearby make their sheathes combust 8853 Any blood spilled in this area combusts on contact with water 8854 Any blood spilled in this area discolors the ground 8855 Any charged magical items nearby are fully recharged 8856 Any charged magical items nearby are triggered upon their owners 8857 Any charged magical items nearby can't be used until tomorrow 8858 Any charged magical items nearby lose 1d10 charges 8859 Any exposed rock nearby is polished as smooth as glass 8860 Any fireball cast nearby is 1% likely to scorch a one mile radius 8861 Any fires now burning within 10 miles are extinguished 8862 Any fires now burning within 10 miles exude hallucinogenic smoke 8863 Any fires now burning within 10 miles provide no heat 8864 Any fires now burning within 10 miles provide no light 8865 Any fires now burning within 10 miles turn into pools of water 8866 Any fires now burning within 50 yards quadruple in size 8867 Any fires now burning within ten miles attract undead like moths 8868 Any food now in this area tastes strongly of blood 8869 Any food now within 50 yards induces bacchanalia when eaten 8870 Any food now within 50 yards induces drowsiness when eaten 8871 Any food now within 50 yards induces madness when eaten 8872 Any food now within 50 yards turns to iron 8873 Any food now within 50 yards will turn to lead when consumed 8874 Any gold nearby is invisible in sunlight 8875 Any gold within 50 yards liquefies 8876 Any ice or snow within 10 miles can't melt for 1d12 months 8877 Any ice or snow within 10 miles feels painfully hot to the touch 8878 Any magical protections now in place nearby are negated 8879 Any magical seals or locks within one mile are negated 8880 Any magical seals or locks within one mile are permanently sealed 8881 Any magical seals or locks within one mile shine like the sun 8882 Any magical symbols, glyphs, or seals within 50 yards are negated 8883 Any magical traps within one mile are triggered 8884 Any meat eaten nearby in the last 24 hours was human flesh 8885 Any nearby outcroppings of rock burst into flame 8886 Any nearby water in a container becomes carbonated 8887 Any nearby water in a container becomes heavily chlorinated 8888 Any non-living wood within one mile becomes clear like glass 8889 Any open wounds in the area heal into scars shaped like runes 8890 Any open wounds in the area heal into ugly, purplish scars 8891 Any outstanding campaign plot inconsistencies are hereby resolved 8892 Any pack animals within one mile race away at top speed 8893 Any priest nearby is 10% likely to think he's his god 8894 Any ranged spells cast nearby are delayed for 3d10 rounds 8895 Any ranged spells cast nearby have a range of zero 8896 Any range-zero spells cast nearby affect someone else instead 8897 Any range-zero spells cast nearby last only one round 8898 Any scroll cases within 50 yards are sealed for 1d100 years 8899 Any scroll cases within 50 yards digest their contents 8900 Any spells currently in effect within 100 yards are negated 8901 Any standing water within 50 yards boils violently 8902 Any standing water within 50 yards can be used as a scrying pool 8903 Any water now within 50 yards can never be frozen 8904 Any Wishes thus far granted to any within 50 yards are negated 8905 Any wood now within 50 yards provides no heat if burned 8906 Any wooden structures within one mile turn to durable stone 8907 Anyone bearing a holy symbol nearby is healed for 1d4 hit points 8908 Anyone bearing a holy symbol nearby loses 1d10 hit points 8909 Anyone carrying a blanket nearby is swarmed by thousands of moths 8910 Anyone carrying a blanket nearby is thrown 1d100 yards 8911 Anyone carrying a blanket nearby is tightly swaddled in it 8912 Anyone carrying a blanket nearby is unable to sleep for 3d10 days 8913 Anyone carrying food nearby is arrested for smuggling contraband 8914 Anyone carrying food nearby is swarmed by countless wasps 8915 Anyone currently bleeding nearby is stricken with plague 8916 Anyone currently bleeding nearby wakes tomorrow in prison 8917 Anyone currently wielding a weapon nearby is stricken mute 8918 Anyone in armor within 10 yards can't breathe for 2d10 rounds 8919 Anyone in armor within 10 yards can't remove it for 1d10 days 8920 Anyone in armor within 10 yards is afraid of magic for 2d8 rounds 8921 Anyone in armor within 10 yards is attacked by a magical wolf 8922 Anyone in armor within 10 yards is immune to magic for 1d4 rounds 8923 Anyone in armor within 10 yards is pelted by hail for 3d10 rounds 8924 Anyone in armor within 10 yards is thrown 1d10 yards 8925 Anyone in armor within 10 yards loses 1d4 hit points 8926 Anyone in armor within 10 yards regains 1d6 hit points 8927 Anyone in armor within 10 yards sneezes repeatedly for 3d6 rounds 8928 Anyone leaving the area finds that 1d4 weeks have passed 8929 Anyone nearby and facing the target point disappears until dawn 8930 Anyone nearby and facing the target point is blinded until dawn 8931 Anyone nearby and facing the target point is blown back 6d10 feet 8932 Anyone nearby and facing the target point is covered by moss 8933 Anyone nearby and facing the target point is covered in soot 8934 Anyone nearby and facing the target point is dusted with flour 8935 Anyone nearby and facing the target point is obsessed with magic 8936 Anyone nearby and facing the target point is paralyzed until dawn 8937 Anyone nearby and facing the target point is suddenly naked 8938 Anyone nearby and facing the target point loses all hair 8939 Anyone nearby and facing the target point runs to a nearby river 8940 Anyone nearby and less than five feet tall grows 1d6 inches 8941 Anyone nearby and less than five feet tall vanishes for 1d4 days 8942 Anyone nearby and more than five feet tall runs 1d10 miles away 8943 Anyone nearby and more than five feet tall shrinks to that height 8944 Anyone nearby and not wearing armor is attacked by huge wasps 8945 Anyone nearby and not wearing armor loses 1d4 hit points 8946 Anyone nearby at full hit points is fined 1d100 gold pieces 8947 Anyone nearby at full hit points is immune to poison gas 8948 Anyone nearby at full hit points is reduced to 1d4 hit points 8949 Anyone nearby bearing a flag or standard is struck by lightning 8950 Anyone nearby bearing a flag or standard shrinks by 25% 8951 Anyone nearby can never be teleported while wearing clothes 8952 Anyone nearby can never drown while barefoot 8953 Anyone nearby of racially mixed blood suffers agony for 1d4 turns 8954 Anyone nearby who ate in the past 1d4 hours is ravenously hungry 74 8955 Anyone nearby who ate in the past 1d4 hours vanishes until dawn 8956 Anyone nearby who attempts to teleport will wind up right here 8957 Anyone nearby who spills blood by moonlight is stricken blind 8958 Anyone nearby who tries to turn invisible glows brightly instead 8959 Anyone nearby who tries to turn invisible loses 1d10 hit points 8960 Anyone nearby who turns invisible is bright orange forever after 8961 Anyone nearby who used magic in the past round falls unconscious 8962 Anyone nearby who used magic in the past round is soaked in brine 8963 Anyone nearby who's barefoot must Save or be shod like a horse 8964 Anyone nearby who's barefoot must Save or their feet dissolve 8965 Anyone nearby who's carrying an artifact is possessed by it 8966 Anyone nearby who's carrying open flame is severely burned 8967 Anyone nearby who's carrying open flame is stricken bald 8968 Anyone nearby who's carrying open flame is terrified of fire 8969 Anyone nearby who's carrying open flame is terrified of the dark 8970 Anyone nearby who's carrying rope has a hanging scar on his neck 8971 Anyone nearby who's carrying rope is thoroughly entangled in it 8972 Anyone nearby who's carrying rope wakes tomorrow at this location 8973 Anyone nearby who's slain by a zombie will become a zombie 8974 Anyone nearby wielding a missile weapon is acutely near-sighted 8975 Anyone nearby wielding a missile weapon is teleported 1d6 miles 8976 Anyone nearby with a blade other than a sword can't locate it 8977 Anyone nearby with a blade other than a sword falls unconscious 8978 Anyone nearby with an axe is attacked by a nearby tree 8979 Anyone nearby with an axe is desperate to fell the nearest tree 8980 Anyone nearby with an axe is suddenly carrying a lute or guitar 8981 Anyone nearby with an axe is totally invulnerable for 1d6 rounds 8982 Anyone nearby with bloodstained clothes is revered as a prophet 8983 Anyone nearby with bloodstained clothes smells like a corpse 8984 Anyone nearby with formal military rank is ordered to the front 8985 Anyone nearby with formal military rank is stripped of that rank 8986 Anyone nearby with long hair is all but scalped 8987 Anyone nearby with more than 50 gold pieces is terribly miserly 8988 Anyone nearby with more than 50 gold pieces loses all wealth 8989 Anyone now standing on bare earth nearby has +2 ToHit until dawn 8990 Anyone now standing on bare earth nearby loses 1d10 hit points 8991 Anyone now standing on bare earth nearby regains 1d10 hit points 8992 Anyone now standing on bare earth nearby teleports 10d100 yards 8993 Anyone now wielding a sword nearby is knocked to the ground 8994 Anyone on a horse within 50 yards falls from it clumsily 8995 Anyone on a horse within 50 yards has a craving for horsemeat 8996 Anyone slain nearby completely decomposes in 1d4 rounds 8997 Anyone slain nearby completely fossilizes in 1d4 rounds 8998 Anyone slain nearby exudes flammable vapor for 1d4 days 8999 Anyone slain nearby is resurrected with opposite alignment 9000 Anyone slain nearby is revealed to be a doppelganger 9001 Anyone slain nearby issues cryptic prophecy before dying 9002 Anyone slain nearby turns instantly to stone 9003 Anyone slain nearby turns to coal over 1d4 rounds 9004 Anyone using magic nearby briefly appears to be made of wood 9005 Anyone using magic nearby gives off a pungent and offensive odor 9006 Anyone using magic nearby glows a pale green hue for 24 hours 9007 Anyone using magic nearby is intensely attractive for 1d4 rounds 9008 Anyone wielding a sword nearby is highly susceptible to poison 9009 Anyone wielding a sword nearby loses 1d4 fingers for 1d4 weeks 9010 Anyone within 50 yards who is of Elfish descent is arrested 9011 Anyone within 50 yards who is of Elfish descent is blinded 9012 Anyone within 50 yards with a tattoo loses 4d10 hit points 9013 Anyone within 50 yards with a tattoo will be skinned after death 9014 Arcane magic cast within 10 miles is heralded by horrid shrieking 9015 Arcane magic is impossible within 10 miles for 1d4 hours 9016 Blinding smoke issues from the ground when magic is cast nearby 9017 Blinding smoke swirls about the area for 1d4 hours 9018 Blood sprays from the target point like water from a hose 9019 Celestial voices resonate in the air for 1d10 turns 9020 Combustion can never occur within 10 yards of the target point 9021 Combustion is not possible within 10 miles for 3d8 hours 9022 Countless droplets of sticky black tar rain down on the area 9023 Countless sharpened stakes jut from the ground in the area 9024 Countless slugs and snails litter the ground 9025 Countless small lumps of cheese rain down on the area 9026 Countless tiny carvings of wooden ducks rain down on the area 9027 Diabolical voices issue from the target point 9028 Diaphanous jellyfish drift through the air high overhead 9029 Displays of hostile emotion are impossible nearby for 6d10 rounds 9030 Distances in this area are very difficult to judge accurately 9031 Divination magic is impossible for 1d4 days 9032 Divination magic is wildly unreliable for 1d4 days 9033 Eerie and ominous susurrations issue from the air for one week 9034 Enormous birds circle silently overhead for 1d12 hours 9035 Events now happening nearby are actually happening 500 years ago 9036 Events now happening nearby are in exact accordance with prophecy 9037 Events now happening nearby give rise to a new religion 9038 Every living creature in the world falls asleep for 6d10 minutes 9039 Every living creature in the world hears the word "Xyzzy" 9040 Every tree within one mile has an eerie face carved in its bark 9041 Every tree within one mile has cryptic runes carved in its bark 9042 Every tree within one mile hums sonorously 9043 Everyone nearby gains a language known only to those in this area 9044 Everyone within 10 yards is chained together 9045 Everyone within 50 yards disgorges a large, hairy spider 9046 Everyone within 50 yards has 1d100 gold pieces in his pocket 9047 Everyone within 50 yards has 1d6 orc's teeth in his pocket 9048 Everyone within 50 yards has a 1% chance to become a god 9049 Everyone within 50 yards has a 2% chance to explode 9050 Everyone within 50 yards has a big snowball in his pocket 9051 Everyone within 50 yards has a hen's egg in his pocket 9052 Everyone within 50 yards has a lighted candle in his pocket 9053 Everyone within 50 yards has a live cobra in his pocket 9054 Everyone within 50 yards has a live salmon in his pocket 9055 Everyone within 50 yards has a lump of quartz in his mouth 9056 Everyone within 50 yards has a red hot coal in his pocket 9057 Everyone within 50 yards has a signet ring in his pocket 9058 Everyone within 50 yards has a small diamond in his pocket 9059 Everyone within 50 yards has an iron ring around his wrist 9060 Everyone within 50 yards has delicate glass globe in his pocket 9061 Everyone within 50 yards has someone's severed hand in his pocket 9062 Everyone within 50 yards is fined 1d100 gold pieces 9063 Everyone within 50 yards is holding a wooden cup full of wine 9064 Everyone within 50 yards is holding an ice cream cone 9065 Everyone within 50 yards is stamped with the king's royal seal 9066 Everyone within 50 yards is standing in a small bucket 9067 Everyone within 50 yards is suddenly exhausted 9068 Everyone within 50 yards is suddenly holding a block of dry ice 9069 Everyone within 50 yards is suddenly holding a bucket of chum 9070 Everyone within 50 yards is suddenly holding a chicken 9071 Everyone within 50 yards is suddenly holding a helium balloon 9072 Everyone within 50 yards is suddenly holding a small skull 9073 Everyone within 50 yards is suddenly holding an ingot of lead 9074 Everyone within 50 yards is suddenly indoors (or outdoors) 9075 Everyone within 50 yards is tattooed with a sequential number 9076 Everyone within 50 yards swaps his name with someone else nearby 9077 Everyone within one mile identifies someone nearby as a deity 9078 Everyone within one mile is stricken with intense apathy 9079 Everything with one foot of the target point ceases to exist 9080 Everything within 5 feet ceases to exist 9081 Everything within 5 feet radiates strong magic for one year 9082 Everything within 50 yards appears to be lit by blacklight 9083 Everything within 50 yards appears to radiate intense evil 9084 Everything within 50 yards is permanently drained of color 75 9085 Everything within 50 yards shakes violently for 3d10 rounds 9086 Evidence is found of a massive, systematic policy of torture 9087 Evidence is found of alien intervention in this world's history 9088 Farmland within one mile is amazingly fertile for 1d10+1 years 9089 Farmland within one mile is barren for 1d10+1 years 9090 Fast-drying concrete covers the area to a depth of 6d6 inches 9091 Fire belches forth from the target point for 10d10 hours 9092 Fires in this area are drawn toward the target point 9093 Food eaten within one mile of this spot gives no nutrition 9094 Food eaten within one mile provides twice the normal nutrition 9095 For 1d10 rounds, air within 50 yards is as opaque as steel 9096 For 1d10 rounds, all wood within 50 yards is water soluble 9097 For 1d10 rounds, any spells cast nearby turn their casters yellow 9098 For 1d10 rounds, water is highly toxic to all within 50 yards 9099 For 1d4 days, fires lit nearby are hot enough to melt steel 9100 For 1d4 days, fires lit nearby are visible through metal or stone 9101 For 1d4 days, fires lit nearby aren't warm enough to melt ice 9102 For 1d6 months, all flame in the world is blue 9103 For 2d4 rounds, the ground within 50 yards flexes like elastic 9104 For 2d4 rounds, the ground within 50 yards turns to quicksand 9105 For one month the moon appears as bright as the Sun 9106 For one month the moon appears to fill half of the night sky 9107 For one month the Sun appears only as bright as the full moon 9108 For one month the Sun is invisible though it still provides light 9109 For one round, any nearby priest has 10% chance to summon his god 9110 For one turn, the area is lit only by countless flashbulbs 9111 For one turn, the area is lit only by flickering candlelight 9112 For one year, flashing lights accompany spells cast in this area 9113 For one year, spells cast in this area last only one round 9114 From now on, all within 50 yards are left-handed 9115 From now on, all within 50 yards look as wounded as they are now 9116 Genocidal war breaks out between two or more major races 9117 Gravity is skewed by 45° in this area until sunrise tomorrow 9118 Gravity within 100 yards has no effect on wood 9119 Half a ton of iron filings sprays from the target point 9120 Half a ton of pureed carrots sprays from the target point 9121 Half of the people nearby are half-invisible to the other half 9122 Half of the people nearby are teleported 1d4 miles north 9123 Half of the planet vanishes, but the remaining half is stable 9124 Half the planet spins clockwise, the other half counter-clockwise 9125 Hallucinogenic mist billows from the target point until sunset 9126 Highly flammable gas sprays from the target point 9127 Horrific, deafening laughter echoes through the area for one week 9128 Horses tend to throw their riders while traveling in this area 9129 Huge animal-shapes are traced in the soil in a one mile radius 9130 Huge volumes of strongly emetic vapor spray from the target point 9131 Huge, cryptic symbols appear on the side of a nearby mountain 9132 Hundreds of highly venomous snakes emerge from the ground 9133 Hundreds of hungry dogs appear in the vicinity 9134 Hundreds of thousands of acorns fall from the sky 9135 Hurricane-strength winds swirl around the target point 9136 Ice cold water sprays from the ground beneath the target point 9137 Ice suddenly covers the ground nearby to a depth of 1d6 inches 9138 Icy mist issues from the target for 1d4 days 9139 If indoors, all exits are sealed; if not, roll again 9140 If indoors, the building is evacuated of air; if not, roll again 9141 If indoors, the building shrinks by 50%; if not, roll again 9142 If indoors, the building vanishes; if not, roll again 9143 If the area is wooded, all nearby become lost; if not, roll again 9144 In this area, moonlight causes sound to be stifled 9145 In this area, non-magical metal is invisible under moonlight 9146 In this area, sunlight seems 1d4 times as bright as normal 9147 In this region, arcane magic is blamed for all kinds of disasters 9148 In this region, Dwarves are considered a rare delicacy 9149 In this region, Dwarves consider clothing to be unnecessary 9150 In this region, gold is invulnerable to magic 9151 In this region, hail has been falling for 2d4 days 9152 In this region, it's been snowing for two weeks straight 9153 In this region, missile weapons are considered cowardly 9154 In this region, possession of gold is now a capital offense 9155 In this region, the use of arcane magic is punishable by death 9156 In this region, the use of magic items is heavily taxed 9157 In this region, the use of priestly magic is strictly controlled 9158 Innumerable glowing orbs emerge from the target point 9159 It's suddenly night, lasting until dawn would normally occur 9160 Jagged rocks erupt from the ground in a 100 yard radius 9161 Large poppies bloom in a 100 yard radius from the target point 9162 Lightning bolts issue from the spell's target point 9163 Loud thunder booms overhead whenever magic is used in this area 9164 Magic users are persecuted throughout this country 9165 Magical healing is not possible within 10 miles 9166 Magical healing is unreliable during daylight within 10 miles 9167 Magical illusions are impossible within 10 miles for 2d4-1 days 9168 Magical invisibility is forever impossible within 50 miles 9169 Many thousands of birds soon take up residence in this area 9170 Missile attacks are futile within 50 yards of the target point 9171 Missiles fired nearby all fly toward the same creature 9172 Missiles fired nearby are 5% likely to induce True Love 9173 Missiles fired nearby can induce paralysis on a successful hit 9174 Missiles fired nearby crash like thunder when they hit 9175 Missiles fired nearby disintegrate while in flight 9176 Missiles fired nearby explode into embers after 1d4 rounds 9177 Missiles fired nearby fly straight up into the sky and vanish 9178 Missiles fired nearby have an absolute range limit of 10 yards 9179 Missiles fired nearby hit the spell's target point 9180 Missiles fired nearby inflict damage only on a ToHit roll of 20 9181 Missiles fired nearby invariably miss their targets 9182 Missiles fired nearby leave colorful trails of light 9183 Missiles fired nearby travel an additional 1d10 miles 9184 Moonlight in this area induces extreme covetousness 9185 Moonlight in this area induces extreme melancholy in Elves 9186 Moonlight in this area induces furious bloodlust 9187 Moonlight in this area induces pain in lycanthropes 9188 Moonlight in this area induces panic in those of INT 14 or above 9189 Moonlight in this area induces unrestrained lecherousness 9190 Moonlight in this area is blood red 9191 Natural animals in this area can readily detect magic 9192 Natural animals respond badly to anyone now within 50 yards 9193 Nearest bridge appears in the immediate area 9194 Nearest bridge appears to be a rainbow 9195 Nearest bridge appears to be made of thick fog 9196 Nearest bridge can't be crossed by anyone wearing footwear 9197 Nearest bridge collapses after the next 1d6 people cross it 9198 Nearest bridge is as pliant as rubber 9199 Nearest bridge is burned 9200 Nearest bridge is clear like glass 9201 Nearest bridge is made of teeth 9202 Nearest bridge is suddenly over troubled waters 9203 Nearest bridge is takes 2d4 hours to cross 9204 Nearest bridge opens like a drawbridge 9205 Nearest bridge turns permanently invisible 9206 Nearest building can only be entered by walking backwards 9207 Nearest building is exactly duplicated at the target point 9208 Nearest door appears at the target point 9209 Nearest door is a jar 9210 Nearest door is a portal to an ancient temple of a powerful deity 9211 Nearest door opens to a point 1d10 days in the future 9212 Nearest door opens to a point 1d10 miles in the air 9213 Nearest door opens to the target point 9214 Nearest doorway can't be traversed by anyone at full hit points 76 9215 Nearest doorway can't be traversed by anyone wearing armor 9216 Nearest doorway causes all who pass through it to age 1d4 years 9217 Nearest forest acquires malevolent sentience and intelligence 9218 Nearest forest is set ablaze 9219 Nearest government collapses amid rumors of infernal pacts 9220 Nearest government switches to a manure-based economic system 9221 Nearest horse becomes bipedal 9222 Nearest horse sprouts two additional pairs of functional legs 9223 Nearest lake becomes crystal clear but is highly toxic to humans 9224 Nearest lake can't be safely traversed by any sort of watercraft 9225 Nearest lake completely drains in a slow, clockwise spiral 9226 Nearest lake completely evaporates over the next 1d4 rounds 9227 Nearest lake conceals a sunken city containing incredible riches 9228 Nearest lake contains a sunken armada from some long-lost navy 9229 Nearest lake contains an ice berg 9230 Nearest lake doubles its volume during each of the next 1d4 days 9231 Nearest lake drains to reveal the corpse of a long-dead deity 9232 Nearest lake freezes completely solid over the next 1d4 rounds 9233 Nearest lake heats to 200° over the next 1d4 rounds 9234 Nearest lake is covered by a tarp 9235 Nearest lake is encircled by a moat of flaming pitch 9236 Nearest lake is home to a colony of unaging amphibious humanoids 9237 Nearest lake is perpetually fog-shrouded 9238 Nearest lake rises as a huge water elemental and walks to the sea 9239 Nearest lake suddenly appears at the center of the nearest town 9240 Nearest lake suppresses magic within one mile of its shores 9241 Nearest lake undergoes massive tidal surges for one week 9242 Nearest monastery conceals a gate to hell 9243 Nearest monastery holds the only copies of many priceless books 9244 Nearest monastery often engages in dangerous and abhorrent rites 9245 Nearest mountain slides 1d10 miles north 9246 Nearest oak tree grows to 20X its current size 9247 Nearest oak tree is older than the entire world 9248 Nearest oak tree periodically shoots poisonous thorns 9249 Nearest oak tree turns to bronze 9250 Nearest oak tree turns to solid gold 9251 Nearest oak tree uproots and goes on a rampage 9252 Nearest priest becomes fearless in the face of death 9253 Nearest priest believes he's been excommunicated 9254 Nearest priest believes that cannibalism is a sacrament 9255 Nearest priest believes that clothing is an abomination 9256 Nearest priest believes that he's recently slain his deity 9257 Nearest priest believes that his deity has abandoned him 9258 Nearest priest believes that his deity has made him immortal 9259 Nearest priest believes that his deity is at his beck and call 9260 Nearest priest believes that his deity is standing nearby 9261 Nearest priest believes that someone nearby is his deity 9262 Nearest priest falls badly out of favor with his deity 9263 Nearest priest finds a book of nice and accurate prophecies 9264 Nearest priest has been stealing from the church's coffers 9265 Nearest priest has secretly engaged in commendable charity work 9266 Nearest priest is implicated in a scandal involving livestock 9267 Nearest priest is summoned by his deity 9268 Nearest priest is wholly immune to arcane magic for 4d6 hours 9269 Nearest priest realizes that he's worshipping the wrong deity 9270 Nearest priest thinks he's being persecuted for his beliefs 9271 Nearest river conceals the entrance to a great underground empire 9272 Nearest river freezes solid over the next 1d10 rounds 9273 Nearest river is dammed 9274 Nearest river is damned 9275 Nearest river is discovered to be artificial 9276 Nearest river is now 1d4X as deep as it was this morning 9277 Nearest river is permanently blood red but is otherwise unchanged 9278 Nearest river now runs directly through the nearest town 9279 Nearest river now runs directly through this area 9280 Nearest stone structure undergoes explosive decompression 9281 Nearest town breaks loose from the mainland and drifts out to sea 9282 Nearest town descends into weeks of mindless debauchery 9283 Nearest town erupts into riots and turf wars 9284 Nearest town is actually hidden within a modern wildlife preserve 9285 Nearest town is annexed by a warring neighbor nation 9286 Nearest town is completely deserted 9287 Nearest town is completely overrun by marauding orcs 9288 Nearest town is inaccessible by land 9289 Nearest town is populated entirely by a brutal and dangerous cult 9290 Nearest town is populated entirely by anthropomorphic pigs 9291 Nearest town is populated entirely by illusions 9292 Nearest town is populated entirely by undead 9293 Nearest town is razed 9294 Nearest town is the site of an ancient magical battle 9295 Nearest town is totally forgotten by the outside world 9296 Nearest town secedes from the kingdom 9297 Nearest town signs a secret pact with an invading horde of orcs 9298 Nearest wizard breaks his staff and throws his books into the sea 9299 Nearest wizard can only use magic in full daylight 9300 Nearest wizard is beseeched by a girl, her dog, and three friends 9301 Nearest wizard is challenged to a magical duel by a dragon 9302 Nearest wizard is equally affected by magic he casts on others 9303 Nearest wizard is exposed as a fraud and a charlatan 9304 Nearest wizard is unable to cast magic upon himself 9305 Nearest wizard suspects that he's a fraud and a charlatan 9306 Next 1d4 people to draw weapons nearby fall unconscious 9307 Next 1d4 people to draw weapons nearby forget how to use them 9308 Next 1d4+1 spells cast in this area also trigger Chaos Bursts 9309 Next area-effect magic used nearby affects only a single target 9310 Next area-effect magic used nearby affects only males 9311 Next area-effect magic used nearby centers on a point miles away 9312 Next area-effect magic used nearby centers on its caster 9313 Next fire-based magic used nearby causes panic in all who see it 9314 Next fire-based magic used nearby detonates on its caster 9315 Next fire-based magic used nearby produces cold instead of heat 9316 Next fire-based magic used nearby produces impenetrable darkness 9317 Next fire-based magic used nearby produces smoke but no fire 9318 Next fire-based magic used nearby produces water instead of fire 9319 Next person nearby to draw blood also loses that many hit points 9320 Next person nearby to draw blood appears in the nearest prison 9321 Next person nearby to draw blood becomes water soluble 9322 Next person nearby to draw blood can use no weapon for 2d12 hours 9323 Next person nearby to draw blood can't be blinded by smoke 9324 Next person nearby to draw blood dies if he's wounded before dawn 9325 Next person nearby to draw blood disgorges a large steel bowl 9326 Next person nearby to draw blood gains that many hit points 9327 Next person nearby to draw blood has a +4 ToHit bonus until dawn 9328 Next person nearby to draw blood howls like a wolf under the moon 9329 Next person nearby to draw blood is 10% likely to crumble to dust 9330 Next person nearby to draw blood is 10% likely to explode 9331 Next person nearby to draw blood is himself sprayed with blood 9332 Next person nearby to draw blood is sought by the authorities 9333 Next person nearby to draw blood is swarmed by innumerable bats 9334 Next person nearby to draw blood is whisked away into the sky 9335 Next person nearby to draw blood never needs to sleep again 9336 Next person nearby to draw blood shrinks by 8d10% 9337 Next person nearby to draw blood suffers extensive amnesia 9338 Next person nearby to draw blood then tries to destroy his weapon 9339 Next person nearby to draw blood thereafter thinks he's a vampire 9340 Next person nearby to draw blood thinks that on fire 9341 Next person nearby to draw blood vanishes for 1d4 days 9342 Next person nearby to draw blood wakes tomorrow as a chimpanzee 9343 Next person nearby to draw blood wakes tomorrow soaked in blood 9344 Next person nearby to miss an attack can't attack for 4d6 hours 77 9345 Next person nearby to miss an attack collapses into a deep coma 9346 Next person nearby to miss an attack cries like a baby until dawn 9347 Next person nearby to miss an attack shrieks wildly for 4d6 hours 9348 Next person nearby to say his name can't use magic for 1d10 days 9349 Next person nearby to say his name goes berserk 9350 Next person nearby to say his name is attacked by rabbits 9351 Next person nearby to say his name is attacked by rodents 9352 Next person nearby to say his name is healed for 2d6 hit points 9353 Next person nearby to say his name is targeted for assassination 9354 Next person nearby to say his name permanently forgets his name 9355 Next person nearby to say his name teleports into a nearby cave 9356 Next person nearby to say his name then runs away at top speed 9357 Next person nearby to say his name wakes 5d10 miles away tomorrow 9358 Next person nearby to speak finds that his mouth has vanished 9359 Next person nearby to speak is bound in coils of steel wire 9360 Next person nearby to speak is hurled 10d10 feet in the air 9361 Next person nearby to speak is thrown into a deep well 9362 Next person nearby to use magic becomes two dimensional 9363 Next person nearby to use magic is 5% likely to be disemboweled 9364 Next person nearby to use magic is enslaved to someone nearby 9365 Next person nearby to use magic is restored to full hit points 9366 Next person nearby to use magic is turned to wood 9367 Next person nearby to use magic is wrapped in a cocoon 9368 Next person nearby to use magic loses the ability to feel pain 9369 Next person nearby to use magic rises one level 9370 Next person nearby to use magic sees illusory giraffes everywhere 9371 Next person nearby to use magic then shuns all magic for 1d4 weeks 9372 Next person nearby to use magic turns bright pink for 1d4 weeks 9373 Next person nearby to use magic turns into a frog or a dove 9374 Next person nearby to use magic turns into a zombie for 1d8 days 9375 Next person nearby to use magic turns invisible above his nose 9376 Next person nearby to use profanity is fined 500,000 gold pieces 9377 Next person nearby to use profanity is stricken mute for one week 9378 Next person slain nearby crumbles into a heap of toxic ash 9379 Next person slain nearby disappears without a trace 9380 Next person slain nearby explodes messily 9381 Next person slain nearby flies into the air and vanishes 9382 Next person slain nearby has his skull and spine torn out 9383 Next person slain nearby haunts the area for hundreds of years 9384 Next person slain nearby is borne away by wonder-working dolphins 9385 Next person slain nearby is found to contain hundreds of mice 9386 Next person slain nearby is immediately breaded and deep-fried 9387 Next person slain nearby is immediately butchered like a deer 9388 Next person slain nearby is immediately plated in chrome 9389 Next person slain nearby is resurrected with full hit points 9390 Next person slain nearby is soon thereafter worshipped as a god 9391 Next person slain nearby is welcomed into his deity's pantheon 9392 Next person slain nearby never really existed 9393 Next person slain nearby slowly transforms into solid gold 9394 Next person slain nearby sputters about like a deflating balloon 9395 Next person slain nearby turns into a large swine as he dies 9396 Next person slain nearby was the offspring of a god 9397 Next person struck by magic nearby thinks he's a toddler 9398 Next person to be injured nearby is permanently crippled 9399 Next person to be injured nearby is restored to full hit points 9400 Next person to cross the nearest bridge turns into a troll 9401 Next plant-based magic used nearby turns its user to a scarecrow 9402 Next plant-based magic uses nearby turns its user to a vegetarian 9403 Next polymorph magic used nearby affects 1d4 other targets nearby 9404 Next polymorph magic used nearby affects a random target nearby 9405 Next polymorph magic used nearby can't be undone 9406 Next polymorph magic used nearby completely heals its caster 9407 Next polymorph magic used nearby doubles its caster's height 9408 Next polymorph magic used nearby is only 50% effective 9409 Next polymorph magic used nearby knocks its caster unconscious 9410 Next polymorph magic used nearby lapses after one round 9411 Next polymorph magic used nearby lasts for 1d100 days 9412 Next polymorph magic used nearby leaves its caster badly deformed 9413 Next polymorph magic used nearby makes its caster a quadruped 9414 Next polymorph magic used nearby splits its target in two 9415 Next polymorph magic used nearby turns its caster into a rooster 9416 Next polymorph magic used nearby turns its caster into its target 9417 Next polymorph magic used nearby turns its target into a whale 9418 Next polymorph magic used nearby turns its target to living metal 9419 Next polymorph magic used nearby turns its target to stone 9420 Next polymorph magic used nearby yields a random result 9421 Next spell cast in this area equally affects all within 50 yards 9422 Next spell cast in this area has a permanent duration 9423 Next weapon drawn nearby attacks its wielder 9424 Next weapon drawn nearby becomes twice as heavy as its wielder 9425 Next weapon drawn nearby can't cross running water 9426 Next weapon drawn nearby can't kill anyone while its owner lives 9427 Next weapon drawn nearby causes its wielder to distrust magic 9428 Next weapon drawn nearby chills to -200° 9429 Next weapon drawn nearby damages the sanity of its wielder 9430 Next weapon drawn nearby disintegrates if used to kill someone 9431 Next weapon drawn nearby fills its wielder with crippling fear 9432 Next weapon drawn nearby forces its wielder to attack his allies 9433 Next weapon drawn nearby hurls itself into the sky 9434 Next weapon drawn nearby ignites and burns like magnesium 9435 Next weapon drawn nearby inflicts only illusory damage 9436 Next weapon drawn nearby inflicts only minimum possible damage 9437 Next weapon drawn nearby instantly quadruples in size 9438 Next weapon drawn nearby is as soft as silk until sunset tomorrow 9439 Next weapon drawn nearby is attracted to the spell's target point 9440 Next weapon drawn nearby is instantly struck by lightning 9441 Next weapon drawn nearby makes its user's foes invisible to him 9442 Next weapon drawn nearby makes its wielder seem far more powerful 9443 Next weapon drawn nearby makes its wielder think he's immortal 9444 Next weapon drawn nearby makes its wielder think he's invisible 9445 Next weapon drawn nearby mimics its wielder's personality 9446 Next weapon drawn nearby pulses with strange lights and music 9447 Next weapon drawn nearby quickly becomes as hot as the Sun 9448 Next weapon drawn nearby seizes control of its wielder's body 9449 Next weapon drawn nearby vanishes until the melee is over 9450 Next weapon drawn nearby was stolen from the royal armory 9451 Next weapon nearby to draw blood appears to be horribly evil 9452 Next weapon nearby to draw blood attracts a demon's attention 9453 Next weapon nearby to draw blood becomes invisible to its wielder 9454 Next weapon nearby to draw blood becomes legendary 9455 Next weapon nearby to draw blood can thereafter cut through steel 9456 Next weapon nearby to draw blood can't draw blood for 1d4 weeks 9457 Next weapon nearby to draw blood ceases to exist 9458 Next weapon nearby to draw blood doubles in length until sunrise 9459 Next weapon nearby to draw blood glows in the presence of humans 9460 Next weapon nearby to draw blood has been used to murder a king 9461 Next weapon nearby to draw blood heats to 800° 9462 Next weapon nearby to draw blood imparts visions of perdition 9463 Next weapon nearby to draw blood induces bloodlust in its wielder 9464 Next weapon nearby to draw blood induces envy in its wielder 9465 Next weapon nearby to draw blood induces lethargy in its wielder 9466 Next weapon nearby to draw blood induces mad panic in its wielder 9467 Next weapon nearby to draw blood induces pacifism in its wielder 9468 Next weapon nearby to draw blood infects its wielder with leprosy 9469 Next weapon nearby to draw blood is +1 ToHit for one week 9470 Next weapon nearby to draw blood is 10% likely to disintegrate 9471 Next weapon nearby to draw blood is 10% likely to explode 9472 Next weapon nearby to draw blood is -2 ToHit for one month 9473 Next weapon nearby to draw blood is 25% likely to turn to ice 9474 Next weapon nearby to draw blood is coveted by dragons 78 9475 Next weapon nearby to draw blood is discovered to be a cheap copy 9476 Next weapon nearby to draw blood is discovered to be an illusion 9477 Next weapon nearby to draw blood is encased in a plaster cast 9478 Next weapon nearby to draw blood is forever indestructible 9479 Next weapon nearby to draw blood is found to be a mighty artifact 9480 Next weapon nearby to draw blood is fused to its wielder's hand 9481 Next weapon nearby to draw blood is replaced by an imperfect copy 9482 Next weapon nearby to draw blood is slicked with butter 9483 Next weapon nearby to draw blood is struck by lightning 1d6 times 9484 Next weapon nearby to draw blood is suddenly as light as hydrogen 9485 Next weapon nearby to draw blood is thereafter highly flammable 9486 Next weapon nearby to draw blood is thereafter stolen by goblins 9487 Next weapon nearby to draw blood is worth 100X its normal value 9488 Next weapon nearby to draw blood knocks its wielder unconscious 9489 Next weapon nearby to draw blood laughs malevolently until sunset 9490 Next weapon nearby to draw blood leaps 1d4 months into the future 9491 Next weapon nearby to draw blood makes its wielder smell horrible 9492 Next weapon nearby to draw blood quickly ages 1d10000 years 9493 Next weapon nearby to draw blood returns to its original owner 9494 Next weapon nearby to draw blood returns to this spot in 6d6 days 9495 Next weapon nearby to draw blood sinks 1d10 feet into the ground 9496 Next weapon nearby to draw blood soaks its wielder in blood 9497 Next weapon nearby to draw blood sprouts thorny projections 9498 Next weapon nearby to draw blood suddenly weighs 1d4 tons 9499 Next weapon nearby to draw blood suffers an inconvenient curse 9500 Next weapon nearby to draw blood teleports to some dragon's horde 9501 Next weapon nearby to draw blood thereafter craves blood 9502 Next weapon nearby to draw blood thereby fulfills a prophecy 9503 Next weapon nearby to draw blood vanishes if that victim dies 9504 Next weapon nearby to draw blood was forged on another planet 9505 Next weapon nearby to draw blood will vanish if it's cleaned 9506 Next weapon nearby to draw blood winds up at the bottom of a well 9507 Night falls in 1d4 rounds and lasts 2d4-1 days 9508 No bipedal creatures can come within 10 yards of the target point 9509 No bipedal creatures can speak within 100 yards of this place 9510 No blade within one mile can be sharpened for 1d4 weeks 9511 No blade within one mile can cut live flesh until noon tomorrow 9512 No females within 50 yards can be injured by males for 6d8 hours 9513 No females within one mile can speak until sunset tomorrow 9514 No males within one mile can be injured for 1d4 rounds 9515 No males within one mile can speak until sunset tomorrow 9516 No memory, record, or evidence exists about the last 1d10 turns 9517 No one currently wearing shoes nearby can speak until dawn 9518 No one currently wearing shoes nearby can use magic for one week 9519 No one in the world can die or be slain for 3d8 hours 9520 No one in the world can sleep for 1d6 days 9521 No one in the world can speak for 10d10 rounds 9522 No one in the world can tell a lie for the next 24 hours 9523 No one nearby can eat food for 1d8 days 9524 No one nearby can teleport or be teleported for 1d4 years 9525 No one nearby can use any form of scrying magic for one year 9526 No one within 1,000 miles can successfully cast Dispel Magic 9527 No one within 1,000 miles knows the spell Remove Curse 9528 No one within 50 yards benefits from healing magic for 1d10 weeks 9529 No one within 50 yards can cross running water for 1d4 days 9530 No one within 50 yards can draw a weapon for 1d10 rounds 9531 No one within 50 yards can leave the area for 4d6 hours 9532 No one within 50 yards can see artificial light sources 9533 No one within 50 yards can speak until dawn 9534 No one within 50 yards can use rope or the like for 2d4 days 9535 No one within 50 yards can wear armor for 1d6 days 9536 No one within 50 yards ever again feels hunger 9537 No one within 50 yards has eaten in 3d4 days 9538 No one within 50 yards has slept in 4d6 days 9539 No one within 50 yards is welcome in any city within 100 miles 9540 No one within 50 yards needs to breathe until dawn tomorrow 9541 No one within 50 yards needs to eat for the next month 9542 No one within 50 yards trusts anyone else for 1d6 hours 9543 No plants can ever grow again within 50 yards of the target point 9544 No precipitation falls within 10 miles for 4d6 months 9545 Non-magical gold is toxic to all within 50 yards 9546 Non-sentient animals shun this area forever 9547 Numerous fires erupt in the nearest town 9548 One magic potion nearby is instantly lethal 9549 One magic potion nearby will trigger a Chaos Burst when consumed 9550 One random sword nearby is 40% likely to heal instead of wound 9551 One random sword nearby is bent like a horseshoe 9552 One random sword nearby is duplicated under every full moon 9553 One random sword nearby is permanently blunted 9554 One random sword nearby is razor-sharp and indestructible 9555 One random sword nearby leaves faint rainbow streaks in the air 9556 One random sword nearby opens like an umbrella 9557 One random sword nearby protects its owner against natural acid 9558 One random sword nearby protects its owner against natural cold 9559 One random sword nearby protests loudly when wielded in combat 9560 One random sword nearby turns into a flock of doves 9561 One random sword nearby was forged in the fires of hell by demons 9562 One random sword nearby will explode on contact with blood 9563 One suit of armor nearby becomes free-willed and belligerent 9564 One suit of armor nearby fuses into a single piece 9565 One suit of armor nearby heats to 600° the next time it's struck 9566 One suit of armor nearby is burned to slag 9567 Plans for a perpetual motion device appear at the target point 9568 Popular opinion nearby is sharply opposed to the use of magic 9569 Poverty is rampant because employers hire cheap kobold laborers 9570 Priestly magic is impossible within 10 miles for 1d4 hours 9571 Racial bigotry flares up within a 100 mile radius for 1d4 weeks 9572 Rats and similar vermin are drawn to this area in great numbers 9573 Ruins discovered nearby hint at an ancient, advanced civilization 9574 Scalding steam sprays violently from the spell's target point 9575 Seawater is highly toxic to all within 50 yards 9576 Several large saw blades whirl through the area for 2d6 rounds 9577 Shadows in this area seem to conceal malicious, mischievous imps 9578 Small pebbles pelt all within 50 yards who aren't wearing armor 9579 Snow falls heavily in the area for 2d4-1 days and nights 9580 Some dangerous anachronistic beast appears at the target point 9581 Some magic item nearby absorbs its owner and becomes an artifact 9582 Some magic item nearby gives off highly toxic light 9583 Some major race dies out in the next 2d4 years 9584 Some major race splits into two incompatible sub-species 9585 Some non-magical animal nearby becomes immortal 9586 Some non-magical animal nearby suddenly has 25 Intelligence 9587 Someone nearby acquires 10% magic resistance 9588 Someone nearby adopts a new mentor each day 9589 Someone nearby always thinks that it's raining 9590 Someone nearby attacks nobles on sight 9591 Someone nearby attracts 2d10 followers who think he's a prophet 9592 Someone nearby awakens tomorrow in a stone sepulcher 9593 Someone nearby babbles about cone-shaped beings who took his mind 9594 Someone nearby becomes intensely covetous of others' magic items 9595 Someone nearby briefly turns into a rooster at every sunrise 9596 Someone nearby can become a zombie for 1d6 hours per week 9597 Someone nearby can breathe only underwater for 4d6 hours 9598 Someone nearby can leap across streams or rivers with ease 9599 Someone nearby can never sit or lie down again 9600 Someone nearby can now only be wounded by magic or silver weapons 9601 Someone nearby can prove that all within 50 yards died years ago 9602 Someone nearby can regenerate 1 hit point per hour for 1d4 weeks 9603 Someone nearby can shrink to half his height at will 9604 Someone nearby can speak only in a whisper 79 9605 Someone nearby can subsist on twigs and grasses 9606 Someone nearby can survive 1d4 beheadings 9607 Someone nearby can turn invisible by holding a toad in his mouth 9608 Someone nearby can't approach within 10 yards of an open door 9609 Someone nearby can't be harmed by any nonferrous metal 9610 Someone nearby can't be harmed by smoke 9611 Someone nearby can't be physically harmed by demons 9612 Someone nearby can't be strangled by non-magical rope or cord 9613 Someone nearby can't move his arms in daylight 9614 Someone nearby claims to speak for the creator of the universe 9615 Someone nearby dances like a marionette for 1d10 rounds 9616 Someone nearby develops a radical new philosophy of magic 9617 Someone nearby discovers solid proof that he doesn't really exist 9618 Someone nearby discovers solid proof that no deities really exist 9619 Someone nearby disgorges 1d6 large housecats 9620 Someone nearby disgorges 1d6 severed hands 9621 Someone nearby disgorges a tin bucket of hot coals 9622 Someone nearby disgorges himself 9623 Someone nearby doubles in weight in each of the next 1d8 rounds 9624 Someone nearby engages in frenetic calisthenics for 1d12 hours 9625 Someone nearby feels crushing humiliation while in sunlight 9626 Someone nearby feels intensely cold in the presence of horses 9627 Someone nearby finds a book detailing horrific summoning rites 9628 Someone nearby finds a complete map of his own nervous system 9629 Someone nearby finds a large cloth bearing a bearded man's image 9630 Someone nearby finds a potion that causes its drinker to explode 9631 Someone nearby finds a potion that changes its drinker's sex 9632 Someone nearby finds a potion that cures any non-magical disease 9633 Someone nearby finds a potion that doubles its drinker's age 9634 Someone nearby finds a potion that halves its drinker's age 9635 Someone nearby finds a potion that turns its drinker into a gnome 9636 Someone nearby finds a potion that turns its drinker into a tree 9637 Someone nearby finds a potion that turns its drinker to sand 9638 Someone nearby finds a tunnel running straight through the planet 9639 Someone nearby finds an apparently simple wooden cup 9640 Someone nearby finds his own severed head from some future time 9641 Someone nearby flies into a terrible rage when he sees magic used 9642 Someone nearby forever refuses to believe that magic truly exists 9643 Someone nearby fosters rumors that he's a demigod 9644 Someone nearby gains 10d100 experience points 9645 Someone nearby glows from within as though he's swallowed a torch 9646 Someone nearby goes berserk and is invulnerable for 1d10 rounds 9647 Someone nearby habitually makes utterly improbable boasts 9648 Someone nearby has a legitimate claim to the throne 9649 Someone nearby has a potion that turns half of his body invisible 9650 Someone nearby has a transcendent religious experience 9651 Someone nearby has a treasure map carved into his back 9652 Someone nearby has deeply offended the ruling family 9653 Someone nearby has produced a child with a powerful demon 9654 Someone nearby has two extra thumbs jutting from his forehead 9655 Someone nearby hoots like an owl when he hears his name 9656 Someone nearby inflates like a puffer fish whenever he's angry 9657 Someone nearby inherits wealth equal to a small nation's treasury 9658 Someone nearby is 3% likely to explode whenever he draws a weapon 9659 Someone nearby is about to go totally insane 9660 Someone nearby is accused of assassinating the king 9661 Someone nearby is attended by 1d4 skeletal servants 9662 Someone nearby is blamed for looting the nearest magical library 9663 Someone nearby is blamed for some recent magical disaster 9664 Someone nearby is blown all out of proportion 9665 Someone nearby is bound in red-hot iron chains 9666 Someone nearby is bound to this area and can never leave it 9667 Someone nearby is carried away by a flock of vultures 9668 Someone nearby is carrying a long-lost and forbidden manuscript 9669 Someone nearby is carrying an artifact sacred to 1d4 races 9670 Someone nearby is carrying an incredibly virulent plague 9671 Someone nearby is certain that he's immune to poison 9672 Someone nearby is chained high in the branches of a nearby tree 9673 Someone nearby is completely fireproof for one year 9674 Someone nearby is completely immune to non-magical poisons 9675 Someone nearby is convinced that he'll be eternally damned 9676 Someone nearby is covered with countless hideous and fetid scabs 9677 Someone nearby is crushed as though at the bottom of the ocean 9678 Someone nearby is discovered to be a spy 9679 Someone nearby is discovered to be dangerously sociopathic 9680 Someone nearby is doomed to die in a horribly embarrassing manner 9681 Someone nearby is dragged bodily to hell 9682 Someone nearby is dragged into the sea by hideous fish-people 9683 Someone nearby is drawn and quartered 9684 Someone nearby is encased up to his chin in a large glass cube 9685 Someone nearby is entangled in a massive snarl of ribbons 9686 Someone nearby is exempt from all laws concerning public decency 9687 Someone nearby is fatally compressed into a small cube 9688 Someone nearby is hit by lightning in each of the next 1d4 rounds 9689 Someone nearby is immobilized at the spell's target point 9690 Someone nearby is immune to all priestly magic for 1d12 months 9691 Someone nearby is immune to bludgeoning weapons for 1d8 hours 9692 Someone nearby is immune to most poison, but meat is toxic to him 9693 Someone nearby is immune to stabbing weapons for 1d4 days 9694 Someone nearby is immune to the spell that triggered this Burst 9695 Someone nearby is implicated in a scandal involving livestock 9696 Someone nearby is infected with a malign, intelligent parasite 9697 Someone nearby is known to have destroyed one hundred dragon eggs 9698 Someone nearby is peeled like a banana 9699 Someone nearby is possessed by 1d8 demons 9700 Someone nearby is revealed to be a colony of intelligent insects 9701 Someone nearby is revealed to be many centuries old 9702 Someone nearby is revealed to be of demonic heritage 9703 Someone nearby is said to be the last prophet of a dying religion 9704 Someone nearby is savaged by vicious, invisible dogs 9705 Someone nearby is sentenced to be executed for heresy 9706 Someone nearby is sheathed in candle wax 9707 Someone nearby is stung by 1d1000 bees 9708 Someone nearby is suddenly dressed in provocative leather attire 9709 Someone nearby is suddenly hideously deformed 9710 Someone nearby is tattooed head to toe with graphic, lurid scenes 9711 Someone nearby is the illegitimate child of some local ruler 9712 Someone nearby is the subject of a vivisectionist's experiments 9713 Someone nearby is torn asunder by dozens of feral children 9714 Someone nearby is unable to bend his legs until sunrise 9715 Someone nearby is unable to move from this area until sunrise 9716 Someone nearby is wearing a suit of solid gold plate armor 9717 Someone nearby is wearing a suit of the finest sheer silk 9718 Someone nearby leaves footprints that smolder harmlessly 9719 Someone nearby must be killed before he destroys us all! 9720 Someone nearby must be restrained or he'll cut off his own hands 9721 Someone nearby must eat 2X as much food as normal to survive 9722 Someone nearby must Save each day or grow slightly more frog-like 9723 Someone nearby must Save each day or lose 5d100 experience points 9724 Someone nearby must Save each day or permanently lose a hit point 9725 Someone nearby must Save vs Death or air becomes poisonous to him 9726 Someone nearby must Save vs Death or become a paper mache statue 9727 Someone nearby must Save vs Death or freeze solid 9728 Someone nearby must Save vs Death or grow supernaturally ugly 9729 Someone nearby must Save vs Death or grow terrifyingly beautiful 9730 Someone nearby must Save vs Death or his age doubles 2d6 times 9731 Someone nearby must Save vs Death or his bones explode 9732 Someone nearby must Save vs Death or his bones turn to soap 9733 Someone nearby must Save vs Death or his clothing attacks him 9734 Someone nearby must Save vs Death or his clothing turns to gold 80 9735 Someone nearby must Save vs Death or his head doubles in size 9736 Someone nearby must Save vs Death or his skin burns from his body 9737 Someone nearby must Save vs Death or his teeth turn to glass 9738 Someone nearby no longer heals naturally 9739 Someone nearby no longer needs to breathe 9740 Someone nearby no longer needs to eat 9741 Someone nearby now has a blowhole but no nose 9742 Someone nearby now has baleen instead of conventional teeth 9743 Someone nearby now has three legs spaced evenly around his pelvis 9744 Someone nearby now has two feet jutting from each ankle 9745 Someone nearby owns the deed to the soul of someone else nearby 9746 Someone nearby pitches a wacky investment scheme to the king 9747 Someone nearby realizes that he's a dragon in humanoid form 9748 Someone nearby realizes that he's been dead for centuries 9749 Someone nearby realizes that he's carrying a dangerous artifact 9750 Someone nearby realizes that he's just a fictional character 9751 Someone nearby realizes that he's the avatar of a deity 9752 Someone nearby realizes that his hands are someone else's hands 9753 Someone nearby realizes that his skin is slowly dissolving 9754 Someone nearby recalls being tortured by someone else nearby 9755 Someone nearby refers to some noble as "Lord Manure of Excrement" 9756 Someone nearby remembers 1d4 fictitious past lives 9757 Someone nearby renounces all possessions and becomes an ascetic 9758 Someone nearby rings like a bell whenever he sees magic used 9759 Someone nearby sees the figure of Death standing beside him 9760 Someone nearby sets fire to a tree and climbs into its branches 9761 Someone nearby shows all the signs of late-term pregnancy 9762 Someone nearby shrieks in horror until sunrise tomorrow 9763 Someone nearby shrinks by 1d100% 9764 Someone nearby shrinks by 50% from the waist up 9765 Someone nearby smells like a corpse in the presence of magic 9766 Someone nearby speculates about the virtues of dwarf-skin leather 9767 Someone nearby spins and spits water like a garden sprinkler 9768 Someone nearby sprays blood-red foam from his nose for 1d6 rounds 9769 Someone nearby sprouts a troll's arm from the center of his chest 9770 Someone nearby sprouts a turtle's shell atop his head 9771 Someone nearby sprouts hideous, non-functional bat wings 9772 Someone nearby sprouts inflatable sacs from his shoulder blades 9773 Someone nearby sprouts ornate feathers from his tongue 9774 Someone nearby sprouts plates from his back like a stegosaurus 9775 Someone nearby suddenly has a neck like a giraffe 9776 Someone nearby suddenly has eight eyes like a spider 9777 Someone nearby suddenly has eight legs 9778 Someone nearby suddenly has feet like a chicken 9779 Someone nearby suffers cannibalistic mania while his allies sleep 9780 Someone nearby suspects that he's trying to kill himself 9781 Someone nearby swallowed a small explosive device this morning 9782 Someone nearby teleports 1d10 yards in each of 1d10 rounds 9783 Someone nearby thinks he can snuff fires by sitting in them 9784 Someone nearby thinks he'll die if he says his name in moonlight 9785 Someone nearby thinks he's invisible in the presence of royalty 9786 Someone nearby thinks he's the last survivor of an extinct race 9787 Someone nearby thinks that he smells like a corpse 9788 Someone nearby tries suicide with the next silver weapon he sees 9789 Someone nearby tries to cut himself in half lengthwise 9790 Someone nearby tries to eat his own hands 9791 Someone nearby tries to kill every cow he sees 9792 Someone nearby tries to scalp himself 9793 Someone nearby tries to swallow his own arm, elbow first 9794 Someone nearby triggers a Burst when he next crosses a bridge 9795 Someone nearby triggers a Burst when he next traverses a doorway 9796 Someone nearby truly believes that he's a prophesized redeemer 9797 Someone nearby turns to a heap of gold dust 9798 Someone nearby turns to a heap of moist sand 9799 Someone nearby turns to salt over the next 1d8 days 9800 Someone nearby turns to stone over the next 5d6 days 9801 Someone nearby turns to water 9802 Someone nearby turns to wood when he drops to one hit point 9803 Someone nearby vanishes and is replaced by a handsome wax replica 9804 Someone nearby wakes tomorrow in a roc's nest 9805 Someone nearby wakes tomorrow in the king's torture chamber 9806 Someone nearby weeps tears of honey when he feels pain 9807 Someone nearby who can read is rendered illiterate for 1d4 weeks 9808 Someone nearby who can't read can suddenly read 1d6 languages 9809 Someone nearby who has never before used magic finds an artifact 9810 Someone nearby who is carrying a magic item tries to eat it 9811 Someone nearby will be vital to a major truce between two races 9812 Someone nearby will combust if he lights a fire by dawn tomorrow 9813 Someone nearby will combust when he next crosses moving water 9814 Someone nearby will die if he says his name backwards 9815 Someone nearby will die if he travels more than a mile in one day 9816 Someone nearby will explode if he draws blood by sunset today 9817 Someone nearby will fall into a vat of molten cheese before dawn 9818 Someone nearby will soon incite a war between two major races 9819 Sparks dance along any blades that strike one another nearby 9820 Suddenly it's raining harder than anyone has ever experienced 9821 Suddenly the area is snowbound as from a year-long blizzard 9822 Summonings are impossible within one mile of the target point 9823 Temperature within 100 yards drops 1° per minute for 1d4 hours 9824 Temperature within 100 yards rises 1° per minute for 1d4 hours 9825 The arms of someone nearby turn into wings like those of a duck 9826 The complete skeleton of a huge red dragon tumbles from the sky 9827 The corpse of a forgotten deity is discovered in a nearby cave 9828 The entire area begins sinking at a rate of one foot per week 9829 The entire area enjoys full daylight for 1d10 years 9830 The entire area gives an impression of peace and tranquility 9831 The entire area gives off a powerful impression of evil 9832 The entire area has been surrounded by an invading horde 9833 The entire area hums as if vast machinery is buried in the ground 9834 The entire area induces fear in those of four or fewer hit dice 9835 The entire area induces sloth and lethargy in humans 9836 The entire area is a dumping ground for dangerous magical waste 9837 The entire area is a haven for zombies 9838 The entire area is a massive shrine to an abominable god 9839 The entire area is an illusion; it's actually barren and rocky 9840 The entire area is as hot and steamy as a sauna for 2d12 hours 9841 The entire area is blasted as if a huge conflagration has passed 9842 The entire area is circled by a salt-water moat full of sharks 9843 The entire area is claimed as a sacred goblin burial ground 9844 The entire area is dark as midnight for 1d4 weeks 9845 The entire area is directly over a gigantic vein of gold 9846 The entire area is encircled by tall Corinthian columns of marble 9847 The entire area is inimical to life for 4d12 months 9848 The entire area is littered with hideously mutilated corpses 9849 The entire area is located over a gargantuan termite colony 9850 The entire area is located over the lair of an enormous dragon 9851 The entire area is mirror-reversed 9852 The entire area is shrouded in a thick and pungent fog 9853 The entire area is strewn with jellyfish like a shore at low tide 9854 The entire area is thickly shrouded by dust and cobwebs 9855 The entire area is transported to a small island far out to sea 9856 The entire area looks as if a huge battle took place yesterday 9857 The entire area looks exactly as it did 1d10 centuries ago 9858 The entire area looks exactly as it will 1d10 centuries from now 9859 The entire area suffers an intense blizzard for 2d6 rounds 9860 The entire area swirls with fine white powder 9861 The entire area was at the bottom of the sea 1d4 weeks ago 9862 The entire area will be the site of a monumental battle tomorrow 9863 The entire planet experiences full daylight for 5d10+24 hours 9864 The gates of hell open for 4d6 hours 81 9865 The ground beneath the target point collapses into a vast cavern 9866 The ground beneath the target point heats to its combustion point 9867 The ground beneath the target point is charged with electricity 9868 The ground beneath the target point looks like the portal to hell 9869 The ground is totally flat from here to the horizon for 4d6 hours 9870 The ground nearby harbors enormous, carnivorous earthworms 9871 The ground nearby is highly susceptible to erosion 9872 The ground nearby splits open to a depth of 1d10 miles 9873 The ground within 50 yards has never been trod by a human foot 9874 The ground within 50 yards heaves like a bubble on a pond 9875 The ground within 50 yards is carpeted 9876 The ground within 50 yards is covered by terra cotta tile 9877 The ground within 50 yards is found to be completely artificial 9878 The ground within 50 yards is incredibly sticky 9879 The ground within 50 yards is now perfectly smooth steel 9880 The ground within 50 yards is permanently swampy and waterlogged 9881 The ground within 50 yards is tangled with invisible vines 9882 The ground within 50 yards is the sanctum of a temperamental god 9883 The ground within 50 yards shows signs of a recent meteor strike 9884 The ground within 50 yards sinks to a point like a funnel or cone 9885 The ground within 50 yards slowly turns into a deep, calm lake 9886 The ground within 50 yards swarms with biting insects 9887 The ground within 50 yards yields only poisonous vegetation 9888 The high priest of some deity appears at the target point 9889 The largest creature nearby doubles in size 9890 The largest creature nearby turns invisible for 4d6 hours 9891 The moon appears to blaze with cool blue fire for 1d12 months 9892 The moon came into existence only 1d4 days ago 9893 The moon doubles in size 9894 The moon explodes 9895 The moon has a huge bite taken out of it 9896 The moon has a large hole all the way through it 9897 The moon is full every night for the next year 9898 The moon is no moon; it's a space station 9899 The moon is now a cube 9900 The moon is now geostationary 9901 The moon is now solid gold except for a thin cover of dust 9902 The moon moves 50% closer to the Earth 9903 The moon resembles the face of someone nearby 9904 The moon revolves around the planet at 1d4X its current rate 9905 The moon suddenly holds untold riches and unimaginable dangers 9906 The moon vanishes for 1d12 months 9907 The moon whirls wildly through the sky for 7d4 days 9908 The most powerful wizard nearby vanishes for 3d8 hours 9909 The most powerful wizard within 10 miles changes sex 9910 The most powerful wizard within 10 miles goes on a rampage 9911 The most powerful wizard within 10 miles is actually a demon 9912 The most valuable item within 50 yards turns out to be a fake 9913 The most valuable sword within 50 yards turns to mercury 9914 The nearest town's entire population appears nearby 9915 The nearest town's entire population is linked into a hive-mind 9916 The past 1d10 rounds were only an illusion 9917 The Philosopher's Stone appears at the target point 9918 The planet breaks loose from the Sun's gravity 9919 The planet no longer rotates 9920 The planet now has a ring around it 9921 The planet now rotates half as fast 9922 The planet now rotates in the opposite direction 9923 The planet now rotates north-to-south 9924 The planet now rotates twice as fast 9925 The planet splits into two stable hemispheres 10 yards apart 9926 The planet tumbles into another ice age 9927 The planet's atmosphere leaks into space over the next 1d6 months 9928 The planet's average temperature rises 1° per week for 4d6 weeks 9929 The planet's hemispheres rotate at slightly different rates 9930 The planet's oceans are becalmed 9931 The planet's orbital radius shrinks by 1d8 x 10,000 miles 9932 The royal family appears in the vicinity 9933 The scent of honey and roses permeates everything within 50 yards 9934 The scent of rotten eggs permeates everything within 50 yards 9935 The sky appears to be ablaze as far as the eye can see 9936 The sky appears to teem with a vast host of angels 9937 The sky overhead swirls with dark colors for 1d4 turns 9938 The sky whirls with dazzling colors until sunset tomorrow 9939 The sound of hundreds of barking dogs fills the air 9940 The sound of mighty winds fills the air, but the air is calm 9941 The spell discharges randomly in each of the next 4d4 rounds 9942 The spell discharges upon the next person nearby to draw blood 9943 The sun appears pale blue from now on 9944 The sun splits into a stable binary pair 9945 The Burst is delayed until blood is drawn nearby; roll for effect 9946 The Burst only affects females; roll for the underlying effect 9947 The Burst only affects males; roll for the underlying effect 9948 The Burst only appears to occur; roll again for apparent effect 9949 The tallest person in the area develops an acute fear of heights 9950 The tallest person in the area grows by 50% 9951 The tallest person in the area is attacked by beavers 9952 The tallest person in the area shrinks by 50% 9953 The tallest tree nearby burns to the ground in 1d4 rounds 9954 The target point acquires intelligence and free will 9955 The target point becomes a window for seeing into other worlds 9956 The target point becomes an open gateway to hell 9957 The target point is a conduit to interstellar space 9958 The target point is a tiny gateway to some distant world 9959 The target point is direct conduit to Elemental Air 9960 The target point is encircled by bright red plastic cones 9961 The target point is intensely magnetic for 4d6 hours 9962 The target point is rumored to be a site of healing 9963 The target point is sealed in a 10 foot globe of force 9964 The target point is the center of a zone of anti-magic 9965 The target point is the site of some powerful deity's murder 9966 The target point makes a noise like an air raid siren 9967 The target point radiates intense cold for 4d6 hours 9968 The target point radiates intense heat for 4d6 hours 9969 The target point scrambles any effort to teleport near it 9970 The temperature within 50 yards drops 10d10 degrees for one hour 9971 The temperature within 50 yards rises 10d10 degrees for one hour 9972 This day hasn't happened; time is reset to midnight last night 9973 Thousands of carpenter's nails fall from the sky 9974 Thousands of teeth rain down from the sky 9975 Thousands of tiny glass ovoids fall from the sky 9976 Time no longer passes within 1d4 yards of the target point 9977 Time passes 10X as fast within 1d4 yards of the target point 9978 Tomorrow's high tide crests at the spell's target point 9979 Townspeople nearby are easily cowed by a charismatic speaker 9980 Triumphant fanfare fills the air for 1d6 turns 9981 Undead lobby the local ruler for legislative representation 9982 Very salty rain falls for 1d4 hours 9983 Viscous pus oozes from all wounds suffered within 50 yards 9984 Viscous yellow goo seeps from any bladed weapons nearby 9985 Volcanic ash blankets the area to a depth of 1d4 inches 9986 Walking in this area is as arduous as trudging through deep snow 9987 Water consumed in this area induces delusions of amphibiousness 9988 Water consumed in this area tastes like the finest wine 9989 Water consumed in this area tastes strongly of manure 9990 Water flows from the target point to fill a 100-yard hemisphere 9991 Water in this area boils at 70° Fahrenheit 9992 Water in this area freezes at 70° Fahrenheit 9993 Weather in this area changes drastically each hour for one week 9994 Weather in this area is supernaturally intense for 1d4 months 82 9995 While in this area, males are invisible to females, and vice versa 9996 While in this area, no one can include nouns in their speech 9997 While in this area, no one can inflict or suffer any injury 9998 While in this area, no one can speak of anything outside the area 9999 While in this area, no one can speak to anyone else in the area 0000 The Stars Are Right! 83